Criminal Investigation Files

Chapter 116


Since Song Wen reported the idea of setting bait, he has won the strong support of Gu Ju.

At this time, Gu Bureau is under a lot of pressure. What the police are most afraid of is that the suspect disappears. The plan proposed by Song Wen is worth trying even if the chances of being caught are low. The police's preliminary analysis and profiling of the crime are almost done. At this time, it is better to go to the scene of a possible murder than to wait in the office.

Bureau Gu specially gathered all the female police officers in the entire city bureau, including all the girls of the right age from documents, physical books, and forensic doctors, and held a call for meetings. Except for those who were pregnant, too old, too fat, and too thin, A total of six people were screened, which is obviously not enough.

Gu Bureau went to the task force for this and was furious: "There are few lesbians in our bureau, can you be self-conscious as a police officer?! What about your sacrifice and dedication, according to our previous grouping, there are six overall groups, and each group has six groups. Two decoys, must be done!"

Tian Ming spread his hands: "Gu Ju, where do you want us to find so many big girls like flowers and jade? You can't go to the street to grab it? If you use your own relatives and friends, you can ask, but no A girl who has learned tricks is also afraid of being unsafe, right?"

Gu Ju glared: "Your makeup reconnaissance is all in vain? Just use this case to practice, and if you can't find anyone, just pretend to be yourself!"

Tian Ming scratched his head and still screamed: "Look at our city bureau, when we recruited them, they were all big men of about 1.8 meters... That criminal, I didn't dare to go up after I saw it."

Gu Ju crossed his hips: "Why don't you dare to go, that's because your makeup and reconnaissance skills are not in place. At night, who can see how tall and how short? When he got close, while he looked at it, he wondered if it was a man or a woman. When I was young, there was a time when a murderer kidnapped a child in a kindergarten. Later, a male special police officer dressed as a woman and shot him to death! In the face of the safety of the people, this difficulty and What's the face count?"

Song Wen snickered and watched Tian Ming deflate, but Gu Ju called his name in the next second: "Song Wen, just like Xiao Lu below you, dress up well and pull it out will never be better than a lesbian. Difference."

Song Wen heard this and turned to look at Lu Siyu.

Lu Siyu was sitting in the back row. He just came back from the physical evidence. Cheng Xiaobing gave him several pieces of Want Want Senbei. He just stuffed a piece in his mouth. He hurriedly lowered his head, covering his mouth as a little hamster didn't dare to move.

"This item is included in the end-of-year assessment, and there are extra points for cross-dressing!" Gu Ju continued, "In short, it is arranged like this, a group must come up with another bait, and you can vote for the candidates yourself. After the selection is completed, go to the logistics leader. Put on the clothes and try them on, I'll see the results here!"

As soon as Gu Ju left, the whole office exploded.

"Officer Gu today... Has he taken gun medicine?"

"The case can't be solved in a hurry, it's understandable and understandable..."

"The recent case is too high, and the chrysanthemum tea I brewed by Gu Bureau doesn't work anymore."

"Captain, who do you think is more suitable in the team? I'm sure I can't do it with a pockmarked face. I'm wearing women's clothes in the middle of the night, I guess it's like Bai Wuchang."

Gu Bureau's order made the city bureau, which had been tortured to death by the case in recent days, lively.

The patrol team had already been divided into teams, which were slightly different from the usual teams. Song Wen and Fu Linjiang split the team into two teams and led the teams respectively. Song Wen turned to Fu Linjiang and said, "Linjiang, I have named the bureau here, you can solve it yourself, and the rest of the group are up to you to choose."

Fu Linjiang rubbed his brows and sighed softly: "Do you think the old Jia is suitable or the new Xiao Wang can play? Isn't this forcing me to drive ducks onto the shelves?"

"I think you are quite suitable." Song Wen patted him on the shoulder to show comfort, "There will be extra points at the end of the year, maybe you will not be far from the captain's position if you add it."

After comforting Fu Linjiang, Song Wen came to Lu Siyu's side: "Gu Bureau has named you, and the whole police station is probably watching you. Don't be too stressed."

Just as Lu Siyu swallowed the snack in his mouth, he almost choked on that mouthful, his eyes turned red, and he didn't speak for a while, Song Wen thought he was thin-skinned, and his heart softened: "But... if you don't want to. Go, there are other people in our team. Zhu Xiao's height is estimated to be good, but there are other ways... "

Lu Siyu licked his lips, then slowed down and said, "Team Song, do you want to play in person?"

Song Wen folded his arms and coughed: "It's not impossible." This makeup reconnaissance was a compulsory subject when they went to the police academy, and it was included in the evaluation. Song Wen's score in this subject was not low back then. , was also pulled out to perform tasks during the internship. There are still several black histories left in the computer.

"I obey the organization, but I'm a little nervous." Lu Siyu looked at Song Wen and said, "Song team, you really dug a good hole this time."

