Creating a Virtual World

Chapter 626: Welcome back, Holy Spirit!


God knows how Jiang Qiao woke up again.

When all the fragments of the godhead merged together, Jiang Qiao felt like he had gone through tens of thousands of reincarnations and couldn't find himself.

But in the end, Hai Lan's cry was heard, pulling Jiang Qiao out of the turbulence of countless data memories.

So Jiang Qiao was resurrected.

"Don't disbelieve it."

Jiang Qiao was watching the free milk add-on at the Leaping Nuclear Base and said to Wan Xiang and Hai Lan...

"No! I can't stand it!"

Add milk without paying extra. After not seeing Jiang Qiao for half a year, Wan Xiang gave Jiang Qiao a merciless kiss under his surprised gaze.

"This...this...can't do!" Wanxiang took a lot of effort to rescue Jiang Qiao from the embrace of adding milk without increasing the price.

"Stop! All of you stop! Today is Xiao Ye's wedding!"

When Jiang Qiao saw Wanxiang trying to do something extraordinary, he spoke up to stop them from fighting.

That’s right, today is the wedding of Zhao Mingwei and Qi Junzi.

This wedding is not just limited to the game, they have already obtained their marriage certificate in real life.

But they decided to put the wedding into the game.

But the problem is... all the save files were cleared after the public beta of Holy Spirit, and Hai Lan had to fight to the death to save the Freyas among the native NPCs.

That is to say, if the Holy Spirit players during the internal testing period come online, the only one related to their internal testing is their own Freya, and all others will be reset to zero.

As for the players' children, they are also taken care of by Freya and others.

Most Holy Spirit players agree with this approach.

So Zhao Mingwei, Qi Junzi and everyone else trained their levels back to level 50 before holding a grand wedding in the stronghold rebuilt by Leaping Nuclear.

"Can I take a picture of you guys?"

The frontline reporter appeared out of nowhere. She was a special guest of the wedding. She was holding a camera and pointing it at Jiang Qiao. She ordered milk without extra charge, Wanxiang, and Hailan.


Jiang Qiao didn't mind so he quickly posed. Jia Nai quickly squeezed to the left side of Jiang Qiao, and Wan Xiang also shyly held the corner of Jiang Qiao's clothes on the right side of Jiang Qiao.

As a result, Hai Lan had no place to stand. In a rage, she rushed to Jiang Qiao and hugged his neck.

"Wait! Wait!!" When Jiang Qiao hugged Hai Lan and wanted the frontline reporters to stop taking pictures, it was too late.

The reporter on the front line pressed the shutter to record this ridiculous scene, and finally she named the photo "1.6.326—The Harems Planned by Dogs".

After taking this photo, the frontline reporter did not linger for too long and directly grabbed the neck of Fanxing beside him.

"What are you doing?" Fanxing was also startled, but when he looked up, he saw a flash. The frontline reporter took a selfie with her and Fanxing.

This selfie was named "34.46—Reporter and Theologian Duo".

"Old Song! My daughter is definitely better at fighting than you! Beat up Xiaolin!" The sighs of Canxin, the president of the Abyss Temple, and Mo Shigui intertwined.

Canxin was directing his daughter to fight with Mo Shigui's daughter. Mo Shigui really wanted to stop them, but Nancy next to them was cheering them on.

The frontline reporter took this opportunity to take a photo of Zanxin, as well as the other guild members of the Abyss Temple and the god of love who was standing silently beside them.

The last photo was named "55—Abyss Temple". The reporter at the front line also took a photo of Mo Shigui. The photo on the other side was "20.523—Old Couple with Leaping Nuclear"

Then she turned to a long table in the banquet hall. Next to the long table, Lady Disaster took a small piece of meat with a fork and put it into Juan Canyun's mouth.

"Come on, Xiaowen."

"I really don't need it, ma'am. There are people all around us, it's too... embarrassing." Juan Canyun's cheeks were almost flushed.

"Whoever said you are not good? I'll shoot him with a gun! Don't mind, just open your mouth." Under the coaxing of Lady Disaster, Juan Canyun had to open his mouth and eat the piece of meat that Lady Disaster fed him.

Reporters on the front line also captured this moment and pressed the shutter. The photo was named "257.296—The Most Loving Couple in the Holy Spirit."

After this photo was taken, the frontline reporters noticed the table opposite Juan Canyun and Lady Disaster.

Bubble obviously noticed Juan Canyun and Lady Disaster who were showing their affection, so he turned his gaze to Sprite who was sitting next to him.

