Creatures of Habit

Chapter 25


Qin Shaocheng's kiss was extremely gentle, light and soft, and his warm breath was close at hand.

Jiang Yishan trembled with excitement. He had waited too long for this kiss. This moment gave him an unreal feeling of going back to the past. Qin Shaocheng was as gentle and affectionate as ever, and every kiss and hug was full of love.

His heart is alive.

He couldn't wait to kiss back, and opened his lips and tongue to Qin Shaocheng without reservation.

Qin Shaocheng didn't expect Jiang Yishan to be so eager. He was afraid that Jiang Yishan would pull the wound, so he hurriedly held his waist, trying to stop.

Jiang Yishan couldn't learn to be content, Qin Shaocheng kissed him, and he wanted Qin Shaocheng to hug him again, he moved into Qin Shaocheng's arms, biting his lips to prevent him from leaving.

Qin Shaocheng looked at him helplessly.

Jiang Yishan blinked, but without loosening his teeth, he said vaguely, "Hug me."

Qin Shaocheng held him in his arms.

Jiang Yishan was extremely happy, he greedily kissed Qin Shaocheng, and nestled in his arms to absorb the warmth of his body. He begged Qin Shaocheng's relatives sweetly and greasyly, unwilling to stop.

Jiang Yishan was too clingy, Qin Shaocheng struggled for a long time but still didn't pull him away. Touching his protruding back over and over again, he is so thin that it hurts his heart.

Jiang Yishan was satisfied physically and mentally, and he didn't know how to express his happiness and joy. His whole body was softened by Qin Shaocheng's touch, and he said softly, "I really like you hugging me like this."

Anyone who sees Jiang Yishan's cute and cute appearance has to give in.

Qin Shaocheng hugged Jiang Yishan's hand tightly.

The two were close together, and Jiang Yishan sensed Qin Shaocheng's desire. He reached out and stroked Qin Shaocheng's crotch, and looked at Qin Shaocheng with bright eyes: "You are hard."

Qin Shaocheng sighed: "You keep kissing, how can I not be firm."

If Jiang Yishan had a tail that would have been up to the sky at this time, he would not let go of Qin Shaocheng: "You still like me, you like me very much."

Qin Shaocheng pinched his nose.

He stared at Qin Shaocheng's lips again: "I'm a little hard too..."

"Don't make trouble. You're still hurt."

"Then touch." He hugged Qin Shaocheng's waist and did not let go, "Touch, you touch me."

Qin Shaocheng patted his butt lightly: "I just said it, and I'm going to be disobedient again."

"Just touching."

Qin Shaocheng pushed Jiang Yishan back on the bed, and covered him with a quilt: "You need to rest now."

Jiang Yishan refused to give up and wanted to struggle to sit up.

"Don't move!" Qin Shaocheng frowned and scolded, "Your wound hasn't healed yet!"

Jiang Yishan really hadn't seen Qin Shaocheng's stern face a few times, so he subconsciously quieted down. Only then did he realize that he couldn't help playing his temper just now, he grabbed the quilt and looked at Qin Shaocheng guilty: "I just want to kiss you for a while."

As if returning to the days when he was helpless with Jiang Yishan, Qin Shaocheng thought that he could no longer be used to Jiang Yishan, and tried his best to maintain the coldness on the surface: "No."

Jiang Yishan gave up: "Then when can it be?"

Qin Shaocheng thought that Jiang Yishan really killed him, so he sighed: "We'll talk about it when you recover."

So in the following days, Jiang Yishan cooperated with the treatment very much. He had lost too much blood before and was weak. The wound grew slowly while lying on the bed for the first month. He counted the days until the day when the doctor said he could get out of bed and move around.

A small piece of hair was shaved on the right side of his head due to the stitching of the wound, and he insisted on wearing a hat because he thought it looked ugly. Qin Shaocheng refused, saying that the wound would grow slowly when wearing a hat. In less than two hours, he found that kind of hairstyle with shaved green skin on both sides and styling on the Internet, and looked at Qin Shaocheng with pleading eyes.

Qin Shaocheng thought that he was locked up in the hospital bed every day and couldn't go anywhere, so he agreed to this small request.

After cutting her hair, Jiang Yishan couldn't even see the injuries on her face, and frantically took selfies while facing the camera. Qin Shaocheng saw that he seemed to be posting photos on social media. After thinking about it, he told Jiang Yishan that he had been completely blocked by the mainstream media.

Jiang Yishan listened and leaned on Qin Shaocheng's shoulder: "Then you can't abandon me in the future."

"That's all you want to say?"

Jiang Yishan tilted his head: "When I do this, I have thought about the consequences." He kissed Qin Shaocheng's face: "I also got what I wanted."

He really felt that he had made a profit, and those superficial vanity interests were not worth the kindness Qin Shaocheng had shown him alone. If he had figured it out earlier, he would not have hurt Qin Shaocheng's heart.

Fortunately, he still has a chance to do it again.

Jiang Yishan woke up and Qin Shaocheng had no excuses, so he went home the next day.

After saying hello to his parents, he went to the company to discuss with his brother about the work of the group for an afternoon. When he came in the evening, the medical staff told him that Jiang Yishan was a picky eater and would not eat boiled chicken breast.

When he entered the ward, Jiang Yishan looked at him pitifully on the bed: "I'm so sad that I didn't see you today."

Qin Shaocheng asked: "Why don't you eat well?"

"The chicken has no taste." Jiang Yishan said, "It has no taste at all."

