Criminal Investigation Files

Chapter 12


"I did it all by myself." Zhong Qing lowered her head and said this softly.

Nancheng Public Security Bureau, at 4:36 p.m., Song Wen, who had just finished an interrogation, looked at the woman in front of her. The white light illuminated her so completely that Song Wen could clearly see a few sticks on her forehead. Without combing her hair, she could clearly see the fine lines at the corners of her eyes, and her eyelashes covered her eyes.

When Song Wen asked Ma Minghui to explain all the facts, he heard the news of Love's surrender. He never expected this to happen. There were either no suspects or two suspects in this case. He had suspected love before, but he didn't lock her down for some reason. One of the reasons was because there was an indifferent temperament in love, which reminded people of four words-heart ashes. She was like a butterfly submerged in water, floating with the waves, and she didn't even have the strength to struggle. It was hard for him to imagine that this woman would stab that fatal blow.

She does not have the passion to kill, and even her life is hopeless, and she is only a body alive. But now, this woman is sitting across from him, without reservations, without a trace of resistance and defense, as if she had cut her life and body apart and spread it out in front of others.

"Murder and dismemberment, are you all doing it?" Song Wen asked.

Love is gently nodded again.


"I've wanted to kill him for a long time. In this kind of life, there is no difference between me at home and in prison." Zhong Aing took a breath and said, only at this time, her emotions showed a trace of waves.

"Then you have passed so long, why suddenly..."

"Because of money." Zhong Qing raised her head, and the expression on her face changed slightly, like a ghost who painted skin took off her virtuous skin, making Song Wen feel as if she didn't know this woman.

"I didn't give him the money, he transferred the 100,000 yuan by himself." She laughed at herself and added, "I am such a vulgar person, I have no feelings, so I have to leave something behind. If you move the money you gave me, you will move my life." The long-term repression had made her extremely vulnerable and sensitive, and the provocative corners of her mouth made her look a little nervous.

"Tell me about the process of the incident in detail."

"At 8:30 that night, my son and I took a taxi to attend the cram school. I went to the small coffee shop next to me to kill time, and found the news that my bank card account was transferred after 7:00 pm... I was very angry. I remember Lin Zhenghua rented a house in this community and ran over to have a theory with him. When it came to money, he was so excited that I picked up a knife and stabbed him in the chest..."

"I was very scared at the time, and it felt like a dream. I pretended to be nothing, went back to the coffee shop, waited until the end of the cram school, picked up the child and took a taxi home, and then sneaked over to dispose of the body at night."

Zhong Qing stroked the drooping hair in front of his forehead: "My first reaction was to throw the body, so I separated his body in the bathroom. But I found that even after separation, the body of the person was bigger than I thought. The one should be bigger. I wanted to mince him and flush it down the toilet, but the juicer was slow and couldn't squeeze the bones, so I only squeezed the internal organs. I was afraid of the smell, so I used ice cubes Put it in the bathtub and keep changing the water. Later, I stewed the chopped ribs and threw them downstairs with some knives and washed and cut clothes before it was dawn... " Zhong Qing said calmly With all this, the speed of speech was getting faster and faster, as if she had returned to the rental house and the scene.

"Then I rinsed the traces I left, and I realised I probably didn't have the time and energy to completely destroy the body. I've been terrified these days."

There are many details that have not been disclosed to the public. She can say it, indicating that the person in front of her is likely to be the murderer, or at least she has been to the scene of the crime and may be one of the accomplices.

"We met in the morning. Why didn't you tell the truth at that time?" Song Wen asked again.

"Before... I still had some luck, but later... I felt that it was only a matter of time before I was discovered by you." Zhong Qing suddenly turned her head and looked at the glass beside her, her eyes seemed to be able to penetrate that layer. It fell on Lu Siyu like a mist. Her secret was discovered. After hurriedly making up for it, she became more and more uneasy. She had to change her plan and take the initiative to attack, but it seemed that the little policeman had not Tell her secrets.

"What else do you have to explain?" Song Wen was a little puzzled by her actions.

"This is a family dispute. Can we apply for a commutation of the sentence if we surrender?" Zhong Aing took his eyes back and looked up at Song Wen.

"You should write down all the relevant situations first. If you explain more and have a better attitude, the judge will consider it as appropriate during the trial." As Song Wen spoke, it was still difficult to imagine that the calm woman in front of him was the murderer.

