Creator’s Internship Guide

Chapter 1: Your first day as a god


early spring.

The coldness in the air is like the breath left in the winter, slightly cool and refreshing, just after a light rain in Lincheng, the city is filled with a faint earthy smell.

"Aci, the short-haired girl at the next table, the girl at the table on the left by the wall, and the man at the table by the door all asked me if you could send me a WeChat. What would you say?" Lin Ze was speechless. The next time he came out with his brother, he would basically come across this standard ending 100% for a casual stroll.

How can there be such a person in the world that attracts bees and butterflies...

There is no distinction between men and women through killing, absolutely.

The black-haired young man whose name was called was drinking a cup of Starbucks coffee. He bit the straw and said, "No, I don't answer this every time, why do you still ask?"

Lin Ze shrugged: "I don't want to think about what if you suddenly want to find someone to fall in love with. But if you really want to find someone someday, please give me a vaccination first. I have to send a message to the circle of friends that I will uninstall all social media. Software, lest a bunch of people come to me and cry."

Jiang Ci smiled slightly, but before he had time to speak, Lin Ze began to exaggerately sigh: "Please don't laugh when you go out with me, you know that every time you laugh, several more people may ask me for your WeChat. Well, you are increasing my workload."

After he finished speaking, he said again: "It's also a blessing that I am a straight man of steel, otherwise the incense of the eighteenth generation of my Lin family will be cut off on me."

I have to say that the smiling young man is indeed very good-looking. His eyes are those peach blossom eyes with slightly upturned ends. When he smiles, it makes people feel gentle and bright and bright.

The word "beautiful" is not suitable to describe men, but it doesn't look awkward on Jiang Ci.

Jiang Ci cooperated to restrain his smile, and responded to the other party's words by the way: "It costs money to fall in love, so don't talk about it. Every day I have to rush to draw drafts. I am an original painter, not a time management master."

"You have to return the money your parents sent you. Who can you blame?" Lin Ze still remembered the millions of remittance text messages he saw on Jiang Ci's mobile phone last time. It hurts to think about it.

Regardless of his appearance and temperament, Jiang Ci looks like a standard rich young master, and his family is indeed rich and powerful, but according to Lin Ze's understanding, Jiang Ci's family relationship is more complicated. It is said that his parents were when he was young... About six years old. Divorce and have a new family soon.

His parents have a new family, and Jiang Ci is like a superfluous no matter where he goes.

After the two divorced, Jiang Ci's custody was given to his mother, but anyway, both parents were busy with their careers and their new family couldn't take care of him at all. In fact, Jiang Ci lived with whomever he lived with.

Although he was not treated badly in material terms, his love and concern for Jiang Ci were completely blank.

Jiang Ci's relationship with his parents was cold. When he graduated from college, he took an offer from a game company and came to work in Lincheng, City A. His parents didn't care about him too much. After all, there was another child in the new family to be nurtured and taken care of.

Thinking about this, Jiang Ci suddenly looked like a little cabbage that no one loved in Lin Ze's eyes. He was so pitiful that he almost fell in love with his father.

Lin Ze hurriedly shook his head to shake off the terrible feeling, and said, "Brother still supports you. If you don't want the money, don't want it, or just a few million."

In fact, Lin Ze knows that with Jiang Ci's work ability and his current reputation in the industry, he is not poor in money, and it is too late for companies to rush to send money to poach people.

"It will be more convincing if you don't grit your teeth and tell me this." Jiang Ci ruthlessly complained.

After returning to the rented apartment at the end of the trip in the afternoon, Jiang Ci opened the blackout curtains in the room, walked to the computer desk and sat down.

When the computer was turned on, Jiang Ci moved the mouse and double-clicked a game icon on the desktop - "Internship Creator" to start the game.

This game is a sandbox game released by Jiang Ci's company half a year ago.

Jiang Ci, as the original artist, of course participated in the production. When the game was officially released, he was also very interested in becoming the first batch of players. He spent a lot of time in his spare time to construct the general outline of the whole world, and he also seriously created it. six races living in this virtual world.

After playing for a while, the progress of world civilization has advanced to the stage where hot weapons are about to be developed.

Jiang Ci felt that it was not impossible for him to give him some more time, and it would not be impossible for him to tinker with new things that are more modern and even future technology.

It was only later that Jiang Ci put the game on hold because he had to rush the drawing again.

