Criminal Investigation Files

Chapter 13


Lin Shang was caught at his grandmother's house, and he confessed to all the crimes. And the process he said was almost exactly the same as Song Wen's reasoning.

At that time, he was so angry that he stabbed his father's heart with a knife, and Lin Zhenghua died soon. Due to the knife stuck in the wound, there was not much bleeding. He was terrified at the time, but he was very calm in love. Before the zombie formed, Zhong Qing and him stuffed the corpse into a large suitcase and transported it to the rental house.

The mother and son went to the cram school pretending to have nothing to do, but Lin Shang didn't listen to all the courses.

The French Open was sloppy and not leaking. Although Love made sacrifices and was willing to take the blame for him, Lin Shang still did not escape the punishment of the law in the end.

Song Wen went through the whole case again. Basically, all the previous questions have been answered, and most of the loopholes have been filled.

Lin is underage, and what awaits him may be to enter a juvenile detention center for education; Ma Minghui and Guo Zi will be sentenced for extortion; Zhong Ai will be sentenced to the crime of shelter and corpse torture and be punished by law.

After three days and seventy-two hours, even if a corpse case was broken, all four perpetrators were arrested.

After the case was solved, it was busy for several days to wrap up, and these people in the first team finally ushered in a rare weekend. On Sunday afternoon, Song Wen habitually took out his sketchbook and began to draw.

He painted faces one after another, the ones he loved, those of Lin Zhenghua, and those of Lin Shang. He didn't close the book until these various faces filled the whole sheet of paper.

Then Song Wen opened the phone, his fingers swiped on the screen, but suddenly thought of something, opened the album, there was a photo in the album, which he found from Cheng Xiaobing's physical evidence that day. That photo should not have been taken, but the little girl pressed the shutter and was reluctant to delete it. After Song Wen discovered this photo, he didn't make a sound, but saved a copy in his mobile phone.

In the photo, Lu Siyu lowered his head and looked at the trunk of the victim's car with a focused expression on his handsome face.

Some things, like beads, seem to have nothing to do with each other, but when you think about it carefully, there are already some signs that can be connected in series. Song Wen remembered Zhou Yining's words and the previous investigation results, he suddenly got up, picked up his clothes and went out.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, Lu Siyu was cooking dinner in a small villa in the west of Nancheng. Today, he stewed a pot of fish soup, and he killed the fish with his own hands.

Lu Siyu's movements were neat and tidy. First, he knocked the fish unconscious to remove the internal organs, scales, gills, and black membranes in the abdomen. Then he washed the fish with a blank expression and washed away the blood on his hands. Use kitchen paper to absorb the water from the fish, heat the pan with cold oil, fry it up and down first, then add water, light yellow oil flowers pop up, the soup gradually turns white, and cook until the soup is milky white and gradually thickened.

Lu Siyu has always believed that the freshness of food is closely related to the death time of creatures. In order to make enough delicious food, it must be cooked in the shortest time when the food dies. Therefore, he usually buys poultry and fish by himself. The blood of those poultry is warm, the blood of fish is cold, and the shrimps are alive and kicking. Only when such food is made can it be called a delicacy in the world.

After the fish soup was stewed, Lu Siyu made another tomato brisket and put it in the pressure cooker. The boiled potatoes were mashed and mixed with the gravy. The meat rolls in the oven made a sizzling sound. Absolutely delicious.

Waiting for the other dishes to be ready and served on the table one after another, the aroma of food wafted in the room, and he was about to sit down and enjoy the food when Lu Siyu suddenly heard the doorbell, and he raised his head in surprise. In addition to couriers and security guards, few people came.

Lu Siyu wiped his hands, walked to the door, looked out from the cat's eye, and saw Song Wen standing at the door.

Lu Siyu's first reaction was to pretend he wasn't there. He turned around and looked at the brightly lit room, and then at the floor-to-ceiling windows with no curtains drawn. Considering that if he didn't open the door, Song Wen really could have come out through the window and entered. After hesitating for a while, he took the initiative to slowly open the door and called out obediently, "Song team."

Song Wen changed his shoes familiarly, and Lu Siyu squatted at the door, straightening the shoes he changed into a row with the other shoes.

Song Wen walked into the room and looked up at the environment habitually.

This community belongs to the wealthy area of Nancheng, and each building is a single-family house with a yard.

It is said that this room type was designed by a Spanish designer. The whole villa has a bit of exotic flavor. The living room is four or five meters high, and the top surface is curved. As soon as you enter the door, there is a living room with more than 100 square meters and a dining room. , There is a two-by-two square island in the kitchen, surrounded by various equipments, both Chinese and Western kitchens. After finishing the meal, the kitchen is very clean.

Song Wen had an occupational disease, so he scanned the entire living room, and finally landed on Lu Siyu, who stood aside, wearing a soft and comfortable home clothes and a pair of gold round-rimmed glasses, with a blank expression on his face. Look at this uninvited guest.

Song Wen's eyes finally swept across the dishes on the table, and each plate was neatly arranged: "You eat so much every day."

