Criminal Investigation Files

Chapter 10


Ten minutes later, in the 7-11 convenience store not far from the community, Song Wen brought the hot meal to the opposite side of Lu Siyu, and he ordered an Oden by the way, which made the food in front of him look like Not so shabby.

Lu Siyu, the hot eater, not only didn't get the clerk's disgust and scorn, but gave him a priority. Song Wen once again realized clearly that the face can really be eaten as a meal.

The two of them sat at the table in the convenience store. The way Lu Siyu opened the lunch box had a sense of ceremony. The lunch box was gorgeous and warm. There were four grids on it. Neat, then take out the rice, put it right in front of you, and then take out the chopsticks from the inside, and then prepare to start the meal.

Looking at Song Wen, his eyes always glanced over inadvertently. Lu Siyu generously pushed forward the lunch box in which he put the vegetables. What he made today is fried squid with sauce, garlic eel, mushroom and chicken meatballs plus one more fried cabbage heart.

The four dishes are a combination of meat and vegetables, with all the colors, flavors, and flavors. When the food was put in front of him, Song Wen didn't notice it, and stretched out his chopsticks and took a piece. He chewed the eel, and the bones inside were reluctant to vomit.

Song Wen looked at Lu Siyu while eating, thinking how could someone look so good-looking, and how could someone cook so deliciously? I couldn't help but ask, "Actually, you didn't go to the police academy, right?"

Lu Siyu looked at him, a little confused.

Song Wen smiled and said, "I think your craftsmanship is more authentic than that of New Oriental's chefs."

After listening to the cold joke, Lu Siyu's mouth also evoked a smile, but it was only a slight twitch at the corner of his mouth, but it made his icy eyes and brows a little more popular. Song Wen suddenly remembered the emotional apathy that Zhou Yining had mentioned to him before, but now that he was in touch, he felt more and more that Lu Siyu fit the characteristics of this disease.

The food in front of him quickly passed halfway, and after eating something to pad his stomach, Lu Siyu returned to his usual indifference, and asked Song Wen in a low voice, "Are you still suspicious of love now?"

Song Wen is also about to analyze the case: "I suspected her at first, but now, I don't doubt her too much anymore."

"Because the time doesn't match?" Lu Siyu raised his head and asked him.

Song Wen shook his head: "No, not having time to commit crimes is only one aspect, but also because she is left-handed."

Lu Siyu also saw it just now that he loves to hold water and open the door with his left hand. In this regard, he did not express an opinion, and raised his head to look at Song Wen.

Song Wen continued to analyze: "She hates Lin Zhenghua, but I don't think she will kill her husband. Besides, the height of love does not match, Lin Zhenghua is about 1.73 meters, and the two have a height difference of ten centimeters. If they are standing, It is difficult to pierce directly from that angle, and the murder has not yet had a rest time. If it is in other postures, considering the disparity in physical strength, it is difficult for her to be free of any scars and traces of fighting... "

Lu Siyu listened a little fascinated, his chopsticks were held high, and his fingers were slender, the joints were clear, white to transparent, the movements and expressions when eating, somehow reminded Song Wen of the one from a friend's house A cat with noble blood, such a person sits opposite, making him also become cautious, and no longer dare to gobble it.

While thinking about it, Song Wen picked up a chicken meatball and put it in his mouth. The meatball was made of chicken that was mashed, and some mushrooms were added. The aroma melted into the meat, and it was fried outside. After biting, the chicken spreads out with juices, and it is extremely tender, but he has no intention of appreciating the food, frowns slightly, and says to himself, "There's still something wrong."

"What do you think is the problem?" Lu Siyu asked in a deep voice, his voice was very soft and low.

"I'm a bit squeamish now. At one time, I thought she was the most suspect, and I haven't completely ruled her out, but I always feel that there are some things that don't make sense." Song Wen couldn't tell where his current feeling came from. . Murder motive, method, weapon, time, place... These factors cannot be restored. The more he tried to understand everything, the more disorganized he felt, and his thinking seemed to be stuck in a dead end and couldn't get out of it for a while.

Song Wen took out his mobile phone while talking, opened the search page, and typed in the word "same wife".

The identity of the same wife is accompanied by depression, mental coldness and violence, and is also a high-risk group of AIDS. In this regard, the relevant laws are blank, divorce is very difficult, women are threatened with violence, and it is difficult for the economy to obtain compensation. At present, the number of domestic co-wives is more than 16 million.

Song Wen thought about it for a while, and opened the post again. Apparently, there are many such women gathered in the same wife bar. This post bar has been reported to be closed several times, and it has also struggled to open a few times.

"Do I want a divorce? It's torture... "

"It was only after marriage and having children that I found out that my husband was gay."

"I beg everyone to identify, have I been deceived?"

"We can only complain here, is there no way to attract attention?"

In the post bar, there are desperate cries of women. They seem to be stuck in a quagmire, threatened and dragged down. The husband they were supposed to rely on turned into a devil and turned their lives into hell. They gathered here and used the Internet as a port to vent, and many people seemed to come and go helplessly. Life is one's own, self-awareness, and without a good solution, torture becomes a soft knife for murder.

