Criminal Investigation Files

Chapter 109


At ten o'clock in the morning, in the large conference room of Nancheng Bureau, Song Wen brought Lu Siyu and Fu Linjiang to the meeting, Tian Ming and Zhang Ziqi from the second team sat opposite them, Lin Xiuran and Xu Yao sat beside them, Gu Bureau personally Presiding over the meeting is enough to show the importance attached to this case.

To Song Wen's surprise today, there was a raw face sitting beside Gu Ju. He turned his head to look at Tian Ming with some doubts. Tian Ming obviously didn't know him either. He waved his right index finger at him, and then spread his hands to show that he didn't know anything.

The man looked about thirty-five or six years old, he wore glasses, his hair was a little curly, and he looked gentle. Song Wen saw that this man was a little familiar, so he couldn't help but glance at it.

Gu Bureau saw that everyone was looking at the man, and introduced with a light cough: "Because this case is special, I invited Mr. Zhuang Yizhuang, a professor of criminal psychology who recently recorded a program here, to help us analyze the case together and have a look. Can you give me some more clues?"

The man named Zhuang Yi humbly said, "I'm just an ordinary researcher. I'm here to discuss and study with everyone."

Song Wen finally remembered why the man looked familiar. Zhuang Yi was different from Zhou Yining, an expert who only evaluated police officers' psychology. He studied criminal psychology and was said to be good at analyzing criminal behavior.

In recent years, Zhuang Yi has also appeared on many legal programs and is a frequent visitor to several variety shows. Song Wen has also watched some of those programs. Every time this teacher Zhuang throws out astonishing points of view, his words are not astonishing, and those analyses sound shocking at first, but when you think about it carefully, they make some sense. He has a good eloquence, has a clear personal style, and has a lot of fans on the Internet.

However, Zhuang Yi's style has aroused the opposition of some old scholars. Those old experts believe that Zhuang Yi's psychological foundation is not solid, and many of his remarks are thrown out for grandstanding and wild inferences. He is a clown who succumbs to the current media. applied to actual cases.

Some people even pointed out that Zhuang Yi's educational background is false, the analysis of the TV station's script, and the host is his trust. Many of the analysis that sounds surprising are actually the effect of the program, and some opinions are from foreign programs. , copied from the paper.

However, they scolded and scolded, Zhuang Yi was still very popular, this time he came to Nancheng to participate in the newly opened legal science popularization program of Nancheng TV Tower. Just in time for the serial murder case here, Bureau Gu was helpless, so he invited this expert to see if he could help the case.

At the beginning of the meeting, Lin Xiuran and Xu Yao first showed various evidences at the scene of the third victim and the results of the autopsy. It was exactly the same as the previous two cases. The victim was strangled to death.

At the end of the introduction, Lin Xiuran concluded: "We have now collected the fingerprints of the murderer, as well as semen and DNA, which have been compared with the existing database, and the identity of the suspect has not been confirmed yet."

The comparison with the existing database yields no results, indicating that the suspect has no criminal record found, and the fingerprints have not been entered into the system.

In theory, anyone who has a criminal record should be able to find information in the database, but my country is vast, sparsely populated, complex in structure, and highly mobile, so the correctness of this database can only be used as a reference .

"I think the murderer in this case has a certain tendency to violence and may be a habitual offender. Although we haven't found it in the database, you can't take it lightly. Some civil lawsuits, such as judges who haven't been sentenced, should also be investigated. Just a moment." Bureau Gu turned his head and asked, "Tian Ming, your team has been chasing this case for a few months. Let me introduce you to the three cases."

Tian Ming nodded and made a gesture to Zhang Ziqi, the deputy team member of their team. Zhang Ziqi projected the pictures and information of several victims on the projector.

For a time, the scene of the murder of several victims appeared on the projector in sequence, all of which were female corpses one by one. The scene was not bloody enough, but it was scary enough to shock people.

"The first victim, Li Ling, is thirty-eight years old... The second victim, Zhang Yajie, is twenty-seven years old... The third victim, who was killed this morning, has just been identified. His name is Wang Xiaopei, twenty-two years old..."

Tian Ming introduced the situation of several victims, including the age of the victims, family situation, detailed killing time, killing place, killing process, most of which are similar to what Lin Xiuran said before, Lu Siyu looked at the projection, Write down all the information in a notebook.

"… The victims were all women, with long hair and wearing silk stockings. They were killed alone at night. The suspect's body had traces of damage, but sperm spots were not found in the body of the deceased, but were only found on some personal belongings. The killer may have been partially dysfunctional. There was no connection between the three victims, and our findings suggest that this was a random crime against a young woman…”

Tian Ming said this, Gu Ju interrupted his report with a bad expression: "Tian team, this is the result of your investigation for a few months? You don't need to repeat what everyone knows, you can read the file, you can choose the key points. Just say it."

