Criminal Investigation Files

Chapter 19


At four o'clock in the morning, Lin Xiuran, who had transported the corpse back to the funeral home, had already started work. The two corpses were placed on two stainless steel dissection tables for autopsy. The entire dissection room has no windows and is illuminated by shadowless lamps, and two super-powerful ventilation systems are specially installed.

Nancheng's forensic work is ahead of the cities. There is a modern autopsy room in the city bureau, which is divided into three parts: a standardized autopsy room, a monitoring and consultation room, and a corpse storage room. It is mainly used for the autopsy of some difficult corpses. However, since it is more troublesome to transport the corpse between the funeral home and the city bureau, the cause of death is more certain, and the corpse waiting for burial will be processed in the autopsy room of the funeral home.

Since there were two deceased people, in order to save time, besides Lin Xiuran, there was also a young forensic doctor from the city bureau to conduct autopsy with him. Lin Xiuran was in charge of Dong Fang's body, and the other was in charge of Ma Aijing's.

That forensic doctor is called Wan Zong, nicknamed Dragon Boat Festival. He is a small forensic doctor with glasses. He graduated from the forensic medicine department three years ago this year. There are not enough forensic doctors in Nancheng. Speaking of which, the nickname Dragon Boat Festival has something to do with Lin Xiuran, because the sound of Zong is the same as Zongzi, and Wan Zong's nickname is Xiao Zongzi. Later, when he reported here, he was afraid that everyone would not remember it well, so he mentioned his nickname, saying You can also call him that.

In those few years, tomb robbery novels were popular, Lin Xiuran frowned when he heard his nickname, although he said that those were all feudal superstitions, but when others called it, they thought that our identification center had cheated corpses. In the future, your nickname might as well be called Dragon Boat Festival . So this Dragon Boat Festival was called at the city bureau, and later there were more people than his real name.

The dissection room was extremely quiet, and the temperature here was much lower than outside. The two corpses died in about four hours, and the corpses generally appeared within ten minutes to seven hours after death, and then gradually eased. Now the corpse's corpse is at its stiffest, and it is unnaturally lying on the dissection table.

Dragon Boat Festival was just picked up from his sleep, and he was still a little confused. He observed the appearance of the corpse and said, "It doesn't seem to be too much trouble today. It should be killed by poisoning."

Lin Xiuran reminded him: "Don't be careless, you have to test it before making a conclusion." For practitioners, you must never have the idea of practice. Sometimes, the more simple a case looks, the easier it is to miss some details carelessly. The Dragon Boat Festival is quite courageous, but some people are a little sloppy. Fortunately, the previous case was simple and there were no major mistakes.

The two began to get busy and communicated while observing. Lin Xiuran re-measured the temperature of the corpse: "The time of death is consistent with the rectal temperature, between twelve o'clock and one o'clock in the morning." According to the current temperature, every hour, The corpse is about 1°C lower. Compared with Dong Fang, Ma Aijing's rectal temperature is slightly higher.

While the two communicated, they filled in the various tests on the form. This step is to check the corpse form, and all traces on the corpse must be checked. The two swam around the dissection table, and the Dragon Boat Festival said: "There is no external trauma. The deceased's pupils are shrunk, the mucous membranes are congested, and the corpse spots are bright red, which are obvious signs of poisoning."

After Lin Xiuran checked the appearance of the corpse, he began to cut with the knife. The flesh was neatly separated, and a capital Y was drawn on the corpse. There was a stronger smell of bitter almonds in the air. Start, and gradually to the digestive glands.

"The muscles and blood are bright red. The digestive tract is edematous and congested... Because the deceased vomited, the stomach contents were not too much, but there were black particles of chocolate." With Lin Xiuran's skillful movements, the stomach contents and hard blood were quickly extracted. , full of heart and blood, put it into the test tube, waiting for the test.

The Dragon Boat Festival on the other side also progressed very smoothly. Soon the body was disemboweled, and the internal organs were taken out and weighed.

Time passed quickly, and the two of them had been busy for nearly two hours. Instead, the Dragon Boat Festival was completed first, and he put down the dissection tools and said: "This is completed, it can be basically confirmed that it is poisoning. If there is no problem, I will prepare sutures here. already."

"Wait, I'll come and take a look." Lin Xiuran put down his work, walked over, and looked at Ma Aijing's body. He is the person in charge of the appraisal center, he has to sign all the inspection reports, and he is also responsible for the deceased.

Lin Xiuran looked at the corpse for a few seconds, his expression became solemn, and he frowned deeply in thought. Now Lin Xiuran was a little sleep-deprived and exhausted. As long as he closed his eyes, the girl's corpse appeared in front of him, tightly entangled with the quilt. The picture together, somehow lingering. It seems that he is hinting at something in the dark...

