Criminal Investigation Files

Chapter 111


The meeting was held until a little after noon, and Fu Linjiang stayed behind to copy the materials with the second team, and continued to investigate the case in the afternoon.

Song Wen first took Lu Siyu to the cafeteria. In the past few days, Li Luanfang caught them by surprise, and after finally sending the old lady away, Lu Siyu was rarely lazy and didn't cook.

Lu Siyu wasn't too fond of the food in the city bureau's cafeteria. Gu Bureau delayed the time, and he didn't want to order takeout, so he came over and ordered two dishes.

The canteens in the team are all large pot dishes, and the master has a kind of ability, no matter what ingredients are used for stewing and frying, after all dishes are made, they all taste the same. This canteen is generally ventilated. Every time the meal starts, the canteen is filled with this unique food fragrance, which makes people half full.

Several dishes were placed on the plate, and Lu Siyu was picking and choosing like a bird, eating the bean sprouts one by one.

After a while, Song Wen ordered food and sat next to him with emotion: "I didn't think the cafeteria here was so unpalatable before, but now..."

"It's better to be hungry than to be hungry." Lu Siyu looked at the food in front of him as he spoke, feeling like he was facing a formidable enemy.

Song Wen turned his head and asked Lu Siyu, "How are you feeling recently?" Although they lived together, Song Wen was still afraid that he would conceal military intelligence.

Lu Siyu shook his head: "Maybe the doctor is right, I'm more psychologically dependent on painkillers." Under the supervision of Song Wen, he recently took stomach medicine on time, and he has not had stomach problems for at least a few days. .

"That's good. I'll wait until this case is over, and then I'll take you to prescribe some medicine." Song Wen finished speaking, and magically took out a boiled egg in his hand, "I know that you dislike the food in the cafeteria, and I will give it to you and the master. Want a stir fry."

Lu Siyu reached out and took it, knocked twice on the table, lowered his head and wrapped the egg shell with his white hands intently, then he found that Song Wen was in no hurry to eat with chopsticks, and his eyes kept looking at He, he couldn't help but ask, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

Song Wendao: "I think the expert surnamed Zhuang is far worse than you when it comes to analyzing criminals' psychology."

Lu Siyu sat up straight: "Don't say that, someone graduated with a Ph.D. in psychology."

"Isn't there a sticker of him on the Internet? It is said that he graduated from psychology from Yeji University abroad." Song Wen said, "I have watched some of his past shows, and many of them are inferred from the results. Now this The case is still under investigation, and he joined in... I don't know if it will help in the end."

Lu Siyu said: "His argument has some truth, but the conclusion is very avant-garde. If you think about it for the better, at least it provides us with some other ideas."

Song Wendao: "Professor Zhuang is too normal. I'm worried that he can't touch the dark psychology of those criminals."

After hearing his words, Lu Siyu raised his eyes and looked at him blankly: "Song team, are you saying... Am I perverted enough?"

Song Wen realized that he had said the wrong thing, and hurriedly turned the words back, followed the Mao Lu Siyu, "For me, this is a compliment. It means that you are smart, solve the case quickly, eat more, and look back. It's up to you to solve the case."

Lu Siyu stopped his chopsticks and said, "However, I heard something else today."

Song Wen asked, "What?"

"I think... Zhuang Yi is a little anxious. He seems to be eager to prove himself. As soon as he discovered some details, he was eager to summarize. This expert is actually quite guilty. He is not sure about his theory." Lu Si When he said this, he added an explanation, "During the process of knocking down, he added a lot of vague words like, probably, maybe, and so on, as well as some analytical theories that ordinary people find mysterious. When it comes to examples, It seems that there are a lot of examples, but in fact, if you read it carefully, you will find that many of the cases he mentioned are incomparable with the cases in front of us now."

Song Wen nodded: "I also have some feelings about what you said. How should I put it? He said it in a garish way. I always feel that some of it is just on paper... It's completely different from your usual analysis of those cases."

Lu Siyu's reasoning is more practical, and he can feel that he is going deep into the case and bringing himself into the world of the murderer, but this Professor Zhuang seems to be piling up and incorporating known theories. He is watching flowers on the other side. .

Song Wen changed the subject here, "What do you think about this murderer?"

