Criminal Investigation Files

Chapter 40


Lin Xiuran has practiced medicine for nearly ten years. He dislikes dissecting two types of corpses. One is for the elderly and the other is for children. These two types of corpses are more difficult, especially for children. He touched the corpse and judged the situation: "The corpse has been soaked in water, and the baby's corpse has a lot of water, and it decomposes faster than ordinary corpses. It is estimated that Lao Li and I are not enough. Who among you can help me get the corpse out? "

This corpse has been buried in the ground for almost three months. It is now a pool of rotten flesh. The smell of the corpse is disgusting. In addition, there is corpse water. Under the moldy black carrion, you can see the white bones, which is very terrifying. Zhang Dahai just finished vomiting and looked at the little policemen under him, all hesitating.

Song Wenzheng was about to step forward, but Lu Siyu suddenly stood up and said, "I'll come."

Seeing him stand up, Song Wen stretched out his hand to stop him: "Don't make trouble, it's up to me to do this."

Lu Siyu calmly took out a pair of white gloves from his pocket and put them on his slender fingers: "I'm fine now."

Song Wen had lingering fears, pulled him and whispered, "You weren't feeling well just now, don't vomit again later."

Lu Siyu knew that he was thinking of what happened on the train. He is a bit of a cleanliness habit, but this cleanliness addiction is only for living people. He is very shy about living people's body odor, breath, and sweat. If they are too close, he will feel uncomfortable. , if it smells strong, it will make him nauseous, and sometimes even just touch it, he will keep washing his hands. But he did not shy away from the dead, and even said that he had already adapted. He didn't hate the rotten taste either, to him it was just meat, rotten meat though.

Seeing Song Wen uneasy, Lu Siyu explained, "I just don't like human smell, the smell of carrion is much better than those."

Song Wen couldn't understand this. As time went by, the rotten smell evaporated into the air, and the stench became stronger and stronger. Now he is holding back the churning in his stomach. He wonders how Lu Siyu can be so calm. Lu Siyu looked at the corpse sideways and said solemnly: "And this corpse is small and fragile. If the force is used incorrectly, it may cause secondary damage to the corpse."

Lin Xiuran didn't expect Zhang Dahai and the little police officer at first. Seeing Lu Siyu and Song Wen scramble for them, he reached out and took out a spare plastic bag from the survey box and asked, "Who are you coming?"

Song Wen rolled up his sleeves to the crook of his arms, revealing his strong forearms, and made a decision: "Come on, I'm still here, it's not your turn to endure this hardship as an intern police officer. Besides, with you and Old Lin's advice, I can still do it." After speaking, Song Wen jumped out of the deep pit without waiting for Lu Siyu to answer, and took the clothes that Lin Xiuran handed over.

Lu Siyu didn't insist, and watched his immediate leaders personally do it.

So, Song Wen, Lin Xiuran, and the forensic doctor Li were all making preparations in the pit. Lu Siyu crouched down and watched them busy at the pit.

Zhang Dahai was in the distance and looked at Lu Siyu beside him. He noticed in the morning that this little policeman's complexion was as white as winter frost, his eyes were black, and he was very good-looking. But at this time, he was squatting beside the corpse, looking at the coffin with concentration, his expression was not at all disgusting from ordinary people, only rational and indifferent, as if it was not a disgusting corpse, but something ordinary. This scene looks a little eerie.

Zhang Dahai came into contact with these three people today, and Lin Xiuran had seen him long ago. He was extremely professional, like a machine with precision. Song Wen, the captain of the criminal police who is resolute and resolute, as for this little policeman, although he doesn't talk much, Zhang Dahai has a feeling that he is not simple.

Zhang Dahai was a little afraid of Song Wen, and a little in awe of him, but he was mysterious and even a little curious about Lu Siyu.

Seemingly noticing that someone was looking at him, Lu Siyu raised his head and glanced back at him, Zhang Dahai hurriedly avoided his gaze, and only dared to continue to look at him when Lu Siyu lowered his eyes.

Lin Xiuran first gradually spread a piece of plastic sheeting under the corpse, and then shouted one, two, three, and the three of them worked together to get the corpse out of the wooden box. The child is just a few years old, not too heavy, but this life is a bit too disgusting.

Song Wen stood at the head of the corpse. He held the corpse, and when he lowered his head, he could see the child's rotten face. At this age, other children were still coquettish beside their parents, but this child had already died and died in here. The unpleasant smell and the picture in front of him made him very uncomfortable. He only thought in his heart that if the child died in a strange way, he must find the murderer.

Lin Xiuran motioned them to lay the corpse on the side of the open space: "Let's do a simple inspection here first."

Song Wen held his breath for a long time, and when he was done, he stood up before taking a deep breath. However, Lu Siyu seemed to have nothing to do. He brought a mask and went over to inspect the body with Lin Xiuran. His face was small and the mask was big, so only a pair of bright eyes were left outside. Obviously, the eyelashes also appear longer.