I don’t know if it was affected by the high-power refrigerator next door. The temperature here is much lower than that outside. The internal organs of the corpses of the two girls on the dissection table were taken out and lay there side by side. The skin was illuminated by a white shadowless lamp. A terrifying light.

The funeral home in Nancheng is located in the northern suburbs of the city. I didn't feel that when I was working before, the quietness made the daring Dragon Boat Festival a little bit unbearable. He looked at the serious Lin Xiuran, feeling a little guilty, and carefully checked the corpse in front of him, but still couldn't see the clue, and asked in a low voice, "Isn't this a typical feature of green gas poisoning?"

"This corpse is not quite right." Lin Xiuran did not come to a conclusion quickly, but walked over to Dong Fang's corpse to check it again, then he opened the eyelids of the deceased and looked into the eyes of the deceased for a moment. Then he let go of his hands and continued, "There is nothing wrong with poisoning, but this corpse is obviously slightly different from mine. For example, poisoning will not cause blood spots on the eyelids and cheeks..."

Lin Xiuran stretched out her hand and pulled a white light over as she spoke. Under the light, you could see some bright red blood spots on Ma Aijing's corpse's face. These traces were not clear when she first died. , has become increasingly apparent.

Dragon Boat Festival came over to observe, the red dots scattered on the face are very small, it is not easy to find without careful observation, as if the capillaries on the face were all burst for some reason. Looking at it so close, it's a little weird, like someone sprinkled a handful of cinnabar on the face of the corpse.

"Also, she painted her nails to cover up the cyanosis of her fingers." Lin Xiuran pointed to the tip of Ma Aijing's fingers again, where the color was purple. He poured some chemicals on the cotton wool and wiped off Ma Aijing's remaining nail polish. The girl's fingertips were blue and purple, the color of her nails was abnormal, and the traces of cyanosis were more obvious.

"There are others..." Lin Xiuran pointed to some spots on the deceased's internal organs.

As clues appeared one after another, a chilling truth gradually surfaced, Lin Xiuran felt that his heart shrank leisurely, the murderer was too maddened.

"Tavul's spots..." At this moment, the Dragon Boat Festival recognized that Tadau's plaques refer to some spot hemorrhages under the mucous membrane, which is one of the characteristics of death by suffocation. "So... the real cause of death is... suffocation?"

Lin Xiuran opened the mouth of the deceased and observed the teeth of the deceased, showing a pink color at the neck of the teeth. This phenomenon has a romantic name, rose teeth.

Seeing this, Lin Xiuran made a solemn conclusion, "Yes, this victim was suffocated to death by the quilt." Then he straightened up and added: "The poison had already begun to spread when the deceased died, so some of the corpses are characterized by poisoning. , such as the corpse spot is bright red, so you ignore the characteristics of suffocation."

Because it is suffocation and is in the late stage of poisoning, it does not have some characteristics of mechanical suffocation, such as hyoid fracture, which is easy to be confused with poisoning.

This is a very terrifying result. The two victims died together at almost the same time, but the cause of death was completely different. Perhaps something changed during the poisoning process, and the murderer couldn't even wait for Ma Aijing to die. But she must let her die as soon as possible, poison hair, suffocation, which are all extremely painful, unimaginable, what kind of process this girl went through before she died.

"It's because I didn't look carefully." At this time, the Dragon Boat Festival faced his own mistake. The reason why he made a wrong judgment was because the signs of poisoning of the corpse were too obvious. As soon as he came up, he had a subjective assumption. Without considering other possibilities, now that Lin Xiuran pointed it out, only on Dragon Boat Festival did he realize that he had almost made a big mistake, and he sweated, "Director Lin, does this cause of death have a big impact on the case?"

Lin Xiuran glanced at him: "Naturally, the dormitory is very large, and there are no signs of intrusion. In this way, the murderer is confined to the dormitory, and this murderer is too cruel." On the dissection table were two disembodied corpses, and the two young girls had their eyes wide open, unable to rest their eyes.

At the scene, Ma Aijing's body was entangled with the quilt. At first, they thought it was because the poison was more painful, so the victim grabbed the quilt. Now that I think about it, the quilt should have been the murder weapon. When she was afraid of her screaming, someone sat directly on top of her, suppressed him with both hands, the quilt covered her head, and suffocated her to death in the quilt, which caused her to keep holding on to the quilt. , lethality cannot be separated. It was this action when she was dying that helped Lin Xiuran to determine the real cause of her death, and further locked the murderer, who was in the 108 bedroom.

At 5:30 in the morning, the interpol's questioning continued, Bai Xiaoxiao was sent away, and the person in front of Song Wen and Lu Siyu was replaced by Deng Jia. It was this girl who found Guo Hua lying at the door, her face was still pale, and she seemed to be immersed in that nightmare.

