Criminal Investigation Files

Chapter 101


In the live broadcast room of Nancheng Tower, Lu Siyu's voice continued to state the case.

“… After the discovery of Chen Yanqiu’s body, with the deepening of the police investigation, we asked his patients, his doctor, and his sister to learn more about this man. He is cheerful, optimistic and helpful. If such a person did not have a terminal illness, it is hard to imagine that he would become an accomplice in a case. But it is such a person, who was forced by life to embark on the road of top crime. When he discovered the truth of the matter, his first A reaction, like a child who has made a mistake, wants to get people's forgiveness, he hopes to get everything back on track. So, he went to you..." Lu Siyu's voice was cold, because of restraint and forbearance , trembling slightly.

Chen Yanqiu was originally a terminally ill young man, maybe he should have died so silently.

But by accident, he was involved in the car accident case, and on the entire chessboard, he was like a chess piece. But then, the chess piece that was supposed to be taken off the chessboard was revived through the corpse of others, causing the whole chess game to change.

"... After the car accident, Chen Yanqiu found you. At first you were angry. You were unwilling to accept his apology, thinking that he was in the same group as the person who killed your wife. But later, you found out that he was terminally ill and also After learning more about the truth about the car accident, you developed a subtle feeling towards him, maybe it was sympathy, maybe it was mixed with something, at this time, Chen Yanqiu made a suggestion to you. He is willing to help you find out who is The real murderer behind the scenes…”

Lu Siyu said the last few words and deliberately slowed down his speech rate. In this part, there are some inferences from him. He observed Zhang Congyun's reaction to respond to what he was thinking. Zhang Congyun's eyebrows slightly blinked, no refute.

This shows that his conjecture is correct.

At this time, in a room a few hundred meters away from the Nancheng Tower, Song Wen observed the situation in the live broadcast room through a telescope.

Lu Siyu is talking to Zhang Congyun now, he is sitting facing the glass window, Zhang Congyun is standing not far from him, and Huo Shaoqing is limp by the side.

Obviously, Lu Siyu temporarily stabilized Zhang Congyun...

"The sniper is already in place, we can act at any time." Zhang Guodong and Song Wen discussed, "However, I still have the opinion just now, at this distance, the sniper cannot be guaranteed to kill 100% of the time, but it can be more than 50%. grasp."

Song Wen's palms were sweating, and he said, "Wait a minute..."

It was not easy to make this choice, and it was equally difficult to order a shot. At this time, Song Wen felt that his heart was in his chest, as if being repeatedly twisted by a knife. The people he cared about so much were in deep danger at this time. He wishes he could replace him, or at least be by his side...

"Waiting any longer is also very risky. Your colleague... can you convince the old man?" Zhang Guodong also got a general idea of the case on the way he came.

"It's his words, I'm willing to take a gamble." Song Wen said, he looked at Lu Siyu through the binoculars, the distance was too far to see his expression.

Song Wen also hopes that this game can be resolved quickly, rather than suffering.

At this moment, in the telescope, the man seemed to be inadvertently making movements on his hands, his hands clasped his arms, and then the palm of his right hand pressed down as he spoke.

Song Wen thought for a moment that he had read it wrong, until Lu Siyu did the action again clearly.

Stand by...

That was the message Lu Siyu sent him.

It was a code he could understand.

"...So, as a family member of the victim, and as a top offender, you came together for a common purpose. You know Zhao Youlan's daily cleaning route, Chen Yanqiu drove that car, and you know the route, you pieced together The real place of the incident happened. Chen Yanqiu also knew some information about the people who contacted him. You checked along the way, went to each bar to inquire, pieced together the information, and gradually discovered the real culprit of the incident... "

Lu Siyu continued his reasoning, and pointed to Huo Shaoqing beside him, "You gradually started to target Huo Shaoqing. On the one hand, you approached Zhao Liu'er from the live broadcast room, and kept rewarding her room and going overboard. Huo Shaoqing and her movements, on the other hand, you start to observe the movements of the Huo family."

If they reasoned like this, they may have used the stolen money contributed by Chen Yanqiu and the compensation from Zhang Congyun's wife.

"When Zhao Youlan just died, you were lonely and helpless, revenge, murder, these dangerous thoughts, you can't share with your relatives and friends, these crazy things can only be carried on your shoulders, at this time, Chen Yanqiu He appeared, his age was like your son, but he was seriously ill. You gradually sympathized with him and let go of your guard. So during that time, your relationship with Chen Yanqiu was very close. Allies."

The two people at that time were in line with the gang committing crimes, and their companions undoubtedly brought Zhang Congyun a sense of security and belonging.

Lu Siyu coughed again, forcing his brain to analyze. Many details found in the previous case have now been linked together one by one, and his thinking has gradually become clear: "The change of the matter should have happened around the New Year's Eve, You went back to your hometown for the New Year, Chen Yanqiu disappeared, Huo Shaoqing suddenly went abroad, and your plan had to be terminated."

