Criminal Investigation Files

Chapter 39


Song Wen flipped through his pocket and found that the phone's mode had changed to vibrate for some reason. He didn't find out about Lu Siyu's worries, but was reminded by him.

The call was from Lin Xiuran. Song Wen was afraid of making a mistake, so he didn't dare not answer. He helped Lu Siyu with one hand, answered the phone with the other, and answered the phone for three minutes. Lin Xiuran told him about the autopsy situation. , Song Wen hummed, a little absent-minded.

After hanging up the phone and looking back, Lu Siyu's pain has passed for a while, and he has recovered a little. His face looked much better, and his lips were colored, but his eyes were still a little watery, as if he had cried.

Song Wen helped him stand up and asked him, "Are you still feeling bad?"

Lu Siyu shook his head, his hand was still on his abdomen, his thin body was a little shaky, and the pain became silky soft again, which was tolerable. He has a serious stomach problem and has ulcers in his stomach for a long time. He usually takes painkillers as vitamins. It may have been a little cramping just now, but after a while, the strength of the medicine has been pressed up, and it is much better.

Song Wen thought he was really out of breath, and couldn't help but say to him: "You are too self-willed, don't be so reluctant next time, it's not less than ten minutes." He prided himself on working People who forget to eat and sleep didn't expect Lu Siyu to be less profound than him. Lu Siyu is like this now, which makes him afraid and distressed.

"I'm afraid someone will come up and destroy the evidence." Lu Siyu took a breath and tried to keep his voice from trembling: "It's really not a big deal." When Song Wen answered the phone just now, he heard a few words and knew it was Lin Xiuran called, trying to distract himself, turned his head and asked Song Wendao, "What did Forensic Doctor Lin say?"

"The body has been examined, and it was electrocuted. Zhou Chuguo's body has some trauma, which is basically what we know. It is consistent with Wang Yu's statement just now. I asked him to come back as soon as possible."

Song Wen made a brief summary, looked at Lu Siyu, his handsome face was still a little pale, his whole body was bloodless, but the circles of his eyes were blushing, looking like a rabbit with red eyes. Song Wen reassured him to confirm with him again, "Are you really all right?"

Lu Siyu didn't want him to worry, so he hummed: "I'm really fine, that's it for a while." In fact, it is indeed much better now. You can go down the mountain even if you endure the pain.

Song Wen breathed a sigh of relief. He had never seen Lu Siyu before, so he almost fell to his knees when he said he was uncomfortable, but after a while it seemed to be much better. If it wasn't for Lu Siyu's grouping just now, he just happened to answer a phone call, and there are people who are willing to take people down the mountain and call 120.

Lu Siyu didn't care about his own situation at all, and said to him, "It would be better for Forensic Doctor Lin to come back as soon as possible. I think the drowning of Zhou Chuguo's son is worth investigating again."

Song Wen was taken aback: "Do you suspect he killed?"

Lu Siyu nodded: "It's just suspicion, I suspect that there is a secret inside."

In this village, everyone lives together every day. If there is no friction between people, it is impossible. However, if there is a death feud, there must be an irresolvable contradiction behind it. Human life, money, and emotions are all worth pursuing.

"According to the customs here, the corpse may not be cremated. It is estimated that the coffin needs to be opened for an autopsy..." Song Wen lowered his head and thought about it. The death of a child can give them new clues.

The time between the two murders was too close, the child's death sounded suspicious, and the villagers were hesitant about the child. There must be a reason for the weirdness.

Thinking of this, Song Wen made a decision: "But I think you are right, it is still necessary to check again, there seems to be some problems. Zhang Dahai is unreliable, and the forensic doctor in this town is even more sloppy. How did he die, I still have to let Lao Lin see it when I look back."

The so-called seeing is believing, hearing is false, this matter should be checked by oneself to be sure.

Song Wen saw that Lu Siyu was much better, and they started to walk down the mountain. They all said that it is easy to go up the mountain and difficult to go down. Although this hill is not high, there is only a dirt road for people to walk out, and it is still a little steep. In addition, it rained yesterday, and the mountain road was a little slippery.

