Criminal Investigation Files

Chapter 63


When I got outside, it was finally no longer frighteningly cold.

In the basement before, Lu Siyu's psychological discomfort had long surpassed the physical abnormality. Once he got outside, he took a deep breath of air and calmed down.

It was getting dark late in the summer, it was dusk, and the surroundings had begun to darken. The thick smoke from the factory next door made the sky look opaque, and the whole world was covered in semi-darkness. . With the arrival of the police, it is no longer quiet here. The sound of footsteps and the barking of police dogs tore the silence.

The sense of unreality disappeared, and this world was like a different world that had risen from the ground, and was once again visited by people.

Lu Siyu watched people come and go, and his body temperature gradually warmed up. He ate a few biscuits that Fu Linjiang turned out of the car, drank some warm water, and wiped the blood on his hands with a tissue dipped in water. He sat on the steps wearing a coat that Fu Linjiang had pulled out of the police car.

The yard was full of busy police officers, as well as a few assistant police officers who helped block the scene. Lu Siyu just watched them busy, Junxiu's face was expressionless, as if he was not the one who was panicking just now.

Song Wen wrapped the wound on his head, and briefly talked with Fu Linjiang about his coming here. He slightly changed the version and only said that Lu Siyu was called by him.

Fu Linjiang brought enough people to block off the entire Wushan Nursing Home. There were also some police dogs looking for suspicious things. They did find some cameras here. Those mysterious people evacuated first, leaving only some messy footprints in the backyard.

After everything was arranged, Song Wen walked back. He saw Lu Siyu sitting on the steps of the door. Under the setting sun, his figure looked thinner and thinner.

Lu Siyu Qingjun's face was expressionless, with his head lowered and his chin pointed, a bit like a child waiting for an adult to come home, but it made people feel that he couldn't wait for the person he wanted to wait for.

Song Wen hurriedly took a few steps and came to Lu Siyu's side.

Lu Siyu's face was still white, his eyes were absent-minded, he didn't know what he was thinking, but he gave people a feeling that he couldn't eat the fireworks in the world. The whole person was like a glass of clear water, very clean. Song Wen reached out and rubbed his hair: "Just come back to work tomorrow and make up for it later."

Only then did Lu Siyu come back to his senses. He blinked his eyes and raised his head to ask, "What? Stop my job?"

Song Wen sighed and explained, "Anyway, you're just messing around on your own. Instead of that, it's better to be where I can see you."

"And..." Song Wen squatted down and looked directly into his eyes, "I need you."

He needs him.

Song Wen must admit that the presence of Lu Siyu will be of great help to the detection of the case. Now that this case has been confirmed and the case of 18 years ago can be combined, the pressure on their team will not be small for such a big thing. With Lu Siyu there, they can get closer to the answer faster.

Lu Siyu originally felt that he was still very cold, and all kinds of feelings were not very real, but this sentence brought him to reality. It was as if a warm current gushed out from the heart, warming his body: "Then go back to Dr. Zhou..."

Song Wendao: "I will accompany you."

Lu Siyu lowered his head and was silent for a moment, then said, "Song team, I want to see where Xia Wei lived."

Since we have already arrived here, it would be a pity not to visit.

Zhang Peicai had been here more than once before the accident. Those mysterious people had surveillance here, so there must be secrets here.

Under the setting sun, everything seemed to be dyed with a rich blood color, and even the sky looked like a piece of fine red jade. When there was no train passing by, it was like an old land that was sealed by a spell. When passing through those buildings, all I could hear was my own footsteps and the occasional barking of a police dog.

In Room 307 of the staff dormitory, where Xia Wei lived, Song Wen had seen pictures of this room more than once on that file. When he arrived at the door of the room, Song Wen checked it out and let Lu Siyu in after confirming that it was safe.

In front of me is a small one-bedroom room with mottled walls. The layout of the room is in the style that was popular 20 years ago. Now it looks a little old-fashioned. There is a bed at one end of the room, and a bookshelf and a desk at the other. and chairs. Now the sun was setting, and the orange-red sunlight came in from the window outside, drawing long bloody shadows over everything.

There was a box of candy on the corner of the table, which had already been air-dried, and the water glass was full of dust. There are rubber bands for women, small black hairpins, some simple daily necessities, nail clippers, makeup mirrors, and a few strands of hair on a wooden comb. Once, Xia Weiwei was sitting at this table. , lying on this bed, thinking of those cruel things in her heart, and implementing them one by one.

There is a wardrobe beside the bed, and there are several clothes left in it, all of which are women's clothes, and it can be seen that the owner is graceful.

Lu Siyu's eyes fell on the table, and there were some scratches on it, which were engraved on it by long fingernails. From top to bottom, from old to new. He searched the house carefully, and found that there was no trace of the existence of a man...

