Criminal Investigation Files

Chapter 61


On the fourth day of the incident, Wushan Nursing Home at 5 o'clock in the afternoon. Now is the gap period when the train passes, the air is as quiet as it is about to condense, and the gray buildings look like a dead city in the setting sun. Inside the abandoned building, there is a blue-yellow area, and you can vaguely see traces of someone living there.

Song Wen stood up, and he felt a little more at ease. As long as he found the footprints, he could conclude that Lu Siyu was nearby. But then he was a little worried. In addition to Lu Siyu's footprints, there were some messy footprints on the ground, and these footprints were freshly left. He walked forward in the direction of those footprints, and came to a corner, and the footprints went underground.

Song Wen hesitated for a moment, his forehead was sweating, it was the basement.

Since the age of seven, Song Wen has been disgusted by the dark underground and those claustrophobic small rooms. He should have the so-called claustrophobia. Whenever he is in such an environment, his body is out of his control, breathing The heartbeat will speed up inexplicably. The blood seems to be flowing backwards, and the body gradually becomes cold. He is not afraid of these, but it is an instinctive fear from the body, which is completely out of the control of the brain and thinking.

But now... Lu Siyu may be below.

Standing at the door of the basement passage for a while, Song Wencai settled his mind, and his concerns overcame his fears. He walked down carefully step by step, and when he stood at the bottom, the light behind him was gradually engulfed by darkness. Wen looked at his cell phone, and just now there were four bars of signal turned into one bar.

In the distance, as if there was a train passing by, there was a rumbling roar, and the ground was shaking. The sound was exactly the same as what he heard on the phone just now. Maybe at that time, Lu Siyu was a phone call nearby.

Song Wen tried to adjust his breathing, the darkness made him uncomfortable, but standing here, he became more and more sure that he was getting closer and closer to Lu Siyu, his heartbeat was uncontrollably, and the time overlapped, he remembered himself again In the basement that he met when he was a child, sweat involuntarily poured out from his forehead, Song Wen pursed his lips, trying to focus his attention.

In the darkness, there was suddenly a slight noise, like the sound of clothes rubbing against each other. Song Wen couldn't see the situation clearly and called out tentatively, "Lu Siyu?!"

He didn't wait for Lu Siyu's answer, but suddenly he felt a gust of wind coming. In the darkness, a shadow flashed and launched an attack.

There are no ghosts here, but there are people!

Song Wen just came down, and he suffered from the loss of not getting used to the darkness here. He was afraid of hurting Lu Siyu, so he didn't dare to shoot. At this time, it was all based on the natural reaction of the body. One turned sideways to avoid the punching fist. When the two turned sideways, Song Wen saw that this person was half a head shorter than himself, and his physical strength was not dominant.

In the darkness, Song Wen raised his knees and slammed into the man's abdomen, then grabbed the man's wrist and twisted it skillfully, the man groaned. Song Wen pressed him against the wall beside him, and reached out to take out the handcuffs: "Who are you? What's your name? Why are you here?"

His handcuffs hadn't been taken out yet, and there was another wind blowing behind him. It turns out that this man has a helper.

Song Wen listened to the wind in the back of his head, as if a heavy object was coming, he hurriedly blocked it with his hand, and a wooden stick that hit the back of Song Wen's head hit his arm. The thick stick body broke with a bang. Song Wen reluctantly stretched out his other hand and grabbed the half stick and pulled it forward. When the man lost his balance, his feet retreated halfway. Step, get up and kick.

This kick hit the man's chest, and the man in darkness snorted, took the opportunity to withdraw into a room next to him, and closed the door. The person who was captured by Song Wen before was like a swimming fish, and he was short and didn't know where to go.

Song Wen slowly withdrew his hand, stared at the darkness, and let out a long breath. In the darkness, his combat power was reduced by at least 50%. He hates this kind of environment, he doesn't dare to relax his vigilance, and he doesn't dare to chase after him rashly. He doesn't know how many people there are, and the terrain here is complicated. He is not familiar with the environment here. language.

Everything fell into darkness again, and Song Wen slowly adapted to the environment. He continued to walk in for a while, and suddenly, a fighting sound came from one of the rooms inside.

Song Wen hurried to the door of the room, and by the light of his mobile phone, he saw that Lu Siyu was fighting with a man in black. Lu Siyu still has the upper hand, but the man is obviously more familiar with the environment here. The man in black stretched out his hand and pushed, and a rotten iron frame more than two meters high fell down...

Be careful!

Song Wen didn't have time to think about it, so he rushed over and threw Lu Siyu to the ground.

With a bang, the copper and iron shelf hit Song Wen's shoulders and forehead. At that moment, Song Wen only felt a pain in his head, and the whole person almost fainted.

Then there was a click behind him, and the door was closed by the man in black.

When Lu Siyu heard Song Wen's voice just now, he knew that Song Wen was here, but he was fighting with the man in black and had no time to distract himself. The man in black was already injured. , but did not notice that the man pushed the iron frame.

Lu Siyu didn't think that Song Wen actually appeared in front of him at the crucial moment.

The shelf was not light. Lu Siyu was heavily pressed to the ground by one person. He only felt that his back was heavily connected to the ground, and all the air in his internal organs was pressed out. Fortunately, Song Wen helped him block it. was smashed. The next second, Lu Siyu suddenly smelled a bloody smell, and then he touched something hot in the dark. His heartbeat skipped a beat, and he pushed Song Wen, who was pressing on him, but the man didn't move. verb: move.

Lu Siyu's eyes suddenly heated up, hugging Song Wen and trying to struggle to get up to check his injury. He reached out to touch his breath, but the more he panicked, the less he could detect it. In the darkness, a huge fear suddenly rose up and surrounded him, "Song team, Song Wen!..."