Song Wen walked for a while, and there was a small slope in front of him. He turned around to pick up Lu Siyu. Lu Siyu was still in pain. From time to time, he felt a twist or two in his stomach. His lips were pinched with one hand on his waist, and he was not walking too steadily. Song Wen stretched out his hand to support him, and then grabbed his other hand.

Lu Siyu's hands were cold, with well-defined joints and slender fingers, like fine jade, and they looked great, but Song Wen's hands were hot, especially in the palm of his hand, which was as hot as a fire. Lu Siyu felt that he was scalded, and subconsciously struggled slightly. Song Wen was afraid that he would fall, so he grasped it tightly.

Lu Siyu didn't move, licked his lips nervously, then bowed his head obediently, and was led down the mountain by him.

Two men holding hands, this behavior is a bit ambiguous, but Song Wen is so open, making Lu Siyu feel that he is thinking too much. Along the way, his handsome face did not look abnormal, but the tips of his ears hidden in the ends of his hair turned red.

When they got to the place where the police car was parked at the foot of the mountain, Song Wen let go of Lu Siyu's hand. After walking for a while, Lu Siyu's face looked a little better. Song Wen went to the car to get him a cup and fed him a drink. The warm water finally calmed down.

The two rested for a while. Song Wen looked at the time. After all the tossing, it was already past three o'clock in the afternoon. He wanted to let Lu Siyu take a break, but he insisted on following. The two went to Zhang Dahai together, instructed the witnesses to sample the footprints on the mountain, gave them the cigarette butts and asked someone to send them to the institution in the county for testing, and then asked about the drowned boy.

Zhang Dahai didn't understand why Song Wen was so interested in this matter, so he repeated the specific time and process.

Song Wen asked Zhang Dahai, "Was the child buried or cremated at that time?"

"This..." Zhang Dahai rubbed his hands, feeling a little ominous, but he still told the truth, "Although we are calling for cremation now, in our village... we still pay attention to being buried in the ground for safety."

Song Wendao: "Then take us to the buried place to see."

Zhang Dahai's face stiffened: "Captain Song, the body has been examined, you don't trust us."

Song Wendao: "Lao Lin has more forensic experience than you here. We just check it. If it proves that you are right, we will seal it as it is."

Zhang Dahai listened to Song Wen's meaning that he wanted to check this line, and subconsciously didn't want to make things worse: "Hey, Captain Song, you have found some evidence, I am very grateful to you, but when you come to us, you have to do as the locals do. People say it's not safe to go into the ground, this is safe, but it can't be moved. It's been buried for a few months and then it's not good to dig it out. Besides, your movement is also a little boring. How can I talk to the villagers when I look back? And the leader's explanation..."

Hearing that he was going to push back three and four, Song Wen had a big fire: "Isn't it just opening the coffin for an autopsy? Now the case has been found out. Are you afraid of not being able to explain to the family or afraid of dealing with the leaders? Tell me, I will come. solve it for you."

Song Wen said this on purpose. The Zhou family's immediate relatives were all gone. Naturally, there was no family obstruction. They suspected that the cause of death was abnormal, and the request for an autopsy was legal and reasonable, and the leaders could not stop it. He blocked all the reasons Zhang Dahai was looking for, waiting for Zhang Dahai's answer.

"This..." Zhang Dahai knew that his little Jiujiu had been seen through by Song Wen, he hesitated for a while, and weighed there, this case was already big enough, he had destroyed the evidence again, and if it was a bit wrong, he couldn't bear it.

"According to Article 126 of my country's "Criminal Procedure Law", investigators should conduct inquiries or inspections of places, objects, persons, and corpses related to crimes. Song Wen's eyes were burning, and he stared at Zhang Dahai and said.

Song Wen's words were well-founded, with a bit of irresistible meaning. Zhang Dahai, who was still hesitating, shuddered when he heard it, and shrank back involuntarily. He was a little afraid of Song Wen.