"I fed you two days ago and you can eat it?"

"Because you fed me."

"You deliberately."

"Yes." Jiang Yishan flicked his fox tail in circles in the air, "You come to the hospital to work, I can see you, and you can see me. You can still kiss me when you are tired from work."

What he said was innocent and straightforward.

Seeing that Qin Shaocheng didn't respond, Jiang Yishan lay on the bed trying to hold his hand, and asked in a low voice, "Really can't come?"

Qin Shaocheng didn't speak.

Jiang Yishan suddenly lost energy: "I will have a good meal tomorrow."


Jiang Yishan nodded, and then he added: "Although I really want to see you."

Qin Shaocheng couldn't bear it anymore, he directly lifted Jiang Yishan's chin and kissed it, the kiss stopped until Jiang Yishan let out a weak snort from lack of oxygen, his forehead was pressed against Jiang Yishan's forehead: "You just owe it."

With Qin Shaocheng like this, Jiang Yishan was not afraid of him at all, and said without repentance, "I'll call you."

He said he owed a slap, but he didn't really slap him, he just slapped his butt twice casually. This made Jiang Yishan even more confident, he thought that Qin Shaocheng would still spoil him, as long as he didn't make a big mistake, Qin Shaocheng wouldn't really do anything to him.

With this idea in mind, Jiang Yishan repeatedly tested Qin Shaocheng's patience.

When the doctor agreed that he could get out of bed and move around, Jiang Yishan hurriedly used the walking aid. Qin Shaocheng advised him not to rush and take his time, and he ignored it.

He thought it wouldn't be too difficult, but when he really walked, he couldn't take a step because of the pain.

At that time, the truck hit me from the left rear of my body. Fortunately, I was wearing thick winter clothes, but I still hurt my back to some extent. After the operation, the wound was healed and I lay on the bed for nearly two months. I had no strength in my lower limbs when I walked for the first time.

But he wanted to prove himself too much, and he also wanted to be discharged from the hospital and be with Qin Shaocheng. Jiang Yishan gritted his teeth and walked back and forth in the corridor twice. When Qin Shaocheng came to see him after get off work, he cocked his tail and said that today he could walk and had good food and drink.

Qin Shaocheng was worried and went to ask the doctor again, and came back and said, "The doctor said you walked too much today."

"Two laps, not much, I think it's okay." Jiang Yishan beat him to death and refused to admit that he came back because he couldn't stand it at the end.

In the end, when Qin Shaocheng got up at night to cover Jiang Yishan with the quilt, he found something wrong. Jiang Yishan was not asleep, and when he touched Jiang Yishan, his whole body trembled. He hurriedly asked, "What's wrong? What's wrong?"

Jiang Yishan, who walked too much during the day without following the doctor's advice, was unable to sleep because of the pain in his spine. Qin Shaocheng was in the next bed, and his painful tears were rushing down, and he dared not make a sound. Now that he was discovered, he immediately asked for comfort: "My back hurts..."

Qin Shaocheng was angry and helpless, he lay directly beside Jiang Yishan, put his arms around him and stroked his back repeatedly, and asked him, "Does it still hurt?"

"It hurts." Jiang Yishan curled up in Qin Shaocheng's arms.

"You are not allowed to leave tomorrow."

Jiang Yishan whispered: "It's going to be another day."

Qin Shaocheng patted his butt hard: "If you are disobedient, I won't come tomorrow."

"I'm obedient, I'm obedient." Jiang Yishan quickly admitted his mistake, "I'm just in a hurry, I will definitely pay attention in the future."

Qin Shaocheng wanted to say that you clearly knew it was wrong and still insisted on doing it, and begged for forgiveness again with a fluke mentality. After remembering Jiang Yishan again in his heart, he still patted Jiang Yishan's back gently: "Go to sleep."

Jiang Yishan kissed Qin Shaocheng on the cheek before closing his eyes while saying yes.

Qin Shaocheng sighed and hugged him to sleep.

Rehabilitation is an extremely lengthy process. Jiang Yishan stayed in the hospital for three full months.

In the beginning, it was because the wound hadn't healed yet, and the regular and quantitative activities every day had already consumed all his energy. As his body recovered almost, he gradually couldn't stay in the hospital anymore. Qin Shaocheng also knew his character, and after asking the doctor to confirm that he was fine and could be discharged home to recuperate, he took Jiang Yishan out of the hospital.

On the day he was discharged from the hospital, Jiang Yishan was very happy, and seeing Qin Shaocheng bring him to the house where he lived before was even more joyful and lost his way. Nothing in the house has changed, it is clean and tidy, as if they have never left.

He thought that Qin Shaocheng still loved him very much.

Qin Shaocheng threw their luggage to the entrance, pointed to the bedroom and said to Jiang Yishan, "Go to the bedroom."

Jiang Yishan walked towards the bedroom without even thinking about it, and asked, "Is there any surprise inside?"

Qin Shaocheng didn't answer him.

Jiang Yishan pushed open the door and walked in. The layout inside was exactly the same as before, even the Q badge he had stuck on the curtain hadn't been touched. After looking around carefully, he asked puzzledly, "What's there?"

Qin Shaocheng walked in, took off his suit, pulled off his tie, and looked at Jiang Yishan with a cold face.

Only then did Jiang Yishan realize the danger: "Shaocheng, what are you doing?"

Qin Shaocheng unbuttoned the collar of his shirt: "Hit you."