Criminal Investigation Files

Chapter 4


Song Wen was a famous desperate Saburo when he was working. Now that he arrived here, he immediately entered the working state. He walked to the front and habitually rolled up his sleeves until his elbows, revealing a strong and slender forearm. Seriously: "Start work and protect the scene."

Although it was already known that the suspect was probably not in the house, Fu Linjiang and Lao Jia rushed into the house with their guns, and then made a gesture of no one, and the others followed suit. The security guard came to check it before and stepped on the footprints on the ground. Xu Yao walked in and frowned a little, it seemed that there were not many effective traces left in the house.

The house is located on the sixth floor, a height that cannot go up or down. You can either take the elevator or walk up to it relentlessly. The windows are locked, and there is no sign of intrusion from the outside. The house type is the most popular type of house at the moment, with a total of about 100 square meters, two bedrooms, one living room, two bathrooms and one kitchen. There was not much furniture in the whole room. Since someone had entered the scene before, there were some messy footprints left in the living room. The body was in the bathtub of the slightly larger outer bathroom.

Song Wen and Fu Linjiang first went to the bathroom, where the corpse was found by the property staff.

As soon as they entered the bathroom, both of them were stunned at the same time. They had seen a lot of the murder scene, but it was the first time they had seen something so strange. The small bathroom was very clean, without much blood and traces.

In the imperial concubine's bathtub by the corner, there was a naked male corpse without a head, with its limbs amputated and incomplete. , the whole corpse is like meat marinated in water, the smell is not so great, so that through the translucent water, you can still see the situation of the corpse inside, the torso of this corpse has been disemboweled , the organs in the body and even the ribs on the chest have disappeared, pitiful and unreservedly open to the public.

Lao Jia and Zhu Xiao set up security tapes outside, and Xu Yao also started to collect various traces there. Lin Xiuran first went to the kitchen and looked at the pots and pans on the stove. There was a fence in the pot and only some broth was left. After taking a few glances there, he also entered the bathroom and calmly glanced at the corpse lying in the bathtub.

Immediately after, Lao Jia also followed. He looked at the corpse, looked down at a device placed in the corner of the wall, and fiddled with it with his hands, "This is the fucking, isn't it a juicer?"

Lin Xiuran turned his head and glanced at it and said, "If I guessed correctly, his internal organs were crushed by this juicer and flushed down the toilet. No wonder he heard the water flushed upstairs all night."

Lao Jia looked at his hand and saw that there were still some red and yellow lumps left under the device with the blade that he had lifted, and there were still some red and sticky tissue residues at the bottom of the device. This thing tasted better than a corpse. It was heavier and gave off a strong stench.

Lao Jia, who understood what this thing was, put it down and threw himself at the toilet, but Song Wen pulled it away, "Go out and vomit, don't destroy the scene."

Lao Jia covered his mouth and rushed out. The kind Xu Yao handed him a large evidence bag. Lao Jia breathed out a few breaths before he breathed out, "I have never seen such a disgusting and perverted scene in my life."

Lin Xiuran said indifferently: "Is it disgusting? It doesn't feel like the giant view last time." After speaking, he looked back at Lu Siyu with a calm expression, and recorded in the notebook, "You have been a criminal policeman for many years. , better than a rookie."

Xu Yao explained: "I just guess he won't order his favorite watermelon juice at the next dinner."

The sentence made Lao Jia vomit several times.

"This skin condition is not right." Song Wen stuck his head and looked at the corpse in the water. The corpse in the bathtub lost its head and its limbs were scattered. At this time, there was no soul. Under the white light of the bathroom, it looked like a pool of whitish flesh.

Song Wen has appeared more on the scene, and he also has some basic common sense. The skin has already rotted. Since the blood has been drained, there is no corpse spot, but the way the corpse rots is different from the common soaked one. Most of the corpses in the water they came into contact with were drowned or thrown into the water, and this corpse was obviously different.

Lin Xiuran looked at the traces on the corpse and analyzed it calmly, "The murderer should have changed the water in the pool many times. It may have been alternating between hot and cold, and he used ice a few times."

