Criminal Investigation Files

Chapter 107


At three in the morning, Wang Xiaopei got off the night bus.

As the bus drove away, everything became quiet.

Standing on the bus stop, Wang Xiaopei looked at the dark streets around him. All that was lit were the station name signs on the bus stop and a few street lights not far away.

The familiar road in the past has suddenly become unfamiliar. She didn't think, just a few hours later, why the city felt completely different, as if it had a different face.

Wang Xiaopei regretted a little, and instead of spending a few hours in the hotel dormitory, he chose to go home. She hesitated for a while, tightened the neckline of her clothes, and walked forward with brisk steps, even starting to run in small steps.

Now that the Mid-autumn Festival is approaching, the dawn is even later. At this time, the sky is still dark, and some hazy starlight can be seen. She can smell the lingering hot pot smell on her body through her collar. The smell seemed to be soaking her body in various spices for a long time. She made up her mind that when she got home, she must not be lazy. She should take a bath, change into pajamas, and then go to bed.

Wang Xiaopei works for a 24-hour hot pot restaurant chain. She just turned 22 this year. She was promoted to foreman at a young age. Today, it is her turn to work night shifts from 10 pm to 8 am the next day. The salary of the hot pot restaurant is not very high, and it is very hard, but she is very happy. As long as she works here, she belongs to this city. After a few years of saving some money and buying a house, maybe she can stay here. .

At 2:30 this morning, the hot pot restaurant suddenly had a power outage, and there was no sign of calling. The manager temporarily decided to let them off work.

After saying goodbye to several local colleagues, Wang Xiaopei went to her residence. She rented a cheap apartment and chose a shared apartment in the suburbs. Suddenly it closed early, and Wang Xiaopei didn't think much about it and took the night bus home.

She works night shifts all the year round, and has long been accustomed to being more active at night than during the day. On the way, she plugged in her headphones and listened to music, and she didn't feel lonely or afraid, but when she got out of the car and walked further and further away, Wang Xiaopei's heart froze. .

On the way, she was suddenly alone.

It was as if she was the only one left in the world.

It was pitch black all around, not even the stars could be seen in the sky, the air seemed to be splashed with thick ink, only the rustling of the wind blowing the leaves and the low chirping of insects could be heard.

Not a single person could be seen on the side of the road, and the usual breakfast stalls in the past had not yet been set up, especially when she was passing by a construction site that was not finished, this feeling of loneliness scared her.

There are no street lights in this section, and the built buildings are casted by huge shadows by the moonlight. The wind blows through the empty building, making a strange sound. In the darkness, there seemed to be countless eyes staring at her.

In this dark and endless early morning, all the senses are infinitely magnified.

Wang Xiaopei's hair stood on end, and he stood on the street and looked around in fear. She clenched the phone in her hand and opened the taxi app. There was no car nearby.

Wang Xiaopei thought about calling her roommate and asking her to pick her up. But she quickly dismissed the idea. It is now more than three in the morning, and her roommate is also a girl. Such behavior is beyond the scope of friendship. And this journey only took ten minutes, and when her roommate came over, she was almost there.

When Wang Xiaopei came here now, she couldn't go to the village in front of her or the store in the back, and no one could help her, so she had to bite the bullet and go on.

Suddenly, a voice came.

"Who?" Wang Xiaopei stopped abruptly and couldn't help but bark. She heard a voice just now, which was very similar to the "haha" sound of a large dog opening its mouth and panting rapidly, which made her suspect that there was someone in the dark. A dog was watching, ready to bite her.

Her eyes were big, black and white, full of horror, and there was thick darkness around her, and then she turned her ear to listen quietly, the sound stopped, and she could only hear her pounding heartbeat and rapid breathing.

She must have heard it wrong, so Wang Xiaopei was relieved, she meditated a few words of courage, and even wanted to hum a song to soothe herself. She continued to walk forward, trying to sprint through this area.

At this moment, a gust of wind blew over, and a black image in the wind was a huge bat flying out of the darkness. It was a beast that had been dormant for a long time, suddenly pounced on its prey.

Wang Xiaopei felt that someone pushed her, and she was hit hard and fell to the ground. A fist hit her in the shoulder, and then an elbow was pressed against her ribs. The bag in her hand was thrown out, and her head was thrown out. She hit the ground with a thud, and then the man kicked her body and head a few times. Wang Xiaopei was dazed for a while. A strong rust smell. As soon as he took a breath, his stomach was hit again, and his internal organs seemed to be turned over.

