Criminal Investigation Files

Chapter 16


The entire dormitory building of Nancheng University was remodeled the year before, and now there are four people in a dormitory, with computer desks and cabinets under the bed, sleeping people in the upper bunk, and a small bathroom on the side of the dormitory, where only the toilet can be used. He couldn't take a shower, and Song Wen followed Lin Xiuran in on his toes. The bedroom was already in chaos, with bedding and various books and items scattered on the ground.

On the south side of the bedroom, there are two corpses of young women wearing only pajamas. One of them is curled up and huddled in pain in the corner. The girl is wearing a pale fan lace pajamas. Get fair skin.

The other one was not far from her. It seemed that she rolled down with the quilt. The female corpse was a girl with long curly hair. She was thin and had dark red nails on her hands, because of the extreme pain before her death. , She and the quilt were almost twisted together, with both hands and feet embedded in the quilt, and now a corpse has formed, and a forensic doctor is trying to separate her from the quilt.

Both of these two girls were in their early twenties, and they were at a good age in life, but now they died tragically in their dormitory one night. Even though Song Wen was used to seeing life and death in the past few years, he couldn't help but feel helpless when he saw such a scene.

The two of them had clearly experienced a struggle before they died, and their faces were ferocious like ghosts. Because of the poisoning, their lips were abnormally colored, and there was some vomit on the ground, which also caused incontinence, leaving the whole bedroom with a pungent stench. .

Lin Xiuran had already briefly checked the corpse. At this time, there was physical evidence taking photos to collect fingerprints. In order not to interfere with their work, Lin Xiuran pulled Song Wen into the corridor again and introduced: "The two deceased have been identified, both of whom are from the Department of Civil Engineering. The senior student in the school is Dong Fang, who is curled up, and the one who is holding the quilt is called Ma Aijing. It should be poisoned by a strong poison, and it took less than an hour and a half from the poison to die. "

"Senior year, civil engineering, you should be preparing for your graduation thesis, defense, and looking for a job at this time, right?" Song Wen asked, "Has the cause of death been determined?"

Lin Xiuran said, "They belonged to acute poisoning. After the attack, they had difficulty breathing and died of heart and lung failure. We have just collected some samples, and we need further autopsy." The student did not respond, it should be for the poisoning incident in the dormitory, and the poison is suspected to be a green gas."

"Where did the source of the poison come from?" Song Wen shook off his gloves and put it on. "Isn't this poison famous for its fast speed and less pain?" The two girls were obviously tortured before they died.

"Maybe the dose is not large, just a small amount, but it is enough to kill." Lin Xiuran explained, "After poisoning, the time and state of the attack are mainly related to the blood concentration..."

As the two were talking, a strong light suddenly shot from outside, piercing the dark night, and stabbed Song Wen in the eye. Lin Xiuran was also stunned by the light, and turned his head away, Song Wen spread his five fingers to block in front of him. I looked at the corridor and saw an Audi slowly stopping at the door of the dormitory building.

Song Wen suddenly remembered a sentence, there are two kinds of headlights in the world, one is other headlights, and the other is Audi headlights. I was just about to ask which unsightly leader drove this car over, but do you think this case is not enough? Then he saw Lu Siyu open the door and get out of the car...

The dark clouds in the sky have not dissipated, but the wind has disappeared, the air is still stuffy, and it feels like a rain will come at any time. In the girls' dormitory building at two in the morning, the teacher started to appease the students one after another, telling them to turn off the lights to sleep and not to go out.

Downstairs in the dormitory, Lu Siyu locked the Audi, put the car key in his pocket, and walked in through the door of the building.

Song Wengang was dazzled by the car: "Little Ancestor, do you know that it is necessary to keep a low profile when handling a case? So eye-catching? Are you going to drive a Ferrari next time?"

At this time, Lu Siyu couldn't see the embarrassment last night at all, and he couldn't see any lack of sleep. Under the action of large doses of painkillers, he was at the most excited and awake moment. Lu Siyu didn't mention what happened last night, as if everything had been turned over, and played the role of his trainee policeman. He walked closer and looked at Song Wen indifferently and seriously: "Song team, you are very well-dressed."

Song Wen rolled up his sleeves and said, "This is an accident for me." His tone was not as full of confidence as he used to be. He is usually resolute, but most of the time he is strict. If he is tough, people will forget his age. At times it reminded people that he was not much older than the students in these schools.

"It's nothing, it's pretty good, it looks like his legs are very long." Lu Siyu said and looked at Song Wen. Under the incandescent light, the white shirt and snow-white skin on his body were lighting plates for each other. I don't know if he was wearing clothes. The style of the shirt is still the style design of the shirt. The buttons on the cuffs and neckline are unbuttoned. Under the shirt, a slender wrist is exposed, which is even more attractive.

Song Wen was in a daze for a while, he didn't expect that someone could wear a white shirt so clean and good-looking.