Lao Jia shuddered when he heard this, "It's so disgusting, and you still need to change the water? What the hell is raising goldfish?"

"Changing the water is like washing the meat repeatedly before boiling the soup to turn the meat into white meat. It loses the blood, which can make the boiled soup much less fishy." Lin Xiuran looked at it again and made a basic judgment: " The bathroom is the main site of dismemberment, the murderer soaked the body in water, then put ice cubes, and then the murderer chopped the flesh into pieces, minced the internal organs in a juicer, and simmered some of the ribs in a pressure cooker." Then he fiddled with the corpse to make sure that there were no missing organs under the corpse, "There is no head here."

Fu Linjiang asked, "Did the human head and the bone be boiled and thrown away?"

Song Wendao: "If you look for it again, the heads are easier to identify, and maybe they haven't been thrown out yet."

Now that the tenants of this house cannot be contacted, it is more difficult to confirm the identity of the corpse. The head is undoubtedly the key to confirming the identity of the corpse. In previous corpse dissection cases, the head was generally more difficult to deal with, and the murderer would put it last.

After speaking, Song Wen went to the bedroom again. The bed in the bedroom was a little messy. I don't know if it was normal or someone had slept before. Zhu Xiao helped to pull up the cordon. bloodstains. As soon as Song Wen looked up, he saw Lu Siyu. He had already recorded the situation in the bathroom. He turned around and walked around the room with a notebook in his hand. He looked like a student visiting a performance art exhibition, strolling around the crime scene. ,stop-and-go.

Song Wenzheng wanted to stop him and tell him not to destroy the scene. But seeing Lu Siyu walking to the refrigerator, he looked up slightly, then stretched out his gloved hand and opened the door of the freezer compartment of the refrigerator.

This seems to be a completely unconscious action, but Song Wen's eyes follow his eyes, but he is stunned. In the freezer of the double-door refrigerator, all the partitions have been removed, and there is a fresh-keeping A frozen human head tightly wrapped in film.

"Here's the head!" Song Wen didn't care about anything else, he got up and walked over. Hearing him speak, Lin Xiuran also walked to the kitchen.

However, Lu Siyu was indifferent, as if he had known for a long time that the head would be here, just opened it. When he saw Song Wen and Lin Xiuran coming over, he naturally turned sideways to make way, and then reached out and fiddled with a block on the other compartment of the refrigerator. It was hard and cold, and it was also wrapped in plastic wrap, like a frozen purple potato.

After taking a breath, Lao Jia walked over and glanced at it and asked, "What is this?"

Lu Siyu looked indifferent, poked on the thing, felt the softness and said, "Probably the genitals of the deceased."

A word that Lao Jia almost spit out again.

After observing the head, Song Wen turned his eyebrows and looked at the new comrade in his team. At this time, Lu Siyu was lowering his head to record, not paying attention to his gaze.

Song Wen had seen the murder scene countless times, and the new forensic doctor or the police had also seen it a lot. His ability to observe is good, and his subtle expressions can't hide from his eyes. Even if the average newcomer is not rude, the fear of facing a corpse will still be involuntarily revealed from his eyes, movements, tone, and subtle expressions. .

But the person in front of him still had a step-by-step expression, very calm, and even some…

That feeling was too subtle, Song Wen didn't know how to describe that expression.

He didn't know whether Lu Siyu had excellent psychological quality, or whether he really had a longer reflex arc than others...

Or, because he studied forensic medicine... these things, he has long been commonplace

After the head was found, other investigation work became smoother, more and more clues were found at the scene, and some progress was made in the aspect of physical evidence. The car keys, wallet, and mobile phone of the deceased were found. A used condom was also found in the trash can in the bedroom. Zhu Xiao also obtained more information from the communication with the property.

Lin Xiuran and his assistant first picked up the stump of the corpse in a body bag and prepared to transport it back to the newly built autopsy room of the police station for autopsy, and then transported it to the cold storage of the funeral home.

When things were almost cleaned up, Lin Xiuran gave Song Wen a summary: "It is preliminarily concluded that the time of death was probably the day before yesterday, because the corpse was once soaked in ice water, so the degree of decay was not high, and all the internal organs of the corpse had been removed. The specific time of death is determined according to the stomach contents, and many boiled flesh and bones have not been found, and other information is pending further autopsy."

