Criminal Investigation Files

Chapter 102


After such a thrilling day, it was difficult for everyone to calm down.

Although the process of this incident was a bit turbulent, it was fortunate that the result was quite satisfactory. Lu Siyu rested for a long time in the ambulance at the scene, and finally recovered in the afternoon.

After a busy day, the group finally returned to the police station.

Zhang Congyun, Huo Shaoqing, and Liu Fang all had murder cases in their bodies, and were directly detained for trial.

Song Wen assigned Fu Linjiang to take Zhu Xiao to ask for the confession. The relevant information of the previous case was almost understood. Now, strike while the iron is hot, record the confession directly, and sign it.

Lu Siyu sat on the seat, drinking hot water and recuperating.

Song Wen still remembered Huo Chen's trial, and turned to ask Lao Jia, "Has Huo Chen's confession been recorded?"

"All confessed, including how to get Chen Yanqiu's body to the chemical factory. As for the car accident top bag, he provided an account, but that account belonged to a foreign bank. The money was quickly transferred to country Y."

"Let the technical investigator follow slowly." Song Wen knew that once this step was reached, the situation would be complicated and the identity of the other party would be difficult to track down. He has always been a little curious, what kind of person is the Yu Niangniang that Zhuozhuo mentioned before.

"By the way, Team Song, just now... something happened." Lao Jia said.

Song Wen frowned: "What's the situation?"

"It's not our side, it's over there..." Old Jia pointed in a low voice in the direction of the small conference room, "Just now, Bureau Gu was called away to inquire about the situation, and then a lawyer surnamed He came over... This man You know, the lawyer He who only recognizes money but not affairs. He said that there is insufficient evidence to detain Xu team, and asked the city bureau to release Gu Zhibai. "

"And then?" Song Wen asked, with a bad premonition.

"Then, only Deputy Director Zhang was there, and then..." Lao Jia said here. There was a sound of footsteps outside. Someone walked from the corridor to the door of the police station. It was lawyer He who was leading Gu Zhibai out.

Lu Siyu also heard their conversation. He raised his head and looked outside. Whether it was intentional or not, Gu Zhibai looked in this direction as he walked past the office. He was dressed in a suit and looked polite, like a guest at a meeting.

For a moment, their eyes met, and Gu Zhibai showed a smile and moved his fingers in their direction.

It was like a greeting between acquaintances.

The police suspect walked out of the police station with such a swagger, being watched by everyone.

I just heard that the door on the side of the small conference room was suddenly slammed, and then Xu Changying came out of the conference room with an ashen face, and went directly to kill the deputy director's office.

Old Jia Yi Nuzui said, "What is the final result, can you see it?"

There are inevitably pig teammates in every team, and Deputy Zhang is the one who bears the brunt of the Nancheng Bureau.

This Deputy Bureau Zhang is the second in command under Bureau Gu. He is a little older than Bureau Gu. He usually doesn't manage the criminal part very much. He is an old and slick master.

Maybe what happened in the middle of it, whether Deputy Director Zhang really didn't stop it, or fake it didn't stop it. In short, now, Gu Zhibai, who was finally caught, has been released like this.

It seems that Xu Changying did not read the almanac when he came to Nancheng this time.

Before Song Wen said anything, Lu Siyu turned around, his eyes were dark, and there was a coldness in his eyes.

Song Wen seemed to understand what he was thinking, and put his hand on Lu Siyu's shoulder to comfort him: "If you can run, the monk can't run away from the temple."

With his hands pressed like this, Lu Siyu's shoulders were a little thin, and he showed a bit of coldness.

Lu Siyu lowered his head and remained silent for a while. He had a bad premonition in his heart that the timing was too coincidental.

If Xu Changying allowed Gu Zhibai to escape this time, and he wanted to catch the opponent's tail, I don't know how long it would take.

Originally, everyone was still immersed in the excitement of solving the explosion, and when they heard the news, it was as if a basin of cold water had been poured over their heads.

Fu Linjiang had just finished the interrogation. Seeing everyone's mood was suddenly down, he couldn't help saying: "Why are everyone so embarrassed? In order to celebrate that the case in our hands has been solved, and to celebrate that there was no big trouble today , I'll treat you in the evening, and everyone will go to eat hot pot. It's been a long time since we've been together, so we have to build a team again."

So when it was time to get off work, everyone happily chose the restaurant, and everyone killed them together. That sentence is indeed the truth. There is nothing that a hot pot can't solve. If it doesn't work, then two meals.

When eating hot pot, everyone's mood relaxed.