Lu Siyu listened to their conversation, his eyes fell on Song Wen, his eyelashes blinked slightly, he couldn't help being attracted by him, this man always has a kind of indomitable energy, he will come forward at critical moments , never regress.

Song Wen looked at Zhang Dahai and continued to put pressure on him: "So, now you have two choices. The first is to help us open the coffin. If the case is solved, you will have a share of the credit. The second, you can insist. In my opinion, I report all the problems truthfully, go through the process to apply, and then act according to the approval above. Now, our goal is to solve the case quickly. If the coffin is opened, I will take care of any problems. "

Zhang Dahai's face became more and more ugly, Song Wen said without hesitation, but the second result might be that his black gauze hat could not be protected. There was another reason for him not to open the coffin. He was afraid that there was something wrong with the child's body. He would be punished if he didn't find it out, but Song Wen's words were all about it. After the coffin inspection, his guilt was lighter, and he might be able to make up for it.

Zhang Dahai, who had made up his mind, changed his smile and said, "What about Captain Song? I invited you here to cooperate with your work. I'll make a phone call and ask for instructions."

Two minutes later, Zhang Dahai called back to Song Wendao: "The leader has full support. It seems that my worries just now were unnecessary. Since Captain Song has this determination, then I will go to the village to find some laborers, and work together with them. The coffin was dug up."

The body was buried on the hillside behind the village, next to a large cemetery. The newest one was only a small earthen bag with a small wooden board with no words on it, which was used as a small tombstone. Because it is a new tomb, it is easier to identify.

There are some traces of worship and paper burning on other graves, but this one is clean. There are a few grasses and little white flowers on the graves, which are a bit deserted and desolate.

Zhang Dahai caught a few strong men from the village, waved his shovel and started to work.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, when Lin Xiuran rushed back to Yetou Township, the box containing the corpse had already been dug up by the young adults.

It is said that the coffin is opened, but there is actually no coffin that can be opened. According to the customs of this world, adults only use coffins when they die, and when children die, they are buried in a wooden box.

There is a lot of rain in this place. For more than two months, the box has been moldy and the wood is rotten. Lin Xiuran put on gloves and a work uniform, and jumped down to see the corpse.

As soon as the wooden box was opened, a rancid smell immediately came out, like opening a jar of old stinky tofu, the corpse was obviously black, and the whole body was rotten, and the whole body was soaked in a In the green corpse water, there is something in the water, exuding bursts of stench.

A gust of breeze blew, smelling the smell, Zhang Dahai just felt that he couldn't breathe, and he vomited when he ran to the side of the road. Then he turned his head in shock and saw that the body's abdomen was rising and falling slightly, and he was so frightened that he was scattered: "There is something moving in the body!!!"

When the villagers heard this, Ullala stepped back, for fear that something would come out of the coffin. The big tall man at the head said, "Well, you guys should check first, and then you need to call us later." After speaking, Zhang Dahai didn't wait for Zhang Dahai to nod before they all fled in embarrassment. Only Zhang Dahai remained, policeman Xiao Meng and forensic doctor Lao Li.

Lin Xiuran raised his head indifferently, with a calm expression on his face: "There are not hundreds or dozens of corpses that I have autopsied, and I have never seen what a ghost looks like."

Song Wen and Lu Siyu stood aside and watched intently, but their expressions didn't change.

It was a carrion corpse of a boy who was only about six years old, about 1.2 meters tall, and was curled up in the big wooden box. Because the corpse was soaked in water, the clothes were soaked in the corpse water, and now the box has long been unrecognizable and a mess.

In two months, the corpse has been severely decomposed, but it is far from ossified. The flesh on the child's cheek is also rotten, and the teeth are exposed from the cheek, which looks a bit scary. With the touch of Lin Xiuran's gloved fingers, several bubbles emerged from the corpse water below the corpse.

Lin Xiuran was wearing a forensic blue isolation gown, and calmly explained: "It's the gas formed by the autopsy and the decay of the internal organs."

It was these that were left in the corpse just now, which scared the villagers to pieces.