Criminal Investigation Files

Chapter 36


"The man's surname is Zhou, and his name is Zhou Chuguo. The deceased is him, as well as his mother Chen Cuihua and his wife Yang Li. This morning, someone heard screams in their house and rushed over to find the door ajar. When there was someone lying inside, I called the police." Zhang Dahai introduced them as he led them through the door.

Lin Xiuran followed and entered the door. Song Wen and Lu Siyu also put on their gloves and shoe covers and walked into the yard. There were already three people standing in the yard. A middle-aged man with glasses beside him took a forensic investigation box, a fat man beside him was taking pictures, and there was a little policeman with acne, looking at the corpse with fear dare not move forward.

Zhang Dahai introduced: "Li De is the forensic doctor of our county police station, and he has also dealt with the forensic doctor Lin. The physical evidence is Xiao Wu, the little criminal policeman, whose surname is Meng, just call him Xiao Meng."

Lin Xiuran looked at it, it was obvious that the small yard was the scene of the crime, and he asked, "Have you taken all the photos?"

Zhang Dahai smiled and nodded: "It's all done."

On the ground near the door, there were two corpses, a man and a woman. Depending on their ages, both of them were probably in their thirties. It should be Zhou Chuguo and Yang Li's husband and wife.

Now that summer is approaching, the two of them don't wear too much. The faces of the two corpses are pale, and the corpse has formed. The corpse has a strangely stiff posture. The buttons on the woman's body are loose, and one of the man's shoes falls On the side, the left hand of the male corpse and the right hand of the female corpse are tightly pulled together. On the right hand of the man's corpse, there is a burning scorch mark, which is obviously an electric shock.

Lin Xiuran took a few glances and frowned slightly: "Have you moved these two corpses?"

The forensic doctor Lao Li, who was standing in the yard, was taken aback by his question, and looked at Zhang Dahai as if asking for help. He didn't want to move these two people, but Zhang Dahai gave the order when he arrived in the morning.

After hearing Lin Xiuran's question, Zhang Dahai had to hurriedly explain: "These three people were already dead when we arrived. At that time, Zhou Chuguo's hand was still on the doorknob, so we cut off the power. Open the door and pull his hand down... Nothing else. Well, by the way, we didn't unbutton the button."

"The button should be caused by struggle. It's best not to move it in the future. We will deal with it when we come." Lin Xiuran squatted down as he spoke, and roughly inspected the two corpses. He took a look. The electric spot on the palm of the man's corpse's hand felt the dead body again and said, "The time of death is between six and eight in the morning, depending on the results of the autopsy, the cause of death should be electrocuted."

After he finished speaking, he got up and walked inside again. Now after a morning of sunshine, the water in the yard has been reduced a lot, but the water stains are still there. There is a pool of water in the center of the yard. The old woman should be the mother of Zhou Chuguo, Chen Cuihua.

Lin Xiuran walked over and looked at it in detail. He lifted the drooping hair of the old man and looked at the old man's face. The old man was lying in the water on the ground, maybe he touched it when he fell, there was blood on her forehead, her face was gray, and she had a pair of eyes. It was half-open, and the lying posture was like a mass of meat spread out on the ground. Because she was electrocuted to death, her fingers spasmed, like tensing the claws of an animal, trying to catch something.

"It is confirmed that it is murder now. The murderer is very familiar with the surrounding situation. It should be an acquaintance and can rule out mobile crimes. You'd better apply with the above and send the police to strictly investigate the nearby station to prevent the suspect from escaping." Song Wen said. Putting on gloves, "People in the village should also pay attention to what's going on."

Only then did Zhang Dahai think of this ring, his expression changed slightly, and he took out his mobile phone and said, "I'll call right away."

Song Wen could see that Zhang Dahai's words were complete, but he was actually a hammer and could not be counted on. Neither the little policeman nor the physical evidence had much experience, and maybe he had never seen a few dead people. He instructed them to do the basic on-site investigation, and then he turned around and asked Zhang Dahai, "There is such a big incident in the village, is the village chief here?"

"Don't mention it, the old village chief suffered a stroke a year ago and passed away just two months ago. There are several people in the village who are fighting openly and secretly to be the village chief. But those people usually fight fiercely. Now, the branch secretary is in charge of the affairs. When you didn't come in the morning, the branch secretary was there and told him to investigate the case and the village to cooperate." Zhang Dahai said and took out a cigarette from his pocket and returned it to Song Wen handed one.

