Criminal Investigation Files

Chapter 41


At this time, it was already past 6:30 in the evening, and the sky was gradually darkening. In the sky, the orange-red sunset and the blue night blended with each other, like a beautiful watercolor painting. A few people are standing or squatting in the cemetery at the head of the village, but they have no intention to appreciate the beauty of the mountain village here.

After listening to Lu Siyu's words, Zhang Dahai frowned and rationalized his thoughts: "So, the child may be the first victim? He is the beginning of this murder case, and their whole family died of the same murderer. The murderer is still angry that he killed the child, and killed their entire family a few months later?"

Everyone was silent for a while. They recalled the whole case, and there were many details in it. When they first learned about it, they didn't think it was special. Now they think about it carefully. There was still a strong smell of carrion in the air, but everyone got used to it after staying at the scene for a long time.

Lu Siyu had a stomachache again, stood up, leaned against the tree with a pale face, lowered his head and closed his eyes in silence. He pondered for a moment, figured out some reasons, and said, "I think there are two possibilities. The first one is the one you said."

"What about the other?" Zhang Dahai asked in surprise.

"The other is that the child was killed by his father."

As he spoke, Lu Siyu lowered his head and looked at the child's corpse. The corpse's eyelids were partially rotten, and a pair of eyeballs protruded, looking like he was dying.

Seeing the puzzled expressions on everyone's faces, Song Wen wanted to understand the link and explained for him: "The child went out with Zhou Chuguo, what happened, you can only listen to Zhou Chuguo's words, I heard from the village before. People have said a detail. People on both sides of the strait have never heard the child's cry for help. It may be because of Zhou Chuguo's hand that the child will not ask for help, because he originally trusted the person. The child was taken out by Zhou Chuguo. Yes, it was he who told the people in the village that the child was missing, he had time to commit the crime, and he obstructed the autopsy several times afterward, probably because he was afraid of being discovered."

Lin Xiuran also reacted, lowered his head and thought for a while, and added: "If Zhou Chuguo killed the child, it is possible that he bought the chicken legs for the child because of his guilt, and thus coaxed the child to the stream." If so, a lot of things can make sense.

This point of view sounds difficult to understand at first, but in connection with what Zhang Dahai said just now, the child's father often beats and scolds him, and in the end, the child bought chicken legs for the child before he died, which is a bit chilling.

Hearing Song Wen and Lin Xiuran's words, Zhang Dahai's lips trembled. He hardly knew the village where he grew up. This is even more incredible than the electric switch case in front of him: "Zhou Chuguo is usually a little strict with children, but he is not crazy, why did he kill his own child, he was still a boy. His motive would be what?"

Song Wen looked back at the corpse, recalling the information he had said before, "As for the motive..." Having said this, his eyes narrowed, his brows frowned, his eyes trembled slightly, and he suddenly figured out the link. .

"Have you noticed? At home, they didn't set up a spiritual place for the child, and there was no sign of the grave. People in the village said that there was crying by the creek, maybe Yang Li was secretly paying homage." Song Wen said here Looking at Zhang Dahai, "When I was inquiring about the child with the people in the village before, the people in the village were a little hesitant. At that time, I was a little confused, but now I finally understand. Is this child's life experience? What's the problem?"

Zhang Dahai was stared at by Song Wen, and lowered his head: "Well, there is a little rumor in the village, but those are all jokes by the villagers."

"Speak clearly." Song Wen continued to press him.

Zhang Dahai swallowed his saliva and said, "Okay, I said, you have seen Yang Li's corpse, and it looks very fresh. People in the village suspected that Yang Li might have given her a man a green hat. However, This is the case in the village, there are always these gossip and gossip, whether it’s true or false, it’s all true, but in fact, most of them are false, it’s just gossip that everyone is in a hurry.”

"Whether the rumors are true or not, Zhou Chuguo believed them." Song Wen's pupils lit up, his eyes were black and white, and he seemed to understand everything: "He wants to kill this child, probably because he thinks this is not his son, or Said, it is not important whether it is his son or not, he thinks it is more important whether it is his son or not."

Song Wen continued his analysis: "Zhou Chuguo is an accountant, he is old-fashioned, and a little dogmatic. His house is very clean, and all his habits remain unchanged. Rumors can kill people. Maybe he is from the details of his usual life, as well as some harmony. His wife's few words aggravated his doubts, and a person like him cannot accept his wife's infidelity, let alone accept that the children he has raised for many years are not his own."

"At first, Zhou Chuguo may have just doubted his son's origin. Gradually, the speaker was unintentional and the listener was intentional. Zhou Chuguo took this matter as a knot in his heart, and the green on his head was like a thorn in his heart. Whenever I see a child, I can't sleep at night."

Song Wen continued to deduce the case, "His attitude towards his family is getting worse and worse, and this emotion accumulates over time as the child grows up, Zhou Chuguo did not have the courage to take the child to test whether it was his own, but he was cruel and chose There was another extreme solution. On that day, he took the child out of the house, went to the grocery store at the head of the village and bought the child a quick chicken leg, and then the two came all the way to the creek…”

Tragedy just happened.