It took a few months to throw it away, but today I remembered that it was because Lin Ze wanted to borrow an account from him to play.

There are several sets of account passwords that Jiang Ci is used to. He has forgotten which one he used to register this game account, so he has to try the game.

The game login interface appeared, and Jiang Ci's fingers tapped on the keyboard to make a crisp clicking sound.

After trying three sets of passwords in succession, Jiang Ci raised his eyebrows, entered the last set of commonly used account secrets, and pressed the Enter key.

"Ding dong."

- The link is successful.

Okay, this is the account password.

When Jiang Ci heard the login sound, he wanted to use his mobile phone to send Lin Ze the account secret, but almost at the same moment, his body suddenly couldn't move.

One second seemed to be stretched for a long time, and Jiang Ci could feel the gradual interruption of consciousness.

The vision began to darken from all around. He tried to resist but to no avail. Soon there was only a spot of light left in front of him, and finally it became pitch black.

When his brain consciousness regained consciousness, Jiang Ci was awakened by a strong sense of weightlessness.

As soon as Jiang Ci opened his eyes, a vast sky full of overcast clouds crashed into his eyes. The rapid fall of his body filled his ears with the sound of howling wind, and he was in a free fall in this high sky.

! ! ! ! ! !

Jiang Ci's pupils dilated reflexively, and his heart thumped uncontrollably, so violently that even the eardrum was vibrated.


That's impossible.

When people face danger, the stimulated instinct will continue to transmit information to the brain. This level of reality can no longer allow the brain to misunderstand.

What surprised Jiang Ci himself was that he could continue to think under such circumstances.

His mind seemed to be split, half controlled by uncontrollable physical fear, while the other half continued to function normally calmly.

So high, even if you fall into the water, you will die.

Assuming that this is an altitude of several kilometers, according to the acceleration of gravity, he will fall into a box within half a minute.

Jiang Ci, who calculated the time in his heart, said that he was not happy at all.

Jiang Ci turned his head to look at the ground, resisting the urge to close his eyes reflexively.

This is a bit like the effect of constantly increasing the magnification when viewing pictures on a computer.

The only difference is that such a real-life zoom has a terrifying visual impact.



In Jiang Ci's field of vision, he saw that he was crashing into a tree at high speed.

It is an ancient tree with prosperous branches and leaves and a very huge trunk. The branches on its edge seem to be trying to grow toward the sky. The leaves are beautiful light gold, and they look like gold flakes.

Nice is nice, but…

He's about to hit him! ! !

The distance was so close that Jiang Ci finally couldn't control his conditioned reflex, so he instinctively closed his eyes.

The moment he closed his eyes tightly, Jiang Ci felt his body slam into the layers of lush leaves on the top of the tree.

The intense pain that was expected to come made Jiang Ci instinctively tense every nerve, and his brain had to go blank for a moment.

The object fell to the tree, causing a clattering sound, but until the sound stopped, Jiang Ci's brain did not receive any pain signal.

Jiang Ci raised a question mark in confusion, and at the same time he slowly opened his eyes.

As soon as he opened his eyes, Jiang Ci was completely stunned by the unscientific scene he saw.

He floated in mid-air as if enveloped by a giant bubble, which slowly transported him over a thick branch of the tree, before disappearing with a pop.

Jiang Ci sat safely and steadily on the branch of this ancient tree, and no one could react.

Newton can't control the world, can he

Jiang Ci calmed his breathing and heartbeat, and he had realized the fact that he was no longer in the original world.

Just realizing it is one thing, accepting it is another.

Jiang Ci pinched his cheeks.

As Party B's, I have never seen any strong winds and waves. Could this be more terrifying than Party A's request for colorful black

colorful black... colorful black...

Jiang Ci recited the word twice in his heart, and then he calmed down and observed the surroundings.

There was a golden leaf hanging nearby. Jiang Ci stretched out his fingers to touch it. The moment his fingertips touched the leaf, he felt that the branches and leaves of the whole tree seemed to be swaying gently.

Not because of being blown by the wind, but more like actively expressing some kind of joy to him.

tree of Life.

This term popped up in Jiang Ci's mind.

The appearance of the ancient tree in front of him completely coincides with the tree of life in the game "Internship Creator" that Jiang Ci logged in before he lost consciousness. This discovery made Jiang Ci's eyelids jump, and an incredible feeling spread from the bottom of his heart.

