Criminal Investigation Files

Chapter 60


At 1 pm on the fourth day of the incident, the Wharton Hotel in South City.

Lu Siyu's car was parked in the parking lot of the Wharton Hotel. With the identity information that Zhang Peicai used before his death, it was much easier to find his whereabouts. Before disappearing, Zhang Peicai lived in the Wharton Hotel for a period of time. Wharton is an old-fashioned hotel in South City. The transportation here is convenient, and it is a quasi-five-star configuration.

Lu Siyu got out of the car and walked all the way to the lobby of the Wharton Hotel. As soon as he walked in, he was keenly aware that the atmosphere of the hotel was different. Lu Siyu did not go to the front desk to ask, but walked directly through the hall. There were two plainclothes standing at the corner of the elevator. Lu Siyu had seen it in the police station before, and he looked familiar. Here it is.

Lu Siyu kept walking without any pause when he reached the two plainclothes. The two plainclothes did not know him and thought he was a guest in the hotel, so Lu Siyu got on the elevator and glanced at the layout of the entire hotel. , He clicked the button of the restaurant on the third floor, and after walking there, he went down the escalator next to the restaurant, walked around and left the hotel.

After coming out of the hotel, Lu Siyu returned to the car, biting his nails to sort out his thoughts.

Xia's unknown situation, he reasoned almost here, this happened eighteen years ago, like a mirage in the air. Right now, it is Zhang Peicai's death who can obtain more information. Although he died strangely, there must be traces to be found.

One of them is that Lu Siyu has always been quite concerned. If the murderer really has something to do with Xia Weiwei, why would he choose this method of killing

Torture to kill is not a very immediate method. It has a long cycle, a low success rate, a high risk, and even a certain degree of reversibility. If the deceased seeks medical treatment in time, he may not necessarily die. Therefore, in this case, the deceased needs to be controlled or even imprisoned. The death of the deceased is a long process and suffers a lot of pain.

If the murderer is someone who is familiar with Xia Weiwei, he must know many ways of killing people and has skilled killing skills, but he chose such a one. In this case, the purpose is not simple killing, but like interrogation. , tortured.

Combined with Zhang Peicai's identity, there is only one possibility. The murderer always wanted the victim to confess something, and finally killed him to silence him...

The deceased may have revealed something, or it may have said nothing.

The last time Zhang Peicai appeared in the hotel was half a month ago, but his body was found in the wasteland. What happened during this period of time

Lu Siyu thought for a moment, took out his mobile phone and clicked on a nearby car dealership. If Zhang Peicai was using his fake identity to conduct some investigations, he would definitely need a means of transportation. He couldn't drive his own car. Will rent a car.

Online car rental will leave a lot of information. The more secure way should be to choose a nearby car dealership. Thinking of this, Lu Siyu started the car and drove all the way to several nearby car rental dealers. He was lucky. When asked At the second home, the service staff retrieved a series of car rental records according to the information he provided.

According to reports, Zhang Peicai often rented an Audi here before he disappeared. The salesperson who received him was also there, and Lu Siyu shook his credentials and said, "I want to take down his route map while using the vehicle."

The cars of the rental car dealerships are secretly equipped with GPS location monitoring in the car for the purpose of controllability of the vehicle and convenient recycling. When the car is returned, the information will still be stored in the car dealership for a period of time. This is an unspoken rule in this industry.

The little girl checked it for him, copied the information to the laptop that Lu Siyu was carrying, and opened it through the software, and Zhang Peicai's travel route appeared on it.

At first, the information was relatively scattered and irregular. The places he visited included the city library, Luoxin Nursing Home, etc. However, a few days before he disappeared, after the car drove out, he went around a large area in Nancheng. The circle was returned only in the evening. The next day, he simply parked the car nearby for the whole day.

Lu Siyu frowned. He superimposed his route on the map of Nancheng. In the area where Zhang Peicai was detoured, the map was a gray building with a few words written on it: "Wushan Nursing Home".