He tried to analyze it from Zhang Congyun's point of view. At that time, Zhang Congyun was undoubtedly angry and crazy, and he regarded everything as Chen Yanqiu's betrayal. The secondary injury caused by this forced him to make such an extreme move today.

Lu Siyu took a breath and pointed out the key point of the problem: "You hate Chen Yanqiu because you think he deceived you and screwed up your plan. You are not satisfied with just revenge on Huo Shaoqing. More attention and attention, not even caring about hurting other people."

Zhang Congyun raised his head and looked at Lu Siyu. The young man in front of him had pale skin and dark eyes. When he first met, he only thought that this person was a police trainee in charge of recording, but at this time, he learned from Lu Siyu. felt a pressure on him. The words he said were like sharp arrows, which shot into his heart again and again, penetrating his mind, and the scabbed wound was torn open and red blood flowed out.

"Isn't it? I shouldn't believe him. If he can commit crimes for money, he can betray me for money." Zhang Congyun said in a deep voice.

After Chen Yanqiu disappeared, he knew that he had been sold. Chen Yanqiu must have sold the information to the Huo family, so Huo Shaoqing would hide. And when he took the money, he was naturally able to go to see a doctor and go far. He didn't know why Chen Yanqiu died later, maybe the Huo family wanted to kill him, or maybe it was because someone saw money.

Zhang Congyun rubbed the calluses on his hands, he was a killer betrayed by his accomplices. He is not young anymore, this change made him spend a lot of effort to adjust himself and get up, he made a new plan and continued to maintain a relationship with Zhao Liuer, his temperament changed greatly, spent a lot of time alone, made Unbelievable behavior in the eyes of the daughter.

When the police came to the door, his uncooperative attitude was precisely because he was afraid that the police would know something, and his plans would be abandoned halfway.

"But what if I tell you that there is a secret?" Lu Siyu shook his head and said this slowly, he just figured out the truth, "Maybe Chen Yanqiu didn't betray you, he is not missing, just dead already."

"Impossible! He broke his promise! He lied to me! He escaped, and he never came back!" Zhang Congyun suddenly became excited, "He promised me to avenge my wife together!"

Lu Siyu didn't argue with him, but turned to look at Huo Shaoqing who was staying by the side: "At that time, your family sent you abroad, not because they heard that the family members of the car accident were planning to take revenge, but because of something else?"

"I, I..." Huo Shaoqing stammered when he was asked.

"You still have a chance to tell the truth now." Lu Siyu asked, and he hoped that Huo Shaoqing would understand what he meant. If he admits it now, he may be able to survive today and wait for the trial, if he still hides something. , he may be going to hell with this secret.

"I..." Huo Shaoqing's eyes began to dodge under Lu Siyu's questioning, and then he trembled, "At that time...something happened."

"At that time, before the new year, Chen Yanqiu, that young man, was killed by you, right?" Lu Siyu expressed his inference, "That's why you hid abroad."

Huo Chen originally thought that the car accident was over, but Huo Shaoqing suddenly killed someone again, so he hurriedly sent Huo Shaoqing out of the country.

Hearing Lu Siyu's analysis, Zhang Congyun was stunned, but Huo Shaoqing's mouth twitched obviously, and he lowered his head guiltily.

The live broadcast room suddenly became quiet, and only Lu Siyu's voice remained, "At first I didn't understand why I chose to abandon the corpse in a chemical factory, until I found out that Huo Chen partnered with others to open a factory in his early years. This time, He thinks he can handle it completely. With no clothes, no murder weapon, or even the identity of the dead person, he thinks it is impossible for the police to find the murderer.”

Throwing the corpse is to cast doubts, maybe because Huo Chen loves his son, he did it. Huo Chen felt that the abandoned factory was desolate enough, and the industrial salt could cover up the features of the corpse, making it unrecognizable.

But he forgot that the French Open was extensive and sparse but not missed.

After analyzing this, Huo Shaoqing slumped down, there was a voice in his heart, it's over, it's over, the police have already found this place, they know everything...

"Is what he said true?!" Zhang Congyun stared fiercely at Huo Shaoqing and approached step by step.

Huo Shaoqing said intermittently: "That person... is a lunatic... I... I had an apartment of my own for the convenience of picking up girls. I don't know how he found it, and how he got into the community, while I was entering the door. He suddenly held me hostage. After entering the house, he said that he had the evidence of my previous car accident and asked me to go to court with him. I thought he was crazy and told him not to dream. He said he was Won't give up unless I kill him. . . . I'm in self-defense, yes... justifiable..."

Lu Siyu said to Huo Chen, "The young man knew that he was about to die, and he also knew that he might not be able to persuade you to surrender. He did it on purpose. Moths flew into the fire, and he was not ready to come back alive."