Song Wen's head was smashed by the shelf. He really felt what it means to see gold stars. For a short time, he felt that the world was turning, and there were all kinds of strange sounds in his ears. He seemed to lose consciousness, but he seemed to be still awake. After a few seconds, his tinnitus gradually subsided, and there was a smell of rust in his mouth. Then he heard Lu Siyu calling from below him: "Song Wen! How are you..."

Song Wencai realized what the situation is now. He grabbed Lu Siyu's hand and said, "Don't touch it, you are... indecent... "

Only then did Lu Siyu regain some composure, holding Song Wen's hand no longer, Song Wen rested for a while, struggled to get up, and the two pushed the shelf away together, the heavy object fell to the ground with a thud, hitting the ground. There was dust all over the place. Song Wen got up from Lu Siyu, covered his forehead with one hand, turned on his phone and said, "It's okay, I can't die, at most a concussion."

He was not seriously injured, nor was it light, and he had a severe headache. This dark little room in front of him was so annoying.

For a moment, Song Wen felt that he was about to faint, and then he forced himself to look at his mobile phone. Now, there was no signal left.

"Captain Song, are you... Really okay?" Lu Siyu on the side was talking, and he stretched out a hand, as if he wanted to verify whether the person in front of him was alive. His finger accidentally touched Song Wen's wound. That piece of blood was blurred, and Song Wen didn't take precautions. He pressed him on the sore spot all of a sudden, the blue veins on his forehead jumped, and he squatted down while covering the wound, "It hurts, little white-eyed wolf, I didn't suffer for you. hurt?!"

Lu Siyu felt that Song Wen's blood was hot, so he withdrew his hand, squatted down, lowered his head and hurriedly said, "I'm sorry... Team Song... I... I really didn't mean it."

The pain of the wound surpassed the fear of darkness, Song Wen stroked the wall and sat down: "Can you go and see if the door can be opened?" Now that he calmed down, he found that this was a room of about twenty square meters, and it was empty inside. Only a few rows of iron shelves were placed against the wall.

Lu Siyu just woke up like a dream. He went over and looked at it. It was a heavy iron door, and the door was locked outside, so he couldn't open it from the inside at all. He tried to push it, but the iron door didn't move. Si Yu shook his head and said, "It doesn't seem to work..."

Lu Siyu circled around the house and confirmed that there was no other way out, and then returned to Song Wen's side: "We are trapped here..."

Song Wen raised his head, and by the light of his mobile phone, he saw the indescribable embarrassment on Lu Siyu's white face, stained with dust, and the blood he had just dripped on it, just like a little cat , and, moreover, there were tears on his cheeks.

"Damn it, you're not crying, are you?" Song Wen was startled and reached out to wipe his cheek. Before, Lu Siyu had a stomachache so much that he vomited blood and didn't shed a single tear. Why is he crying now? Song Wen couldn't believe that the tears were related to him, but he didn't know how to explain it.

Lu Siyu didn't give him a chance, he dodged gently, then wiped his face with his expensive sleeve, he regained his composure at this time, took a pack of tissues from his pocket, and helped Song Wen to press it carefully On the wound, he asked Song Wen, "The phone was out of service before, how did you know I was here?"

Song Wen's head still hurts a little bit, leaning against the wall to rationalize his thoughts, distracted: "From the beginning of this case, you have been very interested in the case. I was on the phone just now, there was a high-speed rail passing through, I just checked it before. I watched the related videos of Wushan Nursing Home and heard similar ambient sounds." He paused and made a conclusion, "I came here by intuition."

This time, in the same case, two people started from different directions, and in the end, they reached the same goal.

Song Wen sighed and said, "I didn't dare to confirm it at first, so I thought I'd come and have a look. If I don't find it, forget it. I didn't expect to find it. What about you, why did you come?"

This time, Lu Siyu did not shy away from the fact that he was investigating this case, and said, "I followed Zhang Peicai's driving record. When I was on the phone with you, I had just come in and was walking alone when I suddenly encountered a When the attack came, I fought with that person for a while, but later, a few more people came..."

When Song Wen came, the last two people had just arrived. These people were obviously not special killers, but they were all young men with a large number of people, so he would definitely suffer.

Thinking of this, Lu Siyu lowered his head, blinked and whispered, "Song team, thank you."

Song Wen looked up at him. Using the light of the mobile phone, Lu Siyu's face was pale, but because he had just cried, the tip of his nose and the corners of his eyes were red, and he looked like he was being bullied. Song Wen pretended to be angry: "You Do you still know how to spell the word "dangerous"?"

Lu Siyu avoided Song Wen's gaze and said, "Because I haven't been reinstated yet, I'm afraid you'll be angry, so I want to come over and have a look first."

Song Wen continued to pretend to be angry, and sneered: "Come here to have a look first? Alone, risking yourself? Your courage is really getting bigger and bigger."

Knowing that what he did was wrong this time, Lu Siyu obediently said, "I felt something was wrong on the phone, and wanted to report to you, but then there was no signal..."

Song Wen snorted, "Then I took the initiative to fight! For someone like you who is unorganized and undisciplined, you should be fine..." As he spoke, the blood on his forehead tended to flow down again.

Lu Siyu said: "Don't move." The bleeding couldn't stop, he simply tore off a corner of his clothes, then knelt on the ground, wrapped Song Wen's neck with one hand, and pressed the other hand With Song Wen's wound.

"...Educate..." Song Wen felt that he was approaching suddenly, and his words suddenly lost confidence. He raised his eyes and looked at Lu Siyu. Under the little light, Lu Siyu's complexion was as white as transparent. He was hugged by the beauty, his heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and he forgot what he was going to say later. .