Criminal Investigation Files

Chapter 45


Lu Siyu originally stayed in the car, but then he heard gunshots and knew that there was a fight in the clinic. He hesitated for a while, worried about Song Wen, but left the car door. When he came here, he happened to meet Xue Xue. Jing Ming ran out.

When Xue Jingming saw someone stop him, he threatened to wave the knife in his hand, and the sharp blade made a sound of breaking through the air. Looking at Xue Jingming covered in blood, Lu Siyu hesitated for a moment, the pain in his body stimulated his nerves, making him more awake. Looking at Song Wen chasing from a distance, Lu Siyu pursed his lips and made a quick choice. Instead of dodging, he went up to stop the murderer.

When the two staggered, the blade in Xue Jingming's hand almost slid across Lu Siyu's chest.

Lu Siyu dodged the knife, this kind of close death made him a little excited. He stretched out his right hand and tightly clasped Xue Jingming's wrist holding the knife, and then with force, he twisted Xue Jingming's arm upwards.

Xue Jingming's hand was restrained, and the other shoulder was injured. At this time, it was a fight between beasts. When he found that he couldn't move, he pushed him back ruthlessly. Lu Siyu was not far from the wall of the hospital. Far away, Shengsheng was pushed two meters away, and his back hit the wall. The next second, Xue Jingming had a fierce look on his face, raised his knees and pressed against Lu Siyu's abdomen heavily.

At that moment, Lu Siyu only felt that all the internal organs were knocked out of place, and the pain in his body was extremely painful, and he couldn't help but groan.

"Fuck it, let it go!" Xue Jingming roared, pushing his body down even more.

Lu Siyu raised his head and looked at him, gritted his teeth but did not let go, a trace of ruthlessness flashed in his eyes, he supported the blade in Xue Jingming's hand with one hand, and with the other hand, with a ruthless force, the thermometer in his hand directly Inserted into the wound on Xue Jingming's shoulder.

The thermometer pierced Xue Jingming's shoulder like a sharp needle. The sutured wound was pierced. Blood splattered for a while, and even the anesthetic lost its effect. Xue Jingming screamed in pain and finally let go. The knife in his hand was opened, and it fell to the ground with a clanging sound.

Lu Siyu got the chance and shot back, hitting Xue Jingming's head with his elbow. The wound from Song Wen's previous wound bleeds more, blinding Xue Jingming's eyes. Lu Siyu punched him again. The corner of the opponent's mouth bleeds. Not waiting for him to react, he kicked his knee again, causing Xue Jingming to stumble back two steps.

Although Lu Siyu has a fever, he has received good professional training. Even if the pain in his body is noisy, his body will still respond naturally. These three moves were completed in one go, and the move was brutal, Xue Jingming was completely countered, and he had no strength to fight back.

The whole process was slow, but in fact it only took ten seconds. At this time, Song Wen finally arrived. He pounced from behind Xue Jingming and strangled the opponent's throat with his elbow. Xue Jingming was locked by his throat, pulled a few steps, his body lost his balance, Song Wen's feet forced him, and he fell to the ground, pressing his body on. Xue Jingming's head landed on the ground, stirring up a cloud of dust, his face brushed against the gravel, and blood was immediately rubbed off.

Song Wen kept moving, pressing Xue Jingming's shoulder to the ground with one hand, taking out two handcuffs from behind his waist at the same time, handcuffing Xue Jingming's hands and locking them to the railings of the hospital. Xue Jingming didn't move anymore, he was lying beside the guardrail, his face was bloody, and he couldn't stop gasping for breath.

After grabbing Xue Jingming, Song Wen breathed a sigh of relief. He turned around and asked Lu Siyu anxiously, and shouted, "Are you not hurt?"

During the fight just now, for a few seconds, Lu Siyu almost forgot his physical discomfort. At this time, after being reminded by Song Wenyi, he felt that his stomach was on fire after being hit hard. His handsome face was expressionless. His eyes were full of hazy, and his legs were soft and he was about to fall forward. Song Wen found that something was wrong with him, and hurriedly got up and reached out to support him. Lu Siyu looked up at Song Wen, and wanted to say something, but felt a bloody aura floating in his chest and abdomen.

The lamp of the pharmacy in the consultation room was turned on again, and the white light came over. Under the light, Lu Siyu's face was as white as transparent. He coughed twice, and suddenly a mouthful of blood came out of his mouth.