Xu Yao added a few words, "Because the security guards entered and destroyed the scene in the early stage, there were not many effective traces found. Most of the blood traces were left in the bathroom, and it was impossible to determine whether it was the first crime scene." She said He squatted on the ground helplessly, thinking for a moment and added, "I suspect that the murderer is wearing gloves, and looking at the traces, it should be medical rubber gloves." This kind of gloves is relatively thin, which can not only isolate blood stains, but also block fingerprints. It hinders the feel, but it brings a certain difficulty to the survey work.

Zhu Xiao explained the identity of the deceased: "The deceased's name is Lin Zhenghua, 39 years old this year, a senior operations director of an Internet company. I finally contacted the tenant who signed the contract with the landlord, according to him. , I signed the house plan for three years at a low price, and later transferred it to a friend, namely Lin Zhenghua, and it also increased by several hundred every month. Because the rent was still transferred through him. It has been delivered on time, so the landlord did not find the house in his own. Changed tenants without knowing it."

Song Wen lowered his head and said, "What about the family of the deceased?"

"Father died, mother is still alive, has a wife, and a fifteen-year-old son."

"Notify the family members to see if they have the time and motive for committing the crime, but haven't called the police for so many days?" Song Wen frowned slightly, "Is the original tenant suspected?"

"The original tenant has been participating in the company's closed team building for the past few days, so he has not answered the phone and has enough alibi."

Fu Linjiang came over with a regretful expression: "This landlord is unlucky enough. A good house has become a haunted house."

The corpse has not been found yet, and the investigation work cannot be finished. Song Wen raised his head and asked Fu Linjiang again, "Where do you think the rest of the corpse will be thrown?"

Fu Linjiang said: "There are no clues about this at the moment, I can only go around the nearby garbage dumps and wasteland, but this is a bit difficult..." After stewing, the corpses are even more difficult to distinguish. I want to find the stewed corpses nearby. Less than looking for a needle in a haystack.

Lu Siyu, who had been busy recording this, suddenly raised his head and whispered a few words, "Blue garbage bag."

This time, the response was not slow.

Song Wenzheng wanted to mention this, but at this moment he glanced at Lu Siyu and took his words: "There are still some blue thickened plastic bags that are not used up in the kitchen. If there is no accident, the murderer will use this kind of bags. The corpse is wrapped in a bright blue plastic bag with plastic rope, so it should be easier to distinguish." Then he turned his head and instructed Fu Linjiang, "Linjiang, call the bureau and ask them to bring two police dogs. Let's find them together." In this case, the police dog's sense of smell is much more sensitive than that of humans.

At this time, the staff of the security department came over and whispered a few words to Zhu Xiao. After Zhu Xiao finished listening, he came over and reported, "This community garage has one pole and one car. According to the records, the deceased's car was at 8:32 the night before yesterday. Parked in the community garage and never went out again."

Song Wen asked, "What about the community surveillance video? Can't monitor the flow of people?"

The security guard looked embarrassed when he heard this, while Zhu Xiao touched his nose aggrieved, "Song team, you know, the monitoring of this kind of community is just a decoration, there are four entrances in total, and many broken cameras. , the blind spot is also very large, even if the monitoring is called, it will not be of much value.”

"What about elevator monitoring?"

"It's already broken..."

"Then one has to be adjusted according to the rules," Song Wen snorted coldly, with a hint of sarcasm in his voice, "People can't monitor it, but the car is clear."

Zhu Xiao whispered: "Isn't this to collect parking fees?"

This is the case in these communities. Once they can be related to income and property fees, they will be extremely concerned. Other issues will be sloppy if they can be walled. In the current community, the installations are very complete, but due to the low occupancy rate and the inability to collect property fees, many staff began to cut corners.

In these few sentences, Lu Siyu walked over to Fu Linjiang, and Song Wen turned to call him, "Alas, Lu Siyu, have you remembered everything?"