Zhang Dahai couldn't help but look at Lu Siyu a few more times, then pinched his nose and hid a few meters away, "Look, if there's no problem, just bury it here, I think this corpse is about to rot. Now, don't go to the funeral home."

Forensic doctor Li also said: "I have really carefully examined the corpse. There was drowning fluid at that time, and it must have been drowned."

"Whether it is going to be transported to a funeral home for a detailed examination, you have to say whether it is not, the corpse has to say." Lin Xiuran lowered his head after speaking in a muffled voice, and skillfully started the examination from the appearance of the corpse.

There are indeed signs of autopsy on the torso of the corpse. Lu Siyu stretched out his hand to help him press it, and Lin Xiuran used scissors to pick out the previously sewn threads one by one. Now that the corpse has been in place for so long, many of the flesh and blood are already rotten, and they have been bitten by insects. Song Wenqiang endured his nausea and stood aside, covering his mouth and nose with a tissue, but he was still dizzy due to the smell. Forensic Doctor Li also bowed to the side and did not dare to come out. The scene was silent for a while, except for the chirping of birds in the forest.

It was already 6 o'clock in the afternoon, approaching summer, it was getting dark late, the clouds on the horizon seemed to have burned, and the sky was red. But sooner or later the night will come. Lin Xiuran seized the time to check the whole body of the corpse. He stood up and took off his mask and said, "The corpse has multiple fractures, of which the head is more serious."

Forensic doctor Li said: "I also found some fractures. The bodies were floating in the stream, and the water in the stream was very fast. Some of them may have been caused by colliding with stones in the stream."

Lin Xiuran shook his head and said, "The fractures on the body were caused after death. On the head, you didn't shave your hair, did you?" Just by the touch of his hand, he could feel that the wound was unusual. The scars of the corpse will be hidden under the hair and cannot be observed. A good forensic doctor must be a good barber, but this forensic doctor Li examined the body but did not shave the head.

Forensic Li was a little depressed, "At that time, Zhou Chuguo didn't agree with the autopsy, but the child's mother Yang Li wanted to have an autopsy. In the end, Zhou Chuguo gave in. He said that the autopsy could be done, but the people who died should be buried in what they looked like, and they couldn't affect it. Remains, if this dead man's hair is shaved, it won't grow back, how dare I shave the body."

Lin Xiuran also knew that many of the deceased's family members were somewhat shy about this, so he had the body turned over with cooperation. Make this scar visible.

Lin Xiuran took a closer look and said, "The wound is on the back of the head, it's a parallel wound. It's not like it was left by a stone, but more like it was left by a stick or a heavy stick. Specifically, the body needs to be transported. Go back to the funeral home, peel off the flesh and bones, and fully expose the wound before drawing conclusions." It seemed that a trip would be impossible to avoid.

Lu Siyu still squatted down and took off his mask. He didn't seem to think that the corpse smelled bad, and he breathed naturally.

Lin Xiuran continued: "There should have been a lot of blood from the wound on the head at the time, and there was a life reaction. If I guessed correctly, the child may have been hit on the head with a heavy object at that time, causing a coma, and then being thrown into the room. He drowned in a stream, so he would have drowning fluid in his lungs and stomach, so it's not an exaggeration to say he drowned."

The so-called life response must be produced when the victim is alive because there is still circulation in the body, that is, the child is alive when he enters the water, but may faint. He fell into the rising tide water, which entered his lungs, causing his eventual death.

Zhang Dahai didn't expect them to detect something, and only then did he come to his senses. He sat on the ground in surprise: "My mother, this child was also murdered? A total of four people died in this family. people?"

Forensic doctor Li blushed: "At that time, I said that the corpse was not the same as the general drowning. The corpse was stiff. It was the parents who didn't let us investigate further."

Lin Xiuran asked again, "Has the contents of the stomach been checked?"

Forensic doctor Li recalled: "I checked, there is chicken in the stomach, but it has not been digested. At that time, Yang Li also said that they did not eat chicken at noon, and Zhou Chuguo said that he bought a chicken leg for the child to eat when he took the child out in the afternoon. I At that time, I was still sighing with emotion, this father was good to his son, how could he just let the child drown without noticing..." He used to think that these were nothing, and they were all normal, but now that he thinks about it, he feels that there are problems everywhere.

"What's good for his son? You didn't see Zhou Chuguo beat his son, and sometimes he used a broom to beat his son with bruises." Zhang Dahai continued, "Then now... we have more A case?"

The murder case has not yet been solved, and it is discovered that the children of this family died strangely. This series of incidents made Zhang Dahai feel a little overwhelmed and clueless.

Lu Siyu thought for a while and said, "I think the child drowning case comes first and the family killing case comes later. The two cases should be related, and even said that the child drowning case may be the key to the family killing case. We want to To find out how the family died, we must first find out how the child died."