"I'm used to it. Cooking is also a kind of rest." Lu Siyu looked at Song Wen. Today is a day off. He obviously came directly from home, and he even rushed for a meal, and said politely, "Team Song Haven't had dinner yet?"

"I'll just say a few words, and then go back to eat." Song Wen coughed lightly, rejecting his words insincerely.

"It's not troublesome, but it's just a matter of adding a pair of bowls and chopsticks." Lu Siyu took out the bowls and chopsticks, put them in front of Song Wen, then added some chopped chives to the fish soup, put them on the table, and finally thoughtfully put them on the table. Poured two glasses of red wine. At the beginning, there was a little less wine in one cup. Lu Siyu frowned and added a little more wine. The wine in the two cups was the same height, so he brought one of them to Song Wen.

Song Wen was not polite, as if he was here to eat rice, he sat at the dining table and ate with Lu Siyu. The fish soup of the main course was especially good. The extremely fresh fish soup had no fishy smell. There is only a unique aroma of fish meat, and it is not as greasy as other meats. Drinking the thick soup makes Song Wen feel warm.

Lu Siyu grabbed a large piece of fish meat with chopsticks, Song Wen raised his head and heard him call out affectionately, "Little Wolf..."

Song Wen didn't expect to be called by a nickname, and stopped, looking at Lu Siyu. His nickname colleague doesn't even know it, and it's hard for people to associate it with Song Wen's current appearance. He was about to ask Lu Siyu where he knew his nickname. But I saw a pure white Samoyed jumping out of the guest bedroom on the side, and skillfully went to the table twice. Lu Siyu put the fish on the table, and the dog started to eat it. Lu Siyu lowered his head, stretched out a plain white hand expressionlessly, scratched the dog's belly, and the dog narrowed his eyes.

"… "

It's obviously a dog, why is it called a wolf

The dog was so beautifully touched, Song Wen watched Lu Siyu play with the dog, and somehow a strange feeling came to his heart, a person who is usually so cold, this kind of gentleness is all on the dog.

"Little Wolf, say hello to the guests." Lu Siyu gave an order. The dog jumped down and ran over to rub against Song Wen's jeans.

"Your dog is quite familiar..." Song Wen felt the dog under his feet rubbed intimately, and couldn't help reaching out and touched the dog's head.

Lu Siyu couldn't stand it anymore: "Little Wolf, don't rub your butt against someone's pants..."

The dog was criticized, and shrank with an expression of grievance, raised a leg at Song Wen's feet, and made a gesture of urinating.

Song Wen froze with chopsticks: "..."

Suddenly I have the urge to eat dog meat hot pot.

The dog was taken away by Lu Siyu again. Song Wen looked at him and couldn't help but ask, "Why is this dog called Little Wolf?"

"Why, doesn't it sound good?" Lu Siyu pinched the dog's round face, looked up at him, and then explained, "I found this dog. I moved out of the dormitory at that time, and I was a little afraid of loneliness. , I picked up this dog on my way home. At that time, it was dirty and barked at me. The two canine teeth were like a wolf. It was small and not fierce, but rather special Lovely, I suddenly thought of this name."

Song Wen took out the tissue aside and wiped his mouth, mercilessly exposing his lies: "You are really lucky to be able to pick up a purebred Samoyed."

Lu Siyu hummed, as if he didn't hear the suspicion and sarcasm in Song Wen's words at all. He didn't explain any further, and lowered his head to touch the dog's belly, wondering what he was thinking.

After a meal, Song Wen put the tableware and chopsticks away, and then he cut to the subject. He habitually rolled up the sleeves of his shirt: "I'm here today, and I want to talk to you about something."

Lu Siyu hummed, and reached out to get Samoyed off the table. The dog was very sensible and got into the kennel of the guest room with its tail tucked.

Song Wen paused for a moment and cut to the chase: "Your previous psychological test results were not satisfactory."

There was a hint of doubt on Lu Siyu's expressionless face. He adjusted his glasses, as if he didn't understand why there was such a result.

"I have a question for you." Song Wen asked him, "Why do you want to be a criminal police officer?"

Lu Siyu coughed lightly: "I have had such a dream since I was a child..."

Song Wen cut off his words, raised his eyebrows and said, "Speak the truth, don't fool me with the tricks learned in the police academy."

Lu Siyu looked at him: "So, Team Song, can you tell me why you want to be a detective?"

"There are always many bad people in this city, and someone needs to catch those bad people." Song Wen looked up at Lu Siyu, "This is something that always needs someone to do."

The lights in the room were quiet, Song Wen continued: "However, I chose this profession mainly because of my family. Many people in the city bureau did not know that my father was an old criminal policeman. The image of my father is glorious and great in my heart, but later, I found out that there are things that my father can't do, and things that let me down. And my father is a person who takes a lot of face... He is very selfless and also As people often say, he likes to rush to the front line in everything, and he is a good policeman who is praised by personal people. , his own life can be thrown away..."

Song Wen didn't make it clear, but Lu Siyu understood that something must have happened, which made Song Wen, as a son, extremely disappointed in Song Cheng, and his father's image plummeted.

"Later, when I was eight years old, my father and my mother divorced."