Zhang Congyun continued to ask Huo Chen, "So, you really killed him?"

Huo Shaoqing stuttered again: "Yes... He deliberately angered me... The knife was brought by himself. At that time... I thought it was about to fight, but he rushed over with the knife... Later, I scuffled with him. Together, the knife fell to the ground. But he suddenly stopped, and I picked up the knife... accidentally stabbed him..."

"Don't look for these ridiculous reasons. There were only the two of you at the time. Why should I believe your one-sided words?!" Zhang Congyun suddenly laughed, like crazy, "Okay, very good, two lives, like this , I can avenge my revenge today!"

He finally understood why Chen Yanqiu disappeared for no reason, and the knot entangled in his heart suddenly opened. It turned out that he had not been betrayed.

"Wait..." Lu Siyu coughed to stop Zhang Congyun, his stomach hurt to the extreme, and his face was so pale that he couldn't speak.

"Don't such people deserve to die?" Zhang Congyun pointed at Huo Shaoqing with the remote control, his face fierce, and then he glanced at Lu Siyu again, "Perhaps, you are afraid of death and hope I will let you go? Also... you Just a trainee police officer, I would like to thank you for telling me this. In return, I can give you three minutes to detonate after you go downstairs!"

"He deserves to die, but what he said should also be true. When we found Chen Yanqiu's body, we were always puzzled." Lu Siyu said, "The body was smiling."

Hearing this sentence, Zhang Congyun was stunned again.

"Chen Yanqiu didn't want to kill Huo Shaoqing, but decided to let Huo Shaoqing kill him." Lu Siyu took a deep breath, "Don't you understand? Chen Yanqiu didn't betray you. At that time, the plan was Halfway through, he changed his mind. Based on the evidence left behind, what I can confirm is that before he died, he made the arrangements, packed all his things, said goodbye to his sister, and calmly left the hotel."

"Chen Yanqiu went to die on purpose! The reason is to let you live innocently, so that you don't become a criminal..." Lu Siyu continued, "Because in Chen Yanqiu's logic, Huo Shaoqing must accept the law. Sanctions, even if you can't be sanctioned for your lover's traffic accident, let him be sanctioned for killing him."

Lu Siyu's lips trembled, "It's just that his body was buried, making the truth come a lot later."

It was a moth to the fire, but it was the best way Chen Yanqiu could think of. He didn't want Zhang Congyun to become a murderer.

At this time, Zhang Congyun understood the meaning of Lu Siyu, and he seemed to remember the young man again, who was obviously terminally ill, but was always smiling.

At that time, Chen Yanqiu found him and said that he was willing to use everything to make up for his fault. He didn't believe it at that time until he gave him all the money... The weight on the balance is not enough to balance, then, just Add another life.

Zhang Congyun blinked, his eyes were warm, and there was a kind of sourness gushing out, he was moved for a moment, but killing Huo Shaoqing had already become an obsession in his heart, how could it be so easy to give up

Zhang Congyun looked at Lu Siyu: "Thank you for telling me this, but you asked me to let him go now? That's impossible! You said it easily, you won't understand my pain at all!"

Lu Siyu has analyzed all the facts that can be analyzed just now, but he also clearly understands in his heart that he still can't stop Zhang Congyun. At this time, his mind was chaotic and his stomach was aching. He had come to this point. He could only dissect himself, like a sacrifice on the altar...

"In the past six months, you wanted to kill him every moment, wanted to drink his blood, and eat his flesh." Lu Siyu lowered his head, "I can understand this feeling, I also have enemies, When I was a child, my biological parents were killed. I also hate those who killed them. I used to cut those people out in my dreams, but once in reality, I can understand that It's illegal and criminal, and it's a bad thing. While I have bloodthirsty urges, I'm playing a game with myself... "

If Lu Siyu and Zhang Congyun still had some skills in the previous dialogue, he was inducing the robber and deliberately deflected some directions when narrating, then what he is saying now is completely messy, and it is all up to him. instinct.

"... I chose the profession of a police officer, or in other words, I am a police officer in the eyes of others. The addition of these two words makes me feel completely different. Just when I climbed this tower and decided to face your At that time, I knew what I was thinking... I... hope to save people... "

Those are the words that have never been said in front of people, and the secrets that have never been shared with others. At this time, Lu Siyu said it. For the first time, he wanted to prevent the tragedy from happening. He tried his best to stop all this, no Because he wanted to survive, but he wanted to hold a phantom standing on the cliff, that phantom, it seemed to be Zhang Congyun, and it seemed to be himself.

He was destined to face those evils, just like now, Zhang Congyun, who is holding the remote control, can make everything disappear with just a touch of his finger.

