Criminal Investigation Files

Chapter 112


After receiving Song Wen's instructions, Fu Linjiang contacted the 110 alarm center and pulled out all the police information after 8 o'clock last night.

One of them was a police officer from the Xihuashu police station, which caught his attention.

This police information is basically similar to what Song Wen said. The alarm center received a call at 11:30 in the evening, and a young woman claimed that she was attacked by a strange man.

The incident was treated as an emergency, and ten minutes later, two police officers arrived at the scene. Since the attacking man fled on the spot, they could only take the girl to the police station to make a transcript.

The girl was not seriously injured, and the incident was regarded as an attempted robbery.

Then the girl's boyfriend arrived and took the girl away.

Fu Linjiang communicated with the Xihuaishu police station. The other party provided the girl's contact information, and he invited the girl to the city bureau.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, the girl came to the Nancheng Bureau. She struggled for half the night last night and suffered some minor injuries. She asked for leave today and did not go to work.

Fu Linjiang led her to the interrogation room, and called Song Wen and Lu Siyu over.

The three sat across from each other, Song Wen raised his head and looked at the girl. She was wearing a simple white shirt, a blue short skirt to the knees, flesh-colored stockings, and a thin long coat.

This girl is very pretty, with long hair in a shawl, a very white complexion, almond-shaped eyes, and a small nose. She looks young, with a little childishness from school.

Seeing that the person on the other side was looking at her, the girl reached out and stroked her hair, blocking a blue-purple scar on her forehead.

Lu Siyu looked at the name on the girl's registration form, called Zeng Minyi.

Before a few people started, there was a sudden knock on the door of the interrogation room. Tian Ming, the second captain, stuck his head out of the door, and then hooked his fingers at Song Wen, indicating that he had something to look for.

Song Wen walked to the door, and Tian Ming said, "Song team, you can, I heard that you found a witness so quickly."

Song Wen knew that Tian Ming got the news. He originally wanted to wait for the situation to be confirmed before communicating with him, but now that he found it himself, he could only explain: "It's just a suspected eyewitness, not sure if it is the same or not. What the murderer did, the specific situation, we will know after asking later."

Tian Ming coughed lightly and opened his mouth, but his face turned red, and he said the main topic with a twist: "Then what, it's all for the case, can you let me hear it?"

The team has been investigating for so long, but so far they haven't found any decent witnesses. This time, Song Wen has the upper hand. Thinking of this, Tian Ming's face is hot, as if he was slapped.

At the last meeting, he was named by Gu Bureau, and now he is eager to find some clues and make up for his faults, so he pulled down his face and came to Song Wen.

Song Wen didn't mind: "Team Tian, don't be so polite, it's about adding a chair."

So Tian Ming came in as well. Zeng Minyi raised her head and looked at the four police officers sitting opposite her. She was obviously frightened by this battle. She didn't know if she was involved in any major case. "That... I... "

Fu Linjiang sensitively noticed the girl's restraint and comforted her softly: "Don't be afraid, because the attack on you last night may involve other cases, so we called you here to ask about the situation."

Zeng Minyi shrank back and blinked, "Then I won't be attacked for revenge..."

Fu Linjiang said: "The murderer committed the crime at random. You have been paying attention to safety recently. Don't go out alone, especially at night. You should be fine."

Song Wen had already taken a copy of Zeng Minyi's transcript last night and asked her some basic information.

Zeng Minyi answered them one by one, speaking in a soft voice.

Then Song Wen got to the point: "Can you tell me what happened yesterday?"

The girl recalled: "Last night at eleven o'clock, I came back from overtime and found that my boyfriend didn't walk the dog, so I took the dog downstairs. There was not much greenery in the community where we rented. Walk it by the small park next to the community."

Zeng Minyi paused when she said this. She seemed to have returned to the small park at the back of the community last night. The forest was not too big. It was just by the road and had some simple sports equipment. During the day, there were children and the elderly. Play around.

After nine o'clock in the evening, the nearby square dancers scattered, and it was a bit remote. There were no street lights there, and it was pitch dark.

She originally wanted to take the dog to the side and go back, but she didn't expect that the dog had been locked up at home for a long time, and when she saw Lin Zi, she went in.

At that time, in order to find a dog, she didn't expect to go deeper and deeper, and when she realized that she had already reached the depths of the small park, she became a little scared.

At that time, she heard a strange sound...

Recalling the terrifying experience last night, Zeng Minyi's eyes suddenly widened, "I heard a sound at that time, it was a heavy gasping sound, like, as if I couldn't breathe..."

Hearing this, Lu Siyu frowned slightly and wrote it down. This voice should be one of the characteristics of the murderer.

