Criminal Investigation Files

Chapter 14


Lu Siyu hesitated for a while, looked at Song Wen, and did not answer him.

The room was brightly lit, but the two of them had their own concerns.

Song Wen didn't ask about the past, but instead talked about the current situation: "Lu Siyu, since you joined the team, I feel that you are a little different, and you don't fit in with the police force's environment. You originally had more and better. It's like the murderer in this case desperately trying to destroy all the marks on the body, but in the end he left traces."

Lu Siyu gave a soft "Huh?", as if he didn't understand what he was talking about.

"Let me restore what you did after going to work. On the first day of work, you dropped things twice. You returned to the crime scene alone." After saying this, Song Wen paused, as if Waiting for Lu Siyu's explanation.

Lu Siyu turned his head slightly and looked at him: "I'm a little lost, Song team, do you dislike me for throwing things too often?"

Song Wen continued: "I was only impressed with one of them at first, and I didn't think it was wrong, but later, I found the second time in Xiaocheng's physical evidence photos. You observed the deceased's car up close. It's the so-called first time. I deduce that you should have found a clue in the trunk at that time. Because the trunk of that car was fond of placing corpses. "

Lu Siyu hesitated for a moment, then explained softly: "I just dropped by to say hello to Sister Xu after I went down."

Song Wen looked at him, his eyes fixed on Lu Siyu's body, the person in front of him looked harmless, but he knew in his heart that he was not that simple: "In this case, you have been walking in front of us, in the first During a group meeting, you pinpointed that the dismembering person was in love, and led the suspect to her, and after you went to their home, you learned the truth of the case." He paused and continued, " But I'm very surprised that you didn't reveal your love, you didn't tell me directly, but instead implied me..."

Lu Siyu opened his mouth, licked his lower lip, and wanted to say something, but didn't interrupt.

"You took great pains to buy this copy of "The Appearance of Suspect X", just to tell me that the time and place of the crime have been changed." At this point, Song Wen asked the purpose of his visit today, "After so many years, you have The way you behave, there is still no change... Just like at the beginning, you hoped that you could touch the body through the hands of those students, you got rid of those troubles, and you could live off-campus. Entering the police force, I don't want to reveal my true heart, and I deliberately confuse Dr. Zhou. Lu Siyu, I want to ask you, what are you doing here? "

After having a conversation with Zhou Yining and conducting some investigations, Song Wen still chose to come here and speak clearly.

The rest of the team, smart or stupid, were all racking their brains to find the truth, only Lu Siyu seemed to be playing a detective game. He doesn't care about justice, he doesn't fear death, and he doesn't care whether bad people can subdue the law.

He felt that Lu Siyu was covering up his real purpose with emotional indifference, covering up his unusualness...

The whole process was analyzed by Song Wen. Seeing him pressing step by step, Lu Siyu finally stopped arguing. It seemed that his expression gradually changed due to the drunkenness of that little red wine. A little halo appeared, he leaned forward, his eyes narrowed slightly, and the redness at the corners of his eyes became more obvious: "Officer Song." Lu Siyu spoke, his pointed chin lightly tapped, "and other Does anyone know you're coming to see me tonight?"

This sentence was a little threatening. His expression seemed to infer how much Song Wen knew, and he seemed to be thinking about how to pass this unique interview.

Lu Siyu called Police Officer Song, not Team Song. The distance between the two seemed to be widened by these three words, but for some reason, Song Wen had a strange feeling when he heard him call him a police officer. , Danger and desire coexist, the person in front of him looks like peach blossoms, looks pleasing to the eye, has a hazy beauty, but there is a coldness all over his body, cold and ruthless. His fingers were slender and fair, but they were the hands that touched the corpse, the hands that cut the internal organs, just such a pair of hands, who just made a table of exquisite food.

In the luxurious room, the chandelier was shining brightly above the head, the air in the room seemed to freeze in an instant, and the two people at the table were relatively silent for a while. What is true and what is false? What is right and what is evil

Lu Siyu stretched out a plain white hand and stirred the pot of fish soup, and a piece of fish bone floated up, food, wine, beauty, money, these things were placed in front of Song Wen's eyes, What a beautiful world. In front of him seems to be a suspect, and is extremely beautiful, extremely cunning, smarter, and more difficult to deal with.