Song Wen's eyes fell on those bookshelves, and his fingers swiped over the books. These books have been searched by the police more than once, and they are still here. There must be no clues, but he Seeing those books, he couldn't help but check them out. He wanted to get closer to Xia's unknown logic. In addition to some nursing and professional-related books, there were also some books in the field of psychology. remnants.

Lu Siyu wiped the ashes on the table with a tissue, and then leaned on the table: "Song team, do you think people like Xia Weiwei, this kind of monster, are born or acquired?"

Congenital murder or acquired sin, this topic has been debated for a long time since ancient times.

Especially when they meet those children who started to kill brutally when they were a few years old or in their teens, the cruelty they revealed was enough to make adults tremble.

Song Wen thought of these arguments in criminal psychology, and he said: "I don't agree with both views, I only know that even if someone is driven to a desperate situation by the acquired environment, they will not do anything to hurt others. And some cruelty has nothing to do with age." After talking here, Song Wen turned to look at Lu Siyu, "Do you think there is a truly perfect murder in this world?"

Lu Siyu said softly: "I think the real trouble is not killing people, but making the traces on the body disappear."

Song Wen continued to ask him, "Then what do you think is the most unmarked way?"

With the advancement of criminal investigation technology, it is becoming more and more difficult to kill people without leaving a trace. Physical evidence, witnesses, surveillance, footprints, fingerprints, bloodstains, these things that could not determine the identity of a suspect in the past have now been used in daily life. in the investigation. Song Wen is a little fortunate that he lives in such an era, not the past with backward technology. With the gradual upgrading of technical means, more murderers have nowhere to hide.

Lu Siyu pondered for a while, the sunset outside the window reflected on his pale and handsome face, and his eyes were as quiet as amber, bottomless: "I know there is a sea area, the waves are big, the rocks below it, and the night is dark. When I look down, it is pitch black, like a whirlpool. People are thrown into the sea from there, and the corpses will never come up again. No one is alive, no one is dead. In our country, there are also many sparsely populated In the deep mountains and old forests, those underground, maybe there are bones."

Lu Siyu sighed softly as he spoke, and turned his eyes to the window: "It's not too difficult to make a person disappear. This kind of disappearance case is much more difficult to investigate than a murder case. There are corpses in murder cases. Yes, there are clues to follow, but if people don't know where they went, many clues cannot be traced, ten days, one month, half a year, the missing person will soon be forgotten by other people and the world. No one will go to him, and no one will find him."

The earth is too big, and there are always some horns that people can't find. Whether it's buried deep underground, in a remote well, or in the deep sea that humans can't reach, it's like a dark trap. swallow it in.

I tried my best, but couldn't find it.

Lu Siyu's voice was soft, but what he said was extremely cruel. Song Wen put down a copy of "Nursing of Common Diseases of the Elderly" and thought about it: "I understand what you mean, because it is a disappearance, and no substance has been found. The corpse, family members, and the police are always lucky. There are too many possibilities for missing incidents. Many times, those unsolved cases are lost to persistence and time. "

Nancheng police have also been in contact with some missing cases. They have a thick stack of missing persons files. Only the police know that the number of missing persons in China is actually a huge number. , Most of these people are dead, dead in a corner of the earth that their relatives do not know.

Just like the current Xia unknown, they can't confirm whether she is alive or dead, and where she is.

The two were quiet for a while, Song Wen continued to rummage through the things in the room, Lu Siyu bit the nails of his fingers, and he muttered to himself what Wu Qing told him before, "It's not the end of everything, it's the beginning of everything... So, what's the beginning?"

Song Wen listened to him repeating this sentence, stunned for a moment, and stopped the movement in his hand: "What does this sentence mean? The beginning? How can the events of 18 years ago be the beginning of the current events?" Then he Looking down at the book "How to Judge Early Alzheimer's Disease" in his hand, "The client at that time was either old or dead."

For the elderly who are dying, they don't have many years to live. When many people live in this nursing home, they have no intention of going out.

When Song Wen said this sentence, it was unintentional, but he suddenly clicked on Lu Siyu. He stopped biting his hand and raised his head, "I understand, it's a child!"

Eighteen years, for the elderly, it is death, but for the children, it is precisely the ability to grow up, Xia Weizhi's method of killing has been evolved and inherited, the elderly can't do it, but the children can do it! As long as you can span a long enough time, you can start reincarnation and cycle.

Eighteen years later, the child grows up and becomes a new beginning, like a reincarnation.

Song Wen was stunned for a moment, frowned slightly, and turned to look at Lu Siyu: "But according to the police records, Xia unknown has no children."

It was the turn of day and night now, and the last sunlight became more and more red. The light hit Lu Siyu's face through the window, dyeing his pale skin a layer of blood. He blinked his eyes and said softly: "Sometimes there is no record, and things may exist." Then he couldn't help but follow this line of thinking.

