Criminal Investigation Files

Chapter 33


In the early morning of the third day of the incident, in the Nancheng Police Station, Song Wen's team worked overtime as usual, and everyone was waiting for the result of a test, which would determine the direction of the entire case.

For this result, Song Wen went to Cheng Xiaobing and requisitioned a box of lava chocolates that she bought. Xu Yao and other colleagues in the appraisal center have been busy since the afternoon, and even consulted the professor of the Department of Chemistry of Nancheng University. Nancheng Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. Factory precision instruments for testing.

Lu Siyu was sitting at the desk, sorting through the documents, but his eyes were so sleepy that he was about to close his eyes. In order to wake up, he got up and went to the bathroom, and dropped by the water dispenser outside to pick up a cup of hot water.

While he was out, Fu Linjiang pushed Lao Jia: "If it turns out that Lin Wanwan is the suspect, you should apologize to Xiao Lu."

Lao Jia touched his nose: "The result hasn't come out yet."

Fu Linjiang said: "You follow Guo Hua's line and run back and forth for a day. If you don't find any relevant clues, don't be stubborn."

Lao Jia had a hunch in his heart that he might be wrong, but as an old criminal policeman, he also wanted face, and he really wanted to apologize to an intern police officer, but he just felt that he couldn't lose face. Seeing Lu Siyu come in, Fu Linjiang didn't rush him again and left from Lao Jia's desk.

Lu Siyu was sitting on a chair. He had just washed his face with cold water and had some water droplets on his hair. He took a tissue and wiped it.

Song Wen walked over and said kindly, "If you can't hold it any longer, go back."

Lu Siyu raised his head and whispered, "Team Song, everyone else is working overtime." He didn't quite understand why Song Wen suddenly felt pity for Xiangxiyu. Gotta turn red.

Song Wen looked down at Lu Siyu, and the skin that had just been washed was so white that it was almost transparent: "They slept all night yesterday and didn't organize the information, I'm serious, if you can't stand it, you can go to Gu Bureau Sit on the sofa in the office for a while."

Lu Siyu held the thermos cup in his hand and shook his head stubbornly: "Forget it, I guess the results will come out later, and I'm also curious about the truth."

As he was talking, Xu Yao stepped on high heels and walked in from the outside, and then took out a stack of test materials from the bag: "Several chemical laboratories rushed to work overnight, and the result finally came out."

When everyone heard the news, they all gathered around. Song Wen took the test sheets, looked at the pile of numbers on it, and raised his mouth slightly. Then he looked at Lu Siyu and said, "Let's go and try Lin Wanwan with me."

Lu Siyu followed him to his feet, and his whole body was instantly awake, with a bit of excitement in his usual icy expression.

As soon as the door of the interrogation room opened, Lin Wanwan moved, from lying on her stomach to raising her head to look at Song Wen and Lu Siyu who came in. This was the second time she was locked in the interrogation room. God, she received special treatment the first night, and was locked up in a room with a bed to sleep for a while, but today she was locked up here for a day. The long-term torture made her look particularly haggard, which was also exceptional. the poor.

"Is the forty-eight hours coming? Or is Guo Hua awake, you checked it out? According to the regulations, you can only detain me for so long." Lin Wanwan said as if she had already decided that she was the winner of this game .

Song Wen sat opposite her and said, "That means you are not a suspect."

Lin Wanwan hugged her arm: "Why do you suspect that I killed someone? I have said everything I should have said. The whole thing has nothing to do with me."

Song Wen leaned his back against the back, and looked at her indifferently: "You know, forty-eight hours is almost here, and there is no evidence, will I come here to see you?" Then he whispered, as if he was right The girl in front of her pronounced the sentence: "We have found key evidence. It is you who wants to use Guo Hua's hand to kill your classmates."

Lin Wanwan pursed her lips: "Officer, what you say must be based on evidence."

Song Wen squinted his eyes and said, "When did your plan start to be implemented? When you found out that the dog thieves often came to the pet store? Did you introduce Guo Hua to the past to work? You started working with those stray cats. Do you start when you test the dose on your body? Or did you deliberately provoke a war in the dormitory and let Guo Hua buy chocolate, Dong Fang and Ma Ai Jingyan to start?"

Under the light of the interrogation room, Lin Wanwan's eyes were as clear as the finest amber. She looked at the two people in front of her, without arguing or interrupting, the whole person was as cold as a block of ice.

