Criminal Investigation Files

Chapter 38


While walking out, Lu Siyu explained: "This person's feet have a slight slope, although it does not affect his walking, but when he is clearly standing on the ground, one foot is relatively stable, and the other foot is forked out. If it was him, the footprints left should be in the shape of a figure of eight, and should not be buckled inside."

"Also, the soil on his feet is different, there is yellow pollen on his body, and there is a faint fragrance. If I smell it right, he has been contaminated with a flower called the twilight grass, as the name suggests, It will only open after 8 o'clock in the evening, and thank you in the morning. His trousers and soles of his shoes are stained with this kind of pollen, so he must have been in a place where there are large areas of this kind of flowers."

"After it rained last night, the rain on the trousers and soles just mixed with pollen. We walked around this small village. This kind of flower only appears on the hillside outside the resort in the village."

"Today we passed that flower field, and I saw a number of mineral water bottles, cigarette butts, and some intricate footprints. It was quiet in the middle of the night, so many people were hiding in the wild, 80% of them were putting wild paste. Wang Yu didn't dare to elaborate. , probably because they were afraid that Officer Zhang would detain their group."

Letting the wild paste is a name for secret gambling in the countryside. Usually, the chosen location is the wild country ridge. The quick solution and the large amount have always been the target of the police.

Now these villagers are also afraid of being checked, and they won't carry large amounts of cash. Everyone is doing online transactions, so he said that he wanted to check Wang Yu's mobile phone, and Wang Yu was nervous.

These reasonings seem mysterious, but they are actually based on some tiny details. Song Wen straightened it out and couldn't help but sigh: "Your nose is really smart, I just think the man smells a little fragrant, and he can't smell it at all."

Lu Siyu continued: "Also, what he said also makes sense. If an electrician kills people by receiving electricity, it is too obvious. This strong person is seeking money. Zhou Chuguo is the one who was beaten. The incident has not yet come to an end, so he can't kill the whole family at this time. The most important point, I don't think if he connected the line last night and electrocuted the family, he wouldn't wake up until after nine o'clock in the morning. "He paused for a while, took a breath and said, "I've found one thing here."

"What's the matter?" Song Wen followed behind Lu Siyu, "Oh, go slower. Where are we going?"

Just now, Lu Siyu suddenly got up and motioned for him to go out without telling him where he was going. Lu Siyu turned his head and returned to him with four words: "Look for evidence."

After Lu Siyu said this, he kept his head down and walked forward. He walked very fast and seemed to be anxious to go somewhere. Song Wen followed behind, but he couldn't keep up with him. He thought that Lu Siyu wanted to go to the scene to have a look, so he didn't ask again.

After walking like this for a few minutes, they had come to the vicinity of the yard where the crime occurred, but Lu Siyu did not go in that direction, but took a different path, heading up the hillside that was not too high that he had seen before. This hill is lush and green, with a lot of vegetation, and the scenery is not bad.

Song Wen didn't have any leisurely feelings, and he was even more confused: "I don't have a clue about the case, what kind of mountain did you climb?" Not waiting for Zhang Dahai's news?"

Lu Siyu was slightly out of breath: "Zhang Dahai is unreliable, and I want to go back as soon as he gets the news of the Year of the Monkey. Moreover, Wang Yu is right, what we lack is direct evidence. It's hard to convict when you meet a real suspect."

When handling a case now, what is important is that the chain of evidence is complete. The reason why this case is stuck here is because there is too little direct evidence. There are no witnesses, no evidence, no fingerprints, only half a vague footprint. This situation is very passive. , even if the suspect is found, as long as the other party bites to death and says that they have not done it, they will not be able to break through.

The more he went up the mountain, the steeper the way. Lu Siyu climbed without saying a word, and when he was about to reach the top of the mountain, he replied to Song Wen's words: "I'm just guessing, not necessarily accurate, I I was trying to figure out the murderer's psychology before. This murderer is not murdering with passion, but planning to kill. Suppose you want to kill and make a plan that you think is perfect, will you lie down at home and sleep, waiting for that plan to be implemented? "

Song Wen thought about it and shook his head: "No! I'll probably just pack up and prepare to escape..."

Lu Siyu held his forehead: "People like you really can't kill people." He explained, "This murderer wants to destroy all of them. There must be deep hatred between them. The murderer will be afraid and will There is anxiety, but more of it should be anticipation! It is excitement! He must witness the last moment with his own eyes and watch those people die, so that he can relieve the hatred in his heart and bring him the greatest pleasure."

It's like a play has reached its finale. Fireworks are set off to ignite the fire letter. When the exam comes to reveal the list, without this last step, the previous efforts will be useless.

Song Wen suddenly reacted, "So we're going now..."

Lu Siyu took three steps and made two steps, and went up to a platform on the top of the mountain. This mountain bag is not very big, about tens of meters higher than the bottom. After so much distance, I can already feel the difference between the wind on the mountain and the foot of the mountain. Lu Siyu's chest heaved, his eyes swept, and he immediately selected an open space, then he walked to the edge and attached himself.

Song Wen and Lu Siyu looked down from here, and the small courtyard of Zhou Chu country had a panoramic view. You could clearly see any movement in the courtyard. Lu Siyu said softly: "Yes, this is the best place. Observation point."