The little policeman on the side, Xiao Meng, asked suspiciously, "I suspect it's not my son, so why don't you get a divorce?"

Zhang Dahai thought of something and said: "I think it's hard to find a wife if they break up, and the family scandal can't be made public... At that time, I still remember that Zhou Chuguo comforted Yang Li after the child died, saying that they were still young and would be reborn again."

"Obviously, the child's body needs to be tested before it can be concluded. The face shape and characteristics may not be accurate." Lin Xiuran said, the car that transported the corpse arrived, and they put the child's corpse in a body bag and transported it to the funeral home for treatment. More detailed inspection. Waiting for the DNA results to come out before the final conclusion.

Song Wen walked over and took out the room card that he had opened for Lin Xiuran. Lin Xiuran waved his hand and said, "Forget it, I'm definitely going to sleep in the town tonight. I'm not sure whether I can sleep or not."

When everything was in order here, Lin Xiuran and Lao Li got into the car and rushed to the funeral home together. Song Wen turned to look at Zhang Dahai again: "What other stories are there in this village that you didn't tell us? Who is the man related to Yang Li?"

Zhang Dahai said: "You analyzed it just now, but I remembered that there are some old things about this family. Before Yang Li married the Zhou family, there was a person in the village called Xue Jingming. Speaking of which, this person is still a little bit close to the Zhou family, Xue Jingming's mother and Zhou Chuguo's mother are cousins."

"A few years ago, Xue Jingming and Yang Li fell in love with each other, and they were the envy of everyone in the village, but Xue Jingming's father died early, and the family was poor, so they couldn't afford the dowry money. For this marriage, Xue Jingming and his mother I went to various relatives to borrow money, and even went to Zhou’s house. But after all, Mother Xue was just a widow who lost her husband, and her kinship had long since been broken. In the end, they didn’t borrow much in total. After they were driven out, the marriage didn’t happen. Later, they didn’t expect Yang Li to marry Zhou Chuguo, and their relatives picked up the leak. Mother Xue became seriously ill in a fit of rage, and returned to the West within a few years.”

"Besides the Zhou family, Yang Li later married Zhou Chuguo, and soon gave birth to a son. At that time, the old man of the Zhou family was still there and held a grand banquet for the children. But... Later, everyone found out that Zhou Chuguo was Single eyelid, but the child has double eyelid, Zhou Chuguo has a long face, but the child has a round face and doesn't look very similar..."

Song Wendao: "It sounds like Xue Jingming is very suspicious. Why didn't you say something so important earlier?"

Zhang Dahai shrank his neck from being scolded by him: "These two families have long since stopped communicating. If there is any kind of grievance, it's all in the past. Even if Xue Jingming is angry, it won't take several years to get revenge, right? Before? I thought the death of the child was an accident, so I didn't think about it."

Hearing this, Song Wen took off the disposable gloves, wrapped them up and prepared to throw them away, and turned to look at Zhang Dahai and Xiaomeng who were still in a daze: "Why are you standing there? Since you've already mentioned that Xue Jingming, This person is under serious suspicion. Please confirm as soon as possible whether he is still in the village. Also, ask the young people in the village to fill the hole. It is immoral to dig a hole and not fill it."

"Well, who is Xue Jingming?" Xiao Meng on the side interjected and asked Zhang Dahai, "I have been in the village for so many years, and I have never heard of this person."

Zhang Dahai said: "It's the nine fingers. According to the one who lost a finger, the old bachelor in the village is famous." People in this village usually use nicknames instead of their real names. Xue Jingming and this little policeman are different generations. It's normal for him not to know his name.

Xiao Meng let out a sigh, and then called the number, "Isn't that person a famous filial son nearby? When his mother was seriously ill, he always stayed there. And he likes children very much, and often goes to schools and kindergartens near the The children distribute candy, and I once saw him talking to the son of Zhou Chuguo."

Song Wen frowned slightly after hearing this: "Perhaps it was his behavior and the rumors in the village that made Zhou Chuguo decide to kill his son."

Lu Siyu interjected and asked, "What kind of work does this Xue Jingming you mentioned do?"

Zhang Dahai said: "He used to help people decorate and do some carpentry work. Later, when he was working, he was cut off a finger by a chainsaw and could no longer work. Only then did he make a living by picking mountain goods."

Song Wen analyzed: "If he had been a carpenter, he might have learned some skills in connecting electricity with an electrician. In this way, the profession is right. If Xue Jingming thinks that the child is his, and accidentally learns that Zhou Chuguo deliberately killed it. If you have a child, it is very likely that you will do something as extreme as destroying the door, and I am afraid this is the motive for killing the door by the electric gate."

By now, most of the evidence has been collected, and the logic has been straightened out.

Zhang Dahai sorted his thoughts aside: "Then the source, maybe Zhou Chuguo killed the children, and Xue Jingming killed their whole family?"

