Criminal Investigation Files

Chapter 56


On the afternoon of the third day of the incident, in the office of the chairman of the Luoxin Nursing Home.

Song Wen looked at the woman in front of him, Bai Luorui, 30 years old, married and widowed, and there happened to be a nursing home in her name.

This Luoxin Nursing Home is completely different from the previous Wushan Nursing Home. The one in front of you is an absolutely high-end and luxurious nursing home, but it is smaller in scale. It is uniformly laid with non-slip floor tiles, the windows are sealed aluminum alloy floor-to-ceiling windows, and even the curtains are automated. Outside the window is a planned garden with a pleasant view.

Now, Song Wen and Fu Linjiang are sitting in the office, and Bai Luorui is sitting opposite them.

Originally, Song Wen wanted to call her to the police station to cooperate with the investigation, but Bureau Gu heard about it and suggested that they go there.

Bai Luorui is a courtesan in Nancheng City. She is very keen to promote the elderly care business and has a good reputation in the upper circle in the city. If she has no evidence and no basis, she will directly pull people over. If it turns out that this case has nothing to do with her , but there will be trouble.

They are just asking each other to cooperate with the investigation now, without actual evidence, it seems that it is more timely to visit.

Gu Bureau made a message, Song Wen could only make this trip.

According to the data, Bai Luorui got married at the age of 24, her husband died at the age of 28, and she had no children. She inherited the two companies and rich assets that her husband left her.

The woman in front of her was well-dressed and smart, with short hair. She was well-maintained, with no fine lines at the corners of her eyes. She wore an emerald-encrusted jewelry on her wrist, and she habitually turned the bracelet when she spoke.

"Zhang Peicai, I don't know this person." Bai Luorui's voice was gentle and pleasant. She thought about it sideways before answering Song Wen. When she spoke, there was a pear nest on one side of her lips.

"But we have surveillance here that he went to luxury stores with you before and bought some things for you." Song Wen continued, he saved photos on his mobile phone, but he preferred to listen to the photos before showing them. Lori admitted it herself.

Bai Luorui frowned slightly: "I've always been surrounded by suitors, but I really can't remember someone with this name."

Song Wen's eyes fell on the shelf behind Bai Luorui and reminded her: "Ms. Bai, your bag seems to be a limited edition of the F family this year." If he remembered correctly, in the video he retrieved earlier , this bag was bought by Zhang Peicai with her.

"Ah, are you talking about him?" Bai Luorui glanced back at the bag that was sitting idle on the shelf, and seemed to have suddenly remembered something, she put her hand on her bangs, "That tall, humorous man? But that one People say that his name is Wang Rui. At first, he said he wanted to interview me, and we only met. After that, he began to pursue me, gave me some things, and invited me to dinner, but later I found out that he actually had a wife... Although my husband died, But I'm still very serious about relationships, and he treats me like this, making me feel like I've been deceived."

Bai Luorui then described the whole process. In the story, she was a woman who was toyed with by a scumbag. When she found out that she had passively become a third party, she quickly cut off the relationship between the two.

"I don't think I've seen him for a month... What's wrong with this man now? What happened?" Bai Luorui asked.

"He's dead." Song Wen said these three words, his eyes fell on Bai Luorui's face, judging her expression.

Bai Luorui's expression was slightly startled, then she gave a soft snort, and then she said again, "I'm sorry to hear this news. Are you here today for this?" Then she lowered her head. Said, "I may not be able to help you. In fact, when I proposed to break up, I wanted to return the things he bought for me, but later, he seemed to disappear from the world, and I couldn't find him. Man, I just learned of his passing today..."

Fu Linjiang said: "Then I have to ask Ms. Bai to tell us the phone number he contacted you at that time and the address where he lived."

"It's right to cooperate with the police." Bai Luorui pulled out her cell phone and gave them a cell phone number, "At that time, he said he was here on a business trip, so he stayed at the Wharton Hotel here. You can specify the details. Ask the service staff over there."

Song Wen copied the information and sent it directly to Zhu Xiao.

Then Fu Linjiang continued to ask: "When you were dating Zhang Peicai, what topics did you talk about?"

Bai Luorui thought about it for a while: "Naturally, it is a topic related to normal lovers, what to eat, what movies to watch, and what hobbies do you have."