Lu Siyu finally opened his mouth, and he seemed to be laughed at by Song Wen's reasoning: "Have you seen too many cases, and everyone has to be tried again? I just killed a fish, Song team, you need to investigate the crime. Are there any tricks and marks?" Then he stuck out his tongue, licked his dry lips, and his eyelashes trembled, "Captain Song, I really just came here to be a criminal policeman. I was also a victim of the school incident, you This kind of conspiracy theory, I don't know how to refute it. I chose Nancheng, you say I have no purpose, if you drop a water glass, you say I did it on purpose, and you led the case to solve it, I bought the book You can say that I found out who the murderer was first? My family still has a set of Conan, do I have to give you a copy of similar cases in the future?"

In Song Wen's impression, it was the first time that Lu Siyu said so many words in a series. This time, he finally stopped being dumb and slow to respond, but asked questions like a barrage of cannons. Before he could respond, Lu Siyu said Continue: "Are you focusing on the case? Or you should find a girlfriend, don't be so idle at night, let you speak so smartly, and come here to be a trainee police officer for you, write reports every day and be subject to this Torture what?"

Song Wen supported his chin with one hand, and it was very useful to see Lu Siyu's hair suddenly blown up. The whole process was like a rabbit who was in a hurry, and like a cat who was suddenly awakened, meowing and claws at the same time. .

He narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the person in front of him. In the past few days, Lu Siyu has been keeping his guard up. Although he was a little suspicious, he didn't do anything excessive. Moreover, his various documents are well organized, which saves Song Wen a lot of effort. Finally, he has such a subordinate who can use it easily. He does not want Lu Siyu to leave, but just like when Zhou Yining was talking to him , Song Wen's answer is the same, he needs to keep things under control, and needs to make Lu Siyu understand that nothing can escape his eyes.

Song Wen seemed to be quite satisfied with his answer, so he turned the topic back: "Congratulations on passing the final interview and assessment, and finally I want to remind you that when I was getting started, an old policeman asked me something. . If you encounter a vicious murderer, are you ready to sacrifice at any time?"

Lu Siyu seemed to breathe a sigh of relief and nodded: "I understand what choosing this profession means for my life."

Song Wen stood up, took the clothes he put on the back of the chair, Lu Siyu sent him to the door, Song Wen changed his shoes, looked back at him and said, "The conclusion of the case, give it to me in the morning the day after tomorrow." He It turned naturally, as if he was the home visiting leader for a talk today.

Lu Siyu said solemnly, "I know."

When he reached the door, Song Wen turned around suddenly, Lu Siyu was not on guard, and bumped his waist against the back of the cabinet. He looked up at Song Wen, like a shackled prey. Staring at Lu Siyu, Song Wen's expression changed subtly. After a while, he said solemnly: "No matter what you do, I will take good care of you." Then he waved his hand, "See you tomorrow."

When Song Wen was sent out, he was the only one left in the luxurious room. Only then did Lu Siyu realize that his back was soaked with sweat, his heart was beating non-stop in his chest, his thoughts seemed to be out of his control, and his stomach twitched with pain, as if a fire was burning , he rushed into the bathroom and threw up everything he had just eaten. His legs were soft, and he was the only one left in the room. He suddenly felt a sense of panic and called out a little wolf.

The dog came running from the house and rubbed his legs with its soft fur.

Only then did Lu Siyu regain his consciousness, endured dizziness and walked upstairs, took out a small bottle of painkillers, and swallowed a few without pouring water. He sat down against the bedside table, pressing his hands on his stomach and burying his head in his knees, huddled together.

He was so dizzy that he didn't even have the strength to get on the bed. The cold sweat kept breaking out, and he shivered from the cold. His heart was also beating so fast that it was about to burst out of his chest, and his ears were full of auditory hallucinations, men's, women's, various voices, and the sound of blood splashing, making his mind a mess.

The dog was still beside him, whimpering around him. After about ten minutes, the pain was suppressed, and the overdose of medicine finally took effect. When the situation was better, Lu Siyu raised his head weakly, reached out and touched its back.

Lu Siyu still remembered that Song Wen told him that torture could not induce confessions, but deceit could be used. This deceit sometimes saved countless words, and Song Wen was here to deceive him today. He reflected on whether he was too eager to refute and revealed something. He could no longer play those little tricks that could not escape his eyes.

Song Wen was smarter and more sensitive than he thought.

For a few moments, Lu Siyu felt that he had been seen through by Song Wen. He was rotten and a ghost in hell, while Song Wen was like a blazing sun. It seemed that he only needed to stand by his side and be watched by him. , he was about to be melted.