Criminal Investigation Files

Chapter 18


Lu Siyu sighed. Song Wen has been staring at him more closely since he had a meal last night. He knew that he couldn't get away with it, so he sorted out his thoughts and analyzed the background of a few people first.

"The Department of Civil Engineering was popular more than ten years ago, and now there are few girls as an option. This major needs to go to the construction site frequently, has a lot of dirty work, and also needs to deal with the subcontractors and migrant workers. These girls chose this The reasons for her major are not the same. According to my inference, Dong Fang’s family may be related to real estate. The family hopes that she will study a civil engineering major and go back to inherit her legacy. Ma Aijing was born in an intellectual family, and her parents may have engaged in related majors. , Guo Wei and Lin Wanwan's family background is not very good, Nancheng Civil Engineering Department has set up a high scholarship, this may be the reason why they choose this major."

Fu Linjiang listened carefully, Song Wen nodded and moved his fingers to signal him to continue.

Lu Siyu continued: "Among the four, Dong Fang and Ma Aijing have a good relationship. Dong Fang feels that she is favoring Ma Aijing, but Ma Aijing doesn't seem to appreciate it very much. She is a little envious of Dong Fang's wealth. A little jealous too."

These words made Fu Linjiang stunned, "How did you know this?" If he hadn't known that Lu Siyu had just arrived at the scene, he would have suspected that this kid had investigated behind their backs.

Lu Siyu didn't answer, but Song Wen opened his mouth to explain, while he was talking, he stared at Lu Siyu, as if analyzing his reasoning: "The reasoning is quite simple, they have many items of the same style, The same type of tissue paper, the same type of slippers, and even the same type of sanitary napkin, which are obviously bought by my girlfriends at the supermarket together."

After saying this, Song Wen pointed to the cosmetics of the two girls: "Dong Fang likes to use high-end cosmetics, and the cosmetics she buys usually come with samples, but those samples appear in Ma Aijing's cosmetics, which is obviously Dong Fang. It was given to her. The lipstick brand Dong Fang uses is very famous. She has four of them here, and Ma Aijing also put one on her table. Ma Aijing's color is very biased, so that lipstick should have been bought by Dong Fang and felt that the color was not suitable for her."

Fu Linjiang showed his true nature as a straight man, walked over and looked at the lipsticks: "I can't tell at all... What is the difference between the colors of these lipsticks."

"That lipstick is basically useless. Probably, even a beautiful woman can't control a death Barbie fan." Song Wen said and turned on Ma Aijing's computer, and the QQ inside was set to automatically log in, "Ma Aijing is playing with the game. There are some chat records, mentioning that she has a roommate who can do whatever she wants with money, and she is not as beautiful as her, in short, she envies Dong Fang and is her best friend, but she is jealous of her and taking advantage of her."

After listening to Song Wen's analysis, Fu Linjiang was stunned, and Lu Siyu also nodded, tacitly acquiescing to these inferences.

Song Wen asked again, "What about the others?"

"In the bedroom, Guo Hua is being isolated." Lu Siyu continued.

Fu Linjiang continued to be surprised: "I can see that Guo Hua is far behind other girls in terms of grades and family, but not to the extent of being isolated, right? How do you see that?"

Song Wenyang pointed out the information sheets in his hand: "Probably because of this score sheet, I also noticed that in the freshman year, their elective courses were still normal, and several people overlapped with each other, but in the third year and the university Fourth, Guo Hua's elective courses perfectly avoided the courses taken by the other three, and chose difficult and partial courses. Generally, there are only a few elective courses to choose from. Most of the students in the same dormitory will choose to have a partner. Going together can not only remind each other, but also tip off the news, and Guo Hua's chosen course is completely different from other people, presumably because he doesn't want to have other intersections with the classmates in the dormitory."

When Fu Linjiang heard this, he took over the information sheet and looked at it. Now that Song Wen broke it, he realized that such an elective course list was indeed too abnormal.

"Also, eight months ago, and half a month ago, Guo Hua's case had a record of going to the school doctor's office twice, both of which were multiple abrasions on her body and some subcutaneous bleeding, which she said was caused by a fall. , I suspect that someone was beaten." Song Wen said and pointed to Guo Hua's medical record. The school doctor prescribed some medicines to treat bruises. They may not have seen the truth, but they were not troubled.

These reasonings sound mysterious, but once they are explained, the truth is very simple, and Fu Linjiang quickly understands it.

"Are there any other discoveries?" Song Wen asked again.

This time Lu Siyu shook his head, and Junxiu's face returned to a frosty expression, whether it was gone or not.

These relationships are too superficial, he can see it, Song Wen can also see it. However, the relationship between the four classmates in a dormitory can be far more complicated than what he saw.