Most of the same wives have been subjected to domestic violence by their husbands, and those men have used their fists and feet against them, both soft and hard. If the wife wants to divorce, not only will they not be compensated, but their personal income will be divided, and they will even be burdened with inexplicable debts. Those men have all kinds of tricks, and some even use mediation to delay the divorce.

And at present, the marriage law and other laws, there is no one that wants to do this. This makes it impossible for these women to escape, let alone receive any compensation.

They are confused, forbear, helpless, lonely, and become victims of a marriage.

Love is right. There is no one in their lives to talk to. People will look at homosexuality with colored glasses, and they will look at the same wife with contempt. For many people, divorce is an extravagant hope. Song Wen flipped through some, and the more he scrolled down, the more infuriated he became. He put his mobile phone on the table and said, "I really don't understand those gays who get married. If you don't love that person, what's the point of marriage? The marriage certificate trapped the other party and trapped myself."

Lu Siyu glanced at him: "It's only some men who cheat on marriage. These people choose to cheat women, and it has nothing to do with their sexual orientation. In other words, even if these people don't like the same sex or the opposite sex, they will still find them. Little San, you won't treat your wife well." Under the sun, Lu Siyu's pupils showed an amber color, crystal clear, and he saw Song Wen looking at him, suddenly like a snail whose tentacles had been touched, and then again He lowered his head coldly and said nothing.

"Maybe there are other clues in the bureau. Let's go back and have a look later." In order to avoid embarrassment, Song Wen ended the topic and cleaned up the garbage on the table.

"Wait for me, I'll buy something else." After Lu Siyu finished speaking, he went to the hot drink cabinet on the side to get a bottle of hot drink, and then went to the corner of the convenience store, where there was a bookshelf with some Bestsellers and recent magazines, he stood by and glanced at them, picked up a few books and paid the bill.

Song Wen glanced at it. There were several novels by Keigo Higashino. "Do you like reading mystery novels?" he asked casually.

"I don't see it very often, but I happened to see it today." Lu Siyu replied lightly, "It's almost lunch break, let's go back to the bureau."

Song Wen nodded, and the two still drove the police car all the way back to the police station. This morning, the bureau made a lot of progress. As soon as he entered the police station, Zhu Xiao reported excitedly: "Song team, the person who lives with Lin Zhenghua has been found, and the fingerprints match. This person is a bartender named Ma Minghui, Lao Jia and Huang Fu. The team has gone to pick someone up, and it should be there in a while."

"What about other progress?" Song Wen asked again, "The forensic report, physical evidence, and further details of the victim have all been compiled."

"Has the cell phone information been summarized?"

"Recent communication records, important messages are summarized."

"Check again to see if the victim has any recent record of large-amount transfers. By the way, Ma Minghui will also get a copy."

"Okay, I will coordinate with the bank to retrieve it."

Song Wen sat in his seat and began to look at the materials. Most of the materials were summaries, summarizing various situations, and did not promote the case very much. After seeing the love in the morning, Song Wen's mind seemed to be tied in a knot. It was always a little unreasonable, and he had a headache. He wanted to change his mind. When he looked up, he saw Lu Siyu sitting next to him. During the time, he turned the meeting minutes recorded in the notebook into documents with a serious expression.

From Song Wen's point of view, Lu Siyu's computer screen could just be seen through the reflection of the glass in the compartment. The more he looked, the more he frowned. He stood up, walked behind Lu Siyu and pointed to several of the records. : "Hey, why did you record this question about gay annotations? It's too detailed. Delete it."

Lu Siyu didn't pay attention to Song Wen's sudden arrival behind him, stopped typing on the keyboard, and looked up at him: "I think Forensic Doctor Lin said it well."

Only then did Song Wen realize that he was standing a little close, so bent over, Lu Siyu smelled a faint scent on him as soon as he looked up, the man's eyes lifted, his long eyelashes blinked, and his black eyes contained The water is mysterious and alluring like a whirlpool.

Looking at Lu Siyu, Song Wen only felt his heart jump in his chest, and hurriedly took a half step back. Lu Siyu was completely ignorant of these, and stuck out the tip of his tongue and licked his thin lips innocently. The pale lips were suddenly dyed a layer of water, which made them look even more attractive.

Song Wen coughed lightly to hide his embarrassment and said, "Do you expect Bureau Gu and the old pedants who are reviewing to understand this? Simply record what's related to this case, and don't make extraneous issues."

There are many things in it that can't be described in detail, and it can't be seen in detail. If any good thing reports this case to the media, adding some eye-catching words such as homosexuality being dismembered, it will cause a lot of trouble.

Some things, even if they are known and sitting in their position, cannot be changed, and only relatively objective facts can be recorded.

Lu Siyu hummed and seemed to understand, stretched out a finger and pressed the delete key, deleted a few detailed explanations, and then deleted it forward, and a piece of paper became clean.

"Alas! The rest were well written, why did they delete them?" Song Wen felt distressed about the half-page minutes of the meeting.

But Lu Siyu didn't care at all: "It's okay, I'll sort out my thoughts again, so that the writing is more coherent, and I'll give it to you later."