Criminal Investigation Files

Chapter 119


At 12 o'clock, the Nancheng Bureau was brightly lit, except for the criminal policeman on duty, and the policeman who had just returned from the inspection.

Everyone in the entire police station looked serious and was in a hurry. No one dared to relax until the vicious serial killer was caught.

Tian Ming's team had just returned. He was anxious about the case. He heard that Song Wen had arrested someone, so he hurried over to inquire about the situation.

Song Wen simply handed the case to him and Fu Linjiang for trial, went to the seat to get some things, and pulled Lu Siyu into the storage room.

Lu Siyu was stunned, not knowing what Song Wen was going to do.

Song Wendao: "Did you get hurt just now? Let me take a look."

Only then did Lu Siyu remember that when he was fighting the man before, he was scratched a little by the nail on the wooden stick. The wound is on the outer thigh above the knee. Lu Siyu lowered his head and said, "It's just that the skin was cut. After such a long time, it won't hurt anymore."

Song Wendao: "Let me see."

Only then did Lu Siyu lift up his skirt. There was a scratch of about five centimeters in total, and the deepest part was about half a centimeter deep.

Song Wen took out the iodine and said, "Take off your socks first." Then he looked at it and said, "Sit on the table, and I will give you the medicine later."

Lu Siyu sat on the table in the storage room, took off his stockings, and when he arrived at the wound, he found that the socks had been glued to the wound. He frowned slightly, lowered his head and "hiss", he was not exercising just now. I felt pain, and at this time I felt a little pain when I opened the sticky wound.

"I'll do it." Song Wen said, helping him melt the wound with iodine, and then carefully blowing on it while helping him slowly take off the flesh-colored stockings.

Finally got rid of the wound, Lu Siyu put his hand on the table, just about to say that he came. Song Wen took off his shoes and took off his socks.

The skirt that was in the way was pulled up to the waist, and Lu Siyu suddenly found that he was so naked from legs to feet. He was a little shy for a while, and unconsciously curled up his snow-white toes, then took a piece of clothing from the side and put it over his legs.

Song Wen thought he was cold, so he lowered his head and said, "I'll be fine right away, it might rain at night, I'll give you medicine first, and then put on the waterproof tape."

The blood on the legs was wiped off and the wounds were medicated. The storage room was extremely quiet for a while. Lu Siyu looked down at Song Wen. From this angle, his eyes were downcast, his eyelashes were trembling slightly, his mouth was pursed, and his expression was serious and serious.

The two were so close, Lu Siyu could even feel that Song Wen's shallow breathing made his legs a little itchy.

Lu Siyu's heart moved slightly for a while. The last time Song Wen wiped his wound, it seemed to be the case of the chocolate. Now, it's been so long...

Song Wen wrapped Lu Siyu's wound completely and said, "Let's do this first, it's best to go to the hospital for a look at this wound, it's best not to leave scars..." Then he sighed in relief, packed his things and raised his head. I found that Lu Siyu is wearing a little bit less now, and the legs in front of him are long, thin and straight. He was dressing up just now, but now, looking back, his fingertips seem to have Lu Siyu's body temperature...

What's more terrible is that now Lu Siyu is wearing a woman's clothes, his wig has not been taken off, and he has a sense of temptation that he did not have in the past.

The two looked at each other for a moment, Song Wen suddenly felt dazzled by the lights in the room, and his face burned, he dared not look directly at Lu Siyu, and hurriedly looked away: "Change your clothes, it is estimated that , the trial is almost done outside, I'll go take a look."

Five minutes later, Lu Siyu finally changed back to his usual men's clothes and went to the interrogation room.

Tian Ming and Fu Linjiang were talking to Song Wen about the situation.

Tian Ming said: "It's all recruited. It's not the prisoner, it's a copycat at most. The suspect and the victim know each other. What the man says is to protect the girl, but it's not at all. He put a rope in his pocket and just thought about it. He threw it, and we found it. He saw reports that someone had killed a girl recently, and it was strangled, so he got the idea."

Fu Linjiang nodded and added: "The man has liked this girl for a long time, and the girl rejected him twice. Today they had a party and drank, and they went on the road when they were hot. If they hadn't met you, the girl would be very dangerous. "He sighed, "Although I haven't caught the righteous master, I can save one and save the other."

Tian Ming frowned: "Our publicity has been on for so long, how come there are still people out at night."

Song Wendao: "Many places are already 996 now, not to mention that there are still many night shift jobs. In emergencies, do you want all school-age women in the city to have a curfew? That's impossible and unrealistic."

Tian Ming spread his hands and said, "Alas, we have done everything we can do anyway."

Song Wen lowered his head and brought the topic back to the imitator, "If there is a rope and a motive for murder, he will attack us. If you count the assault on the police, try to give him a heavier sentence. At least, let the company fire the man. Yes, it's better for girls to change jobs and stay away."