Lu Siyu's eyes fell on Lin Wanwan's clean bed, it was clean, even too clean, it didn't look like she was taken away by an ambulance after she was half asleep and suddenly poisoned. Among the four, Lin Wanwan was the one with the least poisoning. He was waiting for the news that she had woken up, and he would always have a chance to ask her.

Song Wen and Lu Siyu are two smart people, and they had a tacit understanding during the search. The answer just now, one said and the other answered, cooperated perfectly, as if they could see through the other's thoughts.

After listening to their analysis, Fu Linjiang sorted out the portraits of several girls in his brain. He felt that he lacked sleep and his brain was not enough, so he sighed with emotion: "For four girls like this, it takes more than a dozen to chat on WeChat. Group."

Lu Siyu corrected him blankly: "Deputy team, only three or more people can form a group, so at most five groups."

At 3:30 in the morning, after the search was over, investigation and inquiries began. In order to save time, several criminal police officers present divided into two batches. Song Wen and Lu Siyu questioned the caller, and Fu Linjiang and the first on-duty criminal policeman who arrived went to meet them. class teacher talks.

The so-called questioning room was temporarily recruited in the dormitory building. There was a lot of dust in the room, and the corners were full of debris, including some disinfectant water and old chairs.

Song Wen chose the thinner girl of the two to inquire first. The girl was called Bai Xiaoxiao, and she looked like her name. She was not tall, with a small nose, small eyes, and a small face. Little glasses, the girl didn't have time to change her clothes, she was wearing a white nightdress with a gown over it to hide her figure. The girl had a sense of cleanliness that had never been out of the campus before, and she sat in front of the two detectives, carefully digging at the dusty table with her fingernails.

This girl and Deng Jia, who is in the same dormitory, both majored in communication engineering, different majors from the girls in Room 108.

Song Wenqing cleared his throat and started the routine routine. After asking his name and age, he cut to the topic. Bai Xiaoxiao didn't see much of the scene. After she and Deng Jia saw that the classmates next door were outside the door, they hurried. Called the administrator.

After briefly describing what happened, Bai Xiaoxiao whispered, "I knew that something would happen to their bedroom sooner or later."

Song Wen's heart moved, and he asked her, "Why do you say that. Are they not getting along in the dormitory?"

"Well, to put it bluntly, I'm bullying Guo Hua and isolating her." Bai Xiaoxiao whispered, looked up at the two young and handsome police officers in front of her, plucked up the courage to continue, "Guo Hua and I are fellows, They are all from the nearby Dong'an Town. She studied very well in our place. She was third in the town's unified examination. She fell into our school because of the problem of filling in the volunteers. She is different from other people in their dormitory. "

"Why is it different?" Seeing Bai Xiaoxiao hesitate to speak, Song Wen asked again, and then he added, "This information is very helpful for us to find the murderer."

Bai Xiaoxiao was still a little hesitant: "That... Other people won't know what I said to you, right?"

Song Wen nodded: "That's for sure, our conversations here are confidential."

Bai Xiaoxiao pinched the table again, and then continued: "I heard that Dong Fang's grades are not good enough for our school. She got here because of her family's money, but I don't have a certificate for this, you can go by yourself. Cha, Ma Aijing's nickname is called the Flatterer, and she will follow Dong Fang, play games every day, receive gifts from boys, and have a lot of behind-the-scenes dramas, these two are at the bottom of every exam in their class."

The basic relationship was clarified, and it was similar to what they deduced on the scene. Song Wen continued to ask her: "Can you tell me the specifics? For example, as you know, how did they bully Guo Hua, and for example, they What is the contradiction between them, and how did the relationship come to this step step by step?"

Frozen three feet is by no means a day's cold, how can a few girls have any deep hatred and must kill each other

Bai Xiaoxiao thought about it and said, "As far as I know... There are so many things, the first one happened in the freshman year. We need to go outside to dry clothes in this dormitory building, and each dormitory is assigned a hanger. , but there are a lot of people hanging out there, it's often messy, and it's common to lose clothes and so on."

"Once I saw Dong Fang quarreling with Guo Hua outside the dormitory, which meant that she lost an expensive piece of clothing and decided that Guo Hua stole it, and Ma Aijing also helped and said, what a thief? , The thief has been scolded. Although Guo Hua's family is poor, she is very strong. She asked them to check, and after checking, she did not find the clothes that Dong Fang said, and Dong Fang changed her mind and said that she had read it wrong. At this time, Guo Hua asked them to apologize, which is also a reasonable and reasonable request, but Dong Fang probably lost face and insisted that there were often few facial cleansers and skin care products in the bathroom, which must have been stolen by Guo Hua."