If this tree is the tree of life, doesn't he just travel into the game world he created

Jiang Ci couldn't convince himself immediately, but ready-made evidence quickly brought him to his door.

Each race in this world has its own tree of life, and each race has designated areas and guards dedicated to the tree of life. Jiang Ci's sudden intrusion has obviously fully alerted the guards on the periphery.

The three young Celestial Clan with pure white wings behind them quickly rushed to this side. Their faces were extremely ugly, and their faces were filled with clearly visible anger.

In the eyes of the Heavenly Clan, the Tree of Life is a gift from God, and its meaning can be imagined. People of other races will be considered offensive even if they approach, but now an outsider has entered this place without consent. A courtyard.

How much the Celestial Clan admired God, the more angered they were when faced with this situation.

Anyone who knows a little bit about Celestial Clan knows that Celestial Clan's wings are the part where it stores magical energy.

So when a Celestial Clan fully spreads his wings, it only represents a signal of imminent threat.

If you don't hurry to avoid it at this time, you have to prepare for being bombarded with magic by the Celestial Clan.

But when the three Celestial Clan rushed to the center of the courtyard with angry expressions, their anger did not rise to the top because they saw the intruder sitting on the tree. Control dropped their wings, which had been fully extended.

This is the creator's instinctive perception of the creator.

The natural admiration sprouted from the bottom of my heart, and the young shoots burst out of the ground and grew into towering giant trees in the blink of an eye, crushing the anger just now to shreds.

They can no longer put any extra emotions in their hearts, just as they can't blink their eyes at this time, they can only see one thing in the broad field of vision.

In Jiang Ci's eyes, the above scene was like three precious white birds that were looking at him angrily with their wings outstretched, but when they came to him, they suddenly dropped their wings obediently, and then remained motionless. stay there.

The non-human races have appeared in front of them, and they are also one of the races that Jiang Ci personally designed and created when he played the game. At this point, there is nothing to be uncertain.

This world is indeed the world he created when he played the game "Internship Creator".

Then what is his status in this world

… god

Jiang Ci was stunned.

The strength of an individual's perception of God depends on his ability. The stronger the individual, the farther away he can perceive the existence of God.

At this time, in a towering building on the upper floor of Sky City, Tian Clan, who was sitting on the study seat, moved his wings behind him.

Those are the six wings that are different from all other Celestial Clan, and are the symbol of supreme power in Celestial Clan.

The adjutant who was reporting the city's affairs next to him misunderstood that there was something wrong with his report, so he couldn't help but feel a little nervous: "Lord Lucy?"

But he didn't get any feedback. Just as his voice fell, the owner of this sky city had suddenly disappeared in front of him.

what happened

The adjutant froze on the spot in astonishment, too late to think about it. At this time, a ray of sunlight coming in from the window made him have to turn his eyes away.

This light looks warm and genial, with the extremely gray sky as the background, and suddenly there is a violent sense of separation.

In a world without the protection of God, various natural disasters continue to occur, and sunlight is something that only exists in memory for them now.

They haven't seen a sunny day since a long time ago.

The sky has always been shrouded in layers of thick, dark clouds that surround the sun and refuse to let its excess shine through.

But now, the sky, which has been smeared in black for many years, has a vague sign of clearing.

The residents of Sky City have noticed this one after another. They stopped and looked up at the sky, and couldn't help but start talking.

Following the guidance of perception, Lucy teleported himself to the vicinity of the Tree of Life.

This sudden appearance attracted Jiang Ci's attention, and his first reaction was that it was an excessively superior appearance.

Probably, no matter how picky the sculptor was, he couldn't find a single flaw in the outline of his facial features. This Celestial Clan looked very handsome.

The six wings behind him that cannot be ignored make his image look sacred and powerful, and standing there in silence is more artistic than the statues made by famous craftsmen.

Seeing that the other party was looking up at him, Jiang Ci subconsciously responded with a smile.

At this moment, the dark clouds that covered the sky were finally gently pushed aside, and the sunlight that had been missing for a long time for the creatures of this world fell down, and the residents of Sky City all paid attention to it.

But in the eyes of Lucy, the god who descended here, the god who sat on the branch of the tree of life and looked at him and smiled silently at him, was more than the light of the sun that had not been seen for hundreds of years. dazzling.

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