Criminal Investigation Files

Chapter 6


Five minutes later, Lu Siyu locked the door and went downstairs to the parking lot. The other two cars had already driven away, and only Song Wen was waiting for him. Seeing him sit in the passenger seat, Song Wen asked, "Why is it taking so long?"

Lu Siyu said in a low voice, "I've been looking for a while..."

"Is the door locked?"

"Well." Lu Siyu lowered his head and pulled the seat belt.

"Where do you live? I'll take you home directly." Song Wen saw that he was not in a good mood, and felt that he was indeed a little harsh on the newcomer, so sending him home should make up for it.

Lu Siyu opened his mouth to report an address and began to lower his head and play with his mobile phone. His eyes looked at the phone, but he was thinking about something else, and he didn't realize that the phone screen had turned black.

Today, Lu Siyu found a detail in the deceased's mobile phone. In the browser's favorites bar, there is an APP marked with a blue circle. Others didn't pay attention, but Lu Siyu happened to know - Blued, that is a Gay dating community platform. He also touched the mobile phone for two minutes, recorded the model and number of the mobile phone, and was taken away by physical evidence. This discovery is hard to say, and Lu Siyu didn't tell anyone. It is estimated that with the investigation, this will be discovered soon.

The sky was already dark, and soon after driving out, it was on the elevated road. On the roads of the city, there were long queues of all kinds of lights. In the morning, there was a traffic jam during the rush hour for work, and now it is a traffic jam during the rush hour after get off work. Urban people are like migratory birds in the city. migrating.

Lu Siyu was stunned for a while, looked out of the car, and looked out the window from this angle, and he could see the landmark building of Nancheng - Nancheng Tower. That is also the first height of Nancheng. In the night sky of the city, the lights on Nancheng Tower are shining brightly.

It seems that since ancient Babylon, human beings have liked to build towers. They always feel that standing tall towers is the closest to the sky and close to the gods. There are many cities in the world where towers are important landmarks. There are countless famous towers, such as the Eiffel Tower, Tokyo Tower, Dubai Tower, Oriental Pearl Tower... These towers have their own characteristics. The tower in Nancheng is no exception. More than 20 years ago, the people of Nancheng, led by wealthy businessmen, spent half the city's financial resources to build this tower. It cost a lot of money and manpower, but it also provided a lot of employment. Opportunity, there is a viewing platform built on the tower, standing on the tower can overlook the whole city.

Once, this tower was the place of hope for people and the pride of Nancheng. Even when people travel, they often meet under the tower.

More than ten years ago, Nancheng underwent a transformation, corporate restructuring, and many people lost their jobs. At that time, the first person to jump from the Nancheng Tower appeared.

For a time, such a move shocked the entire city.

People looked at the tower again, but their eyes changed. Under the general environment at that time, there were even imitators. In a few months, this place even developed into a suicide shrine. In order to change the situation, the Nancheng government had to pay for a repair of the tower, eliminating potential safety hazards.

Later, after experiencing the pain relief, Nancheng developed rapidly, and the Nancheng Tower was no longer alone. Next to it, many high-rise buildings stood up.

Today, this place is the memory of Nancheng people. Only tourists regard this place as a check-in scenic spot, and there is an endless stream of exchanges every day...

In the darkness, lights projected on the Nancheng Tower not far away, illuminating Lu Siyu's dark eyes lit up little by little.

"Looking at the Nancheng Tower?" Song Wen looked at Lu Siyu.

"Yeah." Lu Siyu replied in a low voice.

Song Wendao: "You can go up and have a look when you look back. I haven't been there for a long time. I heard that a new glass plank road has been built on it."

However, Lu Siyu didn't seem to be interested in this proposal. After a few seconds of pause, he responded indifferently: "I'll be free later."

The car turned a corner, Nancheng Tower disappeared from view, Lu Siyu turned his head, Song Wen secretly glanced at him from the perspective mirror. The light from the street lamp slanted down, shining on Lu Siyu's forehead and high nose bridge exposed under his bangs, like a good white porcelain. Looking at it this way, she is even more beautiful. At this time, the beauty blinked. Eyelashes, there is no expression on his face, people can't see what he is thinking.