Spitting out blood, Lu Siyu himself was stunned, frowning at the dark red, he wanted to say something, but he couldn't say a word.

"Lu Siyu!" Song Wen called out, only to feel that the whole body was cold, even the bone marrow was frozen, and the person in his arms was extremely thin. It was the first time Song Wen saw someone vomit blood, and his heart almost stopped beating. He stretched out his hand to wipe the blood from the corner of Lu Siyu's lips. , the dark red color flows down the pointed chin along the corner of the mouth, dyeing the snow-white collar red.

Song Wen was extremely heroic just now, but at this moment, he was completely panicked. He checked Lu Siyu up and down and found that there was no knife edge. He became more and more at a loss. The little nurse heard the sound outside and came out of the door to check the situation. : "It may be stomach bleeding, turn his head over, don't let him choke, sigh, you better bring him in and let Doctor Duan take a look. I'll call the ambulance."

Song Wen just woke up like a dream. He didn't care about dealing with Xue Jingming, he hugged Lu Siyu, went into the health center, and put him on the bed in the consultation room.

Doctor Duan hurriedly bandaged his wife's wound just now, and then hurriedly turned around to see Lu Siyu's situation. He had also heard Song Wen's condition description in the clinic before. At this time, he briefly checked, picked up Lu Siyu's clothes, and just touched Lu Siyu's stomach with his hand. Si Yu frowned and held his hand, trembling and coughing. Dr. Duan tapped lightly, and there was a sound of water in it. With such a movement, Lu Siyu covered his mouth again and retched. He tried to roll his Adam's apple, and after holding back for a while, he spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Have you been nauseated all the time?" Doctor Duan asked him with a frown, "Does it hurt here? It's been a while?"

Lu Siyu was still conscious and nodded at him.

Doctor Duan asked, "Have you ever had a stomach ulcer before?"

Lu Siyu nodded.

Doctor Duan asked again, "Did you drink water before?"

Lu Siyu nodded again.

Song Wen's heart jumped when he heard this. When he came out, he poured him a glass of warm water. At that time, he didn't know that Lu Siyu was serious to the point of stomach bleeding, and he was full of self-blame.

Dr. Duan made a simple judgment: "It may be a high fever caused by a gastric ulcer, and the blow has caused gastric vein bleeding. Keep lying on your side, don't drink water or eat, physically cool down and apply a cold compress on your forehead, then drink some Yunnan Baiyao to drain the blood first. Stop it. I will give him a little blood clotting and rehydration, and the specifics will need further examination."

Zhang Ying, who was on the side, had just called an ambulance. She sighed and went to prepare things. Although the small hospital did not have many medicines, it still had these basic things.

It was the first time Song Wen heard about the treatment method of dry eating Yunnan Baiyao, but Lu Siyu was not surprised. The whole person was very calm, and he seemed to be used to it for a long time. He took the medicine that Zhang Ying handed over and swallowed it. . Song Wen took the wet towel and put it on his forehead.

Next, Doctor Duan used a pillow to pad Lu Siyu's feet, saying that it would help blood flow back to the heart and ensure blood supply to the brain. It would take a while for the medicine to take effect, so Lu Siyu lay down for a while. Dr. Duan measured his blood pressure. The blood pressure dropped and the heart rate increased, but it was still within the normal range.

Lu Siyu lay on the bed on his side, still conscious, Song Wen watched his fingers clenched the sheets, and sat beside the bed and asked him, "Does it still hurt so bad?"

Lu Siyu snorted softly, his bangs were soaked in sweat and pressed against the corner of his forehead, his brows were slightly wrinkled and his eyelashes trembled. His delicate face was abnormally white, but the circles under his eyes were always red.

"It was too dangerous just now..." Song Wen was still afraid for a while now, but luckily it was just stomach bleeding. If Xue Jingming's knife stabbed him just now, he would probably feel guilty for the rest of his life.

"I'm afraid he will hurt others again." Lu Siyu's throat was better, and he was finally able to speak. He coughed and said softly, "I won."

"Okay, you won. You were a special hero just now, that is... In the future, you must pay attention to safety and do what you can." Song Wen said, grabbing his cold fingers and helping him wipe the blood stained between his fingers. . He felt that when Lu Siyu encountered something, he was indifferent to his own life, as if he didn't care about life and death. He has a kind of stubbornness, and he is willing to go out. Song Wen would rather he has always been a little ancestor who cherished his life. It's better to hold it in the palm of your hand and protect it than to be so nervous.