Deng Jia was one year older than Bai Xiaoxiao. At first, she just shook her head and said she didn't know, and said she was not familiar with the next bedroom. Halfway through the conversation, Lu Siyu went out and poured some hot water for her. down.

"There are 30 students in their civil engineering class. Most of them are boys. There are only four girls. Dong Fang is the richest and most generous, while Ma Aijing is the best-looking and was selected as the department flower..."

"Do you know what Dong Fang did to Ma Aijing?"

"It's not good for her. I saw it once, Dong Fang used a joking tone, saying that Ma Aijing was a flatterer, a little follower, picking up things she didn't want, but I think Ma Aijing should have heard her heart. Go, she has a bit of a grudge."

"Do you know that Dong Fang bullied Guo Hua?"

Deng Jia hesitated for a moment, nodded and shook her head, then said timidly, "Bai Xiaoxiao and Guo Hua are familiar with each other, and I have a normal relationship with her."

Song Wen understood, even if they knew, ordinary girls like them didn't dare to care, they could only pretend they didn't see it when they saw it. They asked Deng Jia a few more questions, which were basically the same as Bai Xiaoxiao's description.

It was getting brighter outside, the sun poured in through the poorly drawn curtains, the dark clouds dissipated, and the rain did not fall in the end.

Song Wen and Lu Siyu looked at each other and were about to finish. He routinely asked, "We're almost done with what we want to know. Do you have anything else to add?"

Deng Jia bit her lip and seemed to have made up her mind, "Two weeks ago, at a very late hour, about 11:30 in the evening, I left my things in the study room, and I went to pick them up at night. From a distance, I saw Ma Aijing coming in with a middle-aged man, who seemed to be a professor of their civil engineering department..."

"Did you see it clearly at that time?" Song Wenjia asked. According to Deng Jia's description, it was very late and far away, so it was easy to misread it.

"It should be Ma Aijing..." Deng Jia recalled and said, "I recognize her umbrella. She has a very unique flower umbrella with Van Gogh's sunflower printed on it, which is particularly conspicuous on rainy nights."

Song Wen nodded: "Thank you for the clues, we will find out these things later." He sent Deng Jia out.

Fu Linjiang's inquiries have also ended, and several criminal police officers gathered together to gather information.

Song Wen briefly explained their results here, raised his head and asked Fu Linjiang, "How are you doing? Are there any results?"

"We asked their head teacher, and also asked a few teachers who taught the class, and they all asked three questions. Their head teacher became very emotional and said that it was definitely not Guo Hua or Lin Wanwan. Her own students knew it by themselves. They are all good children. When I asked her if Guo Hua had been bullied and if she knew about it, she changed her mind and said that she did not know or did not understand." Fu Linjiang sighed, "She is a 26-year-old female teacher who just graduated from graduate school. It’s not much older than a student in itself.”

Song Wen nodded. He didn't expect to find more clues there. The age gap was like an insurmountable gulf. One was an adult in society, and the other was still on campus. child.

If a university class compares students to sheep, teachers are like shepherd dogs. They don't care which sheep are left behind, but they are always slow and indifferent to the scramble in the flock.

Song Wen turned his head and asked Lu Siyu, "What do you think when you find out here?"

Lu Siyu didn't take precautions and was called again. After thinking about it, he said, "The exact source of the poison and the person who poisoned it still have no clue. The relationship between the characters seems simple, but I always feel that something is not right."

Fu Linjiang interjected: "Yes, students from the Department of Civil Engineering are not from the Department of Chemistry. How can they get such highly toxic materials? Do they know the students of the Department of Chemistry and can take out poisons from the laboratory?"

Song Wendao: "There are all kinds of drug control methods in universities. If you want to take out poisons from them, it is difficult to leave no trace. When you come back, you can remove the monitoring and ask the teachers here." In several similar cases in China before, There have been cases where poisons have been taken out of chemical labs, and after those cases, labs in colleges and universities around the world have tightened controls.

As the conversation came to this, Song Wen's cell phone rang. He saw Lin Xiuran's call and raised his hand to answer, "Hello, Lao Lin? How is the situation?"

After Song Wen answered the call for two minutes, he turned his head and said to others, "Part of the autopsy results are out. It's true that Dong Fang died of poisoning, while Ma Aijing was suffocated to death. The main ingredient in the poison is sodium cyanide. , and a small amount of anesthetic was also found in their bodies."

The expression on Lu Siyu's face changed slightly, his eyebrows suddenly stretched out, it seemed that the mystery that had been bothering him had finally been confirmed, then he lowered his head and said, "Then this suspect is in Guo Hua and Lin Wanwan. between?"