Lu Siyu took a few steps closer and stood in front of Song Wen, stretched out his hand to help him straighten the collar of his shirt, and whispered, "Song team, you can actually call me and let me bring it for you, fortunately. I already have a spare set of clothes in the trunk of my car, why don't you change it in my car." After Lu Siyu finished speaking, he remembered something, and whispered, "Change your shirt and shoes, too. It's not very coordinated." After speaking, he put the heavy car keys in Song Wen's hands.

Song Wenla thanked him and hurriedly took the key and ran out.

Lu Siyu put on gloves, held a pen and paper, and started to record. Xiao Cheng was taking pictures inside, and he nodded when he saw him. There was also a male witness who came with him, and he waved his hand to say hello.

There were four or five people standing in the small dormitory, and they had to be careful not to step on things on the ground at all times, which was a bit hard to move. After remembering the time and place, Lu Siyu came to Dong Fang's corpse. Due to the struggle, under Dong Fang's pajamas, he could see that corpse spots had formed on his body over time, but the corpse spots were different from ordinary ones. Too the same, showing a bright red. Lu Siyu stretched out his fingers again, and carefully looked through the glove's eyes and the mucous membranes of the deceased's mouth. They were all in a cherry-red congestion state. He looked up at Lin Xiuran and asked, "Blue gas?"

Lin Xiuran nodded: "It is suspected, it needs further testing to confirm." After this kind of poisoning, it will cause insufficient oxygen utilization in the body and increase the oxygenated hemoglobin in the blood, so the corpse spot will be different from the normal situation, it will be bright red, which is obvious One of the characteristics is also the basic common sense in forensic medicine. However, for the sake of rigor, he did not make a decision now.

Lu Siyu looked at the time again, and the time of death was about an hour or so, that is, one in the morning at night. If the poisoning dose is large, a lightning coma or death will occur, and the person will die within a few seconds. Rescue is too late. But it seems that these girls are still normal when they are going to bed, so the poison may be taken before going to bed. Because the dose is not large, there is a process of attack. After the poison is taken, the hidden time is about half. More than an hour, after that, there is a fifteen to forty minute poisoning process.

Lin Xiuran watched Lu Siyu busy. This newcomer was not only a criminal police officer, but also a forensic doctor. His good grades and professionalism enabled him to cope well with the work at hand.

People say that forensic medicine is a kind of business with Buddha's heart and ghosts, but Lin Xiuran feels that this Buddha's heart has dragged him down, making him unable to escape from the world, see more cases clearly, punish more criminals, and rescue more people. people.

Lin Xiuran has been working hard to make himself more professional, but he has been in the industry for nearly ten years and has experienced hundreds of battles, but he still cannot be indifferent to death. He can tolerate more horrific corpses, a more unpleasant smell, and has more exquisite technology, but whenever he faces victims, he can never overcome his compassion for these people, and there is always kindness and compassion in his heart. cause trouble.

Lin Xiuran feels that Lu Siyu is different from ordinary people. This newcomer has impressed him since the first time he came to the scene, and now the second cooperation is the same. Lu Siyu has a kind of "indifference" towards life and corpses that is different from ordinary people. , which is a compliment. Lin Xiuran felt that as a forensic doctor, he was cold and cold enough to restrain his humanity, allowing him to devote himself to the case better. Only by not letting the sympathy and fear of those human beings influence oneself can we be able to explore all the truth more objectively.

Lu Siyu seemed to be indifferent to these victims, but he was fully devoted. He was cold and ruthless, but he was also fearless. Any misery seemed to keep him unmoved.

Standing in the dormitory now, Lu Siyu seemed to be able to see everything the girls had gone through before.

At about eleven o'clock in the evening, the girls took the poison at almost the same time, but the dose was large and small. The lights in the bedroom were turned off at twelve o'clock. She wanted to moisten her throat with saliva, but the corners of her mouth began to drool uncontrollably. Then Dong Fang, who should have taken the largest dose, started to vomit. Before she could get off the bed, she tilted her head and vomited on the pillow. Down a puddle of vomit.

The girls who heard the sound got up one after another, but due to the dead of night, they did not attract the attention of the other dormitories. The two girls with milder poisoning even came to check on Dong Fang's condition, but at that time... Why didn't they call for help and call the police in time

Lu Siyu turned to look at the bed next to her. After Dong Fang, Ma Aijing also started to have a seizure. She was even more violent. She fell directly from the top bunk wrapped in a quilt. Vomiting did not relieve their symptoms. Had headache, nausea, chest tightness, difficulty breathing. At that time, they who had studied chemistry should already know what happened, but the rapid onset of the poison made it too late for them to do other reactions, or did they deliberately fail to do other reactions

At this time, a girl ran out and came to the corridor. At that time, she had also started to have a seizure. The poison quickly suffocated her and she could not make a sound. She left some bloodstains on the door of the next bedroom with her fingers.

Finally, the fourth girl also started to poison... But what was she doing before? What did you do after that? Lu Siyu frowned slightly and returned to the messy bedroom.

The girls were struggling, unable to call for help, had irregular heartbeats, weakness in their limbs, constricted pupils, and then convulsions... Finally, they entered a period of paralysis, deep coma, and even death.

This is the end of the corridor in the dormitory. With such a movement, except for 107 next to it, no one else has been disturbed.