Criminal Investigation Files

Chapter 42


In Xue Jingming's room, Song Wen looked around: "Be careful, there may be more than one trap in the room." After thinking about it, he calmly reminded Zhang Dahai, "This person has taken several lives on his back, He's a desperado, you can call and announce your wanted."

Zhang Dahai nodded, hurriedly made a phone call, and hung up the phone after a while: "I asked the bureau to prepare to issue a wanted notice. I just checked it in the system, and there is no new ticket under this name. Maybe he took a black car, Or choose other means of transportation…”

As soon as the words were said, the little policeman Xiao Meng hurried in. Zhang Dahai saw him in a panic, and hurriedly shouted: "Don't touch the switch, there is electricity."

Xiao Meng hummed and reported, "I just met a villager Liu Shanquan. He said that he saw Jiuzhi before ten o'clock this morning."

Zhang Dahai frowned: "Let's talk about what was going on at that time."

"Liu Shanquan just went into the mountain in the south to pick up some mountain goods, and when he came down the mountain, he saw him, it seems that Xue Jingming didn't see him, and he said hello and didn't talk to him. He thought that Xue Jingming was also going into the mountains to pick things up. , I didn't think much about it."

These farmers rely on the mountains to eat the mountains, and often go into the mountains to get some fungus, mushrooms, and wild vegetables. This is a no-capital business. They can either eat their own food or sell them to subsidize their households.

Zhang Dahai sighed: "Hey, I remember when Officer Song came, he said to pay attention to check access, did Xue Jingming check the outside and go on the mountain road? This kid is still this habit, I remember when I was a child. He was beaten by his mother and ran into the mountains. At that time, he often called people in the village to look for children in the mountains in the middle of the night. Now that he kills people, he still runs into the mountains..."

Song Wen frowned slightly, whether to hide in the mountains or to run from the mountains to the next village, this is a completely different concept. The person went out at 8:00 in the morning and entered the mountain at 10:00. Now it is almost 8:00 in the evening, twelve hours, so long, where will he be now

After listening to Zhang Dahai's words, Lu Siyu lowered his head, he tried hard to bring himself into Xue Jingming's mind, raised his head after thinking for a while, and said softly, "I think this person is just hiding in the mountains and won't run out. This is a perverted, inferior and conceited criminal. He is usually not good at socializing with others. The mountains are the places he is familiar with and hides from. It will bring him a sense of security, and he is confident that the police can't find him for a while."

Song Wen flipped through the map, nodded and said, "You are right, after the several mountains here are turned out, they all lead to the surrounding towns. Once they are out of the mountains, he will be more easily caught. It's in the mountains, it's more difficult for us to catch him. His purpose may be to hide, not to escape." Song Wen turned to Zhang Dahai after speaking, "Where do you people who pick mountain goods usually stay overnight?"

Zhang Dahai only thought of this when he was asked: "There are several places, Luoxian Peak, Gu Laochi, there are some caves over there, they will sleep there when they enter the mountain late. Now it's dark... Shall we go up the mountain to see? "

Song Wendao: "Okay, I'll apply for the deployment of police force here. You can find a few people who often go into the mountains to lead the way. Let's go in and look for them together."

In the evening, Zhang Dahai quickly called some villagers who were familiar with the road and old hunters. Song Wen also called the auxiliary police from the nearby village. Everyone hurriedly formed a search team of twenty people.

Liu Shanquan is an old man who digs mountain goods in this mountain. The location where he met Xue Jingming in the mountain was called Yanque Mountain. Based on that road, they estimated where Xue Jingming might be now, and gave Song Wen a brief map of the distribution on the mountain.

At this time, Song Wen's specialties were revealed. He was the king of children since he was a child. Later, he became the captain of the criminal police, and even dispatched the organization to complete various pursuit tasks. Song Wenren is very smart. He is bold and careful, and he is not reckless. Moreover, his thinking is flexible, his reaction speed is fast, and he is particularly sensitive to terrain and routes. He was born with a credible appeal and was born to be a leader.

At this time, Song Wen divided the people into three teams according to the drawings. The first team was led by policeman Xiao Meng. This team was just to scare the snake out of the hole. With torches, they walked around the hills near Yanque Mountain. They; the second team, led by Zhang Dahai, ambushed in the dark in advance to block the way down the mountain; the third team was led by Song Wen himself, waiting to find out that Xue Jingming was arrested. The three teams have different functions, but they can echo each other. , support anytime.

Song Wen planned the whole plan in great detail. After explaining it to the captains and team members, he scrutinized each other several times to make sure that nothing was wrong, and then he began to rectify and set off. Since you want to go up the mountain, you need to prepare various things. Fortunately, the mountain here is not too difficult to climb, and only some basic equipment is needed.