Fu Linjiang asked, "I didn't talk about your job? Or his occupation?"

Bai Luorui stroked the hair on her forehead again, which seemed to be her usual behavior: "He seems to be a reporter. Although he said he wanted to interview me, in fact, we didn't communicate much in this regard."

After asking about Zhang Peicai, the two of them had no intention of leaving at all. Song Wen continued to cut into the topic, "Ms. Bai, you have been running this nursing home for three years?"

Bai Luorui nodded: "Yes, when my husband was still alive, he used to run a high-end sanatorium. It was I who persuaded him to turn this club into the most high-end nursing home in Nancheng." He seemed to be more active, and immediately put Zhang Peicai's death behind him, "We currently have 70 beds here, to ensure that every elderly person has an independent single room, and we cooperate with the doctors in the city to regularly give elderly people Physical examination, there are more than 80 nurses here, who can provide one-on-one services to the elderly.”

Song Wen narrowed his eyes slightly: "With such a good environment, there is even a professional swimming pool, gym, library, and recovery room. The price of staying must not be low."

"What? Officer Song is interested in the nursing home?" Bai Luorui's mouth curled into a smile, and the pear vortex was even more obvious.

Song Wendao: "People, there are old people in the family, and there are old days."

Bai Luorui leaned back on the back of the chair, her hand was still turning the ring on her wrist, "Actually, an old man lives here, and it only costs about 10,000 yuan a month for food, lodging and care. It’s about the same as the cost of living for them to take care of them at home. It’s much cheaper here than many people think, and I basically don’t make money here, and I even say that I’m subsidizing it with other earnings.”

"Doing business is all about making money, so what's your business philosophy?" Song Wen frowned slightly, expressing that he didn't quite understand this. All businessmen value profits. He believes that some people will make concessions for the sake of public welfare, but it is difficult to Understand this purely public psychology.

"Do you think my current investment is wasted?" Bai Luorui smiled, "There is more than one person who thinks like you, but I do this for a reason. I am more optimistic about the pension market, our country It is rapidly aging, and with the increasingly serious situation of not getting married, depleting pensions, and having no children, the pension problem in the future will be a big problem. Maybe I am not making money now, but my market share and word-of-mouth management Very valuable in itself.”

She paused for a while and continued, "Secondly, I like to be in contact with the elderly, the elderly are the smartest and wisest, as long as I stay with them, I will feel that time is quiet and I can provide these elderly people with better Service is something that makes me feel happy.”

Song Wen continued to ask: "Let's ask Miss Bai another question. We investigated your company's account before, and we found a situation, irregularly, some 30,000 yuan will be transferred from those household accounts to the company's account. Can we ask about the operating items of these funds?" Zhu Xiao discovered this question before they came, and more importantly, they consulted the list of deceased elderly people in the nursing home, and those families who made large sums of money , as short as a day or two, as long as a week, and soon after, the old man passed away.

Such a situation made the police have to think of a possibility that the money may be related to the death of the old man.

"What?" Bai Luorui's expression changed slightly, obviously becoming wary, "How did Officer Song find out about this? Our company is a legal enterprise, and it has never evaded tax and evaded taxes, and we have also cooperated with all kinds of public security inspections on time. "

"Where, Ms. Bai is serious, we just want to understand the service items of these funds." Song Wen looked directly into Bai Luorui's eyes.

Under his pressure, Bai Luorui took a step back, lowered her head and said, "You know, birth, old age, sickness and death are human nature, although I don't want to mention it, but I have to admit that in our industry, the elderly will be involved. Post-mortem issues. As a professional agency for the client, we are providing follow-up services.”

Bai Luorui put the expense on the white matter, Song Wen snorted and didn't ask any further, but she felt that Bai Luorui's answer was flawed. If it was true as she said, the fee should be paid when the old man died. Time comes, and there is no reason to take money in while people are still alive. Once or twice is a coincidence, and many times it is a bit unpredictable.

And if you think about it, if the 30,000 yuan is to buy a life, it is a little less. This money seems to be more like... a deposit. This money was passed through the company's accounts, indicating that they were reassuring those families. I'm afraid Bai Luorui had already prepared such a statement.