Lu Siyu was suddenly turned back, holding the car key just brought from Fu Linjiang in his hand. Fu Linjiang couldn't listen anymore, and defended Lu Siyu: "Song team, you have to let people drink water when you handle the case, right? He put the cup and bag in the car, and went to get the things."

Song Wen then waved his hand, "Go and come back quickly."

Lu Siyu came out of the door, stood at the elevator and hesitated for a moment, but went down to the garage through the safe passage. He took his water glass and a black backpack from the police car. On the other side of the garage, Xu Yaozheng and Cheng Xiaobing were facing each other. In the forensics collection of a black SUV, Xu Yao was brushing her fingerprints with a small brush, Cheng Xiaobing was taking pictures around, Lu Siyu walked over, learned the name of Fu Linjiang before, called Sister Xu, and Xu Yao turned her head and talked to him. Say hello.

Lu Siyu took back his cup, unscrewed it and took a sip. He was not in a hurry to leave, but watched it for a while.

It was obviously the victim's car. It was closer to the entrance of the corridor than where they were parked. Lu Siyu stood by and watched for a few minutes, then walked to the trunk, opened the trunk of the car and looked around. Cheng Xiaobing is very fond of this new colleague. At this time, seeing Lu Siyu in a daze, there is a different calm and handsome in his frown. There was a strand of hair curled up, standing on the top of the head like a dull hair.

Cheng Xiaobing saw that Lu Siyu didn't notice this, raised his hand and used the forensic camera to secretly take a photo of him. The camera's flash suddenly flashed in the dark garage, and Lu Siyu realized that he had been secretly photographed. Seeing that Cheng Xiaobing was looking at him, he closed the trunk a little embarrassedly and walked to the exit. He looked at the location of the garage monitor again, and then turned upstairs.

Various markings on the upstairs scene have been done. According to regulations, the site will be kept for another week to ten days before further cleaning can be carried out. Song Wen was about to finish work and move downstairs when he saw Lu Siyu coming over and asking him, "Team Song, can I use the microwave here to warm up lunch?"

"..." Song Wen blinked and looked at Lu Siyu. His motto is that rules are dead and people are alive, but even so, he still feels that this is too unruly.

It was the first time I saw the detective Song Wen who showed up with a packing box. Was it disgusting to cook rice beside the pot where the corpse was being stewed? If you spill something, you are not afraid to destroy the scene? Song Wen just wanted to rebuke a few words, but when he looked up and saw Lu Siyu's slightly drooping corners of his eyes, the whole person froze, like a rabbit with drooping ears.

Song Wen suppressed the fire in his heart. This is a trainee police officer who doesn't know the rules yet. He raised his wrist and looked at the time at 12:40 on the dial. It turned out that he, the leader, was busy and missed the lunch time, and said to Lu Siyu: "Go to Zhu Xiao and let him Help you contact the property to warm up the meal."

After solving this problem, Song Wen turned around and greeted everyone downstairs: "Everyone has worked hard, let's eat. There are two small restaurants nearby. Those who want to order food online will come to me, and I will treat you today."

Although the crime scene is disgusting and bloody, these people have been forged through hard work, and they have seen no matter how disgusting the scene is.

In the afternoon, we had to start work, and we had to walk back to the small restaurant. In addition, Song Team was a rare treat. Everyone chose to eat if they were hungry, and lined up to order food. In this industry, the conditions are poor and the wages are low. There are many scenes in the year where they are even more difficult than this. Sometimes they buy a roasted sweet potato and squat on the ground and weigh it.

When the wait was almost over, Fu Linjiang, the deputy captain, came over and said, "Hey, today Lu Siyu is here on the first day, you will let him do all the records? Are you not going to teach?"

Song Wen couldn't see him as an old man, and he tightly covered the people below him like an old hen: "A newcomer, you always have to exercise. I found that you pay special attention to him."

Fu Linjiang defended: "No, I think it's not easy for other people's children to come here alone, and they should take care of them."

Song Wen laughed angrily at him, "What kind of child is a rich second-generation 26-year-old? Can you take care of me?"

Fu Linjiang looked at Song Wen and complained, "Team Song, it would be nice if you didn't squeeze us."