Criminal Investigation Files

Chapter 53


Early the next morning, as soon as Song Wen arrived at the city bureau, Xu Yao called him to the physical evidence room, and then handed him a stack of documents: "The results of the physical evidence inspection here are out."

Song Wen took the information and turned it over: "What? Are there any new discoveries?"

"Because it had rained before, and the site was damaged again, there are not many traces that can be used as a reference, and there are no obvious footprints on the ground. There are some traces of ruts, which should be a small cart, but no complete fingerprints and traces were extracted on the site. . The clothes on the deceased are simple common clothes, and there are no clues."

Xu Yao leaned on the table next to him with a solemn expression: "The only evidence is that huge black bag. It started to contain corpses, and I couldn't see it clearly. I didn't realize it until I brought it back. It's a soft case, supported on all sides and bottom, and it's covered in a black oxford cloth, which is very sturdy."

Song Wen asked: "I feel that this kind of bag is not common in the market."

Xu Yao: "Yes, it's big, light and thin, and bears a good load, but it doesn't have much protection and is easy to bump. I can't think of what this kind of box is used for."

Song Wendao: "I will let Lao Jia check on the market to see where I can buy this black bag, maybe I can get more information. Such a big bag, or a box, contains a dead person. If you want to Transportation, even if there is a small cart, it is very difficult for a person to put it in the trunk or take out the body... If you want to dump the body by the river, you need to transport it for a while, and it will not be transported by others. It's even more difficult to find out." He pondered for a while and said, "Could it be that the murderer has a helper and is not alone?"

"Anyway, in terms of physical evidence, I will follow up further here. If there are new discoveries, I will let you know." Xu Yao thought about it and said, "And this knot is really very special... You asked me to check it yesterday. Now, let me expand the search period, and then I found a similar knot in a case in Nancheng in the early years."

"How long ago? What case?" Song Wen asked. He felt that Xu Yao's tone was unusual, and there was a sense of ominous in his heart.

Before Xu Yao could answer, he suddenly remembered a case. His previous memory was vague about the year of the case. Now think about it, isn't that what happened 18 years ago

But if it is connected to that case, then the current case is probably not a small case, but a big one.

Thinking of this, Song Wen looked at Xu Yao, and said a few words like a code: "Could it be... Wushan Nursing Home?"

Xu Yao opened her lips lightly and said five words: "Witch Xia is unknown."

There was a sudden coldness in Song Wen's body, as if a pair of eyes were looking at him through the ethereal sky. His memory was instantly pulled back to 18 years ago, when he was only a primary school student, and when he heard adults talking about that incident, a panicked expression appeared on his face.

Only those who have experienced that time in Nancheng know how many hearts these words touched. At that time, it was a major case that shocked the whole Nancheng and even the whole country.

The appearance of the same knot means that Xia Weiwei may not be dead, or there is a possibility that someone is torturing and killing people with the methods she used. Either way, it's scary enough.

After a moment of silence, Song Wen said, "If Zhang Peicai was investigating this and was silenced, then this news is indeed big enough."

Seeing Song Wen's reaction, Xu Yao lowered her head slightly: "However, the photos at the time are not very clear, and the physical evidence of the knots was not in our city bureau. This is just my speculation based on the pictures of the physical evidence. Maybe these two cases It's unrelated, it's just a coincidence that the knots are similar. You can check with Forensic Doctor Lin later to see if there are more similarities between the two cases." Then she reminded Song Wen, "Do you want to ask Gu Bureau for instructions? "

Song Wen nodded: "This movement is a bit big, I will definitely report it to Gu Bureau, and make all preparations first."

Lu Siyu looked at the information in front of him. He always felt that he had seen this special knot before, and found that Zhu Xiao had retrieved newspaper information from 18 years ago. He quickly thought that this case might be related to Related to Wushan Nursing Home.

That kind of torture near death was once left behind by Xia Weiwei.

Now, he has synchronised with Zhu Xiao and printed out all the information about the case that he could find.

Wushan Nursing Home, this place used to be a nightmare for Nancheng people, and the witch, Xia Weiwei, is a devil in people's mouths.

This is one of the unsolved cases in the history of Nancheng, and the murderer of the case has not been brought to justice to this day. Speaking of which, this case has something to do with the 519 task force. At that time, more than a year after the establishment of the 519 task force, I don't know which clue was passed, and it involved the Wushan Nursing Home.

Wushan Nursing Home is an old-fashioned nursing home in Nancheng. It has been established in Nancheng for decades. It was very popular in the 1980s. At that time, Wushan Nursing Home was the best nursing home in the neighborhood. Qian hopes that the elderly can live in. Twenty years ago, although some private nursing homes rose up, the Wushan nursing home was still the largest in the local area.