"Today, if you put your hand down, not only the three of us will die. The destruction of the South City Tower will cause a chain reaction and cause life to be devastated. I think he is very damned, but such a person is not worth losing your life. , it is not worth so many people to be buried for him."

"I know... Sometimes we find that there are people in the public security system, and it's hard for us to tell whether what we see is a fact or an illusion. We feel... that there is no justice, and we don't know who to trust."

"... There is darkness in this world, and there are many of them. Sometimes, you will feel that this world is hopeless, that you will be swallowed up by darkness, and you will not be able to hold on. But at this time, you may turn around and find that some There is light on people's bodies, and although it is weak enough to dispel the darkness, they are still fighting..." Every word spat out of his mouth, as if stained with blood in his heart.

"I firmly believe in one thing, there are 6.5 billion people on this earth, and among them, there must be more good people than bad people. Many ordinary people, no matter how hard they work, will live seriously. They are trying their best to live, so What right do we have to trample the lives of innocent people?"

Lu Siyu continued, "In this world, it's enough to have a wrongly killed Zhao Youlan. You and Chen Yanqiu have already helped her complete a perfect revenge, and those bad guys will be punished. If you still insist on doing it now. , and let down Chen Yanqiu's death."

"I hope you don't let Chen Yanqiu's sacrifice make his death meaningless, and don't hurt more innocent people..."

"You can be my father at your age." Lu Siyu said softly, "I think the former Chen Yanqiu also treated you as a father. Your daughter and Niuniu are still waiting for you to go back..."

Zhang Congyun was silent, as if he suddenly woke up from a nightmare.

Do you really want to give up? You have come this far, do you still want to give up

Or, can he still give up

Zhang Congyun took a few steps forward and walked to the background window of the live broadcast. It was a large floor-to-ceiling window. He looked out through the glass. The Nancheng Tower he was in was a symbol of the city. Standing here, he could see To a blue sky, the blue sky and white clouds seem to be under your feet.

This is a place that Zhao Youlan has never boarded in her life.

"You lied to me about the press conference, right?" Zhang Congyun said suddenly. He turned his head to look at Lu Siyu, "I'm afraid you police officers have already prepared for sniping or something."

At that moment, Lu Siyu's heart was beating rapidly, as if he was about to spit it out of his mouth.

He knew that Zhang Congyun should be in the most suitable position for sniping now. The sniper should have been prepared long ago. With just one bullet, the old man in front of him would die with a headshot.

But now, in Zhang Congyun's body, he can no longer feel the killing intent.

He bit his lip and tapped his elbow again.

Stand by...

If the person on the other side finds out that he is sending a message, if the person on the other side is Song Wen...

Zhang Congyun stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, his face was gray, and he muttered as if he wanted to die: "So, it looks like this from the tower."

Since the construction of the first Tower of Babel, people have been building various towers. Whether it is ancient or modern, Chinese and foreign, people have a soft spot for this kind of impractical building, and they always want to stand on a high place. It seems that this is the only way to conquer the world.

Zhang Congyun stood there dumbfounded for more than ten seconds, as if he had turned into a statue, and then he sighed, as if he was ten years older in an instant, then he turned his back and turned his back to the light, but his Those eyes had already firmly engraved everything in their minds that they had just seen.

There used to be the sun in the sky, but it was occasionally blocked by dark clouds. Those gentle lights were always there, but he didn't see it.

He turned around and took a few steps, and handed Lu Siyu the remote control in his hand.

Crisis lifted.

Looking at Zhang Congyun, Lu Siyu suddenly recalled his father, that was the first time he climbed the tower, his father waving his hands proudly and beaming, "This tower was invested and built by my father. Look, tall, isn't it spectacular? It's beautiful? Here, Dad's gift to the city."

For a moment, Lu Siyu could no longer hold back his tears, and those beautiful eyes were covered with tears...

Outside the Nancheng Tower finally received the news from Lu Siyu, and the preparations under the tower have been completed. The media, who had been blocked outside the security line, were noisy, flashing lights flashed, and a reporter shouted: "Someone came out of the tower."

Several special police officers escorted the people out of the tower. Zhang Congyun and Huo Shaoqing walked in front. Huo Shaoqing was still cuffing the black box by his wrist. EOD personnel stepped forward long ago, separated the crowd, and quickly dealt with the flaming bomb in his hand, separating the deadly box from his wrist...

Zhang Congyun's hands were handcuffed, his head bowed, and he was escorted into a police car. The flash of the media camera captured the moment.

"Lu Siyu!" Song Wen called out, ran a few steps, and supported a figure who finally walked out of the building.

Lu Siyu's body collapsed in Song Wen's arms. He could feel Song Wen's nervousness even with his eyes closed. He grasped so tightly and his hands were so hot. He patted Song Wen's hand to comfort him, and then whispered in his ear: "No It's so serious, I'm not injured, Officer Song, I just have a stomachache, and I'm just really tired..."