Creatures of Habit

Chapter 22


During the period when the two were ambiguous, Jiang Yishan suffered a lot of gossip.

Some people said that he was with Qin Shaocheng because of money, and some people said that he was pretending to be noble before. Qin Shaocheng's previous partners did not dare to make trouble in front of Qin Shaocheng, so they naturally chose Jiang Yishan, who had no background, to run against him. Jiang Yishan can't explain or speak, and pretends not to care about who he loves, but secretly loses his temper.

He was already out of temper at that time, he even dared to get angry at Qin Shaocheng, accusing him of why he slept with those people before. Regardless of whether he hadn't agreed to Qin Shaocheng yet, he could kiss and touch Qin Shaocheng, but he never made it to the last step. He used Qin Shaosheng's obsession with him to keep the other party's appetite.

He already regarded Qin Shaocheng as his property.

Qin Shaocheng only thought he was jealous, and coaxed him with nice words: "I am a man of sound mind and body anyway. I admit that I have had a relationship before I met you. I swear I haven't had one since I met you."

Jiang Yishan became self-willed and didn't care about this, and had a big fight with Qin Shaocheng.

Qin Shaocheng was also holding his breath, so he let him hang out for two days, and finally something happened.

It was okay for Jiang Yishan to ignore anyone at first, but later he ignored Qin Shaocheng, and those who coveted him would inevitably feel aggrieved, and when they heard that Qin Shaocheng was cold to him, they changed their minds.

At that time, Jiang Yishan was too young and inexperienced in society, plus he was having a temper tantrum with Qin Shaocheng, and was tricked into playing in a place of debauchery by a few words. He found that it was useless to escape to the room and lock it. People outside smashed the door with tools and sharp weapons.

It was the first time he saw the tricks of his brothers, and Jiang Yishan called Qin Shaocheng in a panic.

The phone never answered.

Jiang Yishan sat on the window sill, thinking that if Qin Shaocheng couldn't catch up, he would jump from here.

Qin Shaosheng went home for dinner that day, but he was late answering the phone. When he arrived afterwards, Jiang Yishan just jumped off the window sill.

He was too brave, it was close to five meters high. Fortunately, it fell on the bushes in the green belt. Except for soft tissue contusions and some skin trauma, there was nothing serious.

But Qin Shaocheng was terribly frightened, he didn't dare to leave Jiang Yishan alone anymore.

He didn't even say a few words about Jiang Yishan's brainlessness and being tricked out to play, he put Jiang Yishan in his mouth as his favorite. Jiang Yishan was able to walk, but if he had to say that his feet hurt, he had to carry them, so he carried them. If you say that your hand hurts and you need to feed it, then feed it.

Just like this, Jiang Yishan returned his anger, and occasionally showed Qin Shaocheng's face. No kisses, no touches.

Qin Shaocheng had nothing to do, hugged Jiang Yishan and said that he knew he was wrong and never dared again, did he have to pick a star for him to forgive himself.

Jiang Yishan said with a stern face that yes, I will forgive you if you pick the stars.

It is impossible to pick the stars, but Qin Shaocheng took Jiang Yishan directly to Bryce Canyon to watch the meteor shower. The two of them took Qin Shaosheng's family's private jet, and when they arrived at their destination, someone specially assigned them to arrange their residence and itinerary.

It was the first time for Jiang Yishan to truly see the financial power of a wealthy family. Lying in the tent and watching the dazzling meteor shower above his head, he only felt his own insignificance and humbleness. He turned his head to look at Qin Shaocheng, and began to realize that the person in front of him was the son of a wealthy family, and there was such a big gap between them. Qin Shaocheng is too good, he is so rich that people are afraid.

Qin Shaocheng couldn't feel the change in his mood at that time, and was still asking him if he was angry

Jiang Yishan shook his head, saying that he was no longer angry.

Only then did Qin Shaocheng relax, and hugged Jiang Yishan in his arms, saying that he would definitely protect Jiang Yishan in the future and never let him get hurt again.

Jiang Yishan curled up in his arms and whispered, "Then can you protect me forever?"


"Can you give me anything I want?"

"As long as I can do it." Qin Shaocheng kissed Jiang Yishan's nose affectionately.