Although this matter may seem dangerous, in fact, the tasks assigned by everyone are not complicated. As long as Xue Jingming is near Yanque Mountain, it will be difficult to fly.

Song Wen distributed ropes, flashlights and some weapons to each of them, and finally told them, "Everyone pay attention to safety, be careful not to set off a mountain fire with torches, and if anyone sees Xue Jingming, don't force him. , leave it to us, that person is in a hurry now, and he doesn't know what to do."

At 8:30 in the evening, the entire team set off, first drove to the bottom of the mountain, and then gradually climbed up in the dark.

After the incident in the afternoon, Song Wen didn't want to bring Lu Siyu with him, but he didn't expect that this person was very stubborn and had to follow him. In the end, Song Wen could only tell him to stay by his side. Take a break at any time, don't force it. Lu Siyu pursed his lips along the way. Although his face was not very good, he kept following Song Wen closely and did not fall behind.

According to the plan, everyone climbed the mountain road for more than an hour, and finally reached the previously agreed position. A team started to light the torches, which were particularly eye-catching in the silent night.

Liu Shanquan went to the nearby road to take a look, and came back to report Song Wen: "There are traces of going up the mountain here, and there are fresh footprints, which should be left by Xue Jingming!"

At this time, Xue Jingming was lying in the cave, looking at the dark mountain opposite, listening to the wind blowing through the treetops.

He likes the mountains, only here is quiet and can avoid everyone.

When he was a child, he made mistakes and ran into the mountains. At that time, his mother couldn't find him, and he would ask people from the village to go over the mountains to find him. Later, everyone got used to it, he was getting older, and his mother didn't care about him anymore. Every time he quarreled with his mother, he began to hide in the mountains, and then ran down the mountain when he guessed that his mother had calmed down.

The wind in the mountains was a bit hard. At this time, Xue Jingming thought of his mother again. When he was young, his mother was very beautiful. Later, when she became ill, she was like a melted wax man, becoming more and more ugly. , Her appearance was a little blurry, but he still remembered his mother's voice. With a sharp voice and a vicious tone, the mother's most common words were: "Why are you so useless!" And he could only swallow his mother's broken dishes and swept away.

He has been working hard for days and taking care of patients. He has been busy during the day and can't sleep well at night.

Instead of scolding him, the woman is scolding the injustice of fate. When she is awake, she will cry and call for her son. When she is confused, everything has turned into sin.

"I gave birth to you in vain, the Xue family is single, and when I come to you, my daughter-in-law has no ability to marry, and the old Xue family will die because of you!"

When the woman was terminally ill, she was lying beside the bed, still scolding him relentlessly, "Your father is dead, I can only rely on you, why don't you make money like someone else's child? "

Xue Jingming sneered aside, can you blame him for these things? Isn't he also a victim? Money... All his money went to see her doctor.

When doing carpentry work, Xue Jingming cut off his fingers because he didn't sleep well at night. After his fingers were amputated, the pain was piercing, and when he went to the clinic to bandage, the doctor said regretfully, "Why don't you keep your fingers? Maybe they can be attached."

Xue Jingming thought to himself, pick up the finger? Where does he have so much money

When he returned home, the woman showed no sympathy for him, no comfort, and another scolding. At that time, Xue Jingming even wanted to buy a bottle of poison and died with this woman.

Sometimes Xue Jingming looked at Yang Li from a distance, the woman who almost became his wife, if he married her, probably everything would be different, what he said when he was young, love, love, when he was Sincerely, what about her, if she forgets, she forgets

In addition to having a dowry money, how could Zhou Chuguo compare to him? Not as smart as him, not as handsome, old-fashioned, and small. When I was in elementary school, I would still pee my pants. When I saw a girl talking, I would shiver and stammer. In the past, such a person would not even give him a shoe.

Zhou Chuguo's family is only 100,000 yuan more than his family's, how could he marry the woman he loves

The mother finally passed away, but her voice seemed to haunt Xue Jingming's side, lingering.

One day, Xue Jingming ran into Zhou Cong by chance. The boy had a round face and a plump face, and he looked exactly the same as when he was a child.

At that time, Xue Jingming thought of some rumors he had heard before, and his heart moved, wouldn't this be his son? He suddenly felt that Yang Li's insistence on leaving him at the beginning might be because she had a child, otherwise how could she get pregnant so soon after marrying into the Zhou family.

Since that day, Xue Jingming felt that his life was different. He was fascinated by this hypothesis, and it seemed that his life had meaning. He was obsessed like a madman, stuffed Zhou Cong candy, and then secretly went to the village to watch him play with the children. He doesn't care about the truth of the matter, like a shadow hiding in the distance, it seems that he is just looking at the child, and his heart is happy.

