Criminal Investigation Files

Chapter 22


When Song Wen and Lu Siyu arrived at Nancheng First People's Hospital, it was already 10:30 in the morning, and today was Sunday, the outpatient clinic was closed, only the inpatient department and emergency room were full. Lu Siyu waited for several minutes for the elevator before crowding upstairs with a group of uncles and aunts. The elevator climbed like a snail and had to stop on every floor.

It took another few minutes to get to the twelfth floor. This is the critical ward of Nancheng No. 1 Hospital. It does not belong to any specialty, but gathers experts from various departments, and receives some comprehensive critical patients.

Song Wen walked up the stairs faster, but when he reached the twelfth floor, he saw Lin Xiuran standing outside the ICU, and hurried over: "How is the situation now?"

"Guo Hua entered the oxygen chamber in the morning, and is still in the ICU for observation, and has not woken up yet. Lin Wanwan was not poisoned deeply. After inducing vomiting and gastric lavage, she was infusion and was transferred to this ward for observation." Having said this, Lin Xiuran again He pointed to a middle-aged woman sitting beside him, "This is Guo Hua's mother."

Song Wen turned to look. It was a middle-aged woman in her 40s. She looked plain and a little fat. Beside her was an old but well-washed schoolbag. Her eyelids were swollen, and she had obviously cried a few times. She just sat there dumbfounded on the chair by the door, not knowing what she was thinking.

Song Wen looked at the ICU that was quiet and full of various instruments. There was a nurse busy in it. He was most afraid of seeing this kind of separation, so he wasn't ready to go over to say hello, so he turned and asked Lin Xiuran, "Have you asked? ?"

Lin Xiuran said in a low voice, "After a few chats, Guo Hua's father is not in good health, so she is the only one who came here this time. Guo Hua is the only daughter, she is considered middle-aged, and originally thought that her daughter would be able to support her family after graduation , but now... It's a big blow. She doesn't know much about Guo Hua's affairs in the school, except that her daughter has never let her worry. Just now, the school's people have been accompanying her, and now she's going downstairs to buy things already."

Song Wen nodded: "Has the family's accommodation been arranged?"

Lin Xiuran said, "The school has made arrangements."

"Is anyone watching here?"

"The school is out and accompanied here 24 hours a day."

Lu Siyu on the side asked, "Lin Wanwan's family didn't come?"

"This, the person from the school was still complaining just now. After the notification was passed, they asked what to do with the medical expenses. When the school said that the full payment was temporarily advanced, they asked about the situation. I heard that there was no danger to life, so no one came. "Lin Xiuran has obviously never seen such a parent, which child is not a parent's heart? When something happened to the child, the parents were crying and screaming to come, but this family... was really indifferent.

Song Wendao: "It's not surprising, I read Lin Wanwan's profile, she doesn't have the same surname as her father, it should be a reorganization of the family, the family relationship is not very good, the mother later gave birth to a son, so this daughter may be left out. Having said that, he looked at Guo Hua's mother again. The woman was sitting there, treating herself as a sculpture, motionless. Song Wen was a little frightened and didn't take the initiative to go over to say hello, instead, "We Go and see Lin Wanwan's situation."

Lin Xiuran looked at her watch: "I'm about to leave. I've already spoken to the doctor in charge and will inform us if there is any situation. Lin Wanwan is in room 1205, and she is the only one in the double room for now."

Song Wen and Lu Siyu came to the door of 1205 according to the room number. Compared with the rescue area, it was much quieter here. The door was half-closed. He pushed the door in and there was no resistance.

There was a girl lying on the bed who was infusion. She was awake. As soon as she saw someone coming in, she turned her head to look. She was a girl in her twenties. She looked well-behaved and beautiful. Her eyes were small and black eyeballs were The eye sockets take up a lot of space, and the hair is soft and docile, looking like a small animal. At this time, she was wearing a white hospital gown and was sunk in a white bed sheet, weak and frightened and helpless.