The car drove a few more kilometers, Song Wen stretched out his index finger and tapped the steering wheel: "You said..." Looking sideways, Lu Siyu fell asleep in the passenger seat. His head was leaning against the car window, and his body was slightly curled up, in an insecure posture, as if all his strength had been exhausted from a full day of investigation. The orange lights in the front row of the car illuminated his profile, imprinting a graceful and slightly sharp arc of the lower jaw, and plated a warm golden light on the bridge of his nose, making him look very clean.

Song Wen forgot what he wanted to say for a while, and reached out to turn off the overhead light.

After driving for a while, the time passed eight o'clock, and the evening rush hour was missed. The whole city became lazy as if it was going to sleep. The car finally stopped at the door of the address Lu Siyu said. Song Wenzheng was hesitating whether he wanted it or not. After waking him up, Lu Siyu moved and woke up by himself. He reached out and rubbed his eyes, realizing that he had arrived, and got out of the car in a daze: "Thank you Song Team."

Song Wen reminded him: "Don't forget to take things."

Lu Siyu looked at the bag behind him and the water cup in his hand: "I brought it all."

"There are also survey records!"

"Understood, it will be handed in tomorrow."

Song Wen then let him go and waved: "See you tomorrow."

Watching Song Wen leave, Lu Siyu's eyes returned to Qingming again, and he was completely drowsy. Instead of walking into the community behind him, he stopped a taxi from scratch, reported another address, and sent a few messages. WeChat, when he was busy, he silently gave out a series of numbers, which was the mobile phone number of the victim Lin Zhenghua.

The search page suddenly popped up several records, all of which were on some dating sites. The people in the photos were difficult to associate with today's broken corpse, but Lu Siyu recognized it at a glance. This is the one on the ID card. people.

Looking at the information, Lu Siyu frowned. The long absence of food made his stomach pain worse, and he couldn't concentrate. He reached out and grabbed the medicine box in his pocket. In the past, the easiest way to solve the problem was to take a pill, but now, the medicine inside is empty. Lu Siyu bit his thumb's nail lightly with his teeth, gnawing it mottled, and suddenly his fingers touched something, which was a piece of candy that Cheng Xiaobing put into him during the day.

Lu Siyu tore open the package and put it in his mouth, with sugar in his mouth, the slight sweetness spread in his mouth, and those restless emotions seemed to be suppressed.

Song Wen followed Chengyang Road all the way to Dr. Zhou's clinic. The clinic was located in a high-end commercial office building. At this time of night, there were still many floors with lights on.

Song Wen parked the police car in the parking lot downstairs, and still walked to the eighth floor of the office building.

The little nurse at the appointment desk had recognized him for a long time, and when she saw Song Wen coming in, she apologized slightly: "Song team, Dr. Zhou is still seeing patients, you can sit here and wait for a while."

Every customer of the psychological clinic has an appointment, so there are not many opportunities to wait. There are several sofa seats beside the clinic, and almost all of them are brand new since the opening.

Song Wen and the little nurse borrowed a pen and paper, sat aside, and habitually drew on the paper.

For him, painting is the best way to pass the time, and he likes it even more than playing with his mobile phone. Whenever he picks up a paintbrush, his heart is calm.

Song Wen thought about today's corpse dismemberment case. Not long after, a face was drawn on the paper. It was the head of the victim found in the refrigerator. His hair was messy, his eyes were closed, and there was a jagged incision under his neck.

There was no clue about the case, so Song Wen practiced casually again. He emptied his mind, rustled the tip of the pen on the paper, eyes, nose, mouth... He drew a jawline with precise lines, followed by the Adam's apple, his brushstrokes He paused on it and fell a little, then Song Wen was stunned, stared at it for a few seconds, and kneaded the piece of paper into a ball.

Subconsciously, he painted Lu Siyu's face.

At this time, Dr. Zhou's patient came out. It was a woman in her fifties, with a slightly fat body and a face that looked blessed. She didn't look like she needed psychological counseling at all, but her expression was revealing. There was a kind of joy, and there were tears of excitement in the corners of his eyes, as if the believers had worshipped the Bodhisattva, and all the sufferings were easily resolved.