Speaking of which, Song Wen looked at the time and was on time. He turned his head and said to everyone, "Get off work. Lu Siyu was scratched just now. I'll take him for a tetanus shot. We'll continue tomorrow."

Tian Ming said: "Oh, yes, Gu Ju also said in the afternoon that he is sympathetic to us working overtime recently. Except for those who are on duty and those who patrol at night, they will not be late for attendance if they arrive before ten in the morning."

Song Wendao: "It's rare for the old man to be kind this time."

Several people were packing their things, but a person rushed in from the outside. That person was dressed in a suit and had a straight posture. It seemed that whether he was an expert or not, the attitude of the expert was enough.

It was Zhuang Yi who had not shown up for a few days. Song Wen once thought that this consultant had collected a circle of traffic, rubbed off on the latest hotspot, and was ready to escape like this. Unexpectedly, he suddenly appeared in the city bureau in the middle of the night.

Tian Ming said hello: "Yo, Professor Zhuang, why are you here this evening?"

Zhuang Yi loosened the tie around his neck, and his face turned pale, apparently hurried over: "I just finished recording a program today, I stopped by the city bureau to see, and condolences to the police colleagues who worked overtime, what did you gain today? ?"

Now that Gu Ju is away, everyone speaks a lot easier.

Song Wendao: "Only one model criminal was caught."

Zhuang Yi breathed a sigh of relief, sat on the table next to him and digested the good news: "That's good, I don't know why, my eyelids keep twitching."

Tian Ming heard it strangely and joked: "You psychologists also believe this? Left eye wealth and right eye disaster. Which one are you jumping."

Zhuang Yi glanced at him and said with a serious expression: "Together." Then he got up and said, "Since you have nothing to do here, then..."

As soon as the words were said, the old-fashioned telephone on Tian Ming's desk suddenly rang, and the bell rang, which was a bit abrupt in this dark night.

Everyone turned to look at the phone, Tian Ming looked at Zhuang Yi and complained in his heart, he hesitated whether to answer the phone or not, and looked sideways at everyone: "It's almost midnight, it's one o'clock in the morning, If there is an emergency, you should call 110, and you can't call our clue to report it, no... is it a prank?"

Fu Linjiang frowned and said, "You can't make this phone call for a prank, right?"

Tian Ming said: "Who said that, I have received several before, and there are advertising sales. It's weird and scary in the middle of the night."

As he was talking, the phone rang a few more times, and Song Wen said beside him, "Go ahead, what are you waiting for, maybe there are relevant clues."

Tian Ming then reluctantly picked up the microphone and put it aside, and pressed the speakerphone: "Hey, this is the Nancheng Bureau's reporting hotline."

Zhang Ziqi didn't dare to be careless and turned on the monitor recording system.

The whole room was silent, and everyone was waiting for a response from the phone.

No one speaks.

Tian Ming asked again: "Who?!"

Still no one spoke.

Tian Ming lost his patience: "Is it a prank? I'm going to hang up the prank?"

Fu Linjiang looked down at the monitoring and recording device, which was recording the recording of the call. The sound file on the opposite side was a straight line with only a few fluctuations. It was some noise, indicating that the phone was indeed on a call.

However, Zhuang Yi suddenly frowned: "Shh." With a sound, he made a quiet gesture to signal Tian Ming not to hang up the phone. He grabbed the pen on the table beside him and hurriedly wrote on the paper: "Maybe it's the coerced servant." By.

Then he thought for a moment and wrote a few more words: I'll pick it up.

Tian Ming let go of the phone.

Zhuang Yi leaned over to the phone: "Hello, I'm Zhuang Yi." Then he asked tentatively, "Is that you?"

It was still quiet on the other side, but everyone felt that this call was a little different. Just in this gap, there was a sudden muffled thunder outside, and the whole earth seemed to be shaking. Everyone in the room was startled by the thunder, and even the lamps above their heads flickered.

After the thunder, Lu Siyu stared intently at the recording software, the recording was no longer blank, but there were some fluctuations, like the sound of breathing...

Song Wen made a gesture to ask Zhang Ziqi to lock the phone number as soon as possible, to check the head of the household and the location of the call.

"I know you, and I know you have a strong sense of guilt in your heart. It is this feeling that prompted you to make this call. The matter has not reached the point of no return. If you cooperate with the police now, you can stop it..." Zhuang Yi continued talking.

"You're wrong..." The other party finally said, his voice was extremely hoarse, and Zhuang Yi's face changed in front of the phone.

The fluctuation of the curve suddenly became violent, and finally, through the broadcast, everyone heard a sound, which was the sound of heavy breathing. In the middle of the night, it sounds like a dormant beast, terrifying. Then there was a whirring sound, which rang for a few seconds, the phone was hung up, and there was a busy sound.

Lu Siyu, who was lowering his head and biting his nails, suddenly raised his head: "Just now, he was laughing!"