Song Wen remembered the conversation with Bai Xiaoxiao, and her metaphor couldn't be more appropriate.

Because it was still under observation, Lin Wanwan had something to test her electrocardiogram and pulse and blood pressure. Her pale lips were tightly pressed, and her eyes were a little wary.

Song Wen pulled the chair next to the bed for visiting and sat down, showing his police officer ID and reporting to his home: "Hello, I'm the police officer in charge of this case from the Nancheng Public Security Bureau. There was a poisoning case in your dormitory last night. , as a party to this case, can you tell me something about the situation at the time?"

Lin Wanwan half-brought up, her eyes flickered, but she didn't speak.

Lu Siyu stood aside and took out his notebook and pen to record. Song Wen continued to ask in a low voice, "I know you don't want to recall, but this information is very important for us to find the murderer." He said the word "murderer" It was time to accentuate his tone.

Lin Wanwan's eyes moved, and then she recalled: "Last night... I was about to go to bed when Dong Fang suddenly said that she had a stomachache, and then she vomited. Guo Hua said she went to have a look and just helped her down. The bed Dongfang fell to the ground. At this time, Ma Aijing fell off the bed with a loud noise. Guo Hua was there to comfort them. I wanted to help, so I also climbed down. When I got out of bed, I felt that I couldn't breathe. flowers."

"Later I heard someone struggling in the dark, as if something had happened, and then Guo Hua ran out by herself. My phone was out of power and I wanted to call 120. At that time, I remembered that I had learned about Guo Hua by accident before. I went to use her mobile phone and called 120."

Her description is a bit messy, but it also explains why Guo Hua has her fingerprints on her phone. Having said this, Lin Wanwan raised her head timidly and asked, "Are Dong Fang and Ma Aijing dead? What about Guo Hua, what happened to her?"

Song Wen didn't answer her: "You are poisoned, what impression do you have on the poisoning?"

Lin Wanwan turned pale and shook her head: "I... I don't know, I don't even know why I'm here. The experience yesterday was like a nightmare, and I have a headache just thinking about it now."

"What did you eat before going to bed last night?" Song Wen asked again.

"Chocolate, we ate the chocolate that Guo Hua bought..." Lin Wanwan's voice trembled a little, "I... I know that they have been bullying Guo Hua, and when they are there, I don't dare to talk to her until they are away. , I can comfort and help her. A few days ago, Guo Hua suddenly said that she didn't want to live anymore. I comforted her for a long time, and then one day she said that she didn't want to continue stalemate with Dong Fang and the others. I was quite happy, she She asked me to help her with ideas on how to ease the relationship in the dormitory, and I also helped her find a way. Later, she bought a box of chocolates that Dong Fang likes to eat, and apologized to them in a low voice, and then everyone happily shared the chocolates. …”

Having said this, Lin Wanwan raised her head in horror: "Isn't the poison in the chocolate? Guo Hua does she want us all to accompany her to death?" As she became emotional, tears overflowed from the corners of her eyes. , with the appearance of covering his mouth and wanting to vomit, and the instrument on the side suddenly turned on the red light.

Song Wen ignored them, stood up and asked, "Where do you think the poison Guo Hua put in the chocolate came from?"

"I... I don't know..." Lin Wanwan's voice trembled.

The door was suddenly opened, and before Song Wen and Lu Siyu could react, a female doctor and two nurses rushed in from outside, and hurriedly began to check the instruments. The female doctor with the ponytail turned her head and frowned at Song Wen and Lu Siyu: "Who are you? Are you the patient's family?"

Her tone was a bit bad, Song Wen felt that it was not good to argue about this here, so he took a few steps to withdraw outside the ward, and the police officer Liangliang testified: "This patient is related to a poisoning case, and I am from the Nancheng Bureau. Interpol, conducting a routine interrogation..."

