Criminal Investigation Files

Chapter 113


In the interrogation room of the Nancheng Bureau, the questioning of Zeng Minyi continued.

The interrogation room was quiet for a while, Song Wen lowered his head and drew a picture. Fu Linjiang broke the silence and comforted the girl: "Don't worry, when the case reaches us, we will find him."

It takes a process to draw a portrait, Song Wen showed Zeng Minyi the outline of the man he had drawn. Zeng Minyi whispered some features, and Song Wen lowered his head and continued to paint.

Lu Siyu just finished summarizing the previous record and closed the pen cap. He sat next to Song Wen, turned to approach Song Wen, lowered his head, and watched Song Wen concentrate on painting portraits with interest.

A few lines outline the face, draw the movement of the hair, and begin to trace the facial features.

Lu Siyu likes to watch Song Wen's paintings. His pen seems to have a soul, which is a kind of quiet force. Sometimes it is just the outline between a few strokes that makes the person on the paper come to life. The painting skills are admirable.

And this hand can not only hold a pen, but also a gun. The warmth in his hand made him nostalgic, as if holding it, he felt secure.

The tip of the pen touches the drawing paper, making a soft rustling sound.

Song Wen halfway through the painting, raised his head and glanced at Lu Siyu, the person in front of him held his cheeks, Qing Jun's face was expressionless, the lights in the interrogation room illuminated his entire skin as white as snow, and he looked very focused. , the long eyelashes drooped down, as quiet as a rabbit.

The corners of Song Wen's mouth couldn't help bending upwards. He couldn't help thinking of their first meeting. He wiped the lead dust on his little knuckle with a tissue and continued to paint.

Not long after, a portrait has taken shape. It is a man who looks a little ordinary, but has a gloomy expression on his eyebrows. As long as he draws dark eyes on the eyes of the image, it is like the finishing touch. A face is printed on the white paper...

At this moment, the door of the interrogation room was suddenly opened, and a tall and thin man in his twenties walked in, and as soon as he entered the door, he walked over to Zeng Minyi: "Minyi, why didn't you come here without telling me? I still checked your taxi record before I knew you were here."

Seeing him, Zeng Minyi shrank back in fear, then lowered her head and stopped talking. The person who came was obviously the boyfriend she mentioned.

Zhu Xiao at the door stood there with an embarrassed expression: "I'm sorry Song team, this man came to find the victim, and he rushed over when he asked where he was. I really didn't stop him..."

Fu Linjiang was still patient, stood up and explained: "We are handling a case and we called her here. Your girlfriend is an important witness and has an obligation to cooperate with our investigation..."

The man refused to leave, and did not dare to push them against them. He stood beside Zeng Minyi and said, "What are the police comrades asking? I was also the client last night, and I can testify. What happened last night was all because of her. It's too late to walk the big deal."

Zeng Minyi pursed her lips, tears welling in her eyes: "I have to do housework every day when I come back from work, but you play games all day. If you didn't forget to walk the dog, why would I go out at night..."

"If you listened to me, how could there be so many things to give your dog to others..." The man continued to reason with her, "Who told you to walk the dog and wear it so sexy? Otherwise, why would you not be with other people. Yesterday at the police station It's not enough to be ashamed of you, you even came to the city bureau today! If you let your company know about it later, you won't be able to keep your job!"

Seeing that there was going to be a quarrel here, Fu Linjiang frowned and said, "Please don't affect the work of our police."

In the face of this macho, and a bit stingy boyfriend, Song Wen's temper suddenly came up, and he pointed at the man with the paintbrush in his hand: "You know? This morning, there was a twenty-two-year-old man. The girl is dead, if the taxi didn't pass by yesterday, then it's your girlfriend! Now, don't disturb our office, get out of here immediately!"

After these three sentences were said, the man's face changed, and he hesitated in seconds: "Okay, I care about her, I'm afraid that this matter will be known to more people and affect her future. ... Comrade police, I'll wait for her outside."

Zeng Minyi was stunned when she heard Song Wen's words. She finally understood why these police officers paid so much attention to her experience last night, and her voice trembled: "That... what you said just now is in To scare my friends, or really?"

Fu Linjiang looked at the girl and said to her, "It's true."

"Then I... Then if I was pulled into the woods by him at that time, would it be me who died?" Zeng Minyi choked up as she spoke. She was frightened, and tears rolled in her eyes. At the same time, he is glad that he is still fortune-telling.

Just last night, she brushed past death.

Lu Siyu looked at the points summarized in the book, and felt that the clues were not enough, and asked again: "I know, last night's experience is a painful memory for you, but can you think about it again, about the murderer What details and features?"

Fu Linjiang also said, "Maybe if you remember a little more, you can help us save the next girl." These details will pass over time, and even if Zeng Minyi thinks of every bit now, it will help them solve the case as soon as possible. .