"Then at that time... I thought I heard it wrong. Before I could find the dog that got into the woods, a man suddenly ran out from behind. He grabbed my hair and hit me on the head. One punch, I was there calling for help, and he started covering my mouth and kicking and punching me. I was stunned at the time. I was about to pass out. I was in a daze. The park dragged deeper…”

Zeng Minyi lowered her head: "My dog found out that something was wrong, so he barked wildly in the woods. The man hesitated for a while, kicked my dog, and was bitten on the leg by my dog. A taxi came by on the side of the road, probably found something wrong, the driver shouted 'who', then turned on the high beams, the man was spotted, I struggled to drive away, hugged the dog and ran to the road , stopped the taxi..."

"Afterwards, I called the police and then called my boyfriend... Thanks to that kind uncle driver, otherwise I don't know what will happen next." Zeng Minyi recalled what happened yesterday, but she couldn't help but heartbeat Accelerating, her chest heaving, she still has some lingering fears.

The few people sitting across from them exchanged glances for a moment. Zeng Minyi's remarks fit the characteristics of the murderer in this case, and his location was not far from where Wang Xiaopei was killed.

Her forehead was injured, and similar injuries have appeared in several previous cases. The most important thing is that the clue of being bitten by a dog just matched the piece of gauze they found at the scene. Now, the gauze is on the side of the identification department, and the comparison can be carried out after the test.

The girl who met last night was most likely the murderer!

Song Wen took out the pen and paper and continued to ask her, "Did you see that man's face clearly?"

As long as the girl can see clearly, he can restore the avatar, so that the chance of finding the murderer will be greatly increased.

"Look... I see..." Zeng Minyi nodded. When she said this, she wrapped her arms around her arms as if afraid of the cold, and her body trembled slightly.

"Do you remember any other details?" Lu Siyu asked.

Zeng Minyi pursed her lips, as if recalling something terrible, she buried her head, and her voice was sobbing: "That person... When the high beam came over... I shouted for help, trying to break free from him, he... his hand There are calluses on it... I saw as soon as I looked back, he... he was laughing..."

In the dark night, encountering such a perverted man was like a nightmare. Zeng Minyi recalled that when she cried for help and was about to break free yesterday, the man did not panic at all. The hand that held her was rough and cold. Her expression was smiling, as if she was very satisfied with her struggles...

Zeng Minyi will probably never forget that weird smile for the rest of her life.

Fu Linjiang reassured her: "It's okay, it's okay, you're safe now... Tell us what he looks like, and we'll see if we can draw it."

"That man... is not tall, about 1.75 meters, with very short hair and a flat head. He has a slender face, a very white face, small eyes, single eyelids, and almost no eyebrows. His smile, I can't describe it, the lips are very thin, the corners of the mouth are raised, showing jagged teeth, just a smile makes the hair on my whole body stand up, I have never seen anything more terrifying than that in my life..." Zeng Minyi Described, that expression, is about to cry.

Described in these few words, Song Wen had a basic concept of the murderer in his heart, and a pale face appeared in his mind. That person had the appearance of an ordinary person, his eyes were small, and he did not speak. At times, it's a bit dull, but once you laugh, it's scary.

Song Wen picked up the paintbrush and said, "I'll try to restore his avatar now. Do you remember any details about that person, such as what he wore and what movement characteristics he had, you can tell me."

Zeng Minyi nodded in cooperation, she added some characteristics of the murderer, thought about it and asked, "Will you catch him?"

"We will do our best." This time it was Tian Ming who had been tracking down the murderer for several months, and now he has finally made a breakthrough.

Zeng Minyi raised her head and looked timidly at the police officers in front of her, and suddenly lowered her head again, looking at her crossed fingers: "When I was at the police station yesterday, there were a few police officers, and they all said that I was in this situation. , it's hard to find each other... they also say..."

Speaking of which, she raised her head and seemed to be thinking about whether to talk about it or not, and pursed her lips before continuing, "They also said that there are quite a few things like this, I didn't lose any money, and there was no accident. After a few hits, the injury is not serious, this man is probably not caught, there have been many such things in the past... I don't know in the end... "

The few criminal policemen sitting opposite were silent for a while, but they also understood the helplessness of the grassroots police. There are few grassroots personnel and heavy work. When encountering such a case where there is no loss and the circumstances are not serious, they are not sure that they will be able to track down the suspects. come out.

If it wasn't for Lu Siyu's cleverness and vigilance, they would have almost missed this witness and these clues.

If the suspect is not a perverted killer who has taken several lives behind his back, but is just a wretched man who follows a girl and plots evil, even if the police track it down and find the man, the victim and the perpetrator will sit face to face in the mediation room of the police station. , According to the situation that the girl was only slightly injured, in the end, she could only sign and mediate before releasing her.

Such injuries do not even warrant detention.

This kind of situation, every day in the country, I don't know how many times it will happen. Maybe there are some men with bad intentions among them, maybe they didn't commit the crime this time, and they will do more and more terrible things in the future.

But whether it is the police or the law, there are no effective measures to curb this situation.

People often say that we need more people who are righteous and brave, but most people hope that when they are helpless, they will be helped by those who are righteous and brave. How many people dare to stand up to those who need help

To change these, more people need to take action.