Song Wen walked in, Zhou Yining had been waiting there for a long time, he helped his glasses, rummaged through the documents on the side, raised his hand, and handed Lu Siyu's report to him.

Song Wen sat opposite Zhou Yining. It was a standard patient seat. The position was comfortable and suitable for conversations. It was 3cm lower than Zhou Yining's seat. Just 3cm created a subtle difference between the patient and the doctor. emotion.

Song Wen took over the report and looked at it. He had seen many such reports. The higher the score, the higher the safety. Lu Siyu's grades are not top-notch, but they are also above-average. Song Wen was a little puzzled: "The grades are good, you can let others come over, why do you want me to go alone."

Zhou Yining rubbed his eyebrows tiredly. He received six patients today, and he was overloaded with digesting those negative emotions: "What it looks like on the surface is not necessarily true." Then he explained, "Psychologically. The subject setting of the study has a certain direction, and if you know enough about those tests, you can present the appearance you want others to see.”

Song Wen asked: "So, you mean that kid has memorized the question?" This set of questions is drawn from the question bank, which is not considered a secret. As long as you have some understanding of this system, you can find the questions and understand the rules of judgment.

Zhou Yining shook his head, answering the question: "Have you noticed that this newcomer's reaction is a little slow and lacks emotional changes."

Song Wen nodded. In today's communication, he also discovered these characteristics of Lu Siyu, but he didn't study psychology after all, and he didn't know what these represented.

Zhou Yining explained: "In the conversation with him after the exam, I felt some subtle performance, at first I thought that it was because he was trying to predict my problem, this kind of behavior is among some smart people. , It can often be seen that they are prepared for psychiatrists, thinking that after memorizing the book, the questions they answer are foolproof. But often those people are not professional enough, so there will be loopholes in the answers, and observing those loopholes is also a kind of information I get. Way..." At the beginning, he only regarded Lu Siyu as a research object. He was a bystander, an evaluator, and always came into contact with all kinds of people. He thought that Lu Siyu was just one of them.

"After the conversation, I came to the conclusion that he had some emotional indifference, which showed a lack of emotional response and slowness. Even though his inner emotions were rich, he rarely showed them. He would maintain an attitude of distrust and dissatisfaction with the outside world. Get close to people. This is not a big deal. As those of us who study psychology, many people have large and small psychological problems. A person who has no problems at all seems to be living in a vacuum environment. , it is almost impossible, as long as it does not affect daily work and life, these small faults are harmless, so I passed his evaluation."

At this point, Zhou Yining paused for a while, and then said: "But when I reviewed this conversation, I found that I may have made a wrong judgment..." When he said this, he pursed his lips slightly , touching his hands together, this is a subtle gesture that he is unwilling to admit and accept, his eyes flicker, he hesitates to speak...

"Doctor Zhou, you are our psychologist in Nancheng." Song Wen's first reaction was disbelief. He felt that this should be a joke made by Zhou Yining. Those who study psychology are a little crazy and like to throw out all kinds of things. Topic, testing people's psychology, Dr. Zhou has done this to him before. On this day, after getting along with Lu Siyu, Song Wen admitted that even if Lu Siyu was a little strange, it was only strange. There may be certain qualities about him, but it's definitely not that serious.

Zhou Yining looked at Song Wen with a serious expression, not joking at all. He closed his eyes, put down his glasses and continued, "... That is, there is a possibility that I was induced and implied by various The superficial phenomenon is confusing, I haven't found any more substance, and I haven't touched his heart."

Song Wen frowned slightly, being able to induce and hint at a senior psychiatrist, he naturally knew what it meant.

He suddenly remembered his own painting just now. The techniques of painting the dead and the living are not exactly the same. The dead are lifeless, and the time of life has long been fixed at the moment of death. And living people always have emotions, whether they are evil, angry, friendly, humble...

But the portrait of Lu Siyu he drew just now had no emotion at all. Perhaps, the feeling at that time was right, and before he could see through that person, his brush was revealed.