There are more than 300 beds in Wushan Nursing Home. There are specialized nursing staff and specialized medical staff. The elderly have a full set of care for their daily life. There are many nursing homes that do not accept seriously ill elderly people, such as those with stroke, paralysis, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, etc., but they accept all of them.

For a long time, the beds here have been very tight. Basically, when an old man dies or leaves, someone will move in immediately. Many people would rather spend money and find relationships just to book a bed here.

At first, the police in the branch received a report of the death of an elderly person in the nursing home. Some family members found that the elderly who died of illness had strange scars. They investigated it as a small case, only when someone bullied the elderly in the nursing home.

But later, the case was found out that there was a hidden story behind it, and it was transferred to the 519 task force for consolidating the case.

At that time, the 519 task force was still in charge of Song Cheng and Wu Qing. They came to the nursing home for a preliminary investigation. Wu Qing was sensitive to find that the mortality rate of the elderly here was abnormal, and the annual number of deaths was significantly higher than other similar scales. Nursing home.

What followed was as if a pair of hands had opened a long-hidden Pandora's box, and the shadow of death followed. The entire Nancheng fell into a nightmare.

Wu Qing found that some old people actually died of murder, and some people abused and killed those old people for a long time.

At first, the dean wanted to use more of the seriously ill elderly people here to prevaricate the past, but after a little investigation, it was found that many elderly people here died of strange diseases, and there were even no complete deaths.

Song Cheng went to investigate the living elderly people with severe illness, and found that many of them had been injected with unknown drugs, and there were traces of bondage on the photos of the dead elderly. A shocking truth was drawn out. At that time, some people carried out abuse and experiments on these old people.

That is to say, some of the staff of the nursing home are regularly injecting various medicines for the elderly who are dying and being slaughtered by others, and then record the changes in their condition. Many elderly people are tortured to death. , In the end, the body will be hastily cremated for various reasons, and no one will get into it.

This fact is not an individual, but a group incident. According to the later investigation results, in the whole incident, as many as 13 elderly people were suspected of dying because of it, and about 20 elderly people died because of unknown causes. Even worse, this phenomenon has existed for many years, because some elderly people are paralyzed, unable to speak, thinking unclear, they are bullied by others, maybe the real death toll is more than known!

Everyone will grow old, and the issue of old-age care has always been one of the concerns of Nancheng people. The incident in the Wushan Nursing Home is still under investigation, and it was reported by the media. For a while, the entire Nancheng was in an uproar. The Wushan Nursing Home is rumored to be a murderous nest, and the nurses, nurses and doctors in it may all be murderous demons. With the investigation of the case, the suspect of the mastermind is placed on the doctor of the Nursing Home, Xia Weiwei. Xia Weiwei seemed to have long expected and disappeared on the day of the arrest.

Although a lot of information was lost at that time, Lu Siyu still learned some from various reports. The experiments on these old people at that time included drugs and poisons.

An old man they rescued later had several wounds, his head was pierced, some were still bleeding, some had scabbed over, maggots had built their nests in his body, and that horrible sight, just Like Zhang Peicai who is now dead. And all of this is because the old man suspected that the cause of his wife's death was unknown and wanted to ask for help.

With the closure of the Wushan Nursing Home, the dean at the time was dismissed, and the relevant personnel were sentenced to the end. The mastermind of the case, Xia unknown, was listed on the first-level wanted list, but the woman never appeared again.

Later, the investigators of the 519 task force suffered repeated misfortunes. Lu Siyu's mentor, Wu Qing, fell into a coma after an accident. Due to some pressure and external reasons, the 519 task force had to be disbanded, and the members of the task force went their separate ways. The case of the Wushan Nursing Home was listed as an unsolved case, and it still lies in the archives of the Nancheng Bureau.

As Pandora's Box was closed, the box was sunk to the bottom.

Eighteen years have passed since the whole incident, and the people of Nancheng seem to have finally forgotten those horrible and evil pasts and walked out of the shadows. Eighteen years, time has washed away the fears in people's hearts, and the Wushan Nursing Home has become a talking point after dinner.

As a staff member of the Nancheng Bureau, only when the unsolved case is cracked down every year, will the case be singled out and traced to Xia Weiwei.

But now... If the current case is implicated in the previous case, I am afraid that the movement will not be small, and the things in it will not be simple.

Lu Siyu knew what this kind of knot and abuse represented. That meant that Xia Weiwei might still be alive, and he was killing people in the same way. The witch who shrouded the entire Nancheng for so many years was resurrected, or that someone inherited Xia. Unknown mantle, and want to carry forward the killing methods that were sealed at that time.