Creatures of Habit

Chapter 28


The cold winter has long passed, the wild flowers outside the house have bloomed a few times, and the weather has begun to enter early summer.

Mr. Qin's condition has also improved, but his body can't keep up with the work of the group. After all, he has stepped down from the position of power. The fact that Qin Er and the Zhang family teamed up to cheat Qin Shaosheng made the old man completely disappointed with his restless sons. In addition, Qin Shiyao, who was elected by the board of directors after the year, lived up to everyone's expectations during his recuperation, and his work ability was recognized by the group. He handed over 80% of his shares to Qin Shiyao.

The new person in charge of the Qin family has finally made a decision, and the stock price has been fluctuating for several months.

After Qin Shiyao took over the group, he asked Qin Shaosheng what he meant: "Do you want to work in the group or go to the company?"

"Group." Qin Shaosheng didn't even think about it.

"Because of Jiang Yishan?"

Qin Shaocheng nodded: "His current situation, I don't feel relieved to leave him alone at home."

Going to the branch to lead the team exhausted his energy, and he couldn't take care of Jiang Yishan. Moreover, Jiang Yishan's identity is delicate, and it is impossible to show his face outside for a year or two. Qin Shaocheng is afraid that his psychology will be affected if he stays at home for a long time.

Qin Shiyao had already expected this kind of result, so he asked his secretary to draft Qin Shaosheng's appointment notice: "Do you have anyone you want? I want to transfer one of the current vice presidents to City C. How about Wei Feng? You and his partner Also more than three years."

"He probably won't want to come." Qin Shaocheng smiled. Wei Feng just wanted to start his own company. He has always been indifferent to this kind of big family business. "I asked him before I left, and he has no intention."

"Then leave it blank for now, and go pick it out yourself after you take office." Qin Shiyao closed the signed document and handed it to the secretary. "I still want to tell you about Jiang Yishan. He can no longer appear in public."

"I know."

"You too." Qin Shiyao glanced at him, "Although the members of the board of directors know about Jiang Yishan, they still can't tell the outside world."

Jiang Yishan's public image is too negative, there is no room for change. As the new CEO of the group, Qin Shaosheng got involved with him, and the impact was too bad.

Qin Shaocheng sighed: "I know everything."

Seeing him like this, Qin Shiyao knew that he was worried about Jiang Yishan in his heart, so he inevitably added at the end: "You have to take care of him."

That night, when Qin Shaocheng came home from get off work and told Jiang Yishan about this, Jiang Yishan nodded cooperatively and said, "Anyway, I won't be a star anymore, so it's better not to show up."

Qin Shaocheng explained: "I mean more than this."

"I know, I know. I can't go out during this period of time." Jiang Yishan said again, "I'm not hurt, and I won't go out. Even if I go out, I will be careful not to be photographed. I am very good at hiding from paparazzi."

Qin Shaocheng fell silent.

Seeing Qin Shaocheng's soft heart for him, Jiang Yishan couldn't help but want to act like a baby to him to make him like him more. He hooked Qin Shaocheng's shoulders with both hands, and said, "Is there any reward for being good at home?"

Qin Shaocheng asked: "What do you want?" His expression almost wished to hold the whole world in front of Jiang Yishan.

"I want you to go home after get off work and not to socialize." Jiang Yishan poked Qin Shaosheng's chest, "I know that you are only in charge of the group's internal daily affairs. It is not you who go to the outside world, but your brother."

Qin Shaocheng put his arms around his waist, and squeezed his butt along the waist of his trousers: "What else do you know?"

"I also know that you get off work at 5:30 every day, so you will definitely be home at 7." Jiang Yishan tilted his head, "After get off work at 11:30 noon, you can definitely call me at 12 o'clock, right?"

Qin Shaocheng was really amused by Jiang Yishan: "You watch so closely. Are you afraid that I will run away?"

"I just miss you." Jiang Yishan buried his face in Qin Shaocheng's chest, "I miss you so much."

In those years apart, every time he received a compliment, he felt empty, the pain of having no one to accompany him to share his joy tormented him, and he felt dissatisfied with everything he got. Looking back now, it was just that he didn't get Qin Shaocheng's praise.

Only then did I realize what I was missing.

He didn't dare to go to Qin Shaocheng, he was afraid that he would get angry, and he felt that he was too far away from him. He always thinks that one day he will be successful and famous, and he will go to chase people back. But he didn't expect to be ruined.

If I had known this before, why should I do it in the first place

On the one hand, Jiang Yishan regretted, but on the other hand, he felt that he was too lucky to have a chance to start all over again, and Qin Shaocheng was still willing to be with him.