This platform may have been walked on a lot. There is no vegetation, and it is just some dirt. Song Wen lowered his head and looked for it. Sure enough, if Lu Siyu said, he found a few clear footprints on the ground not far away. It was exactly the same as the one that was accidentally destroyed by Zhang Dahai at the gate of Zhou Chu Country before, and there were some brown-red mud lumps under the footprint, which was also the same color as the ground at the gate of Zhou Chu Country.

Lu Siyu took a few pictures with his mobile phone.

Song Wen squatted down, took out the evidence bag he was carrying, and carefully took out a cigarette butt from the grass to observe: "It rained yesterday, but the cigarette butt was dry, it is very likely that the murderer left it in the morning. "Beside the soot, there was another group of tight footprints on the ground.

When the murderer was at the door of Zhou's house, he was still vigilant and didn't leave too many traces, but when he got here, he was completely relaxed and left a lot of evidence.

Cigarette butts can test the murderer's DNA, and they get a complete and clear footprint of the murderer. With this evidence, the murderer will be nailed to death.

Lu Siyu stood up and looked down: "After he connected the wire last night, he didn't sleep much all night, he climbed up the mountain before dawn, stood here, and watched those people die. This cruel murder way, I am afraid it is a 'masterpiece' in his heart."

It can be seen from the cigarette butts and shoe prints that the murderer once waited anxiously here. He was here this morning, when the sky was getting brighter, smoking a cigarette and walking back and forth, waiting for the tragedy that excited him to happen.

Song Wen turned to look at Lu Siyu. If he was an ordinary person, he would not have thought that the murderer was standing on a hill not far away and watching all this. Even if you want to expand the search range, at most, you should search more nearby, and you will not come to the top of the nearby mountain.

Because Lu Siyu had just finished exercising, his face was flushed, but the corners of his eyes and brows showed a little smugness that confirmed his thoughts. The wind blew the hair on his forehead, revealing a snow-white forehead. When analyzing the case, Lu Siyu no longer looked as cold as usual. He was very bright, but it also made Song Wen feel a little strange. Lu Siyu's tone was as if killing was one of the world's worst things. The intoxication of people is an art that no one can understand. And he was able to empathize with the murderer and understand that feeling.

Song Wen stood beside Lu Siyu and was blown by the cold wind. He had an illusion for a moment. He felt that Lu Siyu was not like a criminal policeman, but more like a perverted killer who would kill the whole family, but he was so smart, so sharp, so nice.

Song Wen likes to solve cases, and catching the bad guys will give him a sense of accomplishment. At first, he just took a sigh of relief, trying to make Song Cheng look up to him, but later, he found that he really enjoyed the process, even in the dark, he wanted to seek justice.

Lu Siyu is different. If every murder case is a game of chess, he is doing a review, and finding out all this can give him great pleasure.

The same case is solved. One of them is righteous and the other is evil. The purpose of the two is the same, and the starting point is completely different. If they can maintain a balance, they can make up for each other very well.

But if this balance is broken...

Facing the mountain wind, standing on the top of this small slope, Song Wen thought in a trance, if the person in front of him was a murderer, would he be able to catch him

After saying those words, Lu Siyu suddenly felt a dull pain in his body. He coughed twice because of this feeling. He squatted down and pressed the sore spot. When he was climbing the mountain just now, there was a slight pain in his stomach. The spasms, he didn't care, and when he stopped now, he felt a hand in his body crumpling the tender internal organs into a ball like a piece of waste paper.

Song Wen looked at him with a pale face, then squatted down, and hurriedly asked him, "What's wrong?"

Lu Siyu stabilized, thinking that maybe he ate a few more pieces of spicy white meat at noon, and it was estimated that he would suffer from stomach problems. He didn't want Song Wen to worry, and said, "It may be that I came up in a hurry just now. I'm stumped..."

Song Wen said anxiously, "Why were you in such a hurry just now? I kept telling you to slow down."

The discomfort was fierce. Lu Siyu was sweating coldly on his forehead. His slender fingers clenched his clothes tightly and pressed them against his stomach. He wanted to penetrate into his body. While writhing, it felt like an organ in his body was cramping. He gritted his teeth and said, "If you let me take a break, I'll be fine." His voice trembled, no matter how he heard it. It looks alright.

Song Wen looked at Lu Siyu. In a short period of time, the color of his lips changed, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead. His handsome face became paler and paler. This posture made him a little panic, and he pulled Lu Siyu and said: "Don't Hold on, or I'll carry you down."

Lu Siyu closed his eyes and shook his head.

Song Wen was by the side and couldn't do anything to help him. He wanted to help him up, but Lu Siyu's body was rounded, his eyes were closed, his eyelashes were shaking violently, and after a while he said in a hoarse voice, "Don't touch me. ." This sentence even brought a bit of crying, so frightened Song Wen didn't dare to touch him again.

Lu Siyu's heart was clear. In the afternoon, when he was waiting for Song Wen to go out, he secretly took painkillers, which would take effect after a while, if he was lucky, it would pass after a while.

Song Wen wanted to say something else, but Lu Siyu took a breath and said sideways, "Your phone is ringing..."