"Before, when I was reviewing Xia Weiwei's life, there were always some important links missing, and some things didn't make sense, but if this assumption holds true, everything made sense. Xia Weiwei was forced to have sex with men during school. There was a relationship, and she gave birth to a child because of this unexpected pregnancy. Because of these things, she could not be assigned to the hospital, she did not recognize the child, and did not bring it home, so she was raised in this nursing home. "

Lu Siyu closed his eyes for a moment, then opened his eyes to look at this blood-colored room, as if he had constructed a picture of mother and child or mother and daughter living together in his mind. He continued to reason softly. To be precise, it was no longer reasoning, but brainstorming, conceiving all possibilities. In the abandoned room, his voice was clear, nice and slightly low, as if he was just telling the story that happened in this nursing home and this room.

"She resented that man, herself, and her children. When she tortured and killed those old people, she did not shy away from the existence of children, and even let them participate in it. This man still disturbs her life from time to time. The man helped her escape and took her and the child away. Eighteen years later, the child grew up and inherited the mantle of Xia Weiwei. Due to his childhood experiences, he began to follow the same path as Xia Weiwei. At this time, Zhang Pei discovered that Because of all this, he was killed by him." If you analyze it in this way, everything can be explained, Xia Weiwei has a motive for the crime, and Zhang Peicai's case also has a reasonable reason.

"This kind of relationship is a relationship between inheritance and inheritance, but the method of killing has evolved, and the reasons for killing have changed, which makes it more difficult for people to catch."

The existence of that man, Lu Siyu should be right with Boss Cao, but he can't tell Song Wen the reason, he can only use it as his own reasoning and assumption.

After listening to him, Song Wen clapped his hands a few times and said, "The reasoning is reasonable and reasonable, but I still have that opinion. It is impossible for the police to miss such important information."

Lu Siyu calmed down, his sharpened chin lightly tapped, and whispered, "Yeah. It's the case handled by Mr. Wu, they couldn't have made such an obvious mistake."

Lu Siyu felt that Song Wen's opinion was correct. The things he can think of now must have been thought of by some people back then. If nothing else, if Xia Wei really gave birth, there would be no records. Everyone in the nursing home can't be unaware of this.

Lu Siyu was stuck by his own logic, and lowered his eyelashes there. He habitually put his fingers in his mouth, and the fingers were soaked with blood and stained with some bloody smell. The smell did not disgust him. , which made him excited.

For a while, Song Wen thought that Lu Siyu was asleep, but the sound of biting nails from the corner told him that Lu Siyu was still awake at this time, just thinking about a problem.

Lu Siyu's mind quickly went through the clues he knew and the clues Song Wen told him. What was wrong

Where is their reasoning error

The house was quickly rummaged by Song Wen, the dust swayed, and the smell was a bit pungent. Song Wen walked to the window of the house, opened the latch, and pushed the window open.

At this time, it is almost completely dark outside. With the remaining little sunset, this angle can have a panoramic view of the entire nursing home, the administrative building, the intensive care building, the activity hall, the canteen...

Song Wen's right eyelid suddenly twitched, and he suddenly felt that the picture in front of him was so familiar.

The scene in front of him formed a complete picture in his mind, and the picture seemed familiar.

Song Wen suddenly remembered something, hurriedly rummaged through his pocket, and took out the paper in the pocket, which was given to him by Bai Luorui. The colorful brochure about the introduction of Longyue Nursing City was slowly unfolded in his hand.

Song Wen found that on the propaganda map, the locations of all the buildings were almost the same as those of the Wushan Nursing Home, and several buildings could correspond one by one.

Someone is copying this place!

Song Wen lowered his head and compared the image on the propaganda with the image in front of him. He said, "I think I can confirm the connection between Bai Luorui and this nursing home... She actually built an identical one!"

After hearing this, Lu Siyu opened his eyes and walked over to look at the brochure in Song Wen's hand. The clues in his mind were connected, everything gradually became clearer, and the truth was at hand.

Song Wen couldn't help but scolded, "Damn, I can't help but believe now, what you just said about Xia Weiwei having a child!"

"No, Xia Weifang has no children." Lu Siyu shook his head, "Maybe she was pregnant, or maybe she wasn't." Then he looked up at Song Wen: "I seem to have sorted it out a bit..."

"How do you say it?" Song Wen looked at Lu Siyu, and the dying sunset plated the ends of his hair with a hint of gold.

"Xia Weiwei has no children, or... her child may not have been born." Lu Siyu's eyes were like good amber, just when he finally figured out the link, he put down the bite Hand on lips, "That's not the end, it's the beginning. What we're ignoring is... children living in nursing homes."

The setting sun is gradually slanting, the day is coming to an end, as if a monster is about to swallow all the sunlight, and the night is coming.