Criminal Investigation Files

Chapter 25


At two o'clock in the afternoon in Nancheng City, on a street near Xinjiadi Square, the dilapidated van was parked on the side of the road and was basically scrapped, but the Audi was only scratched. The accident attracted countless crowds watching and talking.

Song Wen called a few colleagues, registered the operation, contacted the traffic police, found a tow truck to tow the van away, and Lu Siyu's Audi asked the insurance company to take it, and a series of steps were carried out. It's over, nearly two hours have passed. Several people took Dao Laosan and his accomplices back to the city bureau in a police car. Lu Siyu led the prisoner into the interrogation room through the side door, while Song Wen returned to the office first.

As soon as he entered the door, Song Wen almost didn't know the unit where he had worked for several years. There were noisy footprints outside the door, and some gold, silver and white papers were scattered everywhere, and the office area inside was like a typhoon passing through. Paper money all over the floor. Then he saw that half of the people in the police station were cleaning, and Bureau Gu stood at the end of the corridor with his hips on his shoulders and lost his temper, "Sapochu has come to the police station, how decent! If you don't understand their family just died If you get someone, put them all in handcuffs!"

Song Wen was surprised. He put the black coat on the shoulders of the white shirt and turned to ask Lao Jia, "What's wrong with this situation? Gu Jufa is so angry."

Lao Jia said while cleaning: "Oh, don't mention it, just now there were people from Dong Fang's house, besides the family members, there were more than 20 construction workers. The group first went to the school to make trouble, and then came to the police station to make trouble for a long time. , said that the murderer would be severely punished and explained to them. Later, he was scolded by Gu Bureau, and he just left. "

Song Wen let out a long sigh, thinking that fortunately he was not there just now, after all, the Dong family is a dead daughter, and the family is so rich, they will definitely not let it go. He was thinking of this when he heard Gu Ju's voice: "Song Wen! Come here for me!"

Song Wen turned around and had to follow Gu Ju into the office, Gu Ju sat down on a chair, and was so annoyed that he managed his few remaining hair: "Song Wen, let me tell you, this time you are not here, I will help you back Well, next time you have to clean up the mess yourself."

Song Wen sighed and said, "I don't want to get involved in this case, and besides, it's a dead daughter after all..."

"You still speak for them! Even if it's the victim's family members, they can't all come to the police station to mourn!"

"But in case, if they can't get angry but turn back to the media, it will be even more troublesome." Song Wen said casually.

Gu Ju also calmed down, but Song Wen's sentence reminded him that his attitude was a little tough just now. If this case was exposed, it would definitely be a headline in the social version, and the pressure on the police would be even greater at that time. He was a little scared and said, "Then I'll make a phone call to appease it later. If we want to solve the problem, we still need to solve the case as soon as possible." After speaking, Gu Ju looked around Song Wen and asked him, "What did you do just now? "

Song Wen told the truth: "First I went to the hospital to ask about the suspect, and then I went to catch the two dog thieves."

"Catch the dog thief?" Gu Ju snorted coldly, "When are you still so free and brave?"

Song Wen said sternly: "The dog thief was caught at the door of the pet shop where the suspect worked. Their medicine may be the source of the poison..."

After Song Wen finished speaking, he briefly described the progress of the case. Bureau Gu also kept thinking about the case. After reading the basic information, he figured out the link, and immediately changed his face and raised his eyebrows: "Oh, well done. Not bad." He always criticized his subordinates when they made mistakes, and praised them when they did well.

Song Wen further explained: "The suspect is lying. When we figure out the source of the poison, we can lock the murderer."

Gu Ju nodded again and again: "Yes, the two cases will be investigated together, and the credit will be given to you later."

Song Wen: "Then... Is there anything else? I'll go to the trial of the dog dealer."

Gu Ju pointed to his watch: "Remember the time."

Song Wen stretched out two hands: "Remember, there are still two days."

When Song Wen came out of Gu Bureau's office, Lu Siyu had already returned to his work place, took a tissue and wiped the blood on his cheek. The people here went to clean the paper money and footprints at the door, and the whole office area was empty. , only the two of them remained.

Song Wen walked over and leaned on the edge of the desk: "Go back to the car and drive your luxury car back when it's repaired. Next time, you should use more police cars."

Lu Siyu said, "Thank you." Then he looked up at Song Wen, "Song team, you're not afraid that you won't be able to ride after a few more collisions."

Song Wen shook his head: "No, private cars are not in compliance with the regulations, but it's fortunate that your car was not there just now, or else it would be smashed by the mob."

Lu Siyu lowered his head and continued to wipe the blood on his face, and stopped talking.

