Criminal Investigation Files

Chapter 64


"That child may not be born by Xia Weiwei, but has been living in a nursing home." Lu Siyu remembered that he walked into a room here before, and there was a teddy bear on the dusty bedside. At that time He was still wondering why this kind of thing appeared in the nursing home.

Now he has figured this out clearly. In such a large nursing home, the elderly and the staff all live here. It was a group of several hundred people. They will always have families and children.

Maybe there are not many children, but they live here day and night like the adults. It is not far from here, it is the school, and even going to school is not delayed.

Children can grow and change over time. Adults are already set, old people are dying, but children have countless possibilities, they may be good or evil.

If Wushan Nursing Home is a gray cliff, those children are the grass growing under the cliff.

Eighteen years ago this place was by no means as deserted as it is today. The people walking and talking were living people one after another.

At that time, the nursing home was not as strict as it is now. It was not that unrelated people were not allowed to enter, and all visits had to be signed. Those children naturally came and went here frequently. They either had their parents divorced, or their relatives died, or their parents were absent for a while. Their parents, or simply their parents, are workers in this nursing home. They can only follow the elders living in the nursing home. Make this their home, their paradise...

Standing in this room, Lu Siyu seemed to be able to hear the voices outside, the old people's voices, coughs, calls, and the hurried footsteps of the nurses. Among the staggering figures, there were children chasing and running through the crowd. They almost bumped into the old man in the corridor, and turned around and grimaced.

Those kids, who live here, are ignored by everyone.

They were "abandoned" by their parents for various reasons, living in a world that should not have belonged to them, and their lack of caring childhood resulted in a lack of psychology. They are ignorant, bold, and look forward to freedom. When they couldn't tell right from wrong, they met Xia Weiwei, a female doctor with a gentle appearance but a poisonous heart, enough to change their lives.

"We ignored it, and the police investigation back then also ignored it..." Song Wen looked at Lu Siyu in front of him. He still remembered that there were several blank columns on the last page of the record sheet, with only the grid number and no name. and ID number, it should be the children who were underage in the nursing home at that time. Because of the protection of the information of minors, the police made a reservation and registration, but did not fill in it.

Lu Siyu nodded. Back then, Wu Qing knew about the existence of these children, and it was even possible that he had talked to a few of them and knew the clues. He may have left such a reminder because he figured out the link.

From beginning to end, those children should never have been excluded from the event.

"So... where can we find their relevant information?" Song Wen asked. If Lu Siyu's reasoning is true, there was once a child here who was nurtured by Xia Wei until she inherited her mantle.

The murder method used by Xia Weizhi has penetrated into his bones, and he can even tie the same knot unintentionally. It was this person who tortured Zhang Peicai to death. Song Wen had already read the police information before, but no relevant information was left in it. The teenagers eighteen years ago have already grown up after eighteen years. Where should they go to find this person

And... Could that person have something to do with Bai Luorui

Lu Siyu thought for a while: "If you want to check the children living here, you may need to look up all the family trees of the old people who lived here before, but there may be omissions..." After all, it was eighteen years ago, at that time The household registration is not perfect, and some children may even be fostered by relatives with the elderly. At that time, the adoption system was not as strict as it is now. If you consider these, it may be even more difficult.

Before Lu Siyu could finish speaking, Song Wen suddenly figured out the link. He hurried out and said, "The Dean's Office!" Back then, computers were not so popular, and paper materials were more common. Where there may be relevant clues, it is undoubtedly the Dean's office.

Lu Siyu hurriedly got up and followed Song Wen. The sound of their footsteps sounded in the empty building for a while. The office of the dean of the Wushan Nursing Home was set up on the top floor of the staff building. The largest room on the entire first floor is the office of the dean.

The old dean of the Wushan Nursing Home has been imprisoned for a long time because of what happened in the past. Later, he died of illness, and the place was preserved as it was. The entire dean's office is the most luxurious place in this nursing home. Several solid wood bookshelves store various materials of the nursing home, including accounts and various directories. At that time, the police focused on finding various materials and files about Xia Zhizhi. This part But was ignored.

Song Wen rummaged through the sunset and asked Lu Siyu, "Do you think there will be a child's name in the information book here?" He was also afraid that if the information was incomplete, they might be unsuccessful this time. and back.

Lu Siyu said: "Your thinking just now is not wrong. Now, although this building is empty, there must be enough information left."