Lu Siyu ate the egg that Song Wen brought, and felt that he couldn't cope with his leader without saying a few words, so he thought about it and said, "I think the murderer may be the honest man described by relatives and neighbors, and his strength is very strong. Big, manual worker, maybe have a job where going out at night doesn't raise suspicion."

Song Wen thought for a while and said, "Actually, I'm also very curious, why in many cases, after a perverted murderer is questioned, people who know him have the impression of being honest and shy."

Lu Siyu took the egg in his slender fingers and took a small bite: "Maybe they equate silence with being honest. As a perverted killer, the movements in his mind and the real actions are enough. already."

Many perverted killers do not appear to be leaking in their lives, and they are often found in the end, and everyone will be surprised. This characteristic is also one of the reasons why the murderer is difficult to find.

"What about the way to kill?"

"This serial killer likes strangulation..." When Lu Siyu said this, he shook his head, seeming to dislike the indifference of eggs, "Nothing special, just because he likes..."

Some people kill for passion, some people kill for revenge, some people kill for money, and this person kills because he likes it, and strangulation can bring him joy and pleasure.

Lu Siyu further explained: "The murderer likes women, he likes to let them die, and he likes to suffocate them. Before they die, every bit of their body twitches and trembles, and every pleading they make makes him linger and arouse interest. It can make his body and nerves reach the peak, once you taste this taste, you will never forget it again."

Song Wen looked at Lu Siyu. When he said these words, he lightly licked his lips, his long eyelashes trembled slightly, his voice was calm, and Junxiu's face was indifferent, like a beautiful flower, but it contained deadly Alluring poison.

It is difficult for ordinary people to understand, but this murderer can get the greatest happiness and satisfaction from it. It can move his nerves more than tens of millions of money, delicious food, and normal relationship between men and women.

Lu Siyu concluded: "Usually, people call this kind of person a pervert."

They are completely different from the murderer like Xia Weiwei. Xia Weiwei is wise, purposeful, and systematically committing crimes, while they rely more on instinct. The reason for crime is because of love, because of sex .

Because of this originality and uniqueness, they are more difficult to trace, difficult to control, difficult to predict and elusive.

Lu Siyu continued: "Just like the cells in everyone's body, when they make mistakes, they will produce cancer cells. Among tens of thousands of human beings, there are human beings with such genetic errors. If we compare modern society to Programs, they are like the wrong code in life, they will be confused and miserable about the difference between themselves and ordinary people, but they can't help it, they are born like this."

Song Wendao: "It feels inevitable that such a person will become a murderer."

"Not necessarily, many people with strange hobbies will not commit crimes. Education and a good childhood can reduce the probability of such people committing crimes. The poor growth environment will intensify the birth of perversion. Most people who later embark on the road of crime, They all had unhappy childhoods."

Lu Siyu thought for a while, and then asked Song Wen, "You should know the triangle stool theory, right?"

Song Wen nodded, which is a relatively well-known criminal psychology theory: "The Triangle Stool Theory determines three aspects of a person's abnormal psychology: genes, brain damage, and environmental factors. The popularity of this is second only to the three elements of serial killers: Wetting the bed, cruelty to animals, arson."

Lu Siyu said: "The proponent of the triangular stool theory has the genes of crime. If he did not have a perfect childhood, maybe he would also become a killer. In fact, the two theories are similar, but the analysis angles are different. , The cause of this kind of perverted murderer can be simply analyzed as external factors and internal factors. Most serial killers have imperfect childhoods, and they themselves have abnormal genes."

Song Wen was a little helpless: "This is also something that can't be helped. When I was a child, I didn't understand these things very well, but when I grew up, I found that there are some scumbags. Before I understand my life, they become Parents, it is the children who suffer."

Those who become parents in a hurry without thinking clearly, they themselves are confused, confused, painful, irritable, such people, they will take their children as their punching bag, as a burden, so, indifferent And abuse begins at an early age.

Lu Siyu nodded: "What's more terrifying is that this kind of damage is continuous. The more a child is afraid of something in his childhood, the more likely he will repeat the same mistakes. Children whose parents are divorced are more likely to be divorced when they grow up. Children whose parents live in a harmonious family, and children who are subjected to domestic violence and abuse, will have an increased rate of domestic violence and abuse of their own children in the future.”