Song Wen continued: "You must be very curious, where did you leave behind. I can restore the process of the incident. In order to facilitate the poisoning, you chose a kind of Internet celebrity lava chocolate this time. A box is just right. Four, the chocolate has a layer of skin on the outside, and the inside is the candy core of the chocolate, which is convenient for the cyanide to dissolve. That morning, you pretended to be kind and took the courier back when no one was there. In order not to leave fingerprints, you Wearing gloves, you injected poison into four chocolates, in order not to be suspicious afterwards, you injected poison into each piece. However, because you were too afraid of death, you marked one of them , Only a small amount of poison was injected into that chocolate ball."

"Those chocolates were left to stand for a while, and when you eat them, each piece of chocolate contains a highly poisonous candy. At night, the three of them returned to the dormitory one after another. You are very familiar with each of them, knowing that they are all I like to eat sweets, I don't know what kind of rhetoric you used to let Guo Hua hold the box, everyone shared the chocolate, you got the piece prepared in advance, and then the three of them ate it without any defense."

Lin Wanwan pursed her lips and didn't speak, Song Wen continued: "You know that cyanobacteria are highly poisonous, and I'm afraid this chocolate will kill you, so even if you take the one with the smallest dose, you still You didn't finish your chocolate, you hid the rest in a tissue, waited for everyone to wash up and go to bed, but you sneaked into the bathroom after turning off the lights, put the tissue, chocolate and cut gloves, trampled The injections were flushed down the toilet in the bathroom together."

Having said that, Song Wen stared at Lin Wanwan closely: "Unfortunately, you just finished this and didn't have time to wash your hands, they started poisoning, and the bedroom was dark, so you couldn't do more cleaning work. When you got to your bed, because you were afraid of death, you once hesitated to call an ambulance. At that time, you touched Guo Hua's mobile phone, leaving chocolate and your fingerprints on it. But you can't guarantee that the ambulance will Came after they died, so you hesitated and put your phone down again."

"Dong Fang was the first to attack and quickly died. Ma Aijing began to cry for help. At this time, in a hurry, you covered her head with a quilt, pressed her tightly, poisoned and suffocated, making Ma Ai Jing was extremely painful. You used all your strength to control her, but it also made you useless, and you couldn't hold Guo Hua anymore. The terrified Guo Hua saw what happened in the dormitory and ran from the door of the dormitory. Going out... You suffocated Ma Aijing to death, and when you heard the person in the next bedroom woke up, you also began to have a poisonous reaction, so you dialed 120."

Song Wen described these. If their inferences are correct, this is what happened in the bedroom that night. Two girls died because of it. One girl is still unconscious, and the murderer, sitting opposite them, quietly. Listening to all this is like listening to a story that has nothing to do with her.

Lin Wanwan retorted in a deep voice, "Officer, you guys are really imaginative. I've said it many times, it's Guo Hua who is suffocating."

Song Wen sighed, the girl in front of her was really stubborn and confident, and she still bites so tightly: "What you neglected is that there are some chocolate residues left in your hand, and those chocolates follow your hand. , was rubbed all over the place."

Lin Wanwan blinked her eyes and breathed calmly: "I still remember that when we ate chocolate at night, everyone got some chocolate on their hands, and then they vomited, and the dormitory was messed up. What can I say, maybe, my hand got some in the panic."

Song Wen explained: "But the places where the chocolates are left are quite special. On the floor of the toilet, we found a drop of chocolate candy heart, and next to it, we found half a footprint left on the ground, the pattern, size and size of the footprint. , are exactly the same as your slippers, next to the footprints, we found a small amount of glass shavings, and a small piece of rubber debris, that should be where you handled the injection, and that piece of rubber should be your cut gloves."

"Why do you say it was me, not Guo Hua?" Lin Wanwan leaned back on the back of the chair and continued to listen to Song Wen.

Song Wen turned the pen in his hand: "If it's just these findings, we won't be able to convict you, because you flushed the most important parts into the toilet, but we also found other traces. On the quilt of the dead horse Aijing, we found more traces of chocolate, and those traces were left when you grabbed the quilt and fought against the dying Ma Aijing."

Song Wen's eyes were fixed on Lin Wanwan's face. The girl in front of her heard this, but she still didn't panic. Her tone was indifferent and indifferent: "Those, it's just some chocolate chips..."

Seemingly expecting that she would ask this question, Song Wen said: "Yeah, we were also stumped by this at first, and there is no name written on the chocolate. And as you said, lava chocolate is really too easy to leave traces. Now, in the packaging box, on the tissues in Dong Fang's trash can, on the cuffs of Ma Aijing's clothes, and on the floor next to Guo Hua's seat, there are chocolates. We first put the vomit and the fresh uneaten chocolate. differentiated…”

Song Wen said this, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised: "This kind of chocolate, because it is hand-made, the size will be different, and the injection of green gas cannot be very accurate, we took the shards of these chocolates for accurate The chemical composition was identified, so we calculated the concentration of cyanide in the four chocolate balls."