The female doctor was a head shorter than Song Wen and looked like a little girl. She took the police officer's card suspiciously and looked at it repeatedly, as if she suspected that this thing was fake. To Song Wen.

Just when Song Wen thought he was going to give them the green light, the female doctor raised her head and said, "You treat this hospital as a police station? She is a patient now, and the hospital is responsible for the patient's safety. She just got out of danger. , now we need to observe and rest. Are you responsible for the problem?" As he spoke, his face sank and he waved his hand, "Please don't disturb our work and the rest of other patients, and you will judge when she can be discharged tomorrow. "

Song Wen didn't argue with her, and he didn't know which doctor Lin Xiuran was greeting. There was no point in arguing at this time, so he calmly backed down: "Okay, this is the hospital, the doctor is the biggest, we will consider it. We will wait until the patient's condition is further stabilized before making inquiries, and I hope you will cooperate with our work at that time."

When the female doctor said this, she felt that she was a bit at a loss, and her tone softened: "Then... Let's wait until she's better, let's talk again."

When the doctor walked away, Lu Siyu lowered his head and said, "I think the information just now is enough... Now that there are new clues, it's time to check it out."

Song Wen's heart is like a rhinoceros: "You also feel that Lin Wanwan is lying?"

Lu Siyu nodded: "She has been awake since last night, and she should have thought about what happened last night several times in her heart. If she is a victim who doesn't know anything about it, she should be very worried. Angry, I hurriedly questioned you first, which should be exactly what I was thinking. But her attitude was obviously wrong."

Song Wen nodded and accepted his words: "Yes, Lin Wanwan was very calm when we entered, and her answers were always in the order we asked. She answered some questions quickly and a little urgently, like She had already prepared her speech and was eager to tell the police. When she said she had no knowledge of the poison in the chocolate, her head was turned to the window and her eyes were wandering. It was an obvious dodging action, right? Those poisons, at least she knew about it."

After being forced by Song Wen several times, Lu Siyu finally saw something and stopped being bored. The reasoning angle of the two people was different, but the conclusion was the same. After only a few minutes of communication, they were very sure that Lin Wanwan might have lied.

Song Wen thought for a while and said, "It's just that I still can't figure it out, where did the source of the poison come from?"

How does an ordinary college girl get the poison without being known about it

He felt that the poison did not flow out of the chemistry laboratory. Several people did not know the students of the chemistry department, and the purity of the poison they used was obviously not as high as that of the laboratory. Otherwise, four people would be killed now, and they would not be given to them. So much reaction time.

"I have an idea about the source of the poison." Lu Siyu took out Lin Wanwan's mobile phone from his pocket, this time he took it with him when he came out, "The shop where Lin Wanwan works is very good. Miscellaneous, but also all walks of life, coffee shops, fast food restaurants, each one does not take a long time, she should be here recently."

As he spoke, Lu Siyu opened the nearest search place on Lin Wanwan's phone's Baidu map. Her phone was too clean, as if it had been cleaned on purpose, but these less commonly used software exposed some tiny information.

"Xinjiadi Square?" Song Wen took a look at the phone, and the last search was directed here.

"No, she should have gone to a place near the square, but just found a nearby landmark to search." The new home is a comprehensive square in Nancheng, not too close or too far from Nancheng University. Some small storefronts.

"Then what do you think her most recent job should be?" Song Wen asked.

"If I'm not mistaken, it's probably a pet store, and it's an unorthodox pet store." Then Lu Siyu's thin lips parted lightly, and he made a guess, "Sodium Qingqi plus succinyl alkaloid, that is A common formula for poison dog needles, perhaps the source of the poison."

Song Wen suddenly remembered the apron that Fu Linjiang had pulled out when he was searching the dormitory, and pointed his finger to a small shop next to Xinjiadi Square: "Xinxin Pet Store!" The case arrived here, and he just felt that he had entered a dead end, but it was a small shop. The front of the turn is suddenly bright.