Criminal Investigation Files

Chapter 103


The Christmas car accident top bag case has finally come to an end. After all the criminals have been transferred, all the materials have been prepared.

The work of finishing the case is over, and the Mid-Autumn Festival is approaching in a blink of an eye. All departments of the police force have begun to hurry up to carry out daily training in order to cope with the assessment at the end of the year.

In the firearms training room of the Nancheng Bureau, several police officers were practicing shooting, and gunshots were heard from time to time.

This training room has just been expanded. It is located at the rear of the city bureau. It is divided into multiple rooms, with various fitness facilities, as well as a fighting ring and a firearms training room.

The annual police assessment of the city bureau, as well as the police training of each branch, are here.

This firearms training room is over a thousand square meters in size. At this time, Song Wen and Lu Siyuhe were standing at one end of the 25-meter target.

This afternoon, Song Wen specially brought Lu Siyu over, euphemistically calling it individual counseling. Now all kinds of common sense explanations have been completed, and it has reached the stage of actual combat.

"... The gun inspection, loading, aiming, and shooting must be done in one go. Good marksmanship is fed by bullets, so we need to practice more. Our year-end assessment must reach a total score of 60 in order to reach the standard." Song Wen said and pointed. Lowering Lu Siyu's elbow, "Raise it a little higher here, the muscles should be tight, especially pay attention to the strength of the waist, so that the body can form a memory."

Lu Siyu wears shock-proof and noise-cancelling earmuffs dedicated to the shooting range on his head and goggles on his eyes. After he aimed, he pulled the trigger.

There was a bang, and the bullet flew out, and the recoil shook his shoulders slightly.

"It's been a few months since your internship period. I'm considering whether to apply to Bureau Gu and equip you with guns in advance, but for now, I'd better practice the marksmanship first." Song Wen said and pressed the button, the target. The station shows the score, and a red electronic digital score appears, with 8 rings.

"Yo, this is the result of the first shot. It's not bad." This score exceeded Song Wen's expectations.

Lu Siyu said modestly: "I studied a little at the police academy before, and there were still exams at that time, but I didn't have many opportunities to practice, and I haven't played for a long time." After speaking, he looked down at the gun in his hand. There was no chance to hold the gun, and the gun had to get used to it for a while, otherwise his grades would have been better.

Song Wen was aroused by his understated reply, and he also took the noise-cancelling earplugs and put them on: "Occasionally shooting a good shot is not a skill, it still depends on the average score, I haven't practiced for a long time. , let's compare ten."

"Okay." Lu Siyu agreed immediately.

Song Wen stood in front of the target platform next to him, skillfully putting bullets on the ground.

The two target stands showed that they were ready, and both people started to pull the trigger to shoot. For a while, the gunshots in the shooting range did not stop.

Ten rounds of bullets were quickly fired, the target platform was quiet for a moment, and then the results were displayed, Song Wen was 83, and Lu Siyu was 78. The difference between the two is 5 rings.

Song Wen was a little surprised. In last year's end-of-year assessment, he played a little better than now. The 87th ring is the first in the overall situation, and Lu Siyu's performance is enough to rank in the top three.

Moreover, Song Wen has been armed with guns for so long, and the practice time is several times that of Lu Siyu. That is to say, if Lu Siyu practices again, who will lose and who will win

Song Wen has always defeated the overall invincible in shooting, but he didn't expect that there was a hidden sharpshooter beside him, and he was eager to win: "Criminals can't stand still, do you dare to compare with moving targets?"

The moving target in the shooting training room of the Municipal Bureau is a human-shaped target, which will appear randomly from all directions. The reaction time for the shooter is only about 2 seconds each time. During this time, he must respond and aim to shoot.

This is the most difficult year-end assessment item for Nancheng Bureau. It is used for extra points. Even old police officers often miss the target. The business of Lao Jia is a bit sparse, and only three or four shots out of ten shots, and they are not more than five rings.

Song Wen has always been quick-witted, but he has achieved good results when others dare not challenge him, often hitting about 8 rounds from 10 rounds. This is already a very good result.

Lu Siyu pointed his chin a little and said, "Okay."

So the two went to the moving target platform again, Song Wen first introduced the rules and methods to Lu Siyu, and then he shot to Lu Siyu as an example, and Lu Siyu stood by and watched him shoot.