When Song Wen said this, Lu Siyu's eyes changed slightly, and he blinked as if sympathizing with him.

Song Wen shrugged and said: "He and my mother tossed each other for a few years, and then remarried, so I didn't grow up in a single-parent family, but for a few years in between, the father's position was missing, he Rarely appeared, and once it did, it was very harsh on me. Later, I learned to resist from his reprimands and reproaches. I habitually confronted him, and he didn't like me, so I had to show him. , at that time he wanted me to be a doctor, so I ran to be a police officer. Now, I like this job quite a bit."

Song Wen rarely talks to others about these words, both he and Song Cheng are very stubborn. Song Cheng hopes that he can become a doctor like his mother and enter a medical school. In Song Cheng, he believes that being a police officer is a very hard job, and there are many right and wrong in it. . But Song Wen specifically fought against Song Cheng, applied for the police academy, and after graduating, entered the Nancheng Bureau.

In the end, after a few years as a criminal police officer, Song Wen felt that he was very suitable for the job. He is capable of this position and is a natural criminal. So he was relieved about the result of this choice. As he grew older, Song Wen gradually understood that Song Cheng was involuntarily doing things, but the gap between father and son could not be solved with just a few words.

After listening to Song Wen's words, Lu Siyu lowered his head and said, "When I first went to school, I applied for the forensic department. Later, I took a course related to criminal investigation. Near the end of the course, that course The instructor of the class suddenly found me, and he solemnly suggested that I should consider my future career plan, whether to be a forensic doctor or a criminal police officer. In his career description, the work of a criminal police officer seems to be more suitable for me. So I thought carefully and chose this career.”

Song Wen continued to ask: "Being a criminal police officer is very hard. Are you sure you can persevere?"

"Now that I've gotten used to it, I think it's okay." Under Lu Siyu's unremitting efforts and coddling, he did not suffer any grievances.

"It's been more than a week since you came to the police force. How do you feel about following the last case?"

"I feel like I've learned a lot."

At this point in the conversation, Song Wen's expression suddenly became more serious: "I still have a story that I want to tell you."

Lu Siyu also seemed to have noticed some different atmosphere. He sat upright in the chair and looked at Song Wen. Song Wen's expression was familiar to him. It was his expression during the interrogation, as if the person sitting across from him was not his. A colleague, a subordinate, but a suspect. His eyes pierced through everything.

"This story happened a few years ago. In a police officer school, there are various departments, including the forensic department. Among the freshmen recruited in this batch, one freshman's grades were significantly better than the others, and this boy was older than the others. It was quite good, and it provoked many girls in the school to chase him. But this boy, cold and cold, rejected many people..." Song Wen said in a deep voice, Lu Siyu's face was still expressionless under the light. As if listening to a pure story.

"... This situation undoubtedly caused the jealousy of some boys in the dormitory. The boys in the class started to form a group, using that boy as an imaginary enemy. At the beginning, it was some insignificant joke, and then it began to intensify, tearing his books, After getting his quilt wet, they tricked the boy into the laboratory building at eight o'clock in the evening, stole his mobile phone, and locked it in the autopsy room. That day, there was a fresh message from the autopsy room that had just arrived. An autopsy corpse."

Song Wen said, staring at Lu Siyu's face, not letting go of any of his subtle expressions: "... At that time, they were just freshmen, although if they wanted to study forensics, they had never formally touched the corpse, those pranks. The boys later said that they hoped to scare their classmates, lock him up for a night, and extinguish his arrogance. This incident was only discovered by the administrator when the dormitory lights were turned off at 12 o'clock in the evening, and the dean took the teacher to the room in a hurry. Save the people. When they opened the door of the autopsy room, they found that the boy was indifferently facing the dissected corpse, separating the various organs and carefully observing…”

Hearing this, Lu Siyu finally opened his mouth and said: "When I was in school, it was rare to get an autopsy opportunity, especially when facing a corpse alone."

"But at that time, that boy was only eighteen years old." Song Wen looked at the person in front of him. Under the light, his skin was white and shiny, but the red dot on his Adam's apple was as red as blood. At that time, what kind of monster should he look like.

"Those boys were punished, and the leader was expelled, and the boy was allowed to live off-campus because of this. No one in the school dared to be friends with him anymore, everyone said He is a lunatic, perverted, and some people even say that he has a special hobby for corpses. As for this boy, maybe he is naturally withdrawn. He doesn't care about the opinions of his classmates, but he gets along very well with his mentor." Song Wen said here, Raising his head, "The story is here, and it's just an ordinary story. Bad students are punished, and good students go their own way. But..."

Song Wen took a sip of red wine and looked at Lu Siyu: "Xue Tong, do you still have an impression of this name?" That was the student who was expelled because of that incident.

"I always feel that this matter is not as simple as it seems. Later, I checked the social relationship of this person. After dropping out of school, he has become an ordinary taxi driver. When I asked about He was reluctant to talk about what happened to him back then, as if he was afraid of something. After my repeated questioning, he said a few words, 'That's what he hoped for', after which he hung up the phone and never spoke again. I don't want to reveal anything." Song Wen asked Lu Siyu, "What do you think Xue Tong's words mean?"