Criminal Investigation Files

Chapter 23


At eleven o'clock in the morning, in the corridor on the twelfth floor of Nancheng Hospital, Song Wen looked at Lu Siyu. The long-lasting white light in the hospital corridor seemed to cast a layer of frost on his face. He was talking as if he was telling him the recipe for a cup of coffee, not something that could kill someone with blood.

Song Wen complimented: "Thank you for your knowledge, otherwise I don't know how many detours this poison source will take."

Lu Siyu said modestly: "It's just because I have an expensive dog at home and I read a few more social news."

When the two of them said this, Song Wen suddenly stopped talking. He withdrew his hand on the wall, and suddenly stood upright, and looked behind Lu Siyu. When Lu Siyu turned around, he saw Guo Hua. My mother stood behind at some point. They didn't look for her, but she came by herself.

There were people coming and going in the hospital. Such an ordinary middle-aged woman was so unremarkable that Song Wen didn't even know when she came and how much she heard.

The woman spoke first, "Are you the police officers in charge of this case?"

"That... the case is still under investigation..." Song Wen suddenly didn't know how to face the woman in front of him, telling that questioning and comfort seemed out of place. Her daughter was still lying in the ward at this time, and her life and death were unknown, and she His daughter may be the murderer or one of the murderers in this case.

Lu Siyu reacted first and asked, "Auntie, do you have any relevant clues here?"

The woman shook her head and bowed to them. Lu Siyu wanted to help, but the woman knelt down and stretched out a cold hand to hold him tightly, as if pulling a life-saving straw. : "Comrade police, I beg you to save Nawa, save our family. I know that child of Nawa will only swallow her stomach when she is beaten and suffers. She will not kill."

She probably heard some from the school, and guessed it herself. The two girls in the dormitory died, and she had a conflict with Guo Hua before her death. There is no doubt that Guo Hua will be listed as a suspect.

Hearing this, Lu Siyu was stunned, the title "comrade police" was far from him in his senses. This word has a sense of age. Somehow, it reminded him of the children's song he picked up when he was a child. Today, the penny is long gone, and the children don't sing that song for a long time. . Although he chose to be a criminal policeman, he has always had his purpose, and he lacked a kind of belief and the so-called sense of justice. But now, he was suddenly grabbed by someone and put a trust in his hand, as if the life and death of others were in his palm.

Song Wen was stunned when he saw Lu Siyu, thinking that he had never seen such a battle, he hurriedly helped Guo Hua's mother up and comforted the woman a few words, he quickly calmed Guo Hua's mother's emotions, and pulled Lu Siyu Go downstairs.

The two went downstairs, Lu Siyu still took the elevator, Song Wen took the stairs. Until the two got into the car, Lu Siyu felt that his palms were cold. Song Wen didn't expect his reaction to be so drastic, so he sat in the passenger seat and buckled his seat belt and said to him, "You'll get used to seeing more of them in the future. At this time, they have no other choice but to pray to God and hope. to the police."

Lu Siyu's eyes rolled, and he seemed to wake up: "Guo Hua's condition is not very good now, even if he wakes up, he may have complications. The amount of medical expenses. The evidence in this case is not good for Guo Hua. If she poisoned the family, the family may have to compensate other families. It was accused that Guo Hua’s father was sick all the year round, and then the family would only have to die. One thing... She said saving their family is not an exaggeration."

Song Wen also knew about these things. This was the reason why he didn't want to contact Guo Hua's mother at first, but he didn't expect that the old lady came over by herself. He didn't want to be affected by this incident, so he looked sideways at Lu Siyu said, "If you feel uncomfortable, try to find out the truth."

Then Song Wen looked Lu Siyu up and down again. This person is usually cold, and many ordinary people's reactions, whether panic or sympathy, don't seem to belong to him. He seems to have no feelings, so Zhou Yining thought he was emotionally indifferent before. If it wasn't for eating on time every day, Song Wen almost suspected that he had become a fairy, and now he said these words, as if there was a trace of humanity in his body, Song Wen withdrew his eyes and said: "I didn't expect you to still have A little sense of justice."

Lu Siyu picked up his water glass and took a few sips of water. He quickly returned to his usual unmoved appearance, as if the outcome was none of his business, and said coldly, "Just tell the truth, where are we going now? ? Go back to the city bureau or… "

"Let's go to the pet store first?" Song Wen suggested.

Lu Siyu started the car, set up a navigation, and drove out of the garage all the way to the new home: "Most of the dogs killed by poison will be sent to the dog meat restaurant, but there are some more expensive dogs, they need to find For the market, these dogs are often sent to pet stores for sale after treatment, and some pet store owners will meet Qianyan Kai and cooperate with them. Of course, these are just my reasoning, and we can only try our luck.”

