Criminal Investigation Files

Chapter 46


Following the procedure, Song Wen untied Xue Jingming and handed it over to Zhang Dahai. Several police officers from the county police station did not dare to escort him carelessly.

The formalities here have just been completed, and the ambulance over there has also arrived. Since there are two injured people, the county hospital called two ambulances. Dr. Li was carried up first, Dr. Duan followed into that car, and Song Wen accompanied Lu Siyu to the other.

A little nurse registered in the ambulance and asked Song Wen who followed the car: "Are you a family member of the patient?"

Song Wendao: "It's a colleague."

The little nurse asked him to sign and handed him a small folding chair.

The ambulance started and swayed a little while walking on the mountain road. Song Wen sat on a small chair and looked at Lu Siyu who was lying on his side with his eyes closed. The nurse added some fluids to Lu Siyu, and then connected him to a blood pressure test and heartbeat instruments.

The car was quiet for a while, Song Wen was afraid that Lu Siyu would lose consciousness, so he chatted with him, "Look, this case is basically solved, I'll ask you for leave later, and take a few more days off."

Lu Siyu's hair was stuck to his forehead, his eyes were like black jade, and he shrank his feet and said, "I haven't finished writing the report here." According to the regulations of the Municipal Bureau, a report must be written after this kind of assistance. Yes, explain the cause of the incident, what work has been done, and what has been achieved. Although it does not need to be as complicated as a survey report, it needs to be written on several pages.

Song Wen didn't expect Lu Siyu to think about this at this time, "Don't think so much, take a good rest, let go of work first, don't talk like I'm squeezing migrant workers."

The car drove up a mountain road, and the road conditions were somewhat uneven. At this time, it was almost six in the morning, and it was no longer pitch black outside the car window, but a hint of fish belly white. The long night is about to pass, and soon, the sun will rise. The ambulance did not dare to delay the time, and there was no car on the road in the morning, so it drove very fast along the way.

Lu Siyu swayed with the car, feeling sleepy and nauseous. He felt that as time passed, the medicine powder he ate was soaked with blood, and the bleeding did not stop. A container full of blood. The ambulance was cramped, so he could only lie on his side, the cold sweat kept coming out, and his heart was beating fast. At first, he was chatting with Song Wen one after another. Later, Song Wen said What he couldn't hear clearly, he could only hum in a low voice.

Song Wen saw that he was a little confused, so he lowered his head and asked him, "Lu Siyu, how are you..."

Lu Siyu's hair was soaked with sweat, and he frowned palely.

Song Wen looked at his watch, it was almost six o'clock at this time, and there were only a few minutes left in the journey, so he comforted him: "Hold on a little longer, it will be there soon."

Lu Siyu himself knew that he couldn't sleep at this time, but his will was like a kite. It flew farther and farther, and it couldn't control himself. The sense of coldness and helplessness was endless, as if it was going to devour him. Lu Siyu only felt that his body was getting colder and colder, his stomach throbbed with pain, and suddenly thought of the word "dead".

Just this thought made him seem to be standing on the edge of a cliff, and there was an abyss beneath his feet. All the people were dead, whether his father, mother, or strangers, he had seen so many corpses, One day I will be one of them...

It seems to be dead, but it is a hundred.

But why is he still alive

Lu Siyu knew in his heart that sometimes, being alive is infinitely more cruel than dying. All that was left for him was hunger, and death... He was awake as if he was asleep, when he was asleep as if he was awake, and the demarcation between night and day became less clear. From that day on, he lost the chance to be called a normal person, and what was alive was just a shell.

The things in the memory seemed to carry a stream of light, swiping in my mind, my thoughts became more and more uncontrollable, and everything in front of me was spinning.

In the darkness, Lu Siyu stretched out his hand dazedly. There was a dead bird on his hand. His eyes were black, and he had already lost his breath. He could feel the red blood on his hand, which kept flowing down his wrist. , I don't know if it's my own or the bird. It was as if someone was pointing around him, as if looking at a monster.

Crazy, perverted, insane... Those words spewed out of their mouths like sharp knives, stabbing into his body.

Song Wen kept observing Lu Siyu, and saw that his eyes lost focus, his body twitched slightly, his throat kept rolling, as if he was trying his best to endure, and hurriedly called his name: "Lu Siyu?!"

For a moment, Lu Siyu was pulled by the voice. The voice seemed to be coming from a far away place. His eyes blinked slightly, and he didn't dare to let go of Song Wen, as he was afraid that he would never let go. He couldn't open his eyes, and what he usually would not dare to say suddenly felt that he would have no chance if he didn't say it. Lu Siyu recalled a little will, and summoned up the courage to call his name in a low voice: "Song Wen, I..." His voice was only a breathy sound, and the lips that had been biting so tightly opened, and the blood overflowed.

Song Wen was afraid that he would choke, so he wiped the corners of his lips for him, and the snow-white tissue was dyed red in an instant. , don't sleep, look at me."

At this time, a red light suddenly lit up on the instrument on the side, and the little nurse said, "The blood pressure is decreasing!"

Lu Siyu looked at Song Wen's face, his beautiful eyes widened, what he wanted to say got stuck in his throat, and was drowned out by the blood he spat out. He felt that all the strength in his body was used up, and his eyes blinked and closed gently.

Song Wen's mind suddenly went blank.

The doctor on the side of the car was very calm: "The patient fainted, let the hospital prepare for blood transfusion."