This time he will never go the wrong way again, nor will he lose anyone.

Staying at home is actually a very boring thing. The scope of activities is fixed, and there are only a few things that can be done every day. I always get tired of watching movies and finishing playing games. Jiang Yishan is really bored and starts to learn to write songs.

He was born as a pure singer, and his songwriting skills are average, but he can always do one thing. Qin Shaocheng saw Jiang Yishan's sheet music in the room, and within two days, he found someone to prepare a set of equipment and put it at home. He didn't know much about pop music either, and even asked someone to read the score in private.

After Qin Shiyao found out, he said, "Jiang Yishan can't come back."

"I know, I didn't mean that." Facing his brother's questioning gaze, Qin Shaocheng sighed, "I'm afraid he's in a hurry at home."

Qin Shiyao's expression completely gave up: "The country is easy to change and the nature is hard to change."

"Xiaoshan won't..."

"I didn't talk about him. I talked about you." Qin Shiyao took a deep look at Qin Shaojing.

Qin Shaocheng was speechless.

After returning home, Jiang Yishan dragged him into the recording studio and sat down on a soft stool. Watching Jiang Yishan happily playing a short piece of music that he composed today for himself, Qin Shaocheng still couldn't stop wanting to be nice to him.

The next day, he asked Fa Xiaoyao to come to the small club where he met Jiang Yishan at the beginning, and after discussing the reservation time, he contacted Jiang Yishan's former assistant. The assistant Xiao Zhang is currently working as a clerk in Qin's. Although the salary is not as high as when he was an assistant, but fortunately it is stable and the working hours are fixed. After hearing what Qin Shaocheng said, he patted his chest and promised to find someone to arrange the venue well.

After everything was ready, Qin Shaocheng took Jiang Yishan to see the venue.

Jiang Yishan recognized the place as soon as he got out of the car. Entering the lobby inside the club, there was no one else except him and Qin Shaocheng. He jumped on Qin Shaocheng's back, put his arms around his neck and said, "Do you want to hear me sing?" Then he worried, "My voice is not very good now."

The bass can't be lowered, the treble can't be raised, and the sound trembles and flutters with a little skill.

"Sing whatever you want." Qin Shaocheng walked onto the stage with him on his back, "I'll just watch you."

Jiang Yishan was not convinced: "So you only saw my face."

Qin Shaocheng smiled at him, but didn't speak.

Jiang Yishan couldn't bear Qin Shaocheng's warm and affectionate eyes the most. He sat in the center of the stage with a whimper. He looked up at the spotlight on the ceiling and said, "It feels like I haven't been under the light for a long time."

There was a noisy sound at the door, it seemed that many people were coming, and the voice was urgent and suppressed the volume. Jiang Yishan looked over curiously, and was completely stunned when his assistant Xiao Zhang brought in several fan sisters from his former support group.

He looked at Qin Shaosheng.

Qin Shaocheng looked at him tenderly.

The girls were very emotional when they saw Jiang Yishan, but remembering what the assistant just said, they all looked at Jiang Yishan eagerly.

Jiang Yishan panicked: "Long time no see. Is today a fan meeting?"

As soon as he spoke, the ladies and sisters all exploded.

"Jiang Jiang, how are you recently?"

"Brother Zhang said you were in a car accident, is it true?"

"Did you cut your hair because of stitches in your INS photo? It hurts so much!"

"Jiang Jiang feels bad for being wronged!"

"Brother Zhang contacted us before to say that there is a meeting. You can rest assured that all the people who come here are old people. They won't say anything."

"You can rest assured that when we come, we will hand over the mobile phone and camera to Brother Zhang for safekeeping."

"Old people know that."

Jiang Yishan was a little embarrassed: "I have a good life. I worried you before. What happened to me this time..." He glanced at Qin Shaocheng, "It's not convenient for me to explain too clearly, but I didn't do those things."

Before the young lady came here, she had passed her breath, and she also knew something vaguely from the assistant Xiao Zhang. They scrambled to ask Jiang Yishan many questions, but they didn't have a single one about this incident.

One of the young ladies couldn't hold back any longer, she weakly raised her hand, realized it floated towards Qin Shaocheng who was sitting not far away, and asked, "Jiang Jiang, the one next to me is..."

Jiang Yishan blushed for the first time on stage. He looked at Qin Shaocheng and nervously picked up the microphone: "He is..."

A young lady shook her wit: "Your husband?"

Everyone suddenly laughed and laughed. Qin Shaocheng also lowered his head and smiled.

Jiang Yishan kept a stern face, and laughed after holding back for a long time,

Say, "He's my Santa Claus."

[End of the full text]