Later, Yang Li found out about it. She asked him once and told him not to follow Zhou Cong, "The child has nothing to do with you at all. Since we have long since been related, don't get entangled."

Xue Jingming refused: "I didn't bother you, I just like children. Besides, what I'm willing to do is my business."

Later, Xue Jingming found out that Zhou Cong's face was injured once, and he gritted his teeth in anger, "Who hurt you?"

Zhou Cong lowered his head and said in a low voice, "My father." Then he raised his head and looked at Xue Jingming with a little panic, "My mother... don't let me talk to you."

"Don't believe them, they can't see you well. I just treat you as a friend." Xue Jingming said, stuffing the caught crickets into Zhou Cong's hands.

He can't tell what his current psychology is, but in his bleak life, this child seems to be him when he was a child, his hope, his emotional sustenance, and he is willing to give all his best to him. He, even if he is really not his son, just the son of his former lover, has no blood relationship with him, and it has nothing to do with him.

He would buy milk for Zhou Cong to drink, Zhou Cong likes sweets, but doesn't like milk, Xue Jingming forced him to drink it: "You have to drink more milk so that you can grow tall and strong in the future. "

Zhou Cong was a little scared, but he intuitively felt that this adult should be doing his own good. The little hamster bowed his head and drank the milk obediently.

Xue Jingming was completely unaware that his feelings for Zhou Cong were already a bit morbid.

Gradually, Zhou Cong became bigger and bigger, and there were more rumors in the village. Zhou Cong and Zhou Chuguo don't look alike, and Xue Jingming has a good relationship with the child. Some of these words are true, some are false, and they gradually spread and ferment.

One day Xue Jingming came down from the mountain and saw Zhou Cong and Zhou Chuguo standing by the creek from a distance. Then Zhou Chuguo hit Zhou Cong from behind with a wooden stick and put the child into the stream.

Xue Jingming probably guessed what happened. He wanted to call someone, but it was too late. He ran after him for a long distance, until he was out of breath, and felt like he was about to die.

The child's body floated in the water, his eyes were half-open, and the water flowed away softly. Then the child turned over, his nose and mouth submerged in the water, so the last light in Xue Jingming's life disappeared...

Xue Jingming didn't tell anyone what he saw that day. He returned to his home at night, looked at the lights on the ceiling, and made a decision.

He wants to plan a murder to kill everyone in the Zhou family...

Just as Xue Jingming recalled here, he heard a loud noise, which gradually approached him from far to near. Xue Jingming stuck his head out and saw the torches moving up from the bottom of the mountain. He didn't expect that those people would come into the mountain to find him so quickly.

He hesitated for a while, thinking about moving up the mountain to a more secret place, but as soon as he showed up, he heard someone shouting.

"Found it! Over there, over there!"

"Catch him! Don't let him run away!"

Xue Jingming could only run into the darkness desperately. The mountains and forests that he was so familiar with in the past have become unfamiliar at this time. It was like a wild beast opened its mouth, trying to swallow him whole.

Song Wen followed the crowd and searched up the mountain. He raised his head intently. Sure enough, he saw a black figure running out of the mountains covered with darkness. It was a man who was running away in panic in the mountains.

Although it was already summer, it was still a bit cold on the mountain at night. There was wind tonight, and the wind blew through the branches of the trees, making strange noises. Twenty people said more or less, and said less or less. In this big mountain, it was like spreading a handful of sand, and there were always gaps that could be drilled. At this time, Song Wen’s previous arrangements came into play. After deployment, Zhang Dahai had already led people to block all the openings down the mountain. There is a chess game between the mountain roads, and all the battles have been lost.

No matter which direction he went, there were chasing soldiers, and when Xue Jingming found out, he was already like a prey in a hunter's net.

The way down the mountain was blocked, and the figure could only run up the mountain like a lifeless man, and soon, he was blocked on the top of Yanque Mountain. Thirty meters, twenty meters, ten meters... The distance of everyone gradually narrowed and surrounded them. Now that time was approaching, Song Wen could see Xue Jingming's face clearly through the dim moonlight. The man was in his thirties, and he was very tall. Tall, slightly hunchbacked, with a high nose bridge and a straight face, you can see that he used to look handsome, but now the edges and corners have been worn away by time, leaving only a gloomy face.

Xue Jingming, who was finally driven to a dead end, turned his head out of breath, holding a long knife for chopping wood in his hand, and looked at everyone with a fierce face: "Don't come here, who are you? , I will hack anyone to death!" Xue Jingming roared with a grim expression. In the valley near midnight, the sound was mixed with echoes.