Immature adults will bring poverty and violence to children. They may not realize the terrible impact they have caused, and this terrible impact will be passed on.

Lu Siyu took a sip of the soup and continued: "Let's go back to the murderer, when he was killing, his excitement reached a peak and a trough, and then he would relive that feeling in his mind over and over again, like a Looking at an image that he likes very much, he can feel joy and satisfaction as long as he thinks about it. He thinks over and over again, and thinks, until his mind starts to get tired, the details gradually become blurred, and his emotions fall to the bottom of the wave, as if he was tired of eating. After eating a dish, it becomes boring. At that time, he will commit the crime again, and he needs more intense stimulation.”

Having said that, Lu Siyu put the last bit of egg into his mouth, stretched out his pink tongue and licked his fingers: "This murderer has reached the point where he is uncomfortable and can't sleep without killing people, his mind is full of He'll do it again soon."

Song Wen thought for a while and then asked, "What about the clothes covering the face? What do you think it means."

"Like the stockings that were taken away, it was the identity of the murderer, and it was also a habit he had from the beginning. I think... It may have something to do with his childhood experience and his mother." Lu Si said.

This is an important totem in matriarchal worship, and it is also special in getting along with each other.

Song Wen turned his head and asked, "Also, what do you think about the inference of Zhuang Yi's two murderers?"

Lu Siyu lowered his head and pondered for a moment: "The current information is too little to be sure. The murderer may be one person or two people. Extreme emotional changes are not the only possibility. In fact, I think that It's an inference, but it can't help us narrow down the scope and find the murderer for the time being."

That is to say, Zhuang Yi's theory does not allow them to narrow the scope of the investigation and speed up the discovery of the murderer, they must find other directions of investigation.

Lu Siyu paused, slid his slender fingers across the table, and whispered, "I'm thinking about something."


Lu Siyu raised his eyes to look at Song Wen, and with the trembling of his eyelashes, the folds on his double eyelids were gently folded together: "For the first time, the origin of the killing."

Was the first victim the first person the killer killed? Did he kill anyone else before that? If the first victim was the one who was killed in the first place, what caused the murderer to suddenly kill? What triggered his evolution

In fact, the investigation found that many serial killers have had their first case. At that time, they may have been unconscious, or witnessed the killing, or accidentally killed someone, maybe even their own pet. , in short, all this has a beginning.

Song Wen continued along his line of thought: "I also pay more attention to the first case. Whether it is his first murder or not, the first victim, Li Ling, is very critical."

The change of human behavior starts from the most instinctive place. When the murderer commits the crime for the first time, the purpose of the murderer is the purest, and the method adopted is also the most primitive. Turning the idea into practice, such behavior will reveal more information.

Lu Siyu nodded: "There is one more thing I can't figure out. The time of the third victim's murder has changed. What changed the murderer's behavior pattern? , it was like tossing and turning in bed and then getting up and killing him. Why did he change like this? Was it because there was a good game that night? An unmissable date? Or what? The gauze…”

Song Wen lowered his head and concentrated for a moment: "Perhaps... There is a possibility that he may not have changed his behavioral logic, but we have missed something. For example... "

Lu Siyu nodded, and he also thought of a possibility, and said softly, "Escaped prey."

If the woman who died this morning was not the murderer's original prey... He had tried to commit a crime last night, and because of some unsuccessful situations, he would become angry and eager to find new prey to fill his plans.

From late night to early morning, wandering into the streets, then finding your target and making a trail...

Wang Xiaopei may be the unlucky replacement lamb.

Lu Siyu blinked and said, "This situation is only possible."

"I think this is a direction that can be investigated." Song Wen said, and without having to eat, he picked up his mobile phone and called Fu Linjiang.

"Linjiang, please contact the police center and ask if you have received a report from last night to this early morning. The victim was a woman and was attacked at night. Maybe they just treated the victim as an ordinary attempted robbery and went back after comforting the victim. Yes. Since there were no fatalities and no major incidents, we didn't pay attention to reporting it to us."

The opposite Fu Linjiang said something, and Song Wen nodded more solemnly: "Yes... If there is any discovery, it may be a surviving eyewitness."