Song Wen was ready and pressed the start button, only to see the humanoid board pop up from the left, Song Wen quickly reacted and pulled the trigger, and then the top...

Bang bang bang, bullets fired continuously. Once, just after shooting the target from the left, the right suddenly came out. Song Wen missed the target for the first time. He sighed and shook his head, not satisfied with his reaction.

The target stopped for a while, Song Wen did not dare to relax, he held his breath, and after a few seconds of pause, the humanoid board emerged from below, Song Wen slammed a shot, hit, the target did not retract, and the back continued to rise Three overlapping target platforms…

Song Wen fired three shots in a row, and the last shot missed the target.

Finally, after ten shots, the score came out, a total of 67 rounds and two misses. This score is very abnormal for this kind of moving target.

Song Wen sweated lightly on his forehead, gave up his seat and said to Lu Siyu, "It's your turn."

Lu Siyu hummed and walked to the front, his eyes burning like torches.

Song Wen stood by and looked at him. Today Lu Siyu was wearing a white shirt and a pair of black trousers. Now he has added a bulletproof vest, noise-cancelling earplugs and goggles. Such simple clothes make his legs long and waist. Fine, Sven abstinence.

The target platform appeared soon, Lu Siyu's face was calm, Junxiu's face was deserted, he shot one shot at a time, and the shot was very steady, the first two shots missed the target, and after getting used to it, the results were getting better and better. One shot exploded 9 rings.

After ten shots, the score was scored, a total of 60 rings, and one missed target.

Song Wen looked at this result and praised: "I played very well, and only missed the target once. And it was the first time I played. This result is very good."

Lu Siyu said: "Your target position just now was more difficult than mine this time, and my number of rings was lower, so I lost..."

Song Wendao: "This moving target platform is a simulation of actual combat, which means that in reality, I missed my opponent once, and you hit it. It's bad, it may be life and death."

Lu Siyu blinked and said: "But your high number of rings means high accuracy. Maybe my enemy can fight back, but your enemy is dead."

Song Wen laughed when he said, "Okay, okay, it's a tie."

He was very playful today, thinking about going through all the end-of-year projects for Lu Siyu, and then pointed to the fighting table in the opposite training room, "Fight, dare to play?"

Song Wen regretted saying it. He knew that Lu Siyu's health was not very good recently, so saying that was a bit bullying.

Unexpectedly, Lu Siyu nodded and agreed: "Okay."

The two took off their equipment, changed their clothes, and put on protection, and went to the fighting ring. Lu Siyu made a move first, but Song Wen didn't show any humility. He stretched out his hand to block, and gave a counterattack. The two of you came and went for a while, and after a dozen moves, they started to pant a little.

Lu Siyu's body is flexible, his moves are light, and Song Wen's strength is dominant. But Song Wen was still a little impressed by Lu Siyu's skills. Although he has seen Lu Siyu's shots several times, watching the game from the sidelines is still far worse than playing in person.

In a blink of an eye, after a few more moves, the two were basically evenly matched. Lu Siyu took a chance and punched Song Wen in the face, Song Wen hurriedly flashed his head sideways, and at the same time made a sneak attack with his right hand, hitting Lu Siyu under the ribs.

Lu Siyu was unprepared, Song Wen's hand touched his body.

Song Wen hurriedly pulled back, but it was still a little late. Lu Siyu took a step back, his face changed slightly, and he lowered his head and stretched out his hand to cover the wound.

Song Wen was startled and took a step forward, trying to support him: "Are you alright."

Before he could finish speaking, Lu Siyu stumbled on his calf, and Song Wen lost his balance. Only then did he know that Lu Siyu was deceiving him, and hurriedly grabbed Lu Siyu's arm.

So the two fell on the fighting ring together, the ground was soft, Song Wen turned over and pressed Lu Siyu below: "You black-bellied little fox."

Lu Siyu's eyes flashed a hint of slyness, his slender legs parted, sandwiched between Song Wen's waist, he stretched out his hand to push, and exerted force with both hands, trying to suppress Song Wen: "Song team, soldiers never tire of deceit."