The continuous heavy blows removed her defense, Wang Xiaopei groaned in pain, and tried to curl up to protect his head and face.

She knew that she had met a bad person. The other party was a man, not tall, but very strong enough to crush her. After hitting her a few times, the other party picked up her bag and mobile phone that she had dropped on the ground, and the things in the bag were scattered. He didn't leave either, obviously robbery wasn't his purpose.

Wang Xiaopei gradually regained consciousness, she wanted to run, but her body was too heavy... The girl's heart was full of fear, she was still young, just passed her twenty-two birthday, and being looked at by that person felt like a A huge stone was pressed on her heart, and the girl cried helplessly, murmured and begged.

"Help... help... just let me go... I'll give you the money I'm carrying, as well as my mobile phone and bank card..."

The man remained silent, looking down at her.

Wang Xiaopei didn't dare to look at the person behind her, she turned over, lay on the ground, struggling to crawl forward, and there was that kind of voice behind her, which made her terrified "Ha...ha...", like a hungry People who have been around for a long time are suddenly faced with a delicious meal.

The girl crawled forward with all her might, as helpless as a dying prey on the empty street in the early morning.

The figure in the darkness watched her climb a few steps, then pulled her feet up, limped, dragged her into the weeds beside her, her body ran over the withered grass, withered and snapped. The voice, that person completely ignored her feelings, as if pulling something dead, and drew an inconspicuous bloodstain on the side of the road.

After just rounding a corner, the other party became impatient. She was pinned to the ground and slapped several times until her tinnitus stopped. Wang Xiaopei waved her arms desperately, in exchange for countless punches and feet landing on her. There are countless blades buried in the body.

In the darkness, no one knew her loneliness and fear.

Her eyes gradually became hazy, and she fainted...

After a while, Wang Xiaopei woke up. She might have been in a coma for a few seconds, or ten minutes, or half an hour. She found that someone was taking off her stockings, which made Wang Xiaopei feel more and more cold and disgusting.

Then the stockings that were taken off grabbed her neck. The stockings still took her own body temperature and rubbed against her cheeks. The hands gradually tightened and twisted each other. The air became thinner and less. Wang Xiaopei Her fingernails weakly pulled the rope around her neck, her body trembled in pain, her throat whimpered and she couldn't make a sound...

She was dying, like a butterfly caught in a net of insects.

Despair and then die...

A few hours later, it was dawn, and the city was about to usher in a brand new day. At this moment, no one knew that a girl had died on a street corner in the suburbs.

Song Wen and Lu Siyu got dressed and rushed to the scene as quickly as possible.

This is the southeast of Nancheng. The crime scene is an abandoned and unfinished building. It faces the street and has no fence. The building has not been completed. All the windows are only window holes, and some are erected around The billboards are isolated, and several of them are mutilated, allowing people to enter and exit at will. On the barren grass beside the building, weeds are overgrown, and many of them have withered in autumn, and there are still morning dew on the withered grass.

It's almost six o'clock in the morning, the sky is still dark, and it has just begun to become a little transparent. The scene has been protected by the police on duty who just arrived. When they saw Song Wen coming, they all said hello: "Song team!"

Fu Linjiang arrived a while early, went to understand the situation first, and introduced: "The corpse was found by a nearby stall owner in the morning. He first found the items scattered on the ground, and then found the corpse, and called the police."

Song Wen nodded.

The corpse was not covered up too much, so it was placed carelessly on the side of the road not far from it, and it could be found just by looking around. Since the corpse was fresh, there was no corpse odor. On the contrary, there was a strong aroma at the scene, like a lot of perfume was sprayed, or a bag of loose powder was spilled.

Song Wen carefully stepped over the debris and approached the crime scene. Lying in the grass was a fresh corpse of a woman. The corpse spots and corpse were just beginning to form. The dark red spots showed that the woman had suffered abused and beaten. Something strange is that the face of the female corpse was covered with a piece of clothing, blocking half of the woman's face.

Lu Siyu put on gloves and looked down. The female corpse's posture is very correct, the clothes on her body are neat, her hands are folded, and they are stacked on her chest. If the ants and bugs next to her have not climbed up on her pale skin, the whole person seems to be asleep.

Her neck had been strangled, and she was lying softly on the side, like a dead swan.

Sometimes, human life is tenacious and can bloom with thousands of possibilities, but sometimes, human life is extremely fragile. The occurrence of one thing is like toppling a domino, and it may happen. chain reaction.

Before this morning, this woman probably would not have imagined that she would die like this on the streets of Nancheng in the early morning.