Several villagers gathered around, Xue Jingming was waving the knife in his hand, looking like he was ready to go all out. He had already taken three lives on his back, and he didn't care about killing a few more. Now, he is like a trapped beast in a cage, just waiting for a desperate fight.

Those villagers were shocked by him for a while, and no one dared to step forward.

Song Wen took out the gun from his waist, pulled down the safety catch, took aim decisively, and fired a shot with the light of the flashlight. With a bang, gunshots cut through the night sky. It's not worth fighting hard with such desperadoes, Song Wen is absolutely confident in his marksmanship.

All this happened very quickly. Not far away, Xue Jingming lowered his body, and there was a sound of trees breaking at the top of the mountain, and then everything went quiet.

After waiting for three or four minutes, it was determined that there was no sound on the mountain, and everyone gathered around. But a strange thing happened. On the top of the mountain, they did not see the injured Xue Jingming, nor did they find Xue Jingming's body.

Zhang Dahai scratched his head, and couldn't figure out the link, "It's weird, this person didn't grow wings and flew away? Why is there no trace?"

"Let's look around as soon as possible." Song Wen frowned slightly. Just now, Xue Jingming and them were separated by a certain distance. The mountain was dark and the road was complicated. At this moment, no one was alive or dead.

Lu Siyu looked down at where Xue Jingming was standing just now, and touched the blade of grass beside him with his fingers. It was wet, still hot, and bloodstained. He rubbed his fingers and said solemnly, "I hit him. , he was injured." After he finished speaking, he looked down, and the place in the distance was pitch black. Where did that person... go

Just as Lu Siyu was about to lean forward to look, he suddenly slipped and lost his balance. He was suddenly pulled by someone, and when he turned around, he saw that it was the old policeman Zhang Dahai.

Zhang Dahai grinned and said, "Officer Xiao Lu, be careful. This mountain is no worse than your city. There are dangers everywhere. It's dark now, so be careful."

Lu Siyu hummed, and then stood firm.

Everyone searched for ten minutes on the mountain, but Xue Jingming really seemed to have evaporated from the world and disappeared completely. At this time, the sky was completely dark, and the terrain here was a bit complicated, making it inconvenient to search. Song Wen looked at the time, it was already ten o'clock, and there was a faint sound of thunder in the sky, as if it was about to rain.

Zhang Dahai said: "Let's do this today. Thank you to the two police officers today. It is a great achievement to be able to find the murderer. You all have a good night's rest. I will bring someone up tomorrow to investigate."

In desperation, he had to order to stop work first. Zhang Dahai and the others agreed to come back to the mountains tomorrow morning to find them.

I didn't feel it when I went up the mountain just now. When I went down the mountain, Song Wen really felt the cold in the mountain. He took off his coat and put it on Lu Siyu.

Lu Siyu was walking in front, and suddenly saw Song Wen silently put a dress on him, looked back a little strangely, and subconsciously wanted to refuse.

Song Wen said, "Let's wear it, you wear too little. Don't always ignore the leader's words."

This person, who will use the identity of the captain to oppress him again, Lu Siyu shook his head and decided not to know him in general. But after the clothes were put on, his body immediately became much warmer. He couldn't help wrapping the clothes even tighter. He could still smell Song Wen's body when he bowed his head in it.

Everyone was in a hurry, panting and speechless along the way. When they reached the foot of the mountain, they still hadn't escaped the rain, and they were soaking wet.

When Song Wen and Lu Siyu tossed to the resort, it was already 11:30 in the evening. After climbing the mountain for several hours, it was raining again. Both of them were very embarrassed. Xiadi, there is no one on duty here at night. As soon as the two came in from the outside, Lu Siyu swiped open his door, only to see Song Wen tried twice at the door, but the door didn't respond.

"Damn it! Is this door broken?" Song Wen stood outside the door, a little helpless, he took out the card he had prepared for Lin Xiuran before, tried again, but couldn't open it, and said angrily, "I Go to the front desk."

There are not many staff in the resort at night, and now the door is unresponsive. Maybe the sensor is out of order or there is something wrong. If it needs to be repaired at night, I don’t know how long it will take.

Lu Siyu looked at the embarrassed Song Wen, and suddenly said, "The door of my room is open, come over first. It's a big bed anyway, why don't you make do with me for the night?"

Song Wen remembered what he said before: "Don't you sleep lightly?"

Lu Siyu hesitated for a moment, then lowered his head: "If it's you, Team Song, it's fine." He spoke in a low voice. Song Wen was stunned for a moment, almost thinking that he heard it wrong, Lu Siyu saw that he didn't respond, and then said, "If you find it inconvenient, forget it." After he finished speaking, he pretended to close the door.

Song Wen stretched out his hand to hold the door and said, "No, thank you for your stay."