It stands to reason that people who open pet stores should be caring and like pets, but poisonous dogs are killing animals. No matter how you look at them, these two groups should be incompatible. But now for the sake of profit, the two groups actually came together.

Song Wendao: "I remembered when you said that. The boss of the branch said before that they were chasing a group of dog dealers in the market. Those people are very rampant. You wait for me to call and ask for news. ."

In ten minutes, a phone call was over. Song Wen didn't expect that the lines were like mountains, and they were criminal policemen who had never touched this area. It sounded like there were a lot of doorways. Lao Chang also explained some details to him. At this time, he told Lu Siyu: "There are such a group of poisonous dogs in the city. Generally, there are two ways to kill dogs by poisoning. The dog medicine is isoniazid, and there are also some anesthetic injections, and they all have special channels for these things. There are also special chains for selling stolen goods.”

Lu Siyu nodded, which was similar to what he knew.

"These dog dealers all have their own set of experiences. In the countryside, they use motorcycles. The two go there at night, shoot the dog and drag it into the sack behind. In the city, they stare at some communities, and some specialize in stealing expensive dogs. , the sentence for stealing a dog is much lighter than robbery, and it also makes a lot of money."

Lu Siyu nodded again, especially in the past few years, the price of Tibetan mastiffs was inflated, and the price of a purebred mastiff was almost tens or even millions.

"Generally speaking, dealers of poisonous dogs will not only sell stolen goods in one pet store, but also commit crimes across regions. Dogs stolen from the east are sold to the west, and dogs stolen from the south are sold to the north, and even to surrounding cities. These dogs of unknown origin, the shopkeepers often only serve those regular customers who are greedy for petty and cheap, and do not sell new customers…”

Lu Siyu nodded and said, "I know some of this too."

"The reason they acted because someone was walking the dog without a rope was accidentally injured by that group of people and almost died in the hospital. The relatives did not give up, so they set up a task force and followed them for two months... There were more than a dozen people in the group. A police officer and a police officer, monitoring 24 hours a day…”

"Have you caught anyone?" Lu Siyu asked.

Song Wen sighed, "I didn't catch it..." and then added, "Then the dog dealer's den was out of the territory of their branch, and it was over."

This kind of thing of stealing and killing dogs is hated by everyone, but if you really want to take action, it is even more difficult. , Continue in another place, you can't beat and kill. The police also pay attention to the issue of efficiency. It is not cost-effective to have many police forces and a few dog thieves.

Song Wen added: "There is a leader in that group of people, who is called Dao Lao San, who once had a face-to-face with them, that person is a man in his forties, with a scar on the forehead on his face, it is said that he used to be The slaughterhouse is very hostile..."

Although it is now confirmed that the pet shop is Lin Wanwan's part-time work place, the source of the poison is their inference. If they don't find the dealers of the medicine dogs after investigation, or they start a snake, then the clues they have finally found will be broken again. .

Speaking of this, Lu Siyu stepped on the brakes, and Song Wen's spirit was lifted: "Arrived?"

Lu Siyu pointed to an orange-yellow sign not far away, with a few big characters written on it: "Xinxin Pet Shop", the font design of the shop name was exactly the same as the apron in Lin Wanwan's dormitory.

Song Wen unfastened his seat belt and said energetically, "Go, go in and have a look!"

However, Lu Siyu looked back at him: "Song team, can we eat first?"

Song Wen glanced back at him, then looked at the hands of the watch just after twelve o'clock, and compromised: "Okay, listen to you." Then he was a little wary: "You won't have buns, right?"

Lu Siyu shook his head, "I also brought a pizza."

Song Wen asked, "You made the made it yourself?" There was a bit of amazement and wonder in that tone.

Lu Siyu frowned and couldn't help explaining: "Pizza, the best thing to do is to put the ingredients in the oven after the dough is fermented..."

Song Wen: "Stop, stop, I don't understand."

Lu Siyu explained again: "You just ate the buns in the morning, but you didn't wrap the stuffing, and the stuffing was sprinkled on top."

Song Wen can still accept this explanation, and suddenly said: "Oh..."

In Lu Siyu's view, as long as you know a few kinds of dishes in this world, you can master them. Those different methods are only different in ingredients and heat, and there is no difference in essence. But in Song Wen's opinion, knowing more about one country's cuisine is like having an extra foreign language.

They parked their car not far from Xinxin Pet Store, and then went to find a small shop across the road. The owner of the shop was very enthusiastic, waiting for Song Wen to order, and she didn't mind helping Lu Siyu get the pizza. hot.