Zhang Peicai's death was indeed related to the Wushan Nursing Home.

Zhang Peicai had been to this area before. According to the road map, he has entered the Wushan Nursing Home more than once. What else is there? As an extremely sensitive reporter, he must have discovered something.

Lu Siyu pursed his lips slightly. It seemed that this place could not be bypassed. No matter what the situation was, he had to go there in person.

On the afternoon of the fourth day of the incident, in the Nancheng Bureau, Song Wenzheng was listening to a report from his subordinates.

"Song team, we have interrogated the family members of other deceased elderly people. No one is willing to disclose what Bai Luorui said to them, and no one has a reasonable explanation for the payment. They all insist that their relatives died of natural causes..."

"We thoroughly checked the hotel where Zhang Peicai lived before. He used a false information to check in and booked a room for two months, but he didn't come to live in the last half month. The room expired three days ago, and the hotel was closed. Except for some clothing, nothing special was found... Now everything has been collected in the evidence room."

At this point in the case, they seem to have been spinning in place, the truth seems to be close at hand, but they can't find the key to open everything.

Fu Linjiang comforted Song Wendao: "By the way, it's not all good news. The factory of Wang Qichao that we reported earlier has been closed down again. This can be regarded as a benefit to the masses."

Song Wen snorted, and when he opened his phone, local news popped up. There were also a few pictures on the news. It was a picture of the equipment in Wang Qichao's factory being seized. At least let him stop work for a longer time." Suddenly, Song Wen's hand stopped, his eyes locked on a bag placed in the corner of the processing factory.

The bag was a kind of black bag. At this time, some things were installed and the bag was propped up, probably to be able to put more takeaway bags, so the bag body was very large. Song Wen hurriedly called out the photo of Zhang Peicai's body when he was found. There still seems to be a slight difference between the two bags, but this reminded Song Wen.

Huge black bag... that bag might be for takeout!

Song Wen hurriedly called Lao Jia over: "Lao Jia, did you make any progress in investigating the source of that kind of bag?"

Lao Jia scratched his head: "We checked some nearby wholesale markets, and we haven't found anything exactly the same."

Song Wendao: "Look for that kind of distribution channel dedicated to catering. I suspect that this kind of bag is used for bulk takeout delivery."

Lao Jia nodded: "Okay, I'll check it right away."

Finally got some clues, Song Wen's mood improved. He looked at his phone, it was almost five o'clock in the afternoon.

In the past few days, there has been no news of Lu Siyu, and Song Wen was suddenly a little discouraged. This kid is really, if he doesn't contact him, he will not take the initiative to contact him.

On second thought, Lu Siyu was born cold to people, and looked like he was allergic to a living person. Song Wen was relieved again, and decided to be a good leader who took the initiative to care about his subordinates. He picked up the phone and dialed Lu Siyu's cell phone.

The phone rang for a long time, and the phone was answered on the other side. Lu Siyu seemed to be walking and gave a low feed. The signal was not very good, and there was a little squeak noise.

As soon as Song Wen heard the ambient sound, he knew that Lu Siyu was outside, and he frowned: "You're not resting at home, where did you go?"

"Captain Song, are you Zhagang?" Lu Siyu said, "I still have some personal freedom during my passive vacation, right? What are you looking for from me?" with some noise.

"Just tomorrow, Monday is the time I told you last time. I've been busy lately. You'd better make an appointment with me before you come." Song Wen really has nothing to do. Calling this phone is just too much missing, nothing to do.

On the other side of the phone, Lu Siyu snorted, and the response was a little calm, "Song team, are you finally willing to help me approve the application for reinstatement?"

"When you arrive to see your performance, you go back early and don't wander outside." After Song Wen said this, he was about to say hang up, but Lu Siyu hesitated for a while, and then said: "Don't go hang."

Across the receiver, Song Wen felt that his breathing was a little short, and his heart suddenly twitched, with a bad premonition, "I said, where are you now? You won't... Are you still dealing with this case?" When they met, he found that Lu Siyu was secretly investigating the case, and the little fox seemed to completely ignore his words.