Unexpectedly, Song Wen still had a backhand. He took advantage of Lu Siyu's movements to counteract it in an instant, and stretched out his hand to embrace Lu Siyu's slender waist. The other hand was placed on his throat, crushing him to the death: "How can you be your captain?"

Lu Siyu didn't struggle this time, and lay there panting. In this matter, he really couldn't beat Song Wen. At this time, Lu Siyu's hair was a little messy, and he raised his beautiful eyes to look at Song Wen.

Song Wen also looked down at him. Lu Siyu's skin was like flawless white porcelain. In the blink of an eye, his double eyelids opened slightly, and his small fan-like eyelashes fluttered with distinct roots. His black eyes were slightly deserted and thin. The color of his lips was very light, and with the slight trembling of his breathing, Song Wen couldn't help but want to kiss.

Song Wen remembered that there were other trainers beside him, and his body froze for a while.

"What is Gu Ju looking for you this morning?" Lu Siyu also seemed to feel a little embarrassed. He turned his head and dared not look at Song Wen, so he asked him.

Before lunch in the morning, Song Wen was suddenly called away by Bureau Gu. This conversation went on for a long time, and Lu Siyu was a little curious.

Song Wen's legs just caught Lu Siyu's side waist, and he could feel the waistline under his training suit. The posture of the two was a bit ambiguous. He stood up from Lu Siyu's body, and then stretched out a hand to him Pulled up and said, "It's about the promotion of the captain."

The city bureau's criminal police team has three teams, and the position of the leader of the upper team has always been vacant. Originally, Song Wen's case detection rate was the highest, but his qualifications were still relatively low.

Song Wen has solved several cases in a row recently. In the case of Xinjin, he was successful in dismantling bombs, and it is a bit unreasonable for him not to get promoted, so Bureau Gu talked to Song Wen this time and submitted his promotion approval.

Lu Siyu was pulled up by Song Wen and sat on the edge of the fighting ring: "What about the team?"

Song Wen went to get Lu Siyu's bag, "Old Fu is promoted, the deputy captain is vacant, and two more people are in the team. I and Gu Bureau applied. If I can be the team captain, according to the regulations, one can be assigned. Assistant Police Officer." As he spoke, he took a bottle of mineral water for himself from the side.

Lu Siyu took out the thermos cup from his bag and sipped his head down. Both of them knew very well who the name on Song Wenbao would be.

Just now, Song Wen was hurt by Gu Ju, saying that when Lu Siyu was about to come, he pushed three and four and didn't want it, but now he doesn't let go like a baby. But at the beginning, how could Song Wen have expected today

"Then what," Song Wen took a few sips of water and wiped the corners of his mouth, "Now that I report it, it's not necessarily approved from above... There's no such thing as a word. Gu Bureau won't let me disclose it to others, you help me keep it a secret first. on."

The approval for the promotion of the city bureau detachment leader would logically be placed on Song Cheng's table, and he was not sure what his father's attitude would be at that time.

Lu Siyu nodded and sorted this out. He has always been smart, raised his head and said to Song Wen: "So you asked me to practice guns for..."

Song Wen stood across from Lu Siyu and looked at him: "Three situations, the first, we are all promoted, if you are promoted to assistant police officer, I will directly apply for a gun for you; the second, if I am promoted If you are still in the first team, I don’t trust you, I will leave you a gun; for the third type, there is no approval from the above, and if you keep it as it is, then you will have to practice for a while.”

In fact, the first and third situations are fine. If it is the second situation, Song Wen is ready to negotiate with Song Cheng.

If Lu Siyu doesn't follow him, what's the point of being promoted to a bare commander? Besides, he just finished arguing with Xu Changying, how could he leave Lu Siyu alone in the team

Seeing that Lu Siyu had almost rested, Song Wen said, "Let's go, I've been training for a long time, let's take a shower."

Lu Siyu hummed, put away the water glass, thought about it, and said, "This weekend, I want to go to the supermarket to buy something and make something to eat at night."

In a previous case, the entire police force seemed to be wound up and tense, but now that the case has finally been solved, they can relax.

Song Wen has been waiting for this big meal for a long time. Hearing this sentence is more happy than Gu Ju talking to him about promotion and salary increase. He raised his eyebrows and said, "Okay, I will help you later."