Song Wen didn't leave, but looked at Lu Siyu's wound: "It's okay, do you want to go to the hospital, don't look back and leave a scar."

Lu Siyu just scratched his cheek by the spectacle lens. The wound was under the corner of his right eye, and it wasn't too deep. Now the bleeding has stopped, he blinked and said, "I'm not that squeamish yet, wait for the next deputy to come back. , I'll ask him to borrow a Band-Aid." If he was so injured, he would have to go to the hospital, and he would be a joke for the entire police force.

"You haven't been here for half a month. The deputy team is very skilled." Song Wen opened his drawer and took out alcohol cotton swabs and band-aids. After working as a criminal police officer, he always keeps these things on hand. "Don't look at Fu Linjiang, who is usually a good-natured person. I don't have much experience in dealing with this. I'll do it."

Lu Siyu got up and looked at him, blinking: "Song team, aren't you in a hurry to judge the third child?"

Song Wen said: "Let them wait and go. Wait for a while to ask." As he spoke, he stretched out his hand to squeeze Lu Siyu's chin, Lu Siyu wanted to hide subconsciously, Song Wen whispered, "Don't move. !" He used this unquestionable tone again, Lu Siyu shrank, his eyelashes trembled, and he didn't move.

Song Wen held his white jade-like chin in one hand, and the other hand took a cotton ball and gently wiped the wound. The wound fell under the corner of Lu Siyu's eyes, and his delicate face was stained with red, adding to his whole being. A dangerous atmosphere. In an instant, Song Wen remembered the time when he was full of murderous aura, and his heart became more and more incomprehensible to Lu Siyu.

As soon as the cotton ball went up, Lu Siyu shrank slightly from the pain, and his body became tense. Song Wen then reacted, "It seems that iodine is suitable, but there is only alcohol left here, bear with it and let you grow longer. memory."

Lu Siyu didn't say a word. There was no other voice in the office for a while. Song Wen felt that the person beside him was extremely quiet. He couldn't help but say, "Your car is driving too hard today."

Lu Siyu said in a low voice, "I'm measured, if it weren't for the airbag..."

"This is called being measured? What if the lens hurts the eye?" Song Wen said, rubbing his hand into the wound. The wound has scabbed over this period of time, and now it is necessary to melt the wound.

Lu Siyu made a 'hiss', the two of them were a little close, and he could even smell the faint smell on Song Wen's body. He had a high tolerance for corpses, but he was a little bit clean about living people who were too close to him. Endure it, but now facing Song Wen, he doesn't hate the smell on him.

Song Wen's movements were light and his eyes were gentle, but the pain was inevitable. The wound was melted away by alcohol again, as if he was tearing open an old scar.

Seemingly to distract his attention, Song Wen started to talk while moving: "I, I began to think that you are a squeamish person, you can't be hungry, you can't be thirsty, but later, I figured it out, look at me, I have been spoiled by my mother since I was a child, I haven't been in the kitchen very much, I'm too lazy to wash my clothes, and everything is random."

All the blood was wiped away, leaving only a two-centimeter-long wound. Song Wen tore off the Band-Aid and carefully gestured to Lu Siyu's face: "People's habits and past experiences are inseparable, you will feel sorry for yourself so much. , it doesn't look like you've been spoiled. It must be because no one thinks about these things, so you take care of it yourself. You do the cooking yourself. You don't have to worry about your family when you drive the car like this. In the end, no one cares about you. "

Song Wen's voice was very soft, but when he heard Lu Siyu's ears, it seemed that something suddenly filled his heart.

He raised his eyes to look at Song Wen, licked his lips nervously, and then whispered, "Song team, when you confronted that dog dealer today... it was too dangerous."

The two were too close, Song Wen looked down at Lu Siyu, Lu Siyu's face was wiped clean, but there was an extra Band-Aid, the long eyelashes were hanging down, and the tip of the tongue slid over the red lips , Now he is obedient, and has returned to the small animal-like state of the past. He looks like a very bully. It only makes people want to rub his hair.

At that moment, Song Wen felt like a feather scratched in his heart, he let go of Lu Siyu and said, "Okay." Then he sorted out the various things on the table, put the medicine back in the drawer, and then Seeing that Lu Siyu was still dazed with his hair lowered, he greeted him, "Let's go, the third child of the trial knife."

The entire interrogation process went unexpectedly smoothly. Dao Laosan, who was stubborn before seeing the coffin and did not cry. But now that he was in the bureau, handcuffed and put into the interrogation room, he saw the coffin and wept.

At this time, Dao Laosan completely lost the momentum of confrontation with Song Wen at the intersection at the time, and was so cowardly that Song Wen said it all after a few frights.