Lin Wanwan's pupils shrank slightly.

"The chocolate on the bathroom floor, the chocolate on Guo Hua's mobile phone, and the chocolate on Ma Aijing's quilt, these chocolates contain significantly lower concentrations of cyanide than the other three lava chocolates. And this result is only possible There is an explanation—" Song Wen looked at Lin Wanwan, his eyes were sharp, like a knife stabbing the heart: "These multiple pieces of chocolate originated from the same piece of lava chocolate. The chocolate left on Guo Hua's phone has Your fingerprints, we also have your previous testimony, proving that you left this place. So it is not difficult to deduce that this piece of chocolate was eaten by you before, and the crime I just mentioned is the truth of that night. "

This afternoon, after the whole process was deduced, Lu Siyu suggested that Song Wen send the chocolate chips for further inspection to find out the exact ingredients. There are not many chips, and many of them cannot extract fingerprints, but But it can help them locate the murderer.

In the dormitory, Lin Wanwan suffocated Ma Aijing to death, and Guo Ruo went out to call for help. The two people's behaviors were completely different. Those chocolates with the same concentration were all traces left by Lin Wanwan.

Once those liquids are incorporated into the chocolate cores, they are fully incorporated, and each chocolate core will have a fixed concentration. Those sweet and sticky things spread in several corners of the bedroom with her fingers. Sweet and bitter chocolate is a deadly weapon, but it also reveals who the real murderer is.

In order to make the test results accurate, they even used new chocolates and injected green gas to do many tests. In the end, they finally had enough data to support their views.

Everything is over, and this is the end. They finally found key evidence and locked the suspect in this case. Guo Hua, who was lying in the ward, was just a puppet being used, and the one who really wanted the girls to die was Lin Wanwan.

At this time, Lin Wanwan's confession was no longer important, the evidence from the scraps and physical evidence was enough to prove that she held down the quilt and suffocated Ma Aijing to death.

All the truth was revealed, Lu Siyu stopped recording and looked up at Lin Wanwan, the girl's face did not show much expression.

"Do you have anything else to say?" Song Wen also looked at her.

He has interrogated countless prisoners, most of them were stubborn in the early stage, and at the final stage, they were defeated one by one, or face ashes, or weeping bitterly, or pulling others into the water, facing these murderers, these suspects When he was human, he had no sympathy, as if the one sitting in front of him was just a living creature, but could not be called a human being.

Lin Wanwan looked at him and said coldly, "I didn't do it."

"It's useless to try to deny it now." Song Wen said solemnly, "Pity your classmates, they should have a better future, but because of you... their lives have been changed. Killing always has to pay a price. "

"Shut up! Stop talking!" This was Lin Wanwan's first gaffe during the entire 48-hour interrogation.

In the interrogation room, Lin Wanwan looked at Song Wen and Lu Siyu in front of her, raised her chin slightly, the interrogation light illuminated her pale face, as if she was in the spotlight, she quickly calmed down, her voice Calm and calm, without a trace of panic and trembling: "I didn't do those things, I didn't kill my classmates, the medicine was brought by Guo Hua, the chocolate was bought by Guo Hua, and she let them eat it. What you are talking about now These are fundamentally wronging me." She spoke righteously, and her eyes were naturally pitiful, as if everything really had nothing to do with her.

All the people in the observation room looked at her blankly. In the face of irrefutable evidence, she still kept her face and continued to lie.

Thinking of the whole process of the case, Fu Linjiang felt a chill behind him.

Lao Jia looked at the interrogation room, frowned slightly, and said with some doubts: "Is it really not her? Is there something wrong with us?"

"Do you think Xu Yao's test results will be wrong? Or do you think Team Song's reasoning is wrong?" Fu Linjiang asked him back, "She didn't talk about chocolate anymore, but avoided the important and was still seeking sympathy. It's hard evidence, so indifferent, this is not a normal person's reaction, this arrogance and self-confidence itself is her biggest loophole."

Zhu Xiao also nodded: "We can't understand such people, it does not mean that such people do not exist."

Human thinking is hidden in the body, there are good and bad, some vicious thoughts, like vines soaked in poison, grow out of the heart, with the help of human flesh and blood, continue to accumulate, spread, and finally The whole person is wrapped in it. Poisonous people may not feel any difference to themselves, but from the perspective of others, they shudder. Once the venom bursts out, not only will it poison others, but it will also poison itself.