Song Wendao: "A black cat and a white cat, a cat that can catch mice is a good cat, as long as it works well." As he spoke, he blinked at Lu Siyu, "Go, before they vote for a candidate, let's go downstairs. Let's get the clothes from the logistics, there are not many suitable clothes here, first come first served. It's too late to go back, but there are only suspenders and fishnet socks left, although I really want to see what you wear."

When they got to the logistics office downstairs, Song Wen took some clothes for Lu Siyu on his own initiative, then dragged him to the storage room on the first floor and closed the door, "This makeup reconnaissance is not what I said, when I was in school, I The score is quite high. As for you, you are a little taller, but your shoulders are not too wide, your legs are slender, and your neck is thin, so you can make sure you don’t feel inconsistent with this wig. This wig is new. Will you bring the net?"

Lu Siyu took a bunch of clothes. He didn't reject women's clothes, but was frightened by Song Wen's enthusiasm, and said to him, "Song team, go out. I'll try it myself."

Song Wen was pushed out the door by Lu Siyu and waited like a year. He doesn't have any special hobbies, he's just curious. He doesn't know what Lu Siyu will look like when he wears it.

After about ten minutes, the door opened a little, and Lu Siyu's voice came from the door: "Is it still appropriate?"

His voice came first, and then he walked out with his head lowered. After all, this is not often done, and he is a little shy. Song Wen raised his head, and with just one glance, the whole person was stunned.

Lu Siyu was handsome, and Song Wen had expected that his women's clothes would not be ugly, but he never expected it to be so good-looking.

Lu Siyu just put on a wig and changed his clothes. His face was still plain. His bangs blocked his slightly heroic eyebrows. kind of milky.

The coldness of the past has turned into a unique temperament like an orchid in an empty valley.

The top Lu Siyu was wearing was a half-high collar. The ruffled collar covered his Adam's apple and the red mole on his neck. But when he moved, the red spot would show up from time to time, which made people nervous. lung.

The fishtail skirt on the lower body looks very elegant and charming. She wears a women's trench coat with a waist. This dress just hides his slightly wider shoulders than ordinary girls, long legs and slender waist, not only there is no sense of disobedience , instead, she looks like a fairy sister who has descended into the mortal world.

It's daytime, and you can still see traces of some males such as Adam's apple. If it's night, if you don't speak, she's really a great beauty with indistinguishable sexes.

The person in front of him looked unfamiliar and familiar. Song Wen was stunned for a few seconds before confirming that he was his own little ancestor. He coughed lightly, looked down and saw that Lu Siyu's shoelaces were a little loose, and hurriedly said, "Then what... Your shoelaces are not fastened."

After finishing speaking, Song Wen leaned down and tied a nice bow to Lu Siyu's shoelaces.

Lu Siyu wore stockings on his legs, and the fishtail skirt dangled in front of him. I don't know if it was because the skirt was sprinkled with perfume, and it had a faint scent.

Seeing that Song Wen was busy with his head down, Lu Siyu said, "In terms of looks, I don't think you'll be bad at acting as captain."

"Wait for the next time, next time I will accompany you to play 'Shuangshu'." Song Wen stood up, looked at Lu Siyu, and helped him arrange his wig, "Don't go out like this during the day."

Lu Siyu raised his head, his long eyelashes flickered, and a pair of beautiful eyes wandered: "Are you... afraid that I will scare others?"

Song Wen looked at him carefully again, and Lu Siyu, who was wearing women's clothes, had a kind of surprise that transcended gender: "I'm afraid that others will take you as a real girl and cause a sensation, and if you look back, there will be criminals thinking again. It's a huge loss for our police force to abduct you."

Lu Siyu's sharp chin dropped and he was silent for a while. He looked down at his outfit and whispered, "Song team, no matter how thin I am, I still have eight pack abs..."

Song Wen only felt his blood surging when he heard it: "Don't say this in front of others."

The boys' muscles, arms, chest, and waistline are all different from those of the soft girls. If you look closely at Lu Siyu's figure, you can still see some traces of men. If nothing else, these legs have grown much more than ordinary girls, and the waist is unbelievably thin. Comparing the two, Song Wen seems to prefer this one.

"Then what... This is..." Tian Ming was coming downstairs and saw Lu Siyu who had changed his clothes. He stared at him for a while before he dared to confirm, "Fuck, I thought your girlfriend from Team Song was here. Lu, you're wearing it right now?... You're too pretty... Will you save the rest of us a way?"

Tian Ming screamed, and half of the police station surrounded him. Lu Siyu's head and face could not wait to be buried in the collar, but he was still blocked at the door of the office.

"Good-looking... This business level is too high, this figure, this face, it is like a female model."

"I just realized today, what is a big boss in women's clothing..."

"It turns out that Bureau Gu is the one who has the vision. If this is not so tall, I would believe it is a new female colleague."

"If this was a female colleague, I would have gone up to chase it long ago. Would it be your turn?"

Lu Siyu felt like a giant panda in a cage, surrounded by colleagues from the police station.

Song Wen put Lu Siyu behind him: "Just have a look, don't make a fool of yourself, Lu Siyu, go and change it back, and talk about it later at night."