"There is still a certificate to get the clothes, and there are few cosmetics. It is a matter of no basis and no basis. The two sides quarreled with each other, and there was no result, but the Liangzi was settled. Later, the cosmetics in their dormitory were changed to the dormitory. , when someone uses them, they bring them in, and Guo Hua doesn't talk to them much anymore."

Song Wen nodded and let Bai Xiaoxiao continue.

"The second thing is that when I was a junior, only Dong Fang had a laptop in their dormitory. You should also know that when you lived in the dormitory, everyone would sometimes pick up something and put it away temporarily. That day Dong Fangzheng Holding the notebook, the classmate next door suddenly called her something, and she was in a hurry to go out, so she put the notebook on Guo Hua's desk. Because Dong Fang's desk and chairs were always messy, and Guo Hua's desk was closest to the door. "

"Unexpectedly, when Dong Fang came back, he found that there was water on Guo Hua's desk, and his notebook was wet. Later, he took it for inspection, burned the motherboard, and spent more than 3,000 yuan to repair it. Dong Fang was at fault. She shouldn't put things in disorder, but she insisted that the table was dry when she put it away, and Guo Hua deliberately splashed water on the notebook in order to retaliate against her. Guo Hua said that the table belonged to her, and she found it on the table. After adding a notebook, she went to pour water, but she never touched the computer, and she didn't deliberately splash water to damage Dong Fang's notebook."

"This matter has made a big difference. The two sides have their own opinions, arguing with the head teacher, and even the dean of their branch. In the end, because Dong Fang's attitude is relatively strong, even family members came to put pressure on them. The teacher asked Guo Hua made a five-hundred sense, and then asked Dong Fang to promise to take good care of her valuables."

Song Wen frowned upon hearing this. There was no camera in the dormitory. Who was telling the truth and who was lying? It was impossible to judge. plate. Guo Hua felt aggrieved, and Dong Fang couldn't swallow it. Afterwards, they hit Guo Hua for the first time, which should also be the first time Guo Hua went to the school hospital for medical treatment.

"Since then, they have been bullying Guo Hua, sometimes going too far. Guo Hua often has to help them wash their clothes, brush their shoes, and drain the water in the dormitory. Once, I saw Guo Hua helping them wash. Lace underwear, crying while washing." Xiao Xiao whispered.

Song Wen frowned, it was indeed too much for a girl to be bullied like this.

"There's one more thing that happened recently..." Bai Xiaoxiao lowered her head, "One day Guo Hua came to me for dinner, I saw a mark on her arm, it looked very serious, she started to say yes I accidentally made it, and after I asked for a long time, she cried and said that she was kicked by Dong Fang..."

"We are approaching graduation recently, and many students are looking for work units. That day Guo Hua has been waiting for a very important interview call. If it goes well, you can get an interview opportunity at the Planning Institute. There was a period of time in between, Guo Hua went out to open the water and put the The mobile phone was placed on the table in the bedroom, and then the phone rang. Dong Fang was sleeping, so he scolded him there. Ma Aijing went over and pressed the phone, and then muted Guo Hua's phone. Later, Guo Hua found out. She missed the call and called. It was already two hours later that the other party told her that the phone interview was over and that a suitable candidate had been found. Guo Hua was so angry that she reasoned with them, but was instead scolded and beaten by Dong Fang... "

A lost piece of clothing, a broken laptop, an unanswered phone call, dismantling everything is not a big deal, but it is enough to make people depressing. The hours of these pieces add up, and finally let a few The girls are inseparable.

"Do the teachers and other students in Guo Hua's class know about the things they beat on Guo Hua?" Lu Siyu asked softly. Hearing his sudden interjection, Song Wen turned to look at him. Under the light of the light, Lu Siyu's skin was as white as transparent, and his expression was extremely focused.

Bai Xiaoxiao blinked: "Of course I don't know, it's a bit embarrassing, we are all college students, not children, how could it be possible to sue the teacher. Even if there is a conflict in the dormitory, the teacher is most likely to He Xianni. Guo Hua didn't even want to tell me at first, just because he was afraid of hurting me. I got closer to Guo Hua, and they would bully me even if they were in different classes. Once I was eating in the cafeteria, they deliberately Soup poured on me..."

Song Wen asked: "Then what do you say, you already knew that something was going to happen to their dormitory? Was there any omen?"