"I'm" The mobile phone signal suddenly deteriorated, Lu Siyu's words came intermittently, Song Wen hello twice, and a strange voice suddenly came from the phone, as if there was something serious The object suddenly fell to the ground, the glass shattered, and the phone was hung up.

Song Wen dialed the phone again and transferred it to the voicemail. His lips pursed, where would Lu Siyu be at this time? He recalled the somewhat strange ambient sound again...

Song Wen suddenly remembered something. He frowned and returned to his seat. He turned on the computer and plugged in the headphones. Then he opened the video of the adventures of the teenagers going to the Wushan Nursing Home, and adjusted the video to the middle. , he heard the same click as Lu Siyu heard on the phone...

Song Wen took the time to put the gun and handcuffs on, holding the car key in his hand, and then said to Fu Linjiang, "Look over here first, and I'll go out for a while."

Fu Linjiang saw that Song Wen's face was a little bad and he was in a hurry, he snorted and asked him, "Where are you going?"

"You call me at seven o'clock in the evening. If I don't answer, you can find me near where my police car is located." Song Wen thought about it and added, "Bring the whole team with you."

Song Wen got in the car and called Lu Siyu again, but no one answered. He took the earphones off his ears, grabbed the steering wheel with both hands, and drove straight to the Wushan Nursing Home. Bureau Gu said before that he should join the case carefully, and not to frighten the snake, so they have not gone to the Wushan Nursing Home to conduct on-the-spot investigation, but now, if Lu Siyu is in danger there... it is another matter.

At this time, it was almost the evening rush hour after get off work, Song Wen didn't set off the alarm bell, took a shortcut, and passed by swiftly. Arriving near the Wushan Nursing Home, Song Wen braked the car and stopped the car not far away. He called Lu Siyu again, but the result was the same. He transferred it to the voicemail. He calmed down and got out of the car, holding a gun in one hand. , passed through a field of grass that was half a person high.

Those grasses were rubbed by Song Wen's clothes, making a rustling sound.

It was already past five in the afternoon, and it was summer now. At this time, the sky was about to turn dark, but the sun was not so bright. It was probably because of entering the factory area, and there was a misty air in the sky Ash, the air also has a bit of a choking smell.

Few people have come here for many years, and the place has become a ruin. The gray buildings stand quietly in front of us. The paint on the walls has long since fallen off, and the windows on each floor are missing.

Song Wen raised his head and looked around, if this place appeared in the end-of-the-world movies, there would be no sense of disobedience at all.

It is hard to imagine that this place was very prosperous more than ten years ago, and it was somewhat ironically called the ideal home for the elderly in Nancheng.

Song Wen just turned over the information today, and still remember the location distribution here. The building on the left is the staff rest area and dormitory, and the building on the right is the residential area for the elderly. From the first floor to the third floor, it is divided into different areas. The high-rise building is the canteen and the activity area. The thing that was most involved with Xia’s unknown back then was a small building on the side. This was the critically ill patient area, and it was also the place where the police stationed and investigated.

After thinking about it for a while, Song Wen went directly to the small building. As expected, there were some footprints and traces at the door. He entered through the side door, and a thick layer of ash fell in the corridor, and there was an old smell everywhere. His own heartbeat could only hear the sound of footsteps stepping on broken glass. Some house doors can still see the seals posted by the police back then, but as time passes, the seals have long been worn out. It seems to shatter when touched by hand.

Song Wen doesn't believe in ghosts, but this place has been abandoned for so many years, with broken glass and dust everywhere, it's still a little scary to walk in it alone. He held a gun in one hand, and listened to the movement at all times. After walking a short distance, he came to a corner, and a beam of light came in from the broken window outside, casting a few fresh footprints on the ground.

Song Wen squatted down, and his eyes fell on the footprints. The size, pattern, and traces were all correct. One of the footprints might have been left by Lu Siyu. The boy really came here one step ahead of him!