At this point in the conversation, Fu Linjiang asked another question: "Has there been any elder abuse in the nursing home you run?"

If there is a connection between this nursing home and Wushan nursing home now, it is easy for people to think of this. Fu Linjiang's question is very direct. This kind of question will undoubtedly get a negative answer, and no operator will admit his own problem. But in many cases, the police can find out more details and see the truth from the attitude of the other party.

Hearing this, Bai Luorui's face was a little unhappy, "There is absolutely no such thing. The nurses and nurses here have undergone strict assessments before they can take up their posts, and they will also conduct satisfaction surveys on the elderly every month. To say that it is abuse is to have a bad attitude towards the elderly, which is absolutely not allowed here.”

At this point in the conversation, Bai Luorui looked at her watch: "Two police officers, have you finished asking your questions? I wonder if my answer will satisfy you? I have a meeting later... I'm afraid it's time..."

"Then, can we take that bag away? You said just now that you wanted to return the bag to Zhang Peicai?" Song Wen asked tentatively.

Bai Luorui stretched out her hand from the shelf and took the bag down: "please, everyone else is dead, so it's not suitable for me to keep this bag."

Song Wen put on gloves, took the bag and handed it to Fu Linjiang, motioning him to put it in the car later. Fu Linjiang felt that the question had not been fully answered, so he seized the time, raised his head and continued to ask: "Ms. Bai, I want to ask, do you know an institution called Wushan Nursing Home?"

Bai Luorui was stunned for a moment, then answered him, "Didn't this institution close its doors many years ago?"

Fu Linjiang said: "Nothing, just ask casually. So have you heard of the name Xia Weiwei?"

"I don't think anyone in Nancheng hasn't heard of this name, right? Have you caught her?" Bai Luorui raised her eyes and seemed to ask casually.

Song Wen also pretended to inadvertently revealed: "No, we recently reviewed the unsolved cases before, as Nancheng citizens and colleagues, we also want to hear Ms. Bai's views on that matter, if Ms. Bai has clues , can also be provided to us.”

Bai Luorui leaned forward slightly, "She is a scum in our industry. It is precisely because of the existence of such a person that our current work is difficult to advance. I regret that you haven't caught her yet. It seems that such a person should be tried in court."

On their files, Bai Luorui and Xia Weiwei were both working in nursing homes except for the same occupation, and they couldn't see any other connection. Now Bai Luorui is talking about this again... It seems that she hates Xia Weiwei deeply.

In many cases of imitation crime or teaching and abetting, old members will abet, teach, and even control the criminal consciousness and behavior of new members, forming an organized coordination and unity.

Bai Luorui's attitude at this time was not quite like this.

Fu Linjiang said: "Thank you Miss Bai for your answer. We will ask other people here later, and hope to cooperate with our work."

Bai Luorui smiled: "This, if you have time, do it yourself."

Song Wen suddenly remembered something and asked, "Ms. Bai, you are in such a hurry to go to the meeting. Is it related to the Longyue Pension City project in Nancheng?" There are all kinds of propaganda everywhere.

Bai Luorui took out a promotional leaflet from the drawer and handed it to him: "It has something to do with this matter. I have been very busy recently. In a few days, the Longyue Pension City will be officially completed, and the ribbon-cutting ceremony will be held. This The project mainly builds some public welfare facilities for the elderly in Nancheng, builds a modern elderly city, and will live in some elderly care institutions.”

In Nancheng, institutions established for ordinary citizens or children are very common, but activity venues specially built for the elderly are very rare. With the accelerated pace of population aging, this is the direction that Nancheng's government has recently focused on.

Fu Linjiang complimented: "Miss Bai did such a thing at a young age, it's really amazing."

Bai Luorui smiled and said, "I was just fortunate enough to be involved in this project."

Song Wen looked down at the leaflet on the table. It was a large building. As you can see from the picture, it was a big project. When you opened the leaflet, you could see some brief introductions to Longyue Pension City. He flipped through it and put the leaflet in his pocket.

Having said that, Bai Luorui handed Song Wen two more cards and said, "By the way, this is the admission ticket for the event. If you are interested, you can go and have a look."

Song Wen took the two thin tickets, squinted slightly to judge how credible what Bai Luorui said, and was also thinking about what kind of person she was.