Criminal Investigation Files

Chapter 55


On the afternoon of the third day of the incident, when Lu Siyu came out of the fitness center in the villa area, a light rain fell in the sky.

Unlike the previous torrential rain, this rain was extremely small, and it could not even block the sun, making a rustling sound like the wind.

Lu Siyu had been lying in the hospital for a long time before, trying to improve his physical fitness. Although he is not in good health, his body fat has not been high because of his youth. A little rehabilitation has made his muscles more obvious. This time I practiced for over an hour. When he got home and took out his cell phone after taking a shower, Lu Siyu clicked on Song Wen's avatar and looked at it. This time should be the busiest time for the police station. After thinking for a moment, Lu Siyu put down the phone again.

Back at the desk, Lu Siyu received the latest information compiled by Zhu Xiao, and held a thick stack in his hand.

This is the latest detection method. It was ignored by the police at that time 18 years ago. Now the Internet police and technical investigators have compiled all her remarks and accounts based on the unknown ID and common IP in the early summer. Combined with her life, the profile of her can be better completed. This technology has now been used in many major cases, and also obtained a lot of important information.

Lu Siyu changed into a clean shirt, poured himself a glass of warm water, put on his glasses and leaned on the swivel chair, marking it on the paper from time to time, trying to piece together these few words into a human shape.

More than 20 years ago, not long after the rise of the Internet, everything was clumsy, like a baby crawling forward, and then it gradually grew up, toddlers... teenagers... It started to run, and I don't know where it will end. Once upon a time, a lot of classmate records emerged on the Internet,, forums one after another, and then collapsed, leaving the building empty. People have used various blogs, post bars, Weibo, and short videos. Many websites have closed down one by one, becoming the corpses of the Internet, but some data are fortunately preserved.

Many people have had accounts that are no longer logged in.

Every time he went to look for this information, Lu Siyu had a feeling that he seemed to be standing in a vast and uninhabited ruin, which was extremely empty, but full of various information. These ruins were virtual, but It is real again, one by one, one by one, and one by one living people are sitting behind them.

These people may be old people, children, men, women. They never thought that sometimes they might be dead. Those unintentional remarks, used avatars, signatures, and browsed information are all preserved. . These things record their lives.

Xia Weiwei's father is a worker, and her mother helps in a pharmacy. She has never been formally established. It may be due to her mother's influence. Xia Weiwei went to medical school to study and majored in clinical.

From elementary school to high school, Xia Weiwei's academic performance has always been excellent. She learned a dance in her spare time, because she felt it was useless at home, and she felt that it would delay the cultural class, so she stopped after only one year of study. Xia Weiwei complained very much about this matter, and felt that her parents had ruined her dreams.

In college, Xia Weiwei was handsome and had good academic performance, but she didn't have any good friends in the class, and often sat alone in the corner with a book. She is a little arrogant and feels that she is very good and more mature, so she disdains to be friends with her classmates. She likes to go to some brothers and sisters and teachers to ask them questions.

During his senior year of internship, Xia Weiwei didn't know what happened. He once ran away from school, almost dropped out, and was found by his family again. During this time, she was a little selfish.

After Xia Weiwei returned to school and graduated, other students went to major hospitals, but she was assigned to this nursing home. At that time, the nursing home was still a state-owned institution, and the doctors also had medical qualifications. The drug supervision was not as strict as it is now, and it could be purchased in bulk. The old dean had great ambitions and wanted to make it the first nursing home in Nancheng.

For caring people, working in a nursing home is like serving the people, but the young and excellent Xia Mozhi never thought that after graduation, he would not go to the hospital, but to come here.

In Xia Weiwei's consciousness, she felt that this was a prison, and she was like a prisoner sentenced to life imprisonment.

It can be seen from her previous online speech that she is jealous and envious of other classmates. She hates these old people and doesn't want to talk to them. When she sees their old wrinkles and age spots, she finds it disgusting. From her point of view, the old people described their illness to her crookedly and kept making various demands that were difficult to satisfy, which made her feel a headache. Facing those old people who couldn't take care of themselves, she was about to go crazy.

Reaching here, Lu Siyu sighed, took off his glasses and rubbed his forehead, then continued to look back. It was difficult for him to imagine that such a person would become a doctor working in a nursing home.

If Xia Weiwei lived in this era, she might have more choices, but in the conservative era of the past, she was educated from childhood to do her best to protect her work.

resign? That's a fantasy. Saying this is outrageous. Many people retire only in one unit all their lives.

At that time, Xia Weiwei's father was ill, Xia Weiwei needed this job even more to survive and maintain the normal expenses of the family. Under such pressure, Xia Weiwei should have a more serious depression, she became unhappy, she once She tried suicide, lost 20 pounds in a year, and was hospitalized twice, but no one found her abnormal at that time.

The next step is Xia Unknown's crime process. Most of the information circulating on the Internet is only analysis and inference. The police station has more detailed information. The data makes people clear at a glance, but there are many details. Lu Siyu looked at it comprehensively and sorted out Xia Zhiwei's experience.

At first, Xia Weiwei may have wanted to carry out the subject of her medical school period on the old man, or she accidentally caused the death of the old man when she gave medicine to the old man.