"It's that little girl's film and the poisonous dog medicine I asked for. She works in Lao Wang's shop. I've seen her a few times. I think this little girl doesn't like to say anything... if she's kind..."

Song Wen: "Tell me what happened to the poison?"

"She and I said that the thing was for cats. I started to want to give her pills, but she said it didn't work for cats, so I gave her the needle for poisoning dogs. I didn't dare to give her the poison."

"The specific time."

"About a month ago."

"How much did you give in total?"

"I don't give much, I only gave one."

Old Jia on the side raised his eyebrows and then asked, "Where are there not many people?! When such a big incident happened, you can't get rid of the two lives! What else do you know about other things?"

Dao Lao San was about to cry: "I really thought she wanted the medicine cat, how could I have thought of killing... If I knew I would kill her, I wouldn't give it to her, you said my business is doing well , aren't you making trouble for yourself?"

Lao Jia sneered: "Your business? What a shit! It's not illegal. I'll settle the account for you later."

Dao Lao San accompanied his smiling face and nodded like pounding garlic: "Alas, I will recruit, I will cooperate, please be lenient."

Here, Dao Lao San and his accomplices have been tried, and the confessions are consistent. Song Wen asked Lao Jia and the others to stare at him and write the confession. When he came out, he met Lin Xiuran. He had already compared the medicine in Dao Lao San injection with the residue on the chocolate box before. , handed Song Wen a result sheet and said: "The two drugs have been compared and confirmed to be the same, that is, the source of the poison is correct."

After finding the source of the poison, he was one step closer to the truth. Song Wen was relieved after having a thought. He called Fu Linjiang and didn't rush to tell him the progress here. When the phone got through, Song Wen asked him directly, "Linjiang, how's your investigation going?"

Fu Linjiang checked around the school before, and collected a lot of information around him, but there was still no progress on the key poison source and other issues.

Song Wendao: "Don't worry about the school. The source of the poison has been determined. It was obtained from outside. The evidence is conclusive. Let's withdraw it tomorrow."

Over there, Fu Linjiang relaxed when he heard that the case had progressed, "Hey, Team Song, you've already found out and asked me?"

Song Wen: "Didn't I call you as soon as I got the news?" Then he remembered something, "By the way, tell Brother Chang at the branch that the dog thief he didn't catch back then was caught by me. ."

Song Wen walked around outside, and went back to look at the testimony of Dao Lao San, where Zhu Xiao was urging: "Oh, write it clearly, your writing is too vague, when and where did you give the medicine? Lin Wanwan's?"

"Lin Wanwan?" Dao Laosan frowned and raised his head when he heard the name. "I didn't give her the medicine. The girl I gave seems to be surnamed Guo."

"Guo Hua?" Zhu Xiao asked, frowning, and he almost asked back, how could it be Guo Hua

Song Wen was a little surprised when he listened to it. This situation was different from what he expected. They were chasing this thread from Lin Wanwan's mobile phone. How did it become Guo Hua's evidence now

He suddenly remembered that in the pet store, the little girl said that Lin Wanwan would not do it, and also introduced her friend. Could this friend be Guo Hua

"Yes, it's her. She's a little girl who doesn't like to talk. I didn't expect her to ask me for medicine for the cat." Dao Lao San nodded.

This result is not the same as Song Wen expected, but it is still reasonable.

The source of the poison was finally found, and the motive for the murder was revealed. Although there was no direct evidence, if Lin Wanwan's testimony was added, the matter of Guo Hua's poisoning would be a sure thing.

But... why did Lin Wanwan lie before? What is she hiding

Song Wen thought about it, walked out of the interrogation room, and informed others of the latest progress.

After hearing this news, everyone was silent, especially Lu Siyu, lowered his head, lowered his eyes and bit his fingers.

The truth, is that so? I always feel that something is not right...

After a busy day, get off work. As soon as he got home and entered the corridor, Song Wen realized that the sequelae of staying up late and exercising appeared. He reached the door of the house, opened the door, and called Mom, the room was dark, quiet, and no one answered. Song Wen turned on the light by himself, and his mother's shoes were no longer at the door. His old lady was as sudden as when she came, and she walked very neatly.

Song Wen looked at the whole house that had been cleaned and cleaned. All kinds of washed clothes were dried and stacked neatly on the sofa. On top is his stack of jeans.

Three dishes and one soup were left on the table, and a small note was pressed under it: "Son, Mom can't worry about your dad, let's go first, you won't send me a message if you're busy, pay attention to your health, and eat on time."

After reading the note, Song Wen sat on the sofa, feeling that all the fatigue in his body was warmed by these words.