Lu Siyu blinked and said, "I think I can stop him." This is also true. He seems to say this to prove that he is not reckless, but the result of a trade-off.

Lu Siyu's eyes were filled with water and looked crystal clear. No matter how dangerous things are, someone always needs to do it. The murderer needs to be stopped, otherwise it may cause more killings. That person is either him, Song Wen, or someone else. It's over.

Song Wen helped him look at the thermometer, and after applying cold compresses for a while, the body temperature dropped. When it reached about 38°, his brows wrinkled again when he saw Lu Siyu, and his whole body trembled slightly. Song Wen knew that his pain was not relieved, and it was uncomfortable to see him. , For some reason, there was a cold pain in his chest, which was very distressing. He didn't want him to be hurt a little bit, so he wanted to replace him.

Let Lu Siyu rest, Song Wen got up and asked Doctor Duan in a low voice, "Doctor, can I use painkillers?"

Dr. Duan said: "Two benefactors, it's not that I don't want to use it, it's that I will use it. I will have to check it when I get to the town hospital. It's best to endure it." In fact, many times the pain relief effect will delay the disease. To be cautious, he didn't dare to give Lu Siyu too much medicine.

Song Wen asked again, "Is his condition serious now?"

Dr. Duan said: "This time he originally had an ulcer, and he was beaten by an external force, causing the blood vessels in the stomach to rupture, which is gastric bleeding. Fortunately, it was treated in time. If the bleeding stopped, there should be no life-threatening. The bleeding can't stop..." Dr. Duan hesitated, if the stomach bleeding became serious, it would be life-threatening. He looked at Lu Siyu and comforted Song Wendao, "But the situation is still stable now, he is still young, he should recover. faster."

Song Wen asked again, "Then apart from stomach bleeding, how can gastric ulcers be treated?" He only knew that gastric ulcers were chronic diseases, and the specifics were not clear.

Dr. Duan explained: "Stomach disease is a delicate disease. I usually eat on time, take medicine, check on time, don't eat cold food, reduce smoking and drinking, moderate physical exercise, and take care of it slowly. It is one of the organs most affected by emotions, and if you are upset and depressed, you are prone to stomach problems.”

Song Wen snorted, and only then did he know that Lu Siyu was not usually squeamish, and there were signs of some things. He thoughtfully returned to Lu Siyu's bedside, Lu Siyu blinked and looked at Song Wen, But found that his sleeves were open. Lu Siyu endured the stomachache and wanted to get up. Song Wen was afraid that he would vomit blood again, so he held him down and said, "Dear, don't move around, the doctor said you must lie down absolutely."

"Now that I know what the problem is, and the doctor is next to me again, nothing can happen to me." Lu Siyu said, stretched out a hand to hook his sleeve, and asked in a hoarse voice, "Are you injured?"

Song Wen had some bloodstains on his sleeves. He had forgotten all about it. After being reminded by Lu Siyu, he remembered that when he was fighting with Xue Jingming just now, he was slashed by a knife on his forearm. He rolled up his sleeves carelessly. , "It's alright, a little injury, not deep, the bleeding has stopped now, I'll order iodine to wipe it with them later. But you, lie down and wait for the ambulance to come." After speaking, Song Wen lowered his head to look at Lu Siyu's pale and handsome face, and said distressedly, "Look at you today, you should sit for 120 once."

"You'd better get a tetanus shot." Lu Siyu saw that his wound wasn't really big, so he felt relieved, blinked his eyes and whispered, "If I sit for 120 then, you won't be able to catch him. It's time for Xue Jingming."

Seeing that he was talking more, Song Wen felt a little relieved: "It's your credit."

While talking here, Zhang Dahai finally arrived. In the morning, he was still a little distrustful of the two little policemen, and it was not pleasing to the eye either sideways or vertically. Just now he heard that they had intercepted the murderer, and he was all excited. After entering the clinic, he flattered and said, "Alas, Officer Song, you are really capable. I saw Xue Jingming being handcuffed outside."

Song Wendao: "It's also a coincidence."

There is a certain degree of luck in this matter. If Lu Siyu didn't get sick at night, and the two came to the hospital, I am afraid that another person would be killed, and the consequences would be unimaginable.