At this moment, the county hospital arrived, the ambulance suddenly slammed open, and the back door of the ambulance opened. Nurses and doctors were waiting outside. They pushed the person down from the ambulance, ran all the way, and transported them directly to the emergency room. The process is like a war.

The hospital is full of white, white corridors, white roofs, and doctors and nurses in white clothes. Song Wen wanted to follow up, but was blocked at the door. He looked up and saw three words posted on it: "Emergency room."

Song Wen has been a criminal policeman for so many years, and he has seen a lot of life and death, but he has never been so panicked and confused. That feeling is like drinking a glass of ice water in Jiujiuhantian, a heart is frozen in the air, and there is such a breath, can't go up, can't come down, but the blood in the whole body is boiling, his nose can be. Smelling the smell of blood mixed with the smell of disinfectant from the hospital, he spread out his palm, and his hands were bright red, which was Lu Siyu's blood.

At that moment, Song Wen discovered that what identity, what kind of exploration, what precautions were all unimportant, even if there were more secrets, so what? What if he might be lying to him

Song Wen suddenly understood that he liked him... He didn't want him to have an accident, he just hoped that he would be fine.

Song Wen stood at the door for a while, and suddenly a small brown bottle rolled down from Lu Siyu's bag in his hand. He just woke up from a dream and squatted down to pick up the small bottle. , it was a small coffee-colored medicine bottle.

Song Wen held the medicine bottle and sat on the waiting chair outside. Then he remembered that Lin Xiuran had not been notified. He called him and briefly told him the whole thing.

Lin Xiuran was busy doing tests and autopsy yesterday, and was woken up early in the morning by Song Wen's phone call. Fortunately, the funeral home he was in was not far from the hospital in this county, so he hurried to the hospital at 7:00 in the morning.

Lin Xiuran found the door of the emergency room all the way. Seeing Song Wen sitting at the door with his head down, he felt a little stunned: "How is the situation?"

Song Wen raised his head and said, "It's been half an hour. I just had an examination. Later, during a blood transfusion, a nurse came out and said that she was out of danger and asked me to sign a few words. I don't know the rest."

"I thought..." Lin Xiuran breathed a sigh of relief. Song Wen's voice was trembling on the phone just now, and the situation was serious. My colleague has been in such a panic for three years. When has he seen Song Wen so flustered? He thought that Lu Siyu was going to die in the line of duty this time, and ran all the way. At this time, he felt relieved when he heard the situation, and comforted Song Wendao, "It may be the shock caused by too much stomach bleeding, and there will be no major event if it is out of danger."

"The doctor said it almost caused a gastric perforation." Song Wen looked down at the ground, his hands still shaking a little.

Lin Xiuran saw that his face was abnormally pale, and laughed and joked at him: "It's not like your colleague went to the hospital, it's like your wife went to the delivery room."

This sentence was originally a joke, but it directly pokes Song Wen's mind. He was silent for a while, then turned to Lin Xiuran and said, "Brother Lin, I was really frightened just now, I just felt that my heart almost stopped beating. "

"You, don't be too nervous. It's not uncommon for police officers to get injured. You've been to the hospital several times yourself... Which was a minor injury? It's the first time I've seen you so panicked." Lin Xiuran is a forensic doctor, he He has long been used to seeing life and death, as well as the warmth of the world. With his usual understanding of Song Wen, Song Wen has always been a pressure-resistant person.

Song Wen shook his head gently and whispered, "He's different."

Lin Xiuran comforted him and said, "It will be fine."

Song Wen was silent for a moment, then took out the bottle of medicine from his pocket: "By the way, what kind of medicine is this."

Lin Xiuran took it over strangely, flipped through it, and he was somewhat impressed by the name of the drug: "Imported, powerful painkiller. What? Lu Siyu?"

Song Wen sighed and acquiesced.

The ulcers were so severe that it had obviously been a long time. Usually, the criminal police team was busy with work, so he used painkillers to support him. Thinking of this, Lu Siyu's usual arrogance also has reasons. Song Wen increasingly criticized his inhumanity.

At this time, Lin Xiuran's cell phone suddenly rang. He picked it up and glanced at it and said, "About that case, the relevant inspection results have come out. The cigarette butt and footprints were all left by Xue Jingming."

Song Wen nodded, these direct evidence plus testimony is equivalent to locking the murderer. They solved this case very quickly, and many of them benefited from Lu Siyu's analysis.

Lin Xiuran asked again: "As for who Zhou Cong's son is, guess what the result is." Now that the police's DNA technology has matured, it usually takes 12 to 24 hours, and if it is urgent, it can be released in 6 hours. The samples sent yesterday afternoon have results this morning.

Song Wen was silent for a while, and leaned his head against the hospital wall: "It's not Xue Jingming's son."

Lin Xiuran asked, "Why do you guess so?"

"There is no reasoning or theory, it's purely based on the sixth sense and my personal emotions..." Song Wen's eyes showed a trace of indifference, "I don't want Xue Jingming to be a father who avenged his son, he doesn't deserve it, I also hope Zhou Chuguo He killed his own son, and this is his punishment."

Lin Xiuran was silent for a moment and understood what he meant. His eyes returned to the screen of his mobile phone and the answer was revealed: "You guessed it right."

In the village, there are two cases, four victims, and two maddened murderers. Zhou Chuguo was unworthy of being a father, and Xue Jingming was even more unworthy.

Sometimes gossip can kill people, and suspicion can be turned into a sword.

I have pity on those women and children who died in vain. Life is such a hard-won thing and should not be trampled on like this.