Criminal Investigation Files

Chapter 26


Early the next morning, when Song Wen stepped to the city bureau, Lu Siyu was already seated.

Song Wenzhi asked on the glass of the grid: "Has the inspection result of your car come out?"

Lu Siyu said: "The insurance company said that the car paint is imported, it's a little troublesome to repair, and the rest is nothing major." He reached out his hand and rubbed his eyes.

Song Wen saw that he was in a bad mood and asked, "What? Didn't you sleep well?"

Lu Siyu pointed to the stack of documents on the table: "I perfected the records last night, and I have been thinking about this case."

"After so much, you didn't sleep much last night..." Song Wen picked it up and turned it over. The copywriting on the table was handwritten and printed, and every page was neat and clear, without any alterations. . The file was combined with Lin Xiuran's forensic report, the report from the physical evidence side, and the testimony of various witnesses, and put them together into a thick stack. It has been more than a day since the case was discovered, and the workload was not small. When I think of the cases that I encountered in the past, I had to sort it out myself. Often the cases were solved and the information was not collected. Song Wen really felt that the past was unbearable, and the reality was very touching.

"Fortunately..." Lu Siyu said, his brows were still slightly wrinkled, and he was a little hesitant to speak.

Song Wen felt that there was something in Lu Siyu's words: "Why, there are still doubts?"

Lu Siyu hesitated for a moment and said: "If the murderer is Guo Hua, there are some problems in the middle, I don't quite understand. If it is Guo Hua who has poisoned her, she hates Dong Fang and Ma Aijing, so just take revenge on them directly. Now, why did she bring her best friend, Lin Wanwan, since she already took her, why did Lin Wanwan take the smallest dose, which is not a big problem at all. Even if it wasn't for Lin Wanwan, she did it yesterday. Speaking of panic, why did she lie? Also, why did Guo Hua, as the murderer, run out to call for help?"

Song Wen lowered his head and flipped through the archives, then turned to look at him again. The questions raised by Lu Siyu were also what he didn't understand.

In the last case, Lu Siyu was more passive, and was warned by him once. In this case, he was quite active in participating in it. As a leader, he couldn't find anything wrong.

The two said here, but saw Fu Linjiang walking in from outside, his clothes were soaked with sweat, and the closer to mid-summer, the hotter the weather was.

Song Wen asked, "Linjiang, did anyone bring it?"

Fu Linjiang took a bottle of mineral water to the side and took a few sips before he could answer him: "I just got back, and I almost had an accident this morning. We went up to ask for someone, but they weren't in the ward."

Song Wen frowned: "Didn't the school say that someone is with you?"

"I ran while the school was asleep! The female teacher didn't know how to look at it. At first we all looked down, but we couldn't find it, and then we found that she had climbed to the roof and stood on the side. I went up, stared blankly at the bottom, really, maybe I jumped off later. I was frightened and sweated, but fortunately nothing happened. "

Several people hurried to the interrogation room, and Lin Wanwan had already lowered her head and sat inside.

Under normal circumstances, her condition would need to be hospitalized for two more days, but due to special circumstances, she was specially approved to be discharged early after being checked by the doctor without serious injury. This time, the hospital was very cooperative, probably the first time she came out in the morning. The doctor was frightened and eager to throw this hot potato out.

At this moment, Lin Wanwan was sitting in the interrogation room, her collarbone-length hair was loose, her bangs were slightly long, covering her eyebrows, and she was extremely quiet.

Song Wendao: "Looking at this emotion, it doesn't look like I'm going to jump off the building." He looked at the time on the summons form filled out by Fu Linjiang, and clicked, "Go and apply for Bureau Gu, forty-eight hours." A general summons does not exceed ten Two hours, special suspects can be given a grace period of up to 24 hours, and if it is extended, it will be reported to the top for special approval within forty-eight hours.

Song Wen had a hunch that today's interrogation must be a tough battle.

Zhu Xiao, who was on the side, said, "Wait... wait for me to change to a bigger memory card." According to regulations, the interrogation process must be videotaped, and there should be no interruptions in the middle.

As soon as Song Wen walked into the interrogation room, Lin Wanwan raised her head with tears in her eyes: "Officer, I'm sorry, I... lied yesterday..."

Song Wen still followed the process, asking about gender, age, ethnicity, family situation, etc. Then he raised his eyes sharply, "Lin Wanwan, have you committed any crime?"

"I... I'm guilty." Lin Wanwan said these words, and the detectives in the room were a little surprised. Lu Siyu lowered his head, habitually bit the nail of his right thumb between his teeth, and continued to listen to Lin Wanwan.

Song Wen leaned forward with a serious expression: "Lin Wanwan, you know what the consequences will be if you lie."

"I understand." Lin Wanwan nodded.

"State your criminal process." Song Wen said solemnly.

"I... I know that there are poisons hidden in Guo Hua, and I have seen her poison a few cats." Lin Wanwan said, her fingers huddled together slightly, "But I can't help it, those cats just gathered It was outside the back door not far from our dormitory, and I couldn't drive away. As soon as spring came, I would scream there all night long. Guo Hua didn't sleep well. Later, she came up with an idea and asked for one. Injections, medicines for cats."