Tian Ming was held accountable by the leader and bowed his head: "There are no witnesses in this case, and there is very little valid information. We have been investigating it as a long-term case. At present, we have obtained the suspect's DNA, fingerprints, footprints and other information, and we have also found it. Some suspicious suspects, but the comparison results do not match…”

Hearing this, Song Wen understood the difficulties Tian Ming encountered. Since the murderer committed the murder in the middle of the night, although he left a lot of physical evidence, there was very little witness information, and he could not narrow down the scope of the suspects. There are millions of men of the right age, and there are hundreds of thousands who meet the conditions. To find that person is no less than looking for a needle in a haystack.

Gu Ju snorted: "What about the line of behavior? The murderer must have met the victim at some point. Have you analyzed the logic of the behavior here?"

The occurrence of the case shows that the murderer must have met the victim at some point in the past, and finding the meeting point is one of the ways to start detection.

In the past, the lack of cameras and various criminal investigation techniques were not perfect, which led to many cases becoming unsolved or unsolved for many years, but now, electronic eyes are everywhere in the city, and DNA can be detected in a few hours. result. It's a bit of an understatement that the suspect hasn't been found for so long, or even a valid lead.

Tian Ming was even more aggrieved: "After the first case happened, we spent a month looking for various cameras, but because of the remote location of the incident, there were only two videos showing a single victim. It is impossible to infer a meeting. After the second victim appeared, we also conducted investigations, but found nothing..."

Then Tian Ming released a route analysis map in the projection and superimposed it. Three routes with no intersection appeared on the map of Nancheng.

"Gu Ju, the routes of these victims are completely different. The first victim was killed when he went out to go home, and the second victim was killed when he left home after arguing with her boyfriend. His boyfriend has an alibi, the third victim was killed. They went home temporarily and were killed after getting off the night bus. Except for the first one, the other two were on temporary itineraries, and they might not even go out that night. They were all killed in different places in the city. …”

All three cases are highly random.

Gu Ju heard that the second team worked hard but achieved very little. He rubbed his temples, and his tone softened: "There must be something in common among the three cases that you haven't found yet." When he asked this, he turned to ask Song Wen, "Where's Song Wen, you went to the scene today, did you find anything?"

"In the scene this morning, we found a piece of gauze dropped by the murderer, with some dried blood on it, in the shape of an arc, it seems that the murderer may have been bitten by some animal not long ago. The specific physical evidence has been presented to Object Observation Center." Song Wen continued, "Others, we have just intervened in this case, and we still don't know the facts of the case... I just feel that the victim was wearing a mask and wearing makeup. This phenomenon is very special."

Tian Ming and the others have been investigating for several months and have not found any effective clues. Song Wen and the others have only been in touch with the case for one morning, and it is difficult to make any further progress.

Gu Ju took off and plugged the pen cap in his hand, and lowered his head for a while. He also knew in his heart that he was a little anxious. In the past few months, the second team has been working overtime, and the case is deadlocked. This is something that no one wants to see. This is the reason why he introduced Song Wen and the others.

Thinking of this, Gu Ju sighed: "I hope that no new victims will appear."

At this time, Zhuang Yi, who had been listening beside him, said: "Gu Ju, after hearing about your case, I have some ideas now, but they are not perfect."

After Gu Ju heard this, the wrinkles on his face loosened a bit: "Professor Zhuang, if you have any opinions, don't give up. You are the best at those psychological analyses, and even if you are immature, you can provide them with ideas, saying: If the direction is not correct, the case can be solved as soon as possible.”

Only then did Zhuang Yi stand up and said to Tian Ming, "I would like to trouble Captain Tian to project the first few live photos again."

Tian Ming hurriedly projected the photos. The three murdered women were lying flat on the ground. Their postures were almost the same. Their faces were covered by their clothes. There were red strangulation marks on their necks. Terrible.

Zhuang Yi coughed lightly and began to analyze in a deep voice: "Death by suffocation, this is a completely different method from other deaths. It is not so bloody, but it is violent enough. Especially for male murderers, this is a way of death. A display of power."

"For a long time, this way of death has also been favored by various murderers. There are countless similar serial cases, the most typical of which is the Hwaseong serial murder case in country H that has just been cracked. There is also the famous rainy night butcher before. But the current case is somewhat different from the conventional similar cases in the past. I have been thinking about it. Clothes covering the face are still common. What does the feature of helping the victim take care of the body indicate?"

Tian Ming raised his head and said, "Guilty?"

In general criminal psychology interpretations, this type of behavior is explained in this way. Song Wen has also raised this point of view before.

Hearing this, Lu Siyu stopped recording, bit the nail of his thumb, and looked at Zhuang Yi. He would also like to hear how this person analyzes this.

Zhuang Yi nodded: "Yes, but I don't think this kind of guilt is necessarily owned by the brutal murderer. I think there are other possibilities."