Lin Wanwan seems to have no sympathy, no empathy, and no respect for life. Some are only herself, and the others, family members and friends, are all her puppets. How arrogant, in her dictionary, panic does not exist, as if everything is not worth it.

If it wasn't for those chocolates, her carefully chosen ones, they might not have caught her at all.

The rain in Nancheng finally fell, although it was a few days late. Maybe it was because it was stuffy for a long time, and the rain came in a hurry. From the beginning of the night, large drops of rainwater formed an airtight water curtain, shrouding the city. A thick layer of water accumulated. The world seems to have been washed cleanly by the rain. The smell of stickiness in the air was gone, replaced by the scent of fresh grass.

At 1:30 in the morning, the overtime was over, the final finishing work of the case was completed, and preparations were made for the escort handover. Song Wen drove the police car to the steps of the police station entrance, but did not rush away.

In the distance, Lin Xiuran got out of a taxi and walked in with a black umbrella. Song Wen shouted, "Forensic doctor Lin, work overtime."

"Well, I just came back from the funeral home, and another body was just discovered." Lin Xiuran remembered something as he spoke, "By the way, Guo Hua has survived another rescue, and tomorrow, she will be transferred to Hongcheng, which has better conditions. hospital for treatment."

Song Wen nodded to him.

The people were almost gone one after another, and only then did Lu Siyu, who was carrying a bag, appear at the door of the police station.

Song Wen pretended to be just here and waved at him: "You didn't drive today, come here, the police car will take you for a ride."

Lu Siyu responded, walked over, got into the car and started rubbing his eyes, completely losing his energy just now. Now he is not only sleepy, but also cold, as if in the snow, walking through the long wasteland, exhausting all his strength, just want to go back to his warm home, hug his dog, and have a good sleep.

Seeing that he didn't move, Song Wen turned sideways, helped him to buckle the seat belt, and praised: "Good job, thanks to you today, the suspect was finally pressed to death."

Lu Siyu hummed, he didn't think he had done anything great.

Song Wendao: "If the case can't be solved, then Guo Hua's family will be miserable, it means that you saved them."

"It was the physical evidence that solved the case. I just put the clues together." Lu Siyu blinked and suddenly remembered the cold hands of Guo Hua's mother. Impulsive, now that he is sitting in the car, his body is exhausted and exhausted, but his heart has never been calm, and there is a little satisfaction. It turns out that justice is such a feeling. This is what Song Wen has been looking for.

"Hey, why don't you let me say this idea was yours?" Song Wen asked a question in his heart. On the train, after Lu Siyu speculated about the relationship between the dormitories, he thought of testing the concentration of chocolate to judge Lin Wanwan. Whether it was the murderer's method, but at that time he made a request to let Song Wen promise him not to mention these to others.

At first Song Wen thought that Lu Siyu didn't have much confidence, and was afraid that the results of the verification would be wrong, but later, he found that Lu Siyu had already determined that he was correct.

"If it was me, it would be too much of a slap in the face of Lao Jia. I can't offend everyone..." Lu Siyu said, as if he really wanted to hang out here, for the sake of interpersonal relationships. Relationships are a headache.

Song Wen started the police car, the raindrops hit the glass of the police car, making a faint sound, and Lu Siyu's profile was reflected in the headlights, white, handsome, deserted, and indifferent.

Song Wen suddenly thought of the conversation they had in the afternoon. Everyone's situation and understanding of things were inseparable from his experience and background. So, what has Lu Siyu experienced, who can see through the psychology of the criminal and resonate with the suspect

Song Wen couldn't help but ask him, "You said that Lin Wanwan chose chocolate because it was her favorite candy, and it was the reward she got when she was a child."

Lu Siyu gave a low hum.

"Then what about you?" Song Wen turned to look at him, "What have you been through?"

Lu Siyu didn't speak, and changed to a more comfortable posture. Just when Song Wen thought he wouldn't tell him, Lu Siyu suddenly looked out the window and whispered, "Song team, I'm a little hungry..."

What does it feel like to be hungry? It's like there is ice slag in the stomach, stinging the body, all the organs are screaming, all the cells are cold, and you can experience the trajectory of life's passing little by little. The only word left in my head is enough to drive people crazy.

Eating is an instinctive need directly linked to life. Human beings can do anything in order to eat something. So eating is the most important thing in the world, and food is the most important thing in the world. For it, human beings can break out wars, and for it, they can also mercilessly deprive other creatures of their lives.

Outside the car, it was raining non-stop, and the window was full of rustling noises. The rainy season in Nancheng seems to be coming early...