Criminal Investigation Files

Chapter 115


"Recently, there was a vicious serial murder case against Yegui women in Nancheng. The murderer has killed three people in a row, the female victims: Li Mou, Zhang Moumou, Wang Moumou. The criminals are very cruel. At present, the police The murderer is being investigated and arrested, and the general public is requested to pay attention to their personal safety and avoid going out at night and returning late. According to the testimony of witnesses, the police have drawn a mock portrait of the suspect, and citizens who know the information are requested to call the report if they have any clues. Hotline:…”

The day after the third case occurred, the announcement was posted on the online platform and broadcast by Nancheng TV. Then Zhuang Yi accepted an exclusive interview, which was broadcast on major radio stations.

On the third day after the third case, in a small fast food restaurant next to a demolished building in Nancheng District, the content of this interview was being played on TV.

This fast food restaurant is called Ruyi Restaurant, which is said to be a restaurant, and there are only eight tables in total.

It has been a good year since the small restaurant opened here. The taste is moderate and the price is fair, so the business is not bad, but the environment is limited and the boss has no ambition, so he uses it to support his family and does not expand.

On one side of the store's yellowish wall, there are full price tags, and an old-fashioned TV hangs in the corner next to it.

"The recent vicious serial murders in this city have attracted the attention of the public. Here, I would like to remind all viewers in front of the TV to learn about the relevant situation through the police platform, and not to believe in rumors."

The host wearing a black suit turned around and looked at the guests beside him: "Today, our Nancheng Legal Frontier Program is very honored to invite Professor Zhuang Yi, the police consultant in this case, for an interview. Hello Professor Zhuang , Regarding the current investigation progress, the general public is very concerned about it. Can you give us some information that can be disclosed in this case? "

Zhuang Yi, who was sitting on the side, adjusted his glasses, his expression was serious and serious, "About this case, I believe that the most basic situation and the portrait of the criminal suspect have been known to everyone through the announcement on the police platform. As far as we know, the suspect It's for women who come home at night..."

"At present, there is a saying on the Internet that the police are suspicious based on the profile and analysis of the murderer and various clues at the crime scene. There may be two suspects, and they committed the crime together."

"Well, there is such an assumption," Zhuang Yi nodded, "but this is just a mental model analysis based on the scene."

"Then can you give us a detailed analysis, if there are really two murderers, the roles of the two murderers in the case."

Zhuang Yidao: "One of the two murderers is more violent and maddened. He is a male and he is about 25 years old. He uses violent means to attack the attacked women. I personally gave him a code name, called Ye Xiao; One is milder, slightly older, and may be coerced. He usually appears after the murder and helps the victim organize his clothes and makeup. I think this collaborator has some conscience. The code I gave him is Night Butterfly."

"Here, let me explain to the audience that Ye Xiao is another name for the owl, which is the owl we are familiar with. In fact, owls are nocturnal carnivores, and they are also very ferocious. This name is very appropriate. And Ye Di is the butterfly of the night. , There is some mystery. The police released the portrait of the male suspect based on the testimony of witnesses, and asked the audience in front of the TV to provide more clues.”

"Professor Zhuang, how long do you think the police will be able to catch them? Or let me ask another way, do you think the police can find the murderer before the next victim shows up?"

Zhuang Yi held up his glasses again: "It's hard to say, the police are currently investigating, I can't say the specific time, I can only say that everyone is doing their best. Of course, everyone hopes that there will be no new The victim shows up."

"Then the last question, maybe, the murderer is watching our show together in front of the TV, so what message will you convey to the murderer through our show?"

"The French Open is sloppy without any omissions. I hope the criminals in this case can stop the killing and be brought to justice as soon as possible."

"I'm very grateful to Professor Zhuang for being able to come to our program to record. I wish you all the supper every day without encountering Ye Xiao. You only have one life, please pay attention to safety. Female friends must be very careful at night and avoid going out alone..."

In the small restaurant, a young couple sitting at table number 4 watched the show on TV, and the boy began to complain: "As I said, it's safe not to go out."