Lu Siyu was half the protagonist today, so embarrassed to dodge, he followed. He doesn't eat much, and has been drinking a drink made by the hotel there. I don't know what the drink is made of. It's sweet, warm and delicious.

He finished two glasses and wanted to add more. Song Wen put it in his ear and said, "Don't drink it. This thing is made of rice wine. It has a lot of stamina. Be careful, your stomach hurts."

Lu Siyu said "ah", he didn't taste the wine at all, and when Song Wen said it, he quickly put down the glass.

When it was about to end, Lao Jia asked Lu Siyu: "Oh, great hero, can you tell us today's story?"

Lu Siyu was a little embarrassed, he didn't want to recall that bad morning, the feeling of cutting himself apart was too painful, he lowered his head and said, "I didn't actually do anything, just persuaded Zhang Congyun, and in the end it was himself. gave up."

Fu Linjiang only thought he was modest: "Oh, don't be so low-key."

Zhu Xiao also said: "It's amazing to have the courage to face it. If it were me, I wouldn't dare to climb up, my legs would be soft." Then he added, "You don't know, the Song team knew about it at that time. , that face changed instantly."

When everyone said this, they began to gossip, saying that Song Team was heroic and decisive when dismantling the bomb today, and that Lu Siyu was secretive and lived up to the public's expectations. If this story was told wonderfully, maybe it could do something. Typical, commended, etc.

Lu Siyu shook his head, those things were the things he didn't care about the most.

Song Wen blocked him with a glass of wine: "Alas, drink and drink, and tell the story later."

This topic has just passed, and everyone is full of food and drink, and everyone goes back to their own homes. After the hustle and bustle, everything has fallen into peace.

The hotel was not far from where they lived. Lu Siyu and Song Wen walked all the way back. The sky was a little overcast, and the clouds slowly blocked the moon, making the flashing neon lights hazy.

Summer is coming to an end, and there is a hint of autumn in the air.

Song Wen was a little relieved. Another case was solved, and it was such a thrilling case.

Today, he and Lu Siyu both walked around outside the gate of hell. As long as there is a mistake in any link, it will not be as easy as this moment.

Lu Siyu was walking when he suddenly stretched out his hand and pulled Song Wen. His eyes were lowered, his ears were red, and his face was a little red.

Song Wen asked, "Did you drink a little too much today?"

Lu Siyu shook his head: "I didn't drink much, only two drinks in total, I just don't drink often."

Song Wendao: "Then you try to walk in a straight line?"

Lu Siyu also became naive, climbed on the side of Malu Yazi, walked forward in a straight line, and then looked back at Song Wen: "Look, I'll say I didn't drink too much."

Song Wen sighed, with a little sympathy in his eyes, and stretched out his hand to rub his hair: "Let's go as soon as you go, so obedient, you probably really drank too much."

Lu Siyu was stunned for a moment, not knowing how to refute. Because of his bad stomach, this was the first time he drank so much rice wine outside, and he felt a little dizzy.

Song Wen asked, "Don't you drink often

Lu Siyu said: "Well, only on important occasions, or when meeting important people, will you drink a little."

Song Wen suddenly remembered that when he went to Lu Siyu's house for the first time, Lu Siyu brought him red wine.

So, is he an important person

The two were silent for a while, and continued to walk forward side by side in silence.

Song Wen whispered: "You... what you did today is too dangerous, you have to die heroically when Zhang Congyun's finger trembles."

Lu Siyu was silenced by him. After a while, he whispered, "I thought at the time, what would you do if you knew about Team Song..." He paused and looked up at Song Wen, his eyes not like before. Generally indifferent, "I think if it were you, you would definitely go all out to stop him."

Song Wen looked at him, not knowing what to say for a while.

I don't know when it started to rain in the sky, the rain is not big, like drizzle.

Song Wen brought an umbrella, and he opened the straight umbrella in his hand, which was enough for two people to stand under it.

There was a distance of two fists between Lu Siyu and him. Seeing that Lu Siyu didn't mean to lean over, Song Wen turned the umbrella towards him and let the rain wet his shoulders.

After a while of silence, Song Wen said, "Do you still have something to tell me? If you want to say it, just say it."

"Captain Song... I..." Lu Siyu hesitated for a while, realizing what Song Wen was talking about. Both of them were smart people, so he didn't hide any more, "Captain Xu asked me about the past..."

"Well, how are you thinking about it?"

"...If I want to go, I will at least wait until the report of this case is finished before leaving." Lu Siyu said carefully, feeling as if he owed Song Wen.