In these two cases, the child drowning case came first, and the switch case came later. It seems that there is no connection, but in fact, the child drowning case was the cause of the whole incident.

Song Wen: "The existing clues have deduced that this is the case. Maybe there are details that we don't know yet. Whether it is the case or not, we have to grab Xue Jingming and ask."

Zhang Dahai asked again, "Then who does this child belong to?"

Song Wendao: "Wait for the DNA test results." Before the results, their inferences were just inferences. Now they have the cigarette butts left by the murderer, Zhou Chuguo and the child's body, as long as they find Xue Jingming and get his DNA , everything will be revealed.

Zhang Dahai scratched his head and asked, "I understand your logic, but why did Xue Jingming want to kill Yang Li? After all, she was the woman he had better before."

Song Wen thought for a while: "After so long, Xue Jingming's initial desire for Yang Li's feelings has turned into hatred, and after the death of the child, he feels that Yang Li also has a certain responsibility. As for For Zhou's mother, it is probably related to the fact that he went to Zhou's house to borrow money and did not marry Yang Li in the end. However, these two people are not the main ones he wants to kill. He mainly wants to get revenge on Zhou Chuguo. They have a strong sense of precaution, and they didn't rush forward after Zhou Chuguo was electrocuted, so those two people might escape the disaster."

Zhang Dahai was persuaded by Song Wen, nodded and said: "The details are all checked, and the height of the man is also suitable, don't think that he is a little hunchback, but he is not low. Xiao Meng, call Xiao Zhang, go to the He called over."

The more people analyzed, the more suspicious this person felt. Song Wen frowned and said: "Don't call over, hurry up and find someone to go to his house to take a look. We will rush over immediately." He thought for a while. He added: "People who visit must pay attention to safety, just make sure if they are at home." If Xue Jingming is the murderer who kills people, I am afraid that he has already been a desperado, and it may be dangerous to approach rashly. .

Zhang Dahai just woke up like a dream. He made a phone call and asked his legs to go to Xue Jingming's house first. The call came after a while. The door of Xue Jingming's house was closed. When he went out, he packed a backpack and carried it on his back, and asked him where he was going without answering.

Zhang Dahai hurriedly led them into the village and walked across a few streets to the door of Xue Jingming's house. This place is located in the south of the village. It is a little out of the way. The door is also a bit old with mottled paint. Everyone's lights are on, but it's pitch black here. A few people stood outside the door, and Lu Siyu set his mobile phone to flashlight mode, first took a photo on the ground, and then said, "The footprints are the same." After speaking, he looked at a cigarette butt at the door, "The brand of the cigarette Same thing."

"Bacheng is this one." After Song Wen finished speaking, he pulled out a gun from behind and kicked open the gate of the confinement courtyard with a kick. After a bang, the door slammed open. Song Wen saw that there was no movement inside, then entered, and said to Zhang Dahai behind him: "Pay attention to protecting the scene, call the physical evidence personnel, extract the physical evidence, and block this place."

Zhang Dahai sighed and hurried to make a call.

Song Wen entered the door, and Lu Siyu followed him with his mobile phone.

The white light cut through the darkness, and the things in the room gradually became clear.

This is a single man's home. There are two rooms in total, which are connected. The room is fairly clean. There are two beds in the room facing the inside. Obviously, it has been cleaned up, and it is not messy. In the inner position, there is an old TV, and some awards are neatly pasted on the wall, and the handwriting has long been unrecognizable. Song Wen saw a dark green thing hanging near the door, walked in and saw that it was a long raincoat. Song Wen remembered what the villagers said before, turned around and nodded to Lu Siyu, the murderer was most likely this person.

"Did you find anything inside?" Zhang Dahai's voice came over, and the room was pitch dark. He had just called someone to come over. At this time, he was about to turn on the light when he entered the door. Suddenly, Lu Siyu thought of something and let out a low voice. :"Be careful!"

In the darkness, Zhang Dahai was stunned, and was pulled away by Lu Siyu, a little puzzled.

With the light of the flashlight, Lu Siyu approached the light switch, checked it carefully, and then carefully picked up a piece of exposed copper wire with the wooden chopsticks placed on the table beside him. The lights here have long since been transformed into traps.

Song Wen also saw the wire at this time. If it was touched in the dark night, it would easily cause new casualties. Fortunately, Lu Siyu found it. He scolded in a low voice: "Damn, it's so cruel."

Zhang Dahai remembered the tragic state of the corpses in the morning, and only felt that he had saved his life. Cold sweat broke out all over his body, and he caressed his chest and said, "You scared me to death, little brother, you saved my life. Ah, when this case is over, I must invite you to drink and thank you."

Lu Siyu looked up at him coldly, and refused with words like gold, "I don't drink."

Zhang Dahai had prepared a stomach of flattery and wanted to pat him, but he was stunned by these four words, and he was speechless. The police in this city have a good level of business, but why are they so unreasonable...