Speaking of this topic, Bai Xiaoxiao's face changed slightly, and there was a hint of hesitation in his eyes, and it seemed that after some psychological struggle he opened his mouth: "Just after the phone call incident, Guo Hua didn't go back to the dormitory that day, go to my place. I spent the night with me, and at noon the next day, she… She told me that she didn’t want to live anymore… I thought she was a little depressed at the time, but I still… I even enlightened her that it wasn’t her who was the one who was bullying her… But, but at that time, I was trying to enlighten her nonsense... I didn't expect... things would develop like this... "

Obviously, in Bai Xiaoxiao's heart, it seems that he has already decided that this poisoning incident was Guo Hua's poisoning in order to retaliate against Dong Fang and Ma Aijing. Speaking of this, Bai Xiaoxiao had tears in the corners of his eyes. As a fellow, She grew up listening to the name Guo Hua. She has always looked up to this girl. Later, they became neighbors in a school and occasionally went home together during the holidays, so they could be regarded as good friends. Now that things have developed to this stage, Guo Hua was also poisoned when such a big thing happened. She was a little worried, but more afraid.

Seeing her cry, Song Wen kindly handed over a tissue, Bai Xiaoxiao thanked him, took it over and wiped it, then she took the wet tissue in her hand and twisted it, "Actually... Guo Hua There is a chance to leave that dormitory. When I was a junior, a girl in our dormitory dropped out due to illness and left an empty bed. I once asked Guo Hua if she wanted to move in. Guo Hua was very happy at the time and said she thought about it. I applied with the teacher, but half a month later, when I saw her again, she said she would not move, and she was happy at the time, I thought it would be all right. Bullying. This time too, I asked her a few days ago if she wanted to move in, she was obviously hesitant, but then she rejected me again."

"Why didn't she move out?" Song Wen asked. Judging from today's situation, Guo Hua still lives in 108. He also doesn't know if Guo Hua would have had a different ending if he had moved in at that time, or had Guo Hua made up his mind at that time to stay in the dormitory to implement her plan

"I don't know either, this time, she took a few days off on May 1st, and then suddenly said she couldn't move in." Bai Xiaoxiao's voice was getting smaller and smaller, "I asked her how her dormitory is going, if it's still okay. Bullying her, she said it was all right, and told me not to worry. I was also busy with my graduation thesis at the time, I didn’t expect…”

Bai Xiaoxiao paused here and asked, "Officer, are they okay?"

Lu Siyu paused while writing down the pen, and looked up at her. Due to the horror at the scene, the stakes were very important. As the reporters, they only saw Guo Hua, but not Dong Fang's body. The school and the criminal police who came before only told them that the next bedroom was collectively poisoned, but did not tell them the exact news. Now it seems that Bai Xiaoxiao still doesn't know that Dong Fang and Ma Aijing have passed away.

Song Wen coughed lightly and said to her, "The school should report on the follow-up situation."

"Where's Lin Wanwan?" Lu Siyu reminded her that there were four people in the next bedroom. Song Wen was silent on the side, as if he had a good heart, and he was about to ask about Lin Wanwan's situation.

Bai Xiaoxiao recalled, "Lin Wanwan has good grades and a good person, um, she looks like a squirrel, but she has round eyes, is not tall, and has a petite stature. , She is usually quiet, but she is very kind, and she has never blushed with everyone. But she doesn't have much sense of presence outside, and she often goes out to work or something, sometimes not in the dormitory. "

"Can you say something specific?"

"I don't know much about her, but I know that Guo Hua treats her very well and treats her as a friend. Once, Lin Wanwan came back from outside, caught in the heavy rain, and was trapped at the bus stop outside. The rain was so heavy that everyone was too lazy to move. Guo Hua took an umbrella to pick her up without a word. When the two came back, they were almost soaked wet. Usually, Guo Hua also helped Lin Wanwan with meals and so on. ."

Sounds like this, Lin Wanwan is a very kind girl, and she did not participate in Dong Fang and Ma Aijing's ostracism and violence against Guo Wei, and Guo Wei is also very good to her.

"Do you know where Lin Wanwan works?"

"It started at a coffee shop around the school, and then changed to a western restaurant. After that, I don't know where she went, only that she went out several times a week."

"Do you know why she changed jobs?"

"It seems to say that it's a bit embarrassing to be too close to the school and always meet acquaintances."

"Do they have boyfriends?" Lu Siyu asked another question.

Bai Xiaoxiao hesitated and said, "I... I don't have classes with them, and I don't know other people very well. I just heard something from Guo Hua and other classmates. Ma Aijing has had several boyfriends, the last one was It's been three months since she was dumped, and I haven't heard of the latter. Some people say that she seems to have a boyfriend, but no one knows who this mysterious boyfriend is, maybe it doesn't exist at all, Guo Hua has always been single I haven't heard that Lin Wanwan has a boyfriend, maybe I don't know. Now that graduation is approaching, everyone's mind is on the thesis."