"If you want to go, go." Song Wen didn't force him to keep him this time, and he didn't even show excitement in Gu Bureau's office last time, his voice was quite calm.

Lu Siyu was stunned and frowned slightly, wondering why Song Wen suddenly didn't care so much. If Song Wen kept him, he would feel more comfortable. Now listening to Song Wen's words, for some reason, this attitude makes him a little sad...

The raindrops fell on the umbrella and rustled. Lu Siyu thought about it and asked, "Captain Song, I want to ask your opinion."

"What do you mean by asking my opinion?" Song Wen held up an umbrella and pretended not to understand.

"That's right, that's it..." Lu Siyu was a little speechless for a while, and he gathered up his courage to say, "If you really want me to stay, I can stay here..." He handed over the choice to Song Wen.

Song Wen suddenly stopped and turned around to look at Lu Siyu. Lu Siyu's eyes were as beautiful as usual, like a starry sky with water. Song Wen is an excellent painter. He has painted all kinds of faces with his brushes, depicting those facial features, eyebrows and eyes with each stroke, but he often feels that the painters are just skins and bones, and he can't see through them at all. people's hearts. Just like at this moment, he was standing opposite Lu Siyu, but he felt that there was a long distance.

He couldn't help but want to get closer.

Just before Lu Siyu could react, Song Wen suddenly opened his arms and hugged him, the umbrella was slanted to the side, it was a solid hug, Lu Siyu was suddenly surrounded by Song Wen's breath . He was originally extremely repulsive to contact with others. But now, he was so hugged by Song Wen, maybe it was the effect of alcohol that made his heart beat faster.

"Don't go."

There are only three words, and the tone is calm, but it cannot be refuted.

It turned out that he was still very concerned, and Lu Siyu felt a warm feeling in his heart.

He suddenly thought that when he was investigating this case, he stayed in that small hotel and brought himself into Chen Yanqiu's feeling. Birth, old age, illness and death are hurdles that everyone must overcome. If he is the one who has a terminal illness, he is the only one who lives alone. What kind of loneliness and hopelessness would it be in a dilapidated inn

People, while being selfish, want to die in front of their relatives, so that when they die, someone will accompany them, not alone. But on the other hand, I hope that I will die after everyone else, even if the people I know leave first, I can live a hundred years and live forever. These are two contradictory emotions, both rooted in fear, the fear of facing death alone.

When he got down from the Nancheng Tower, Lu Siyu almost lost his strength and fell into Song Wen's arms. At that time, Song Wen was terrified, but he was very calm. Surrounding him was a feeling of safety, free from life and death , returned to the world.

Lu Siyu finally knew why he was hesitant about Xu Changying's conditions, because he seemed to have discovered some more important things in life, important emotions, such as the people who could bring him warmth in front of him, like family...

Lu Siyu's handsome eyebrows twitched, and he said softly, "Okay, then I'm not leaving."

After spitting out these words, he suddenly relaxed.

But Song Wen still hugged him, without any intention of letting go.

It's just past the evening rush hour, on the bustling street, in the dripping autumn rain, it's still a bit immoral for two men to hug each other like this.

Lu Siyu patted Song Wen's back: "Alright, alright, Officer Song, why are you acting like a child..."

Song Wen then let him go.

At this time, Lu Siyu felt that the effect of alcohol was a little overpowering, and his stomach was not very comfortable. It seemed that it was just a while, the whole world was spinning, and he almost stepped on the air when he stepped forward.

"You also said that you didn't drink too much..." Song Wen saw that the end of his eyes was red, and turned around and handed him the umbrella in his hand: "Take it!"

Lu Siyu took the umbrella in a daze, and Song Wen lowered his body in front of him. Lu Siyu hesitated for a while, but still lay on Song Wen's back obediently.

This is not the first time Song Wen has carried him on his back. At this time, he feels that Lu Siyu seems to be lighter than last time. He can feel that Lu Siyu's lips are not far from his neck, which makes him a little itchy. The person on the back seemed to be quite comfortable, and even the umbrella began to sway crookedly.

"I got the news. After this time, the traffic bureau and the sub-bureaus have started to check the cases in the past five years to check whether there are any mistakes or omissions. They are also investigating whether there are insiders leaking information." Song Wen said, this is also considered a good news.

Lu Siyu made a "hmm".

Song Wen took a look. He didn't reach the community until about 200 meters ahead. He deliberately bumped him and said, "Don't sleep, be careful if you fall asleep and catch a cold."

The person on the back made another "um" sound, turned his head in a direction, and lay on his back again...