Who has lived in each room? What happened to this nursing home

Song Wen nodded, and continued to look through the booklet with his hands: "Okay, if you want to check, then check it upside down and thoroughly."

"I'm not sure if there is an information booklet, but..." Lu Siyu said, squatting down and taking out a booklet from the cabinet, "Here is an album."

Eighteen years ago, film was still around, and color photographs were mostly developed rather than printed. This is a photo album of the entire Wushan Nursing Home, from more than 20 years ago to about 5 years ago until 18 years ago. The opened album seems to have opened a period of dusty years. These photos may be the last thing many old people left in this world.

Lu Siyu took a photo out of it. Xu was because the staff were afraid that they would not remember the names of the old people, so the old people's names were marked on the back of the photo. Two of them were also black-boxed, and the old man apparently passed away shortly after.

Lu Siyu turned to another picture. It was a photo of Xia Weiwei and some old people. In the photo, Xia Weiwei looked very gentle. She wore a pair of pearl earrings, lowered her head, and pursed her lips, a little restrained. It looks like an angel who has fallen into the world, but who would have thought that such a woman would be a devil.

The sun was getting darker and darker, and the whole room was about to be swallowed up by darkness. Song Wen also leaned over and looked at the booklet with Lu Siyu. The booklet had turned yellow, and the photos were full of smiling faces, mostly three or five people. Every time there was a group photo, Lu Siyu turned it over with his fair fingers. Many of the old people in the photo disappeared quickly, and then new old people appeared.

Later, there were some pictures of the child. Lu Siyu's hand paused, Song Wen lowered his head and counted the number of people on the photo, then turned over to read the marked name, and breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the child's name was also recorded in this photo.

Soon, they rummaged through the photos of the children. As they looked back, the camera got better and better, and the pictures became clearer. At the end of the album, there was a big group photo of everyone. In addition to those old people, there is the dean, there is Xia Weiwei, and there are seven or eight children squatting in the front row of the photo. These children are ignorant one by one, looking at the camera. The older children were in their teens, the younger ones were four or five years old, and some were still carrying schoolbags, apparently just after school.

Lu Siyu turned the photo over, looked at each name one by one, and soon saw a familiar name. They finally found the clue, and it seemed that they were getting closer and closer to the truth, but Lu Siyu's brows were wrinkled and tightened, and he said a word in a trembling voice: "My reasoning just now was wrong."

"What's wrong?" Song Wen asked.

Lu Siyu's fingertips slid over the names, Bai Luorui, Wei Hong, Du Ruoxin... He trembled and said, "Not children, but children!"

There may be more than one murderer!

Those children, they met here, knew each other, accompany each other, and grow together.

The world in their eyes is completely different from that of adults. They are not one person, maybe not even two people, three people... They have been affected, maybe they have been completely different life trajectories, but there was a moment when they were here with Xia Weiwei at the same time, maybe a toy, a A piece of sugar, a gentle word, can make those children whose world view is not perfect turn black and white, and there is no right and wrong.

They watched her kill, learned her to kill, and their whole lives were branded by this witch.

Eighteen years later, those young plants that once grew on this land finally grow wildly, even bloom and bear fruit.

Du Ruoxin, the wife of the deceased Zhang Peicai who was in a divorce.

Bai Luorui, the female boss of Luoxin Nursing Home.

These two women, who seemed to have nothing to do with each other, had met here 18 years ago. Maybe they knew nothing about Zhang Peicai's death. They had reached a tacit agreement and kept secrets from them and the police. .

Du Ruoxin and Bai Luorui had known each other for a long time. Just these two women could not kill Zhang Peicai, nor could they do so many things, as well as men. And those others...

Lu Siyu looked at the tallest boy in the photo, who could already see the edges and corners. The man had an obvious scar on his forehead, and his eyes were a little dark. Song Wen took the photo: "This man... looks familiar. ... I think I've seen it somewhere."

Countless portraits appeared in his mind, he must have seen such a face somewhere, with indifferent eyes, slightly high cheekbones, what kind of look should this young man look like after 18 years...

Song Wen suddenly remembered that he had indeed met this person!

This is the delivery man who once entered the police station!

It was only because that person wore a hat that day that the scar on his forehead was not very obvious, so he didn't recognize it at a glance.

"This person once swaggered into the police station on the grounds of delivering meals." Song Wen said, maybe at that time, there was a knife hidden in that person's clothes...