This time it may be unintentional, Xia Weiwei was very frightened by this, but later... No one found out about this, the old man was successfully pulled away and hurriedly cremated.

Under the heavy pressure, Xia Weiwei suddenly felt as if he had opened a new door.

Before, her life was like an airtight cocoon wrapped around her, making her breathless, and suddenly, she realized that she could breathe. And she began to change gradually... Then, she began to intensify, and began to abuse and retaliate against the bad-tempered old people in the hospital, the seriously ill and troubled old people...

Xia Mozhi was the most educated doctor here. Apart from her, Wushan Nursing Home only hired two retired nurses. Most of the elderly have a low education, and she specially picked some seriously ill, very old, or the elderly who could not speak, and she did it carefully.

For those care workers and nurses who are better off doing less, the death of a seriously ill elderly person saves them a lot of trouble, and even some family members feel that this is saving trouble.

So Xia Weiwei turned into a devil step by step. She looks like a quiet woman on the surface. When things go wrong, she will vent on those old people.

All of this came to an end after the 519 task force started investigating the Wushan Nursing Home. The police discovered the strangeness of the dead old people, and then quickly found Xia Weiwei, who was a doctor in the nursing home. At the beginning, in order to prevent the incident from happening, the dean of the nursing home also tried to cover up the facts and get away with it.

Until finally everything was revealed.

In September of that year, some angry family members surrounded the Wushan Nursing Home and smashed the entire Nursing Home, but after the police brought the situation under control, it was discovered that Xia Weiwei was missing.

Some witnesses claimed that they saw Xia Weiwei talking to a man, and then Xia Weiwei did not know where to go. From that day on, the witches who plagued the entire Nancheng were so alive that no one was dead or dead. Her accounts that had made comments have never been logged in again.

Lu Siyu frowned slightly. He intuitively felt that there was something missing in this woman's life, and there seemed to be some problems with the origin and end of things.

Then he began to profile, Xia Weiwei's life trajectory was relatively normal until she reached her junior year. In her senior year, her mood began to be unstable. Later, she went to the nursing home. Influenced by her professional environment, she faced a depressing and high-pressure job. She often encountered death in her work, and gradually became accustomed to death. Her crime targets are special groups of people. Those old people are inferior in her eyes, and they are not normal and equal human beings. She conducts experiments on the old people, mixes various drugs, and kills people, so as to satisfy her desire for control and obtain pleasure.

Then he made another analysis form, marked the possible crime time found by the police, and drew a graph. The number of deaths increases dramatically during the hottest and coldest times of the year. In addition, there are several days per month with regular offenses, and these data cannot rule out that morbidity and mortality are higher in the elderly during summer and winter. Crimes caused by changes in female physiological hormones cannot be ruled out. Other, what's the reason

Lu Siyu still has some questions that he can't understand. Xia Weiwei has always been a well-behaved girl, the only daughter in the family, and her life has been going smoothly. Even depression is not enough to stimulate her to go crazy for murder. What prompted her to commit crimes. way? And in the end, where did she go? Although consulting was not well developed a decade ago, it is hard to imagine a big living person disappearing completely in a city, making it impossible for everyone to find it.

Live without people, dead without corpses, unless she has accomplices? Or an enemy

After listing all the questions, Lu Siyu called Wu Qing. At this point, nothing was closer to the answer than asking someone who had experienced it personally. He still remembered that in the last phone call, Wu Qing said not to contact him if he had nothing to do, but his case is a bit stuck now, this should be considered a special situation, right

Wu Qing exchanged a few words and said to him, "Recently, your previous score in one of the subjects was down, 86 points."

Lu Siyu frowned slightly. None of his previous exams at school were lower than 95, and all exams were over before he left. Wu Qing was suggesting to him that the phone might have been recorded or monitored.

Lu Siyu immediately changed his words: "Mr. Wu, as you said, I was sorting out those old things. Recently, I found a key that seems to be able to open an old house. I want to go and have a look. But I don't know much about this place, do you know that place?"

"Oh, there, I've been there." Wu Qing thought about it for a while, thinking about how to tell Lu Siyu without making others suspicious, he said, "I suspect that this place is not the end of everything, it should be It's the beginning of everything." This is just his suspicion, a little conjecture when he recalls this case, and he hopes it can help Lu Siyu.

Lu Siyu hummed. Trying to figure out the meaning of Wu Qing's words.

"Also, the flower seeds I left for you before, you can try planting them and see what kind of flowers you can get." Wu Qing said, Lu Siyu flipped through the bag, which contained the time when he left school. , a contact information Wu Qing gave him. At that time, he told him that the owner of this number has a lot of information in Nancheng. If there is something difficult to check, you can go and ask.

Hanging up the phone, Wu Qing lowered his head and pushed the wheelchair under him. How similar is Lu Siyu to him when he was young? No, maybe he was smarter, more sensitive, more determined than he was.

Wu Qing turned his head and looked out the window. It was pitch black there. The darkness was everything that he could not overcome with all his struggles, but what he couldn't do, Lu Siyu might be able to do it. .