As soon as Song Wen came up, Lin Wanwan confessed and asked her, "Where did the medicine come from."

"That medicine was brought by Guo Hua from the pet store where we worked before... I used some before, and there is half left..."

"Afterwards, you poisoned your classmates with the medicine from the cat?" Song Wen asked further.

"No... No... I lied, but I didn't lie about that matter." Lin Wanwan lowered her head, "I didn't expect that Guo Hua put the remaining poison in the chocolate."

Song Wen continued to ask with a blank expression: "Please repeat the detailed process of the whole thing."

Lin Wanwan thought about it and said slowly, "Half a month ago, Guo Hua had a conflict with Dong Fang and Ma Aijing..."

"Is it because of the unanswered interview call?"

"No, not only because of that, but also because of some hidden secrets. Guo Hua has a quota for exchange students and can go abroad for a few months of inspection. According to the results, it should be Guo Hua, but when it came to the end, the quota was replaced by Ma Aijing. ."

This paragraph is something that everyone didn't know before. If you think about it carefully, it can be regarded as in line with their reasoning.

Lin Wanwan continued: "The other day they had a conflict, Guo Wei was injured, and I was in the dormitory at the time, but I was also afraid of them and didn't dare to help her too much. Later, I accompanied her to the school hospital to prescribe some medicine. That night, she didn't dare to go back to the dormitory, so she stayed overnight at Bai Xiaoxiao next door."

The entire interrogation room was filled with her small and gentle voice, and Song Wen did not interrupt her.

"The next day, I found Guo Hua again. At that time... Guo Hua told me at that time that she said she didn't want to live anymore and wanted to commit suicide. At that time, I was comforting her all the time, but I didn't expect her to think about killing at all."

Having said this, Lin Wanwan paused for a while, and the little beast-like eyes raised slightly to look at Song Wen, looking pitiful: "I only thought after being poisoned, maybe Guo Hua used her from the pet store. You should find out what happened later, Guo Hua bought a box of chocolates, and now I think, she must have secretly injected the medicine into the chocolate."

Song Wen squinted his eyes, and now he has evidence of Guo Hua's poisoning: "This is different from your previous testimony. Why did you lie yesterday?"

Lin Wanwan's tears began to flow down her cheeks: "Yesterday I was lying in the hospital bed, thinking about this all the time, when you came to ask, I wanted to tell you, but I was worried that about the medicine, it would Pull myself in. I was also very sad at the time, I didn't expect that as Guo Hua's best friend, she also wanted me to die together... "

"Then why are you telling us today?"

"I have been very uneasy since I lied. When I stood on the rooftop this morning, I felt that I was sorry for my classmates. If I had told Dong Fang and Ma Aijing about Guo Hua's murderous intentions, they would have been more alert. , If you don't eat that chocolate, what happened that night won't happen... Also, I think you'll find out about the cat's medicine... "

"You recount the process of the night before."

"The night before yesterday, Guo Hua humbly apologized to Dong Fang and Ma Aijing, took out the chocolate, let them choose first, and ate it with them. I didn't have any doubts at the time, I just thought the taste of chocolate was a bit strange, so I ate less. A few mouthfuls."

"And then."

"And then... Dong Fang first got poisoned, and then Ma Aijing also got poisoned. I got out of bed to check and found that Guo Hua was lying on Ma Aijing's body. She was afraid of her screaming, so she covered her with a quilt... I went and pulled it. She, but she couldn't hold her at all until Ma Aijing stopped moving." Lin Wanwan said this, her lips trembled, as if recalling that terrifying night, "At this time, Guo Hua and I also When I had a seizure, I asked her if she had given us medicine, and she suddenly ran out impulsively. My mobile phone was out of power, so I found Guo Hua's mobile phone and called an ambulance. "

"I'm sorry for Dong Fang, I'm sorry for Ma Aijing, I'm sorry for Guo Hua, I'm guilty..." As she spoke, Lin Wanwan's shoulders kept shaking, and she seemed to be sincerely repenting. Lin Wanwan wiped away the tears with her hands and finished speaking. She sat on the chair, relaxed slightly, and looked at Song Wen with red eyes.

Song Wen also looked at the girl in front of him, judging whether her words were true or false.

"Officer, can I drink some water?" Lin Wanwan asked.

Song Wen stood up and said, "Someone will bring water in later."

The case has developed to this point, and Lin Wanwan has closed all the loopholes in yesterday's testimony, physical evidence, testimony, witnesses... Every clue points to Guo Hua, looking down at Lin Wanwan's gradually calm expression, Song Wen suddenly remembered Based on Lu Siyu's evaluation of Lin Wanwan, either she is an extremely innocent passerby, or she is a criminal who can disguise extremely well...

In a bedroom, four girls and two victims, only one person was left to be interrogated, and the other was in a coma.

The case seems simple, and the answer is ready to come out, but is the truth really what Lin Wanwan said? Can they still know what happened that night