Zhang Dahai glanced at the bed and saw Song Wen taking care of Lu Siyu there. The little policeman didn't know where he was injured. At this time, his face was pale and blood was on the corner of his lips. "Officer Xiao Lu, what's the matter?"

Song Wen saw that Lu Siyu's face was better, and his heart was a little more stable. He didn't tell Zhang Dahai in detail, and explained simply: "I was injured a little during the arrest and had a little stomach bleeding."

Zhang Dahai looked at Lu Siyu's snow-white profile again, his forehead was sweaty, and his neckline was stained with blood. Zhang Dahai felt a little strange in his heart, why some people are more beautiful the more embarrassed they are, and he couldn't help but feel distressed: "This can't be careless, I hope he's fine, he must take good care of him."

After saying this, Zhang Dahai took out a few small packages from a cloth bag: "So what, Officer Song, Officer Lu, I really thank you this time, and I'm just a very useless old police officer, if it weren't for you guys. This case is uncertain when it will be solved. You don’t smoke, and you don’t like alcohol. This is the tea grown by us, and the dried goji berries. There are no pesticides and no additives. You can bring them here to soak them Tea or something is also part of my heart."

Song Wen had always had no good impression of this sea, but hearing him say this at this time, he could sense from his expression and demeanor that this person was sincerely grateful. Zhang Dahai is worldly, timid, has limited ability, and is a bit slippery, but he is by no means a bad person. It would be an exaggeration to say that he guarded the tranquility of his hometown as a policeman, but without people like him at the grassroots level, what would happen to these many urban and rural areas.

Seeing that Song Wen didn't speak, Zhang Dahai rubbed his hands nervously: "What, it's not expensive, I don't have a lot of money..."

"Take it." Lu Siyu lay down and slowed down a bit, and said to Song Wen, "Let's go back and save some for Brother Lin, you can make some tea."

Zhang Dahai was relieved when he heard Lu Siyu, and hurriedly stuffed things into Song Wen, "I know now that I was wrong, if I hadn't seen the truth about the previous child drowning case, I wouldn't have made it so big. I've already reported it, I'll look back to see how the leaders punish..." He sighed and added, "Our Lu Ning has beautiful mountains and clear waters, delicious tea, and the scenery is still pretty good. Don't just because a few bad guys have appeared. It ruins your impression, that, you two have a good rest, come back and play again, I will treat you."

Song Wen took the things, thanked them, then shook his head and said, "The food here is delicious, the scenery is good, and the accommodation is okay, but I probably won't come here if I don't have a mission in the future."

Zhang Dahai thought that he had offended others again, and stammered and asked, "That...why..."

Song Wendao: "I was a little confused at first, why there is only such a close distance between this place and Nancheng, the various customs, the way people get along with each other, and the concept of people, but they are so different. I kind of understand that people here can become rich, and the boundaries between urban and rural areas can be blurred, but there are still some things left over, which are always different. Probably because of this, many people want to give up the idea of raising themselves. Hometown, fight to the big city."

"I understand what you mean, there are indeed many bad things here. Many customs and habits are quite harmful. Patriarchal, all kinds of red tape, feudal superstition, gossipy relatives, and marriage urges As for the idle people who marry, my daughter is reluctant to come back, for fear of forcing her to get married. Even if people have money in their pockets, these can't be changed for a while, and some prejudices are imprinted in the bone marrow. Just like this case, because of rumors Gossip, and a whole family died. Someone just opened their mouths, which caused such a result." Zhang Dahai paused, his expression darkened, "But this is my home..."

Song Wen in turn comforted him: "This time is also a relatively special situation. Most of the people here are still kind, and there are many people who will bring back things from outside, and this place is slowly changing."

Zhang Dahai was relieved: "Thank you, I understand, let's see fate later."

In the city, people face the people behind the mouse and keyboard, but they don't know the names of their neighbors. In the countryside, there is a lack of privacy between people, and they are influenced by various rumors. But human society is like this. Generations of generations multiply and overlap, and move forward. Life has to go on and it will always get better.

After hearing what they said, Lu Siyu said to Song Wen, "I have a doctor with me. It's better. You can deal with Xue Jingming with him. Leaving him there will inevitably hurt people."

Song Wen couldn't worry about him, but after all, there was still something to deal with, he looked at the ambulance and said to Lu Siyu: "Then you lie down for a while, I'll take over, and I'll accompany you to the hospital later. "

Lu Siyu hummed, curled up, and closed his eyes.