Criminal Investigation Files

Chapter 54


Inside the Nancheng Public Security Bureau Chief's Office.

If it wasn't for the chrysanthemum tea brewed by Gu Ju, which was emitting plumes of white smoke in the air-conditioned room, Song Wen almost thought that time had stopped.

Gu Ju has been hesitant for half a minute, and his face is a little uncertain. After working under Gu Ju for so long, Song Wen was a little unsure of the leader's mind for the first time.

When the Wushan Nursing Home case happened, Gu Ju was not yet working in Nancheng. He was not a witness to the case, but the case shocked the whole country and was hotly debated in the industry. Naturally, he understood the seriousness of the situation.

After thinking for a long time, Gu Ju said, "I suggest that the two cases should not be merged for the time being."

"Even if the way of killing is similar to that knot?" Song Wen asked softly. It stands to reason that these two characteristics are enough to indicate that there may be some kind of connection between the two cases.

Gu Ju nodded lightly: "Of course, I don't mean to prevent you from investigating the case, nor do I mean that the case of the Wushan Nursing Home cannot be turned over. You can go after the current clues. If there are more directions later, Prove that the two cases are indeed related, and then go through the process and report to the higher level above, and then connect everything together.”

As a leader, you must be stable at this time, and you must be cautious enough. It is better to take a small step and not make mistakes.

Song Wen understood Gu Ju's concerns. The matter of Wushan Nursing Home was like a thunderbolt buried deep in the ground, and it was an unsolved case for many years, and no one dared to touch it. At present, there is not much evidence to link the two cases. It is easy to join the case, but difficult to dismantle the case.

If the case is merged now, it will finally be found that Zhang Peicai's case is not related to the Wushan Nursing Home's case.

Gu Ju thought for a while and added: "But... you still need to transfer the old case data of Wushan Nursing Home, try to be familiar with the case and make all preparations."

Song Wen nodded.

If in the ensuing investigation, it is confirmed that the two cases are indeed connected, that is another matter.

After coming out of Gu Bureau, Song Wen returned to the office and asked Zhu Xiao to obtain more detailed information about the case of the Wushan Nursing Home.

Song Wen carefully studied these materials. Including all kinds of witness testimony, related records are also imprinted in my mind. Then there are the registration forms of the relevant personnel, most of which are the information of the elderly in the nursing home at that time. It is long and boring. He has turned to the end. On the last page, there are some blank forms marked with symbols, which seem to be empty. Down for notes.

In those documents, there is also a video recording, and this video has a bit of a story to tell.

Just the year before last, Internet live broadcasting was just emerging. At that time, a few daring young people made a live broadcast to visit the famous ghost land in Nancheng.

What are the unfinished buildings, the last bus, the mysterious station, the haunted house and so on in the first few issues. In the last issue, they made a notice that they were going to the Wushan Nursing Home.

This archived video was recorded by their electronic equipment at the time, and was not edited.

Song Wen clicked the double-click button. The video was not too long. It was about an hour in total. At first, a few young people installed the equipment jokingly. In the advertisement, there are four of them, two men and two women, all young people who are not very young, and it is the time when their energy is strong and there is nowhere to vent. Then they told all the relevant stories about the Wushan Nursing Home that could be searched.

"Near the Wushan Nursing Home, there is no so-called Wushan. This place was called Wushan Town because of the previous name..."

"Wushan Nursing Home is located on a sloping land in the east of the city. Since the incident was investigated more than ten years ago, the Nursing Home has been closed down and abandoned after a few years. Later, Nancheng Industry was relocated and the nearby residential houses were built into factories. Another high-speed rail line was built in the distance, but this area was regarded as a haunted house by the common people because of the previous case. It is a forbidden area that no one dares to go to, and there is no way to say it is demolished. This nursing home built more than 20 years ago is like this. kept..."

"The so-called witch, Xia Weiwei, was wanted at that time, and she has never been caught. This case is brought up from time to time to talk about it..."

"From my point of view, there are weeds growing everywhere... Alas, be careful."

"We can see now that these places are still affixed with police seals. However, after all this time, these seals are already rotten."

"Look, the seal here has been torn, maybe someone has already entered..."

"I see that trace, it looks like it was bitten by a mouse. This place is simply forgotten..."

"No one dared to come here. I heard that there was a factory that wanted to buy this land, but before the contract was signed, the workers had all kinds of accidents, and even the boss had a car accident and was hospitalized. Maybe it's because the ghosts here think people are interrupting their rest..."

Then, the adventure officially began, and the teenagers began to walk into the Wushan Nursing Home. First enter the dilapidated cafeteria, and then go to the building area where the elderly are housed.

"We can see that these buildings are filled with beds. In the past, this was where the old people lived." Their feet stepped on the glass on the floor, making some harsh rubbing noises.

A girl coughed in disgust and waved the dust with her hands. Under the sun, the dust was scattered everywhere, "I can still smell a stench, um, there are bowls on the table, I don't know what's inside. everything."