The police station at 5 o'clock in the afternoon did not have the tranquility of an ordinary company before get off work, so when Song Wen came out of the interrogation room, Fu Linjiang said to him: "Old Jia and Zhu Xiao have brought Guo Zai here, I will probably ask him here. Come on, that kid has done all the tricks, similar to what Ma Minghui said before, extortion exists, but he shouldn't have done the murder and dismemberment."

Song Wen snorted and didn't seem to be listening. He went straight to his desk, pulled out the chair and sat down.

The rest of the people in the office were relaxed at this time. Lao Jia took the document signed with love and said: "The case is closed, the case is closed, everyone is happy, you can go home and sleep well after get off work today."

Zhu Xiao also teased: "This time it was unexpectedly smooth. Now, Team Tian's face is probably going to be crooked."

Song Wen caught love, but there was no sense of accomplishment.

Every time he solves a case, he seems to be approaching the lives of some people, from a stranger, to checking various materials step by step, interrogating again and again, and becoming a familiar person, even though this familiarity is hostile.

What kind of family is this. A gay director who looks good on the surface, but hides secrets; a co-wife who looks like a good wife and a good mother, but is full of hatred and hatred; a male junior who is affectionate on the surface, but actually blackmails the person beside his pillow.

There are no innocent people.

No matter what, as long as sin is committed, there will be a price to pay.

But he felt that there was something wrong with the case.

Song Wen raised his head and looked at Lu Siyu through the glass of the office. He had already summarized all the interrogation records. At this time, he lowered his head and was flipping through a book he bought at noon in his hand. , those unfathomable, expressionless black eyes stared at the book in his hand.

From Song Wen's point of view, half of the title of the book can be seen - Suspect X...

In an instant, Song Wen's eyes suddenly widened, and the knot in his brain opened instantly.

He went out to the corridor to make a phone call, and when he came back, he greeted a few people: "A group of people come here, let's have a meeting in the small conference room."

Several people were waiting there to get off work. Seeing Song Wen's reaction, they didn't know what their leaders were going to do.

As soon as he entered the conference room, Song Wen said, "I checked, Lin Shang and Zhong Qing showed up at the English cram school that day, but Lin Shang was late for a while... I didn't arrive until about 8:40, the address of the cram school. , and the place where the victim was killed is very close, just separated by a community."

"So what?" Fu Linjiang was puzzled. He didn't know what it had to do with Lin Zhenghua's murder.

"The progress of this case is too fast. We have always been unclear. Why did the murderer take so much trouble?" Song Wen asked again.

"This..." The others were at a loss for words, only Lu Siyu stood behind them, his expression was indifferent, as if it had nothing to do with him.

"Anyway, I have admitted what it is called love, and the details can be matched. How can anyone admit to the murderer?" Lao Jia said again.

Song Wen smiled bitterly: "Yeah, where would anyone identify themselves as the murderer? Unless it's to cover up someone." After he finished speaking, he wiped off the clues they had listed before on the whiteboard in the conference room, "We sorted it out before. There are many things that don’t match up in the case, but what if the time and location of the crime are false?”

"What is fake?" Zhu Xiao wondered.

"We got a piece of information at the earliest. The deceased's car was parked in the underground garage of the community at about 8:30 in the evening. It was the surveillance that disturbed our sight." Song Wenlianzhu said, and then he waved his hand, " Lu Siyu, come here and draw a timeline on this whiteboard."

Lu Siyu was suddenly called. He was stunned for a few seconds before he stepped forward, picked up the whiteboard pen, drew a vertical line on the whiteboard, and then began to mark.

"We now know that the deceased took the money from the ATM at around 7pm. The way Kwok Tsai and Ma Minghui extorted him was to put the money in the corner bag of a Pizza Hut restaurant, and then go to pick it up, I guess, Lin Zhenghua saw Guo Zai this time. On the way back, Lin Zhenghua recalled seeing Guo Zai at Ma Minghui, and went back to confront Ma Minghui. If Ma Minghui hadn't lied, the confrontation and conflict between him and Lin Zhenghua might have ended at 7:15 Between 7:30, Lin Zhenghua determined that Ma Minghui was blackmailing him, and the two had quarrels and conflicts, and Ma Minghui left. Then we learned that at 8:30 pm, the deceased's car was parked at Yuting Huayin, which seems to be also It is in line with the love to meet Lin Zhenghua and kill him afterwards."

On the blackboard, Lu Siyu recorded very quickly, as if he knew what Song Wen was thinking for a long time, and marked all the times and events on it.

