Criminal Investigation Files

Chapter 28


Time passed quickly, and at night, the weather became stuffy again, the air was full of stickiness, and a thunderstorm was about to fall. At 6:30 in the afternoon, Song Wen gathered all the relevant personnel for a meeting, and specially called Lin Xiuran, who had just returned from the hospital.

The atmosphere in the conference room suddenly became solemn. Everyone did not expect that just when the case was about to become clear, they were in a dilemma. There were no key witnesses and no key material evidence. All they could prove was that Lin Wanwan knew about Guo Wei's possession of poison.

What the hell happened that night

The relevant case files have been read several times, and everyone is exhausted. Song Wen listed all the relevant information and derivation process of the case on the whiteboard.

On the left side of the whiteboard is the derivation process and motive for assuming that Guo Wei is the main culprit. On the right side of the whiteboard is the derivation process assuming that Lin Wanwan is the main culprit. In a corner below the whiteboard, others are written.

The one on the left is clear, but the one on the right has very little. Song Wen drew a question mark, and then drew a circle on Lin Wanwan's name: "Lin Wanwan's matter has not been investigated yet, we assume, if the matter is Unlike what Lin Wanwan said, Guo Wei was an accomplice, or Guo Wei did not know, and Lin Wanwan was the main culprit, so why did she kill her classmate, and how did she use Guo Wei's chocolate and poison to kill herself classmate?"

Asked this question, everyone was silent, Fu Linjiang lowered his head, Zhu Xiao leaned next to him, Lao Jia was a little listless, and Lu Siyu didn't say a word. They could not draw any conclusions from what they knew now.

Previously, Zhu Xiao quickly sorted out the testimony of the surrounding witnesses. Some details were beyond Song Wen's expectations. He thought that Lin Wanwan's frequent change of work locations might be a matter of time, or she was fired by the boss, but During their investigation, they found that Lin Wanwan resigned for almost all the jobs, and refused to keep those bosses with salary increases.

This girl is like adding social experience in those stores according to her mood.

During their phone investigation, everyone reported that Lin Wanwan was docile, humble, and silent. It seems that apart from lying to them once, his innocence is unblemished.

"Let's look at all the physical evidence again." The case reached a deadlock, and Song Wen could only start sorting out the relevant evidence.

Xu Yao said: "Xiao Cheng, bring all the photos, let's go through it again."

After a while, Xiao Cheng copied all the materials and started showing the physical evidence pictures of the scene one by one on the slide projector. When everyone saw something suspicious, they would ask questions. After waiting for the photo to show the quilt that was being held by Ma Aijing, Lin Xiuran frowned and pointed to one of the corners and asked, "What is that?"

Xiao Cheng zoomed in on the photo of the scene, and it could be seen that it was the head of the quilt, with two oval brown marks. The two oval points are almost parallel, one horizontal and one vertical. about ten centimeters apart.

"Maybe it's the mark of the chocolate rubbed on it." Xiao Cheng zoomed in a little more, and now he can see a lot more clearly.

"No, it wasn't on top of it." Lin Xiuran spoke and took a few steps forward, and pulled out the photo of Ma Aijing's death. At first, Ma Aijing's quilt covered the lower half of her face, and that position seemed more It is obvious that it is in a position not far from the victim's ear.

Lin Xiuran made a demonstration: "That was left by the chocolate stained on the fingers of the right hand when the suspect was pressing the quilt tightly."

When he said this, everyone was shocked. They were looking for physical evidence before confirming the cause of death. At that time, they focused on looking for things related to poison, but ignored it, and there were traces around the suffocated victim.

Xiao Cheng hurriedly ran to the physical evidence room, carried the quilt over, and followed the direction of the crease on the quilt. The two marks were exactly what the suspect could leave when he held the quilt tightly and pressed down.

"Isn't this left by someone who wanted to lift the quilt?" Fu Linjiang looked at the traces.

"No." Xu Yao picked it up and took a closer look. As an expert in traces, she immediately came to a conclusion, "This trace needs to be made by grasping the quilt tightly and pressing with great force. The corresponding position next to the quilt also has the same wrinkle, indicating that the murderer grabbed the quilt with both hands and went down together. The chocolate should have been covered when the candy was wet, so it penetrated into the texture of the quilt. In short, this trace It must have been left behind by the murderer of Ma Aijing."

Song Wen asked Xu Yao, "Is this trace worth extracting?"

Xiao Cheng hurriedly stepped aside, Xu Yao lowered her head, carefully checked the two traces, and thought for a while: "There is enough chocolate to extract it, but the fibers on this quilt are not enough to extract fingerprints. That is, even if Having found these two traces, we cannot prove whether this trace was left by Guo Hua or Lin Wanwan."

Nowadays, the methods of extracting fingerprints have changed rapidly. Conventional powder or magnetic powder, physical and chemical, and even more advanced Ninghai Delin or fluorescent reagents, but no matter which method is used, it is not enough to extract these two fingerprints. .

This sentence made everyone fall into silence again, and the spark of hope that had just been found was extinguished like this.

Lu Siyu stared at the evidence photos printed on the table, his lips pursed lightly. They had reasoned about this scene and deduced some character relationships, but now, he has a little doubt about his reasoning. Suddenly, he felt that what he saw was what others wanted him to see, clean and deliberate... These things were like fog, hiding the motives of crime under them.

Thinking of this, Lu Siyu blinked and said, "I think we have entered a misunderstanding now, we are all obsessed with what happened that night, but I think it is these four things that should be explored more. What happened in the past year, what happened in this dormitory, what kind of people they are."