"Haha, maybe your grandmother lived here." The tall boy joked.

"Your whole family has lived here!" The girl curled her lips in dissatisfaction. "This place is a bit exaggerated, and it's not that unusual. I think the female doctor who said at the time may have killed the old man, but there are not as many rumors."

Another girl with short hair is a bit rebellious: "Maybe it's too annoying to take care of the elderly, but those unruly old ladies are troublesome enough to serve them. Isn't there a saying that bad people will also grow old, and whoever is right is right? I do not know."

Song Wen watched as several young people on the screen broke into this forbidden area jokingly, without any reverence. They were both born after the Wushan Nursing Home case and did not experience that time in person.

Suddenly, one of the boys stopped, "Did you hear that?"

"What? Why are you suspicious?" The short-haired girl was surprised at his dissatisfaction.

"You've used this kind of scaring method before, isn't it too old-fashioned?! In my opinion, the horror of this place is not as good as one-tenth of a villa." The fat boy holding the equipment disdainfully said.

"Someone is singing." The boy at the beginning repeated again, "It's a woman... The voice is a little hoarse..."

"Damn, what you said is so scary, wouldn't it be the old lady who died here singing a lullaby?" The short-haired girl finally realized something was wrong, and then her face suddenly turned pale.

"Hahaha..." The boy who started to be scary finally couldn't help but burst into laughter, "Just to scare you guys."

The short-haired girl's face was still pale, "I seem to have heard something, listen carefully..."

Several people on the screen suddenly fell silent, standing there one by one, the noisy commentary suddenly stopped, only some rustling wind could be heard, and then some ambient sounds came over...

Song Wen also wanted to hear it more clearly, he turned up the volume of the video, but the radio of this device was limited after all, and he only heard a somewhat strange clicking sound.

A scream suddenly sounded later, Song Wenzheng turned the voice to the maximum, only to feel that a magic sound pierced his ear, and the eardrum almost burst. He took off his earphones, the screen began to shake, and the camera fell to the ground, screaming, cluttered footsteps, crying one after another, and a mass of panic.

Then there was a long still picture. Song Wen lost patience and dragged the picture to the end. Someone came over and picked up the camera. The face of a film police officer appeared on the screen, and he pressed the pause button.

Song Wen touched his chin and leaned on the back of the chair. The reason why this video exists in the police file is because these young people later called the police and were taken home by the police uncle. , was kept as evidence by the police.

Song Wen also inquired about the follow-up. The rescued young people were sent to the hospital by their families for examination. One boy jumped from the upstairs and broke his leg. The others suffered minor injuries. But the kids were visibly frightened, and that episode was missing from that episode.

Some people know about this, and they are still analyzing it on the Internet. There are too many ghosts in this place, and those children were injured by ghosts.

Later, this incident became more and more widely spread, and the more and more outrageous it became, until one time, Song Wen attended a class reunion, and an old classmate asked him: "I heard that several children who were doing live broadcasts died in Wushan Nursing Home before, and they were still alive. Several police officers who went looking for someone died inside, and seven or eight people died in total, with blood in a river, is this true..."

At that time, Song Wen heard the rumor and almost spit out a drink.

But after this incident, no one dared to go to the deserted nursing home.

After closing the video, Song Wen began to look at other materials, and he was busy with lunch. In the afternoon, Song Wen summarized and sorted out the progress of the case. Now the investigation direction of the whole group is divided into two directions. One direction continues to investigate the social relationship of the deceased Zhang Peicai, in addition to his wife and younger brother, to investigate his relatives and friends, hostile companies and enemies; one direction is to investigate the identity of the mysterious woman discovered yesterday, because the video is a bit blurry , has been handed over to a technician for restoration.

In any case, these findings are significant progress in the investigation of the case. However, is this case related to the case more than ten years ago? Why did the murderer kill Zhang Peicai? Because he found something

Who is that mysterious woman

Song Wen was still thinking, but Cheng Xiaobing, who was the physical evidence, came over with a few documents: "Song team, the image of the woman you asked the technical department to repair has been completed. I brought it here for you by the way."

The whole office was shocked when they heard this.

Song Wen opened the package and gave a clear image of the woman's face, as well as the suspected identity based on the face comparison.

This is good news today. Song Wen hurriedly handed the ID number to Zhu Xiao: "Check her information."

Zhu Xiao entered the ID number and name into the system, and soon, the identity of the mysterious woman was called out. Zhu Xiao looked at it, snorted, and frowned slightly.

Lao Jia couldn't help but said, "Hey, don't worry, tell me quickly, what clues are there?"

"This woman's name is Bai Luorui." Then Zhu Xiao raised his head and said, "She also opened a nursing home in her name."

After hearing this, Song Wen and the others all stood up. After eighteen years of time and space, Xia Weiwei and Zhang Peicai finally passed through a mysterious woman and had a meeting point.