Zeng Minyi thought for a while and buried her head in her hands: "That person... When he started hitting me... there was no expression on his face, he was like a dummy without feelings..." Then she added, "He was in Panting non-stop, making a haha panting sound... that kind of sound, like you're being chased by a big dog with its tongue sticking out right at your feet..."

When she was talking now, the haha sound seemed to be echoing in her ears. She seemed to be able to feel the pain of the wound when the man beat her, and the fear and despair in her heart when the man dragged her. The man slowly touched her stockings with his calloused hands. That feeling made her sick!

Song Wen keenly found something from the girl's reaction, and he asked, "What details do you remember? It's just something that doesn't make sense and scares you?"

Fu Linjiang got up, went to pour a cup of hot water for the girl, and put it in front of her. The girl looked up at him gratefully.

Zeng Minyi took two sips of water and regained some strength. She hugged her head in pain, thinking about this, the wound on her head started to hurt again: "After he attacked my head, I had about half a minute. I was a little delirious. When I regained consciousness, I felt that he was dragging my leg and pulling into the woods. At that time... I heard, he was talking to someone... I was afraid, he had something in the woods. mate."

Talk to someone? !

Hearing this sentence, several interrogators were very surprised. Is it really like what Zhuang Yi said, there are actually two murderers

The victim was able to escape because another murderer was not in place

"Are you sure he's not calling?"

Zeng Minyi nodded.

"Who is he talking to, do you know?" Song Wen continued to ask.

Zeng Minyi shook her head: "I don't know, I didn't see it, I didn't hear what he was saying, and there was a heavy gasp in his voice, which was caught in the words, a little whirring."

She tried to imitate it, and one could imagine how terrifying it would be to hear such a sound in a silent dark night.

Then she lowered her head and said, "other, I really don't remember."

Song Wen showed Zeng Minyi the revised picture, and the girl nodded: "It's very similar."

Finally got a portrait of the suspect and some other clues. Fu Linjiang sent the girl out and said to her as he walked, "Thank you for cooperating with our work. You are great, you are doing the right thing, and you are very brave. . What happened last night is just that your luck was not very good, and it has nothing to do with other things. If you think of anything, or encounter any difficulties, you can call us. "

After hearing these words, Zeng Minyi looked at her boyfriend who was waiting for her in the distance, and suddenly burst into tears.

Fu Linjiang was in a hurry all of a sudden, took out a tissue and handed it to her: "Oh, what happened last night is over, don't cry."

Zeng Minyi took the tissue in his hand: "I didn't cry because of that, I told my family and friends about what happened last night, and they all blamed me for not going out so late, everyone blamed me, no one Comfort me… "

"My dad... The dad who usually treats me very well, the first reaction when I heard about this was, fortunately nothing major happened, or how would you hold your head up in front of your relatives in the future?" She wiped her tears. He continued, "My boyfriend started asking me yesterday why I didn't wait for him to come, but chose to call the police. He said that calling the police was useless. Instead, he would make others look at me with tinted glasses and make me a gossip in other people's mouths. And jokes, he said... People think it's only the bad girls who get the bad guys, and if it gets known, even his boyfriend can't hold his head up in front of others. Listen to what he said What's the matter, it's better to have a dog than a man, and I'll break up when I go back!"

Fu Linjiang said, "He's not worthy of you."

The only eyewitness was sent away here. Tian Ming looked at a few features he had written down. Among them, the feature of a loud gasping voice was mentioned by Zeng Minyi several times, and he discussed with Song Wen: "Alas, Song Team, is this 'haha' sound because the murderer has some diseases, such as tuberculosis or emphysema?"

Song Wen shook his head: "People with lung disease are very weak. If the murderer has lung problems, it is impossible to have enough physical strength to carry out violence."

Tian Ming asked, "Then what do you think is the reason for that panting sound?"

"It may be a congenital deformity of the larynx, or it may be caused by some reasons in the later period. Maybe the hoarse voice is to cover up something. In short, it is such a defect that he has been ridiculed since he was a child, and he is very inferior." Song Wen then added. He said, "If this person is the murderer."

Tian Ming said: "When the test results come out, we can confirm." He looked at the record again and said, "I thought that Zhuang Yi was a little tricky at first, but now that I think about it, it's amazing that the murderer may have an accomplice. I'll report these to Bureau Gu and Professor Zhuang later."

Speaking of this, Tian Ming consciously gained a lot of clues, and said with a smile, "Thank you Song team! We will join forces this time, and we will be able to catch the prisoner sooner."

Lu Siyu on the side heard this, looked at Song Wen, her face was expressionless, and she closed the book in her hand.

Song Wen didn't care about Tian Ming robbing the merit, but he opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Fu Linjiang.

"Yes, yes, let's all work together."

Fu Linjiang, who had just sent the victim away, smiled and pulled Song Wen away. He was particularly afraid that Song Wen would say, "It's just that we are stronger here, and it has nothing to do with your team." Although this is true, But if he really said it, I'm afraid this office won't be able to stay.