Criminal Investigation Files

Chapter 65


"I found out before that the black bag that discards the corpse is exactly the kind of group food delivery, and the size of the bag can be placed on the modified takeaway truck. If you want to transport the dead body, there is nothing better than the identity of the takeaway. This street is not noticeable, and no one is more familiar with all kinds of traffic and environment than those takeaway food delivery staff. If this person was thrown into the dry river bed... In this way, everything is said pass."

Song Wen thought for a while and added, "No, I've seen that person more than once. He was probably the one who looked at me in the downstairs of Luoxin Nursing Home before!"

At that time, he just glanced at it from a distance, and the shape of the man was very similar to the previous deliveryman.

Lu Siyu checked the order of the names on the photo: "This person should be called Wei Hong."

As long as they have a name, and an approximate age range, they can find these people from various archives.

The two were reasoning to this point, the door was pushed open with a bang, and there was another burst of dust in the house.

Lu Siyu and Song Wen were not on guard, they covered their mouths and noses, and the little policeman who opened the door was also stunned.

Song Wen coughed a few times and looked at the little policeman in front of him: "What's the matter, so urgent?"

"Song team, Gu Bureau arrived, the deputy said to call you over."

At this time, the sky was completely dark, and the setting sun had completely set. Before they knew it, they had been upstairs for more than half an hour.

The little policeman was still out of breath, and he must have run all over the building to find the two of them.

Song Wen carefully put away the photo album as physical evidence. The three of them walked down the dark stairs. By the canal in the yard, Fu Linjiang and several physical evidences were standing there, illuminating with searchlights and looking down.

Song Wen took Lu Siyu to separate the crowd, and a physical evidence introduced: "Song team, we found traces of prying beside the ditch."

Lu Siyu's eyes looked at a row of drainage ditches not far away, and crouched down to examine it carefully. Sure enough, as the physical evidence said, there were some messy footprints beside the ditches, and there were some prying pieces on the iron frame of the ditch. Traces, probably because the police arrived, those people hurriedly evacuated.

Song Wen frowned slightly: "What will be in this sewer?" He leaned forward and looked. It was pitch black below, and there was a stench.

Lin Xiuran walked in from the side. He was arranging his gloves. Obviously, he had just arrived soon: "I don't know yet. Let's search and see if there is anything below."

At night, the entire Wushan Nursing Home was illuminated by lights like day, and waves of people came one after another, and suddenly the barren land was surrounded by water.

Tonight, half of the people from Nancheng Bureau were dispatched, and they all came to work overtime.

Song Wen asked Lu Siyu to go back first, but he went to report the progress of the investigation to Bureau Gu. After the case was finished, he returned to the yard, and the collection of physical evidence had also been completed.

Gu Ju looked at the hastily bandaged wound on Song Wen's forehead and frowned: "I'm watching here, you should go and deal with the wound." He could see that Song Wen was not badly injured, and he was busy here with blood on his face. It's always frustrating to be busy.

Song Wen didn't take it seriously at all: "I don't even feel the pain anymore, maybe it will grow up later." Before following this case, he always had no idea in his heart, but now, when Lu Siyu returned to the team, they Having approached the truth, Song Wen became more relaxed.

Lin Xiuran just glanced at it and made a good judgment on the injury, "This wound needs stitches, and it will definitely leave a scar. Fortunately, it is close to the hair, so it won't be too obvious."

"That shelf was used to put people to death. It must be carefully disinfected and the wounds treated." Several people were talking when a cold voice came in from behind.

Song Wen turned around and saw Lu Siyu sitting on the steps in his clothes, frowned, "Didn't I just ask Zhu Xiao to take you back first?"

Zhu Xiao whispered from the side: "Didn't he have to wait for you and refuse to leave?"

Song Wen looked back at Lu Siyu after hearing this, Lu Siyu turned his head to look back at Song Wen, stretched out his plain white hand and tightened his clothes.

Lin Xiuran said, "Song team is a master who can't be lightly injured by bullets. Do you expect no one to escort him to go to the hospital by himself?"

Gu Ju couldn't stand it any longer: "You two wounded and sick give me a good rest! It's like we have no one in Nancheng Bureau, so you have to make trouble here!"

After watching the bureau, Song Wen turned around and pulled Lu Siyu out. When the two walked outside, they spoke in unison.

"I'll take you home first."

"I'll accompany you to the hospital."

Song Wen glanced at Lu Siyu, the man's eyes were bright and his eyes fell on his face. He knew that Lu Siyu felt that he was injured because he was saving him, and he couldn't bear it, and finally gave in: "Okay, go to a hospital first, and then I'll take you home."

The two got into the car, and Lu Siyu suddenly asked Song Wen, "What did Lin Xiuran say about the bullet."

Song Wen said lightly: "Listen to him, it was a mission to rescue the hostages last year, and a bullet passed through the side of the rib."

Lu Siyu hummed, and after a while he asked, "Is it serious?" He knew Song Wen too well, so it wouldn't be as easy as he said.

Song Wen smiled and said, "I didn't hurt my internal organs. I've been healed a long time ago, but I left a scar. And after I detained the person, I followed the hostage to the hospital.

Lu Siyu hummed again, and looked out the window as if inadvertently, but his heart seemed to have been stabbed by a small needle, which was sore and a little painful.

On the fifth