For four years, in a bedroom, getting along day and night, a word or an action, there may be conflicts or intensification. Today you are friends, tomorrow you may quarrel, this relationship is definitely not something that a few girls in other dormitories can see through. But now, the direct parties have all passed away, and they can only investigate, dig, and speculate from the surrounding environment.

Old Jia said: "No, isn't this very clear? The poison that Guo Hua hid, the chocolate that Guo Hua bought, Guo Hua has a grudge against them and wants them to die, I just don't understand, why do you have to doubt Lin Wanwan, what do we assume she hasn't done?"

Song Wen thought for a moment and said, "There are still suspicious points in the case. Let's investigate more carefully. Zhu Xiao, we will work overtime at night and make family follow-up calls. Make sure that every family understands it clearly."

Zhu Xiao nodded: "Yes."

Song Wen put the cap of the pen on, "I'll try it again later. Think about what other breakthroughs there are."

Breaking point... A new breaking point where the truth can be asked, and all the people frowned and thought for a while.

Song Wen turned his head to look at Lu Siyu, he lowered his head, frowned slightly, Junxiu's face became paler, and seemed to be lost in thought, when he noticed Song Wen's gaze, he raised his head slightly and said: " I think we can test her."

"What kind of temptation?" Song Wen looked at him sideways.

"Use Guo Hua." Lu Siyu looked directly at him with sharp eyes. Now, only the police can know Guo Hua's state. If Lin Wanwan's description of the night contains lies, then she may be the one who doesn't want Guo Hua to wake up.

Fu Linjiang immediately agreed: "I think this plan is feasible, and we don't have any other better methods right now, but it is estimated that the cooperation of Forensic Doctor Lin can make the trick more real."

Song Wen nodded and agreed with the plan: "Then let's check the process."

After the simple arrangement, Song Wen arranged various time points, thought about it, and said, "I'll come first, after I go out, Lao Jia will come in, and Lu Siyu will judge her."

Lu Siyu was a little surprised by this arrangement: "Why Lao Jia?" He asked this sentence without thinking too much, and it felt inappropriate to say it. In the days when he joined the company, he had not had much communication with Lao Jia. This old criminal policeman is obviously not a good helper to cooperate, and he has been insisting that Lin Wanwan is innocent, so he will definitely not be able to cooperate well with him. But when he asked this just now, he felt a little disgusted, and it seemed that he was robbing him before taking revenge on Lao Jia. Lao Jia glanced at him and said nothing.

Song Wen explained: "A few of us went in to ask separately. She and Lao Jia talked the most and looked the most relaxed. I want to try to put her in a comfortable environment for testing."

Lu Siyu nodded and agreed with Song Wen's arrangement.

After making arrangements, Lu Siyu and Song Wen entered the interrogation room first. Lin Wanwan just after a short rest, saw the two of them come in and sat up straight, and said, "Good evening." Is there anyone in the interrogation room? There are no windows either, and all ventilation relies on a small exhaust fan. She judged the time based on her work and rest and biological clock. It was already night, and she was questioned in this small interrogation room for a day.

Song Wen didn't answer her, and sat opposite her, adjusting the lights at the table, while Lu Siyu sat aside and spread out his book.

"Want to see what happened after your classmate died?" This time, Song Wen didn't ask any questions, but spread out a few photos and put them in front of her. The girls on the screen died shockingly.

Lin Wanwan lowered her eyes. She didn't panic, but she didn't open it. She hesitated for two seconds and said, "No, I'm almost one of them."

Song Wen asked the second question: "You were the only one who was awake at the time. Why didn't you call the police immediately? Don't explain it with fear. The doctor present said that you were very calm."

Lin Wanwan licked her lips: "In the beginning, I thought everyone was just suffering from food poisoning. I opened the drawer and wanted to take medicine for the stomach and intestines, and then I thought, maybe everyone's reaction now is because Guo Hua had asked for it before. When the poison arrived, I was very frightened at that time, and I didn’t call the police after hesitating. Later, the poison attacked faster than I thought. When I wanted to call the police, the poison was in my body, so I couldn’t respond quickly. Only had time to call the ambulance."

Song Wen's eyes narrowed slightly: "These sound like excuses and excuses."

Lin Wanwan shook her head gently: "I have nothing to defend, everything I said is the truth."

Song Wen looked directly at her: "Maybe this is just your way of getting out of your guilt."

Lu Siyu listened quietly, Song Wen was trying to bring Lin Wanwan's emotions back to the scene, and he kept putting pressure on Lin Wanwan.

There was a knock on the door, then the door lock was twisted, and Lin Xiuran leaned in, "Captain Song, can you come out?"

Song Wen got up. Lin Wanwan had also seen Lin Xiuran when he was in the hospital. Knowing that he was a forensic doctor, his eyes followed him out of the interrogation room. Lin Xiuran and Song Wen were talking outside in a low voice, but they could just be heard inside. a little.

"Hospital... phone... Guo Hua she... um, wake up, you guys as soon as possible... confession... maybe... new evidence... "

The intermittent voice came in, and Lu Siyu's drooping eyes lifted slightly to look at Lin Wanwan opposite, capturing the expression on her face.

She must have heard those conversations. The tiredness and tiredness swept away from the girl's face. Instead, there was a faint hint of ... Lu Siyu was a bit indescribable, it was a somewhat strange expression.

At that moment, he realized that he might have oversimplified the case...