The girl picked up the dishes in front of her with chopsticks: "You are straight-man thinking, just like that woman is not allowed to be a hitchhiker after eight o'clock. Isn't it true that male criminals can reduce the occurrence of this kind of thing if they take care of themselves?" She turned her head to the side. Glancing at the TV, the show continued, "However, if I hadn't come over for dinner and put this on, I wouldn't have known it. The old man and the old lady just watch TV."

The boy slandered: "Isn't it because you only watch on your mobile phone and computer every day? You don't care about current affairs news at all?"

The girl complained: "I haven't seen it on Weibo. In the final analysis, this matter is still too far from life."

"It's all on the hot search, but haven't seen it yet? You are busy chasing stars every day." The boy said here, the two of them had almost eaten their meals, and called out, "The boss pays the bill."

Alas, the boss pointed: "38 yuan, the payment code is posted on the table."

After the couple went out, the restaurant was quiet for a while.

The rule of law program was finally played, and the familiar ending music began to play. A young man sitting at table 2 in the corner of the hotel stood up, took out a few crumpled banknotes from his pocket, and whispered, "Boss, money On the table." His voice was so hoarse that it sounded like he was rubbing sandpaper.

The boss was busy checking the order at the counter, and said "Alas".

He knew this guest, and he was a frequent visitor to the small restaurant. He often sat in that position, ordered a fried rice with eggs when he came in, and kept his head down without speaking.

I don't know if it is due to illness, but this guest has a bad throat, hoarse voice, and heavy breathing. He looks like a young man, but he sounds like an old man in his seventies and eighties.

The young man bought the bill, put on his hat, lowered the brim, and walked out the door with his hands in his pockets.

Two assistant police officers in police uniforms walked in from the door of the hotel, and the young man almost passed by. They came to the counter: "Boss, have you heard about the recent case?"

Since the case was reported, the police stations of each sub-bureau received an order from the Municipal Bureau to coordinate the investigation. All the police and auxiliary police officers in the area where the incident occurred were mobilized to carry out pull-net-style actions on restaurants, shops, companies, and community committees within their jurisdiction. Detailed inspections were carried out, and at night, patrol cars were patrolling at designated spots.

"Oh, I heard it, I heard it, it can be transformed." The boss hurriedly rubbed his hands and greeted him, "Have you caught it?"

"Not yet, how can it be so fast? Isn't this working overtime every day?" A police officer said, and took out a wanted poster with a portrait of Song Wen on it, "You have encountered someone like this here before. person?"

The boss frowned and looked at the portrait, feeling a little familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen it for a while.

"No, I haven't seen it." In the end, he shook his head and replied hypnotically, "Don't worry, I've never seen any perverted murderer here, how else would I do business."

"Be careful then." Another assistant police officer handed over a poster, "You, here, put one in front of the counter. In case anyone knows you."

"Okay, okay." The boss nodded and put the poster on the counter with double-sided tape.

The police assistant said: "If you see it later, remember to call the report hotline if you have clues. It seems that there is a bonus."

"Okay, you've worked hard." The boss sent the two police officers out, turned around and walked to table 2 to pick up the banknotes on it, and whispered, "There are still young people who use cash every day these days. ."

In the Nancheng Bureau at this time, Bureau Gu specially asked people to clean up the vacant room next to the director's office. As a special office for this case, various clue boards were pasted on the wall, and all the materials were piled up. , set aside for easy viewing. In order to investigate this case, it can be said that several elites of Nancheng Bureau did their best.

The broadcast of the program was very good, and soon, many hotlines were received, but there was not much valuable information for the time being.

Just after lunch, Tian Ming's reporting hotline rang again, and he immediately picked up the microphone: "Hello, this is the Nancheng Bureau. Do you have any information about the recent case? any clues?"

"...Do you suspect that the next door to your group rental is like the murderer? He peeped at your bath?" Tian Ming frowned and repeated, "Uh, that... the murderer doesn't seem to be interested in men for the time being."