Jiang Yishan didn't make a sound.

"What's wrong?"

Jiang Yishan said: "What if I want to make some willful demands? Can you agree to me too?"

"It's fine as long as it doesn't hurt the sky." Qin Shaosheng vowed, Jiang Yishan in his arms was so obedient and loving, Qin Shaocheng teased him, "Christmas is coming soon, what do you want this time? The moon or Santa Claus?"

Jiang Yishan hugged him tightly: "Are you going to play Santa Claus?"

"You think too much about my baby Xiaoshan." Qin Shaocheng smiled and kissed his soft cheek, "But I can take you to Santa's hometown to play."

Young master Qin, who said he would do it, arranged for them to go to Finland before Christmas that day. Jiang Yishan couldn't stand the weather there, and kept shouting that it was cold when he went there. Qin Shaocheng opened his coat and wrapped Jiang Yishan in his arms like a dumpling. The two were embracing on the street like conjoined twins, surrounded by carnival crowds.

"Is it cold? Is it cold?" Qin Shaocheng rubbed Jiang Yishan in his arms, smiling contentedly.

"It's not cold anymore." Jiang Yishan has a thin skin: "But you will be laughed at like this!"

"No one laughs." Qin Shaocheng kept kissing him, "They are all jealous of me."

"There are so many people! Don't kiss me! You will be seen!"

"Are you still carrying the burden of being an idol? Don't worry, no one will recognize you."

Jiang Yishan pouted after hearing this: "I will definitely be popular, and everyone will recognize me."

"Okay. You will definitely be popular." Qin Shaocheng directly held Jiang Yishan's face and kissed him deeply.

That night, Jiang Yishan sat on the big bed in the hotel wearing only Qin Shaocheng's shirt. Facing Qin Shaocheng who just came out of the bathroom, he nervously forgot all the words he had prepared. It was really Qin Shaocheng who looked at him so horribly, as if he was about to eat him.

The lights in the room were not turned on, the floor-to-ceiling windows were opened, and the moonlight shone in on Jiang Yishan's bare legs. Qin Shaocheng came over and squatted at his feet, held his feet, and kissed the scars on his feet that hadn't faded.

Jiang Yishan subconsciously wanted to retract his foot, but was held tightly by Qin Shaocheng.

"You're tempting me." Qin Shaocheng slid his palm against Jiang Yishan's calf, "Who taught you to do this?"

Jiang Yishan grabbed the pillow next to him to cover his face in embarrassment, he was going to die of embarrassment.

"Who taught it?" Qin Shaocheng lifted the front of his shirt, his white and greasy skin was flawless under the moonlight. He lowered his head to lick the nipples on Jiang Yishan's chest: "My Xiaoshan school is broken."

Jiang Yishan's voice muffled from the pillow: "No one taught me to wear it myself!"

Qin Shaocheng tore away the pillow from Jiang Yishan's hand, leaned on Jiang Yishan's body, stared at the flushed Jiang Yishan like a wolf, and said, "Have you made up your mind?"

Jiang Yishan looked at him and said softly: "You said, you will treat me well and give me everything."

Qin Shaocheng looked at him, his eyes encouraged him to continue talking.

"So..." Jiang Yishan plucked up the courage to intertwine Qin Shaocheng's fingers and held them firmly together, "So I want you to love me." He looked at him expectantly: "I want you forever."

Qin Shaocheng no longer needed and couldn't bear it any longer.

He begged Jiang Yishan like crazy that night, he couldn't kiss him enough, he held Jiang Yishan in his arms and loved him all night, even after Jiang Yishan cried and begged him to stop, he turned a deaf ear to it. He wanted him like crazy, he was finally his.

After returning to China, the family knew about their relationship, Qin Shaocheng thought at that time that he could not want anything except Jiang Yishan. He accompanied Jiang Yishan to City A without hesitation. He promised Jiang Yishan that he would be with him forever.

Recalling what he had said, Qin Shaocheng held Jiang Yishan's cold hand from hanging water. He stuffed his fingers into Jiang Yishan's fingers one by one, and clasped them tightly together.

Qin Shaocheng got up, bent slightly and kissed Jiang Yishan's cheek: "Get well soon, I will compensate you for the rest of my life."