"However, what if the love lied?" Song Wen took the pen from Lu Siyu's hand and drew a circle between 7:30 and 8:30, "During this period of time, the deceased Where did you go?"

"Could it be..." Having said that, Fu Linjiang seemed to finally understand what Song Wen meant.

"We only had the deceased's off-duty time and the surveillance video of the withdrawal. I boldly made an assumption that the deceased did not drive today for some reason. At 8:30, the deceased was already dead, and the car was only transporting the deceased's body. Come here..." Song Wen said, and drew a triangle next to it, marking home, company, and Yuting, these three locations, the drive is fifteen to twenty minutes.

"The deceased went home in the middle of the hour?! Is the home the place of the murder?" Fu Linjiang suddenly realized.

"But if she was killed at home, I don't believe she could drag the body!" Lao Jia shouted. After analyzing this, he still didn't follow Song Wen's train of thought.

"So she has an accomplice, or in other words, she is just an accomplice." Song Wen took a step back and looked at the case in front of him. This time, the whole process became much clearer.

"We've been wrong all the time because the murderer and the dismemberment are not the same person at all."

Song Wen straightened everything out and concluded: "I think that doing those things with love is not to destroy the corpse, but to disturb our sight to the greatest extent, and let us make mistakes about the time of death, the place of death, and the cause of death of the deceased. judgment."

She dismembered her body with hatred for the man, but she was sensible, with a missing stomach, a missing heart, soaked in water, and repeatedly used ice water, like a deranged out of order, but It is every step that destroys the traces above, making it impossible for forensics and physical evidence to make a correct judgment.

Because the time is false and the place is false.

After clarifying all his thoughts, Song Wen walked into the interrogation room where Zhong Qing was closed, and Zhong Qing was still sitting there, as if she had the same posture as when Song Wen left last time.

"Lin Zhenghua died at your house that day, right? Then you drove the body to the rental house, and then dismembered the body." Song Wen asked directly.

Zhong Qing raised her head in surprise: "Officer Song, what are you talking about? I don't know how to drive at all."

"You don't know how to drive, but your son Lin Shang can. Lin Shang is still underage and has no car book, but Lin Zhenghua taught him before." Song Wen still remembers the relationship between Lin Shang and Lin Zhenghua that he saw at home. The group photo, one of which was taken by the car, he continued to point out the loopholes in the love words, "Also, when a normal person hears the question I asked you, they will immediately deny that the home is the location of the crime, and Will not tell the details of not being able to drive."

At that moment, Zhong Qing's complexion changed, as if a bullet had hit her heart, making her crumbling.

"You are left-handed. When Lin Zhenghua faced you, he should have been stabbed in the right chest. Lin Zhenghua was not killed by you, but by your son Lin Shang. In order to exonerate Lin Shang, you divided the body and destroyed it Traces, confusing the time and place of the crime, just to give your son an alibi in the cram school. In order to prevent the police from continuing to investigate, you turned yourself in, and wanted to put the blame on your son, and hope that the case will end here.” Song Wen’s words Step by step.

Zhong Qing lowered her head and pursed her lips, and stopped talking, but her eyes dimmed.

"It doesn't matter if you don't speak now. We have already had someone search your home and arrest Lin Shang. Soon everything will come to light." At that moment, he finally found the real murderer, turned around and walked out, relieved.

The door closed in front of her love, and she sighed as if she came alive. She hated Lin Zhenghua, but the child was innocent. She had always loved her son very much. After the incident, she still missed it. When she and Lin Shang hurriedly put Lin Zhenghua's body in the suitcase, they forgot to bring his shoes...

The pair of leather shoes belonging to Lin Zhenghua, when Song Wen and Lu Siyu visited her house last time, still kept the direction of entering the door...

People say that she lives up to her name, she is called love, and this life is also planted in love at first sight. She married Lin Zhenghua in disregard of her parents' objection, and she has been in hell ever since.

All along, the fact that Lin Zhenghua is gay has been well hidden from their son Lin Shang. But when Lin Zhenghua came home angrily that day and poured his anger on her, the two accidentally mentioned the tens of thousands of dollars and the matter of Lin Zhenghua living with a man outside. When she came out and asked Lin Zhenghua if she was gay, she knew that the family was over.

For a long time, the image of her father was shattered in her heart. The collapsed Lin Shang stabbed the knife into his father's chest, and Zhong Qing and him transported the body to the rental house, and then did what she had done thousands of times in her dreams, putting the That man was cut with a thousand cuts.