The other party said a few more words, Tian Ming nodded: "Well, the height of 185 may not match the murderer... But we will contact the colleagues at the nearby police station to take a look. Please leave us your address and contact information?"

"What? Don't you need to go?" Tian Ming wanted to say something else, but the call turned into a disconnect tone, "Oh, hang up."

Song Wen glanced at Tian Ming, who was downcast, and as expected, the call was falsely reported again. The point is that there have been many such calls.

Team Tian angrily opened the record book and made a few strokes on it: "The seventeenth reporting hotline is over, but it's not..."

"It's better than the first few, I didn't let you run, at least I didn't find out that it's completely irrelevant after passing by." Fu Linjiang said, "We can't just wait like this. What else can we do besides these?"

It has been three days since the incident, except for the occasional report calls, they have not received any new clues, and the whole city is calm. For the elites of the criminal police force, it is too passive now. Moreover, every day they passed, they felt that the sword hanging over their heads dropped a point.

Lu Siyu sat aside and carefully checked the on-site investigation report of the third case. This was the fourth time over and over. He raised his head from the data pile and looked at Song Wen.

Song Wen felt that the longer he waited, the more panicked the people in the room became. He sighed and stood up to call the shots: "What about Professor Zhuang? Why haven't I seen him recently?"

Tian Ming said: "Professor Zhuang, that busy man, recently recorded a program, but he said that he will come to our side later. If there is progress or difficulties, you can also contact him."

Zhang Ziqi said: "Well, I heard him say that he didn't want to go on the show to talk about this case before, and it was inconvenient to disclose the details of the investigation. I thought it was true, but when the leaders approved it and went on the show, I didn't say much."

Song Wen raised his head and asked again, "Make sure the portrait has been posted, right?"

Fu Linjiang spread his hands and said, "Yes, the police from various sub-bureaus and police stations are patrolling the streets. The portraits about this case have been distributed to various neighborhood committees and companies, and even the small stalls have not been spared, but so far there is no effective clue. This murderer doesn't always live in a vacuum, has no relatives and friends, can't meet passers-by, and only comes out at night to commit crimes, right?"

Song Wen thought for a while and said, "We only have one witness, and we don't have any images such as photos and cameras. Maybe the features are not obvious enough." He is absolutely confident in his painting skills, but the conditions are limited. The suspect's profile picture may not necessarily help them catch the murderer.

Lu Siyu said softly on the side: "People have no impression of people they meet by chance, and common people have a wrong thinking, thinking that people they know cannot be criminals."

The murderer may be in the blind spot of people's observation.

There are some people around everyone. It always reminds people of the students with poor grades in the corner of the class and colleagues who are difficult to mention in the office. They are like transparent people. They are around people every day, but the key Sometimes, I can't even remember the name.

Fu Linjiang nodded in agreement: "This murderer must be quiet enough to not attract attention."

Zhang Ziqi thought about it and asked, "Can we conduct fingerprint screening on men of appropriate age in the entire area?"

Tian Ming rejected it at first: "Do you know how many men of the right age live in this city? And there is so much mobility in the city. Even if we spend a few months in the police force, there may be no results..."

Song Wen thought about it for a while and suggested, "But we really can't wait like this, let's set a bait. Arranging some female police officers to walk around at night and cooperate with inspections is better than sitting still."

Tian Ming became interested when he heard this: "Hey, I like this action, just wait and see. But where can we fortify to hit the murderer?"

Song Wen looked at the map of the Nancheng district hanging on the wall: "According to the theory of the circle hypothesis, we know the scope of the murderer's activities. Every time he commits a crime again, he will avoid the place where he once committed the crime. This kind of prosperous place, we subdivided the map, divided it into arrays, set up some ambush. Then let the policewoman walk around with a communicator.”

"Will the murderer take the bait?" Fu Linjiang was a little worried.

Song Wendao: "Not necessarily, but there is no better way now. Try it to see if it works. In short, strengthening night patrols can bring us closer to the murderer."