Sprite was very direct. She looked at Bubble with a smile on her face, and then cold frost appeared on her hands. This action made Bubble quickly pick up the food on the table and hand it to Sprite's mouth with a fork.

The reporter on the front line sighed slightly, took the photo and named it "64.145—A Coke-crazy henpecked husband."

"Queen May, pig-head! Stop running around!"

McCafé chased Queen May past the frontline reporters. Many players had not seen Queen May for too long, so when they saw Her Majesty the Queen, they couldn't help but want to rub against her.

McCafe is one of them...

The frontline reporter seized this opportunity to take a snapshot, and it happened that Queen May fell to the ground. As a result, the Lionheart Knight fell from the sky in front of McCafé and blocked her view.

"Ugh…I'm sorry!"

"Siegel, please step back. I'm just playing some games with the Holy Spirit." Queen May stood up, adjusted her skirt, and said to the nervous Lionheart Knight.

Helplessly, the Lionheart Knight had to move aside, allowing McCafe and Chen Meng beside him to continue to stick to Her Majesty the Queen.

As expected... Her Majesty May is so cute.

The reporter on the front line sighed as he looked at the series of photos in his hands.

These photos are "50. Queen May and her knights", "98. McAfee Boss" and "55. Chief Knight Chen Meng".

The frontline reporter who was busy organizing his camera when taking the photo here was very keenly aware of the smell of... big news.

She walked slowly to a deserted garden in the Leaping Nuclear Base. In the garden, Roche and President Yin were standing together with wine glasses.

"That contestant Zhao is already married, when are we going to get married?" President Yin asked Luo Shi in a low voice.

"Get...married? Holy Spirit! Please don't make such jokes again, okay?" Roche was so scared that she could hardly hold the wine glass in her hand.

Mr. Yin also smiled awkwardly...

"Are you kidding? It's such an unfortunate coincidence." Yin Zong said as he took out an engagement ring and placed it in front of Roche. "I don't think this is a joke."

Reporters on the front line also seized this moment and pressed the shutter: "187?411—Wow, Mr. Yin is in love, and my youth is gone."

However, the frontline reporters did not interrupt Mr. Yin's confession. Instead, Baidi and his team members, who were holding a bunch of food, came here by chance and witnessed this scene.

The food in Baidi's hand fell to the ground, and he quickly pulled his teammates who wanted to see the gossip away from this place of trouble.

Of course, the frontline reporters also took photos of this scene. The photo is "455? Idiot".

After she took these photos, she heard the sound of swords clashing nearby... The frontline reporter followed the sound and found that, just as she expected, Thorne and Caramel were fighting non-stop even at such a wedding.

"In this situation, let's not engage in meaningless struggles anymore, okay? You are the best in the country!" Thorne challenged Caramel unscrupulously, saying, "Your power has been weakened too much!"

"Isn't it just re-leveling? My level has been reset, but my skills are still there! This is the time to prove myself!"

Caramel and Thorne's swords clashed again, and the frontline reporter finally captured the scene of the burst of fire.

《263.251—The Strongest Showdown of the Holy Spirit?》

"Is that about it?"

The frontline reporter took a look at the various photos in her camera. In fact, there were still many people she wanted to take pictures of, but the wedding had already begun.

So the frontline reporters rushed to the wedding scene, where Zhao Mingwei finally got his wish and wore a white wedding dress and received everyone's blessings. Zhao Mingwei looked a little restrained, but with the encouragement of his two apprentices... yes... two Ye Linas, he walked on the red carpet naturally.

These two Yelinas have completely different personalities. The Yelina from another world is very competitive, while the other is a little shy, but it is incredible that they can get along so well.

Finally, with the blessings of everyone present, the wedding of Xiajunzi and Zhao Mingwei began.

Of course, reporters on the front line also took pictures of the newlywed couple.

"3.305—Lovers finally get married", and "147—Yelina doesn't seem to give up!"

These photos were saved by the frontline reporters. The wedding was finally declared a complete success. At the end of the wedding, the frontline reporter remembered something and walked directly into the tree of the base of the Leaping Nuclear.

Inside the tree of this stronghold, a young girl seemed to have been waiting for her for a long time. The frontline reporter picked up the camera and pressed the shutter at her.

"Welcome back, Holy Spirit." Freya looked at the arrival of the frontline reporters and said this as usual...

《34—Welcome back! Holy Spirit!》

All these photos were sealed in an album and turned into memories, but the Holy Spirits did not stop moving forward, they are still creating new history.

PS: The numbers in front of the photos are the chapters in which each character appears. There may be errors or omissions_(:з」∠)_, but this is the last one.

(End of this chapter)