Song Wenyi waved his hand: "I don't smoke."

Zhang Dahai is still reluctant: "Come, come, don't be polite, although this cigarette is not as expensive as yours, it is very easy to smoke."

Song Wen frowned mercilessly: "This is the scene, if you want to smoke, just smoke outside."

Zhang Dahai just gave up, and with a sigh, he pinned the cigarette behind his ear.

Lu Siyu knows Song Wen's character, and he will give this kind of old man the respect he deserves in life, but as long as he is at work, Song Wen will be serious. No matter what the other party's qualifications and age are, it doesn't give him any face, and the photo is correct. This piece of sea flattery slapped on a horse's hoof, and Song Wen deserves a lesson for him.

Then Song Wen asked Zhang Dahai, "What are the occupations of these deceased people?"

Zhang Dahai said: "Chen Cuihua has been idle at home for a long time, Zhou Chuguo is the accountant in this village, Yang Li has been farming and taking care of his family by the way."

Song Wen nodded and went into the room to look around. Chen Cuihua lived on the first floor, and Zhou Chuguo and his wife lived on the second floor. The family was apparently completely unprepared for doom, with unfinished leftovers in the kitchen. From the outside, the house in this family is well built, and it should be a prosperous life, but for some reason, the layout of the home is very simple, and the table is also full of vegetarian dishes, which seems to be poor.

"There is no sign of being turned over in the house. There is no sign of outsiders entering the house or door. The murderer did not enter the yard at all, and the money on the table at home was not lost. It was not for money. Everyone's clothes are still intact. For sex, it should be for hatred, or for other reasons, he just wants this family to die." Song Wen said while checking the scene.

Lu Siyu nodded: "This case is definitely not accidental, but the murderer has been carefully prepared and planned. He is waiting for such a heavy rain." By electrocuting people, the murderer can be prevented from entering the door and not being confronted. It's easier to hide the murderer than other methods by killing people invisibly.

"Last night, it rained from 6:00 to 8:00, and after 8:30, the rain stopped completely. Therefore, the installation time of the wire should be between 8:30 and 7:00 the next morning. The murderer knew that it would only rain heavily. , there will be water accumulation in this yard." Song Wen said and returned to the door, opened the door and said: "The electricity is directly connected to the iron door, the threshold is relatively high, when the door is not opened, the yard will It was safe, and there was no way to notice that the door was connected to a wire. It should be Zhou Chuguo who came to open the door in the morning. After he was electrocuted, he couldn't break free. Yang Li went to pull him, but he was stuck together. She stepped on the door in the yard. The water is equivalent to drawing electricity into the yard, and the whole yard is electrified, and Chen Cuihua, who was driven out after hearing the sound, was also electrocuted to death."

This family of three did not expect that the iron gate of their home would be used as a weapon for murder by the murderer and die on such a morning.

Lu Siyu lowered his head to record, and the horror of the morning appeared in his mind. The electric arc was crackling in the yard. The three of them didn't even have time to scream and kept twitching, and they soon became motionless. The feeling of the electric current hitting the body is an unbearable sting, like a hot needle piercing the skin, like a caterpillar crawling into the body along the flesh and blood, until the connected electric current hits. heart, causing cardiac arrest.

After Lu Siyu marked each specific location measurement, he frowned slightly, looked at the inconvenience of his gloved fingers to bite, opened his mouth and grabbed the pen in his hand, who was the one who treated this family With so much hatred

After reading the outside of the house, Lu Siyu walked into the room, his eyes fell on a book, he opened it, and found that it was Zhou Chuguo's account book. They will also record the accounts in different colors because of various trivial matters in life. There are still several books on the shelf of such books. There was a biscuit box next to it. Lu Siyu opened it with his hands and found that there were various bills inside, each of which was folded squarely and neatly. He looked at the earliest bills, which were actually a few years ago.

"...Looking at this height, the murderer should be more than 1.75 meters tall and be a man. At least, the person connecting the wires may be a man. The murderer should know the deceased's family. Only acquaintances can know the location and situation of their house and know how to pull it. The caller, where is it tied, the murderer has a certain degree of electrical engineering knowledge, and may have completed the operation with insulating gloves." Song Wen made a quick judgment, then he looked outside the door and asked Zhang Haidao, "The physical evidence has taken the footprints at the door. ?"

Zhang Dahai said: "Captain Song, as you know, it rained heavily last night, and the people who reported the case this morning also watched at the door, and there are not many valuable traces."

Song Wen didn't listen to his flickering, thought for a while and said, "No. It rained last night, the soil at the door is damp, the terrain is higher, and it is easier to leave footprints. Moreover, if the murderer wants to place wires on the door, he needs to leave the door. The shutters of the door are very close, and that angle should be a blind spot, and the crowd of onlookers will not step there."

Song Wen walked to the door and squatted down while talking. He saw two footprints stacked on top of each other. The pattern on the one on the top was more obvious. Song Wen looked very familiar, and then he turned a little angry and turned to look at Zhang Dahai, "Team Zhang, this is your shoe print."

When Zhang Dahai saw it, it was exactly the same as the footprints he stepped on, and his big face turned red, "Ah, that... this... I probably didn't pay attention when I was looking at the wires in the morning... "

Zhang Dahai boasted that the scene was well protected, but Lin Xiuran and Song Wen stabbed him as soon as he came up, and destroyed important physical evidence, which was no less than being slapped in the face twice. He had taken the yard as a crime scene for granted before, without thinking about it carefully. In fact, the murderer didn't come in at all, and only stayed at the door.

Although Song Wen was angry, there was nothing he could do about this situation. Everyone knows to protect the scene, but in reality, the scene is often destroyed by the reporter or the people who came first, which will cause difficulties in the later detection. The forefoot part of the footprint in front of him was damaged by Zhang Dahai, and it was blurred and unrecognizable. Only one heel remained outside.

Song Wen raised his head and asked, "Have you taken pictures here?"

Zhang Dahai just woke up like a dream, called the physical evidence to take pictures, and asked the little criminal police below him to extract and measure the footprints.

Seeing the panicked figures of a few people, the workaholic Captain Song sighed helplessly, this group of pig teammates really couldn't help.

Lu Siyu walked over and took a look at the destroyed physical evidence: "At least there is half a shoe print on the back, let's take a photo first, and we can do part of the footprint identification." He blinked and tried to use his vision to see the two The footprints peeled off, and after a while, he said, "This footprint is about 43 yards, with a thick sole and a wavy pattern on the heel. From this, it can be judged that the person connecting the wire is a male, about 180 meters tall, according to the position of the two footprints. , This person's stance is a bit toe-in."

Although Zhang Dahai was a little confused, he also knew the importance of footprints, scratched his head and said, "I heard that there is an expert in the provincial police academy who can tell who is who or not based on footprints alone, which is very magical."

Lu Siyu looked up at him and said indifferently, "You are probably talking about my mentor."

Everyone's footprint is one of the most basic behavioral characteristics, and it is related to a person's age, weight, height, and even past experience. There are no two identical fingerprints in this world. The same, even if they are dressed the same Shoes, nor can leave two identical footprints. After Wu Qing retired to the second line, he conducted systematic research on evidence of a series of crime scenes such as footprints and bloodstains, and published several papers. Lu Siyu also benefited a lot from learning related criminal investigation techniques from him.

Zhang Dahai rushed to Lu Siyuhe and gave him a smile: "Famous teachers have high apprentices, then this case should be solved soon."

Lu Siyu ignored him, holding the camera and pressing the shutter continuously.

"Expand the scope of the search to see if there are similar footprints in other parts of the village. In the afternoon, you can identify the suspects and try one by one wearing similar shoes to see if they are the same person." Song Wen looked at the scene He also urged: "When the power is turned on, measure the current and voltage on the door when it is electrified. Be careful when measuring, and when the test is over, carefully remove it and check where the wires came from. , what brand, what length, and what information is on it."

Zhang Dahai gritted his teeth and nodded. In Luning County, where he is located, there are only a few homicides a year, and most of them are relatively simple. Either there are witnesses, or passion murders, if not for the large number of deaths in this case, It's weird, and it's not enough to call Song Wen and the others.

Zhang Dahai is used to being arrogant in this world. Everyone calls him police officer Zhang respectfully. The criminal police captain who is called now does things resolutely, completely disregarding his face, which makes him angry and hateful, but on the surface it is Listen to Song Wen.

During this time, Lin Xiuran checked the three corpses over there, stood up and said, "On Zhou Chuguo's corpse here, there are some marks of fighting under the ribs and knees. Now it is impossible to judge whether these marks are related to the case. How many people are there? They were killed by electric shocks almost at the same time, and the others have to go to the funeral home to see the autopsy results, so let's split our troops."

The car that transported the corpse was already parked at the door. It meant that Lin Xiuran wanted to hurry up. Old Li and a few others helped Lin Xiuran carry the body to the car.

"Then let's get in touch at any time." Song Wen waved Lin Xiuran away after he finished speaking. He looked at the scene and concluded: "Man, about 180 in height, an acquaintance, has knowledge of electricians, and has a grudge against this family. There is crime time from last night to this morning, Captain Zhang, this is your site, do you think there is any Suspect?"

Zhang Dahai was a little scared of Song Wen, thought for a while and said, "There seems to be a suspect... However, I haven't been back to the village for a long time, so I'm going to check."

Song Wendao: "If you meet the conditions, you should screen them first. If there are key suspects, we will check them one by one."

Zhang Dahai nodded hurriedly: "Oh, okay, this is a simple matter. I went back and checked the residents' information one by one. I estimate that there are only a dozen of them in this village."

At this point, Lu Siyu frowned and said, "Officer Zhang, I saw a little boy's clothes at their house, and you also said that Yang Li has been looking after her husband and children at home, but where have their children gone? "

Mentioning this, Zhang Dahai looked a little embarrassed and coughed: "Zhou Chuguo and his wife have a son, but it sounds a bit miserable. The child of this family died by drowning in the first spring two months ago."

"Why didn't you say such important information just now?" Song Wen scolded Zhang Dahai after hearing this. It stands to reason that this information should be told to them when they arrive at the scene, but it was Lu Siyu who saw it before he said it.

Zhang Dahai looked embarrassed: "This... you didn't ask just now."

"Such a coincidence? Did it drown?" Song Wen frowned and asked again. The family seemed to be favored by the god of death. The son drowned two months ago, but something happened to the adult. Although it was an accident, the time was too close. Perhaps, the child's accident was not simple, and it might have something to do with the current case.

Zhang Dahai explained: "This... Anyway, the child went out to play with his father and got lost. Later, people from half the village went nearby to help find it, and finally found it by the river. It was just spring at that time, and the river would occasionally rise. The water can reach the waist of an adult in less than a minute when the surface of the water only reaches the ankle, maybe the child did not pay attention and caught up with the rising water when they were playing."

"What about later? Did you autopsy? Are you sure it was an accident?" Song Wen continued to ask.

When Zhang Dahai mentioned this, he said: "Their child is called Zhou Cong, who is only six and a half years old this year. The family was reluctant to perform an autopsy at that time, saying that they didn't want the child to die and not have a whole body. We were cautious at the time, or persuaded to sign the autopsy. After the autopsy was done, the corpse was cut open, and it was all drowning. The child was drowned! It had to be sewn up again. For this matter, Zhou Chuguo didn't give me a good look for a long time."

Song Wensheng was afraid of missing something, so he asked Zhang Dahai: "This family's house looks like a big family from the outside, why do you feel that life is a little tight after you come in?"

Zhang Dahai said: "Well, that's because you don't know the customs here. On our side, there is a saying that you go bankrupt and marry a wife, and sell your daughter happily. Here, there are few girls and many men of the right age. This marriage market The price has skyrocketed, and if you get married once, including the dowry and the like, as well as the gold and silver jewelry given to the woman, the money for the wedding will cost hundreds of thousands in total.”

"For you urbanites, this point may be toilet money, but for rural people, it is a lifetime savings... Many people grit their teeth to seek wives, or even borrow money to marry wives. Some people have If you have a daughter, then sell your daughter and use the daughter's dowry money to marry a daughter-in-law. If you get married, you will have to set up wine and entertain the whole village. The villagers want face, the wine wants Maotai, and the tobacco wants Zhongnanhai. It’s not enough, it’s all about subsidizing the marriage.”

"The same is true for Zhou's family this week. I spent most of my savings on building a house. A few years ago, I spent the rest of the money in order to marry a daughter-in-law, and I still owe a lot of debt. Now life can only be tight."

Song Wen sighed: "You seem to be in the vicinity of Nancheng here, why is the price of marriage higher than that over there?"

Zhang Dahai said with a smile: "The more rural the place is now, the more rules there are. Many girls want to leave here, but they are finally taken away by your city people."

After chatting with Zhang Dahai for a few more words, he couldn't ask any other clues for a while, Song Wen said: "If there is no clue that the child's death is related to this matter, let's investigate this case first, and the rest will be troublesome. Officer Zhang." After saying this, he pulled Lu Siyu and said, "Let's go, it's dinner time, let's eat."