Creator’s Internship Guide

Chapter 6: The sixth day of being God


The light seemed to be chasing that person, and that was a figure that would make people involuntarily look at him even if he stood casually.

Regardless of the aesthetic standards of any race, young people look very good-looking.

His eyebrows and eyes are very beautiful, the long eyelashes cast a small shadow under his eyes, and the corners of his lips seem to have a faint smile.

The fair skin and slender figure also add luster to this beauty. Regardless of gender, the black-haired youth who appears in front of Ivey is a perfect beauty.

Ivey's mocking arc at the corner of his mouth disappeared along with the abruptly stopped voice. He flattened the corner of his lips for a moment, but soon returned to his original appearance when he got up and caught a glimpse of the silver-haired Celestial Clan following behind the youth.

Aside from the fact that he stopped talking abruptly just now, his expression hardly made anyone see any emotional changes.

When Jiang Ci took a few steps closer, he saw that Ivey frowned obviously.

This was an obvious manifestation of resistance, and Jiang Ci stopped when he realized it.

The night clan's manager seemed a little disgusted with him.

Confirming Jiang Ci's thoughts, Ivey turned his eyes slightly to the other side. He didn't look at their side, and the profile of his face that was not covered by the mask looked noble and indifferent: "Who told you to put the Celestial Clan in the Night City?"

This sentence was asked of the adjutant, and Arnold chose to keep his mouth shut and not answer.

I actually knew that this matter had little to do with the other party, so Ivey didn't pursue it much after asking.

Turning his gaze, Ivey looked past Jiang Ci and stopped on the silver-haired Celestial Clan behind him. He narrowed his eyes slightly, and snorted mockingly: "Come to You Ye City, don't you feel condescending?"

Lucy just glanced at him lightly, unmoved.

This glance, although not intended to express anything, still makes people feel the pride of the Celestial Clan.

This is what Ivey hates the most about each other, the arrogance that is born without knowing it.

Jiang Ci vaguely felt that there was a sudden conflict in the air, like two chemical reagents put together, no matter what unknown reactions may occur.

"Can you tell me your name?" Jiang Ci broke the atmosphere, "Arnold didn't tell me."

This question seemed to be stepping on thunder with precision, and Ivey pursed his lips tightly.

The complexion of the night clan is slightly pale, and the lip color is also light, and it is easy to have a fragile beauty when doing the action of pursing the lips.

But the night clan actually has nothing to do with the word "fragile". With their special racial talent, they have the ability to compete with the sky clan.

The pursed lips were in an unhappy mood, but after only a few seconds of silence, Ivey finally answered Jiang Ci's question.

"Ivey." He replied.

"Well." Jiang Ci smiled and praised without leaving a trace: "It's a very nice name."

Jiang Ci wrote down his name. It was not clear why Ivey resisted him for the time being. After thinking about it, Jiang Ci thought that it might be because of natural disasters...

The natural disasters that occur in this world are frequent and severe, making it difficult for people of all races to have a stable living environment, and for so many years, "God" has been doing nothing.

Some people are dissatisfied with the inaction "God" because of this, Jiang Ci thinks it is normal.

Jiang Ci had a hard time explaining the matter of "inaction", and if it was said that he did not do it on purpose, the reason would be too thin even if it were a fact.

What does God's smile and praise represent? Ivey doesn't allow himself to think too much.

Just a casual smile.

Just an ordinary compliment.

What kind of feelings does he have to pay for this

Is it just because of this that he wants to keep his eyes on the other person forever like chasing the unreachable Kazuyuki

This is too stupid and ridiculous.

Ivey lowered his eyelids lightly, appearing indifferent, and the casual look on his face only increased.

When Arnold saw that his manager was still like this, his blood pressure felt like his blood pressure was going to skyrocket.

At times like this, shouldn’t we behave well before God? !

What a great opportunity this is.

"Should you give relevant instructions?" Arnold reminded the other party, "How to arrange the gods... and other temporary residences of the Celestial Clan? As well as the townspeople in Youye City who reported being unwell, you used to go to the treatment, but now Is it possible to ask God to walk with you…”

In the second half of the sentence, Arnold looked at Jiang Ci with pleading eyes.

Before Jiang Ci nodded in agreement, Ivey said to his adjutant, "This kind of thing can be decided directly without your authority."

The implication is to ignore it.

The next sentence: "I will solve the problems of the city people."

It is also because of the ability to solve it that Ivey said at the beginning that even if there is no god, the night clan can continue to live.

Arnold had no choice but to hesitate after thinking carefully: "Then, then the one near the Emerald Bridge..."

Ivey was silent, and when Arnold was about to make such a decision, he gave him an indifferent look: "Did you take the atrium from the territory of Night City?"


Awakened by a word to remember this place, Arnold showed a stunned expression.

The atrium is the best place for environmental protection in Youye City, and of course it is also the most beautiful and pleasant place.

Arnold quickly made corresponding arrangements, Jiang Ci did not follow him, but decided to first see the living conditions of the people of the Night Clan.

When he was still on the floating boat, Jiang Ci asked Arnold to tell him the current situation of the Night Clan, which did not sound so optimistic.

Leaving aside the special racial talents, when it comes to the abundance of magical energy, there is a certain gap between the Night Clan and the Sky Clan, so their city cannot have as perfect a defensive barrier as Arsene.

However, Nether Night City also has its own defense system, and every time it faces a natural disaster, it can probably offset about 80% of the harm.

There is always a certain amount of building damage in the city, but this is not the reason why the situation is not optimistic. The root cause is the increasing dark elements in the living environment.

In terms of attribute division, the Night Race was originally a creation of the dark attribute, and they were born with the ability to absorb the dark elements in the environment and use them.

Since hundreds of years ago, the sky was covered by thick black and the world could not see the light of the sky, the proportion of dark elements in the environment has continued to increase, but this is not a good thing for the Night Clan.

If the body is compared to a container, the capacity of a container is obviously limited, and when too many dark elements are passively absorbed, the body of the Night Race will naturally have adverse reactions.

It was still normal until recently, and this situation has gradually been reflected.

The news that the gods came to You Ye City did not need anyone to convey the news. The suddenly clear sky had already shown all of this, but some city residents of the Night Clan still couldn't believe it after seeing the sky until Jiang Ci really appeared in front of them. .

Night City is not as prosperous as Arsene, but the city construction is also well done, but traces of natural disasters can be seen in some places.

Jiang Ci intends to go to the residential area. The night clan living here are only nervous and excited about the arrival of the gods. Even the young night clan are now grabbing the hem of their parents' clothes and timidly sticking their heads out from behind the parents.

When they saw Jiang Ci, the children's faces showed a little blush of embarrassment.

The younger the Night Clan, the more easily they are affected by the environment.

Among these children, there are people who are not feeling well, but they completely ignore that feeling at this time, and they only cast admiring eyes on the god in front of them with joy.

Jiang Ci gently touched the small corner on the head of a young night clan: "Will this be better?"

The system has said that his thoughts can affect the elements of this world, but Jiang Ci is not sure if he has this ability now.

"Yeah!" The young night clan, who felt the pain was soothed, raised his head and looked up at the gentle god cautiously, "Thank you."

Jiang Ci let the excessive dark elements in his body obediently dissipate.

This method is feasible, Jiang Ci thought to himself, he can help the Night Clan get out of the current situation.

Accompanying Jiang Ci to see the situation of Ye Clan, the Celestial Clan who followed Jiang Ci did not say anything along the way.

The Celestial Clan does not usually pay attention to other races, and they don't know much about the living conditions of other races. They never thought that the Night Clan would encounter such great difficulties because of the changes in the elements in the environment.

If they were facing the Night Clan who had nothing at all, the Celestial Clan who came to the Night City would probably not be so silent. Their silence at this time was due to some empathy for what they saw.

They can accept that God is paying attention to Night Clan now, but when Night Clan returns to good condition, they will not surrender God.

The night clan who have physical discomfort and are counted as cases will go to the specially designated medical area for treatment, and there is no one else in charge of the treatment, only Ivey.

"Okay." The same simple touch, Ivey touched the next person's arm, "You can too."

The Night Clan actually don't know how Ivey solves their problems, but as long as they get in touch like this, their physical condition can really improve quickly.

"Lord Ivey, this is for you." The two Night Clan children each came over with a bunch of flowers and raised their faces with big smiles, "Thank you very much for curing our mother."

Ivey took the flowers and put them aside, lowered his eyes and said to them, "Well, go back."

The two children are very obedient, and it can also be seen that Ivey is very trusted and loved by the city residents in the night city.

After treating the number of people today, Ivey stood by the window and raised his hand to hold the small half mask covering his left face.

The pain is very long.

The night clan's skin was a little pale, and Ivey seemed to be a little more morbid at this time, and he silently endured the familiar pain.

The so-called "treatment", Ivey actually just absorbed and transferred the overflowing dark elements from others to himself, which would have a corresponding load on him.

It's not just about others. The dark elements in the entire Night City environment have always been balanced by Ivey. If it wasn't for him to transfer this load to himself, the uncomfortable reactions of the night clan citizens would appear even more than this. Much more serious earlier.

But even as a manager, there is a limit to the load that can be undertaken.

Before reaching the limit, Ivey pursed the corners of his mouth.

At this moment, Jiang Ci found this place under the guidance of others. He happened to see Ivey's expression and subconsciously asked: "Is there something uncomfortable?"

Ivey put his hand down instantly, and his expression returned to normal in a second: "No."

"Really?" Jiang Ci asked more.

If there is no such question, Ivey will not have any reaction after ending with the two words just now.

But when he heard the questioning, he was suddenly driven by something indescribable. He said in a rather blunt tone: "Will you also care about me?"

At the moment when the words were spoken, Ivey even had the urge to use the innate ability of the Night Race to reverse the time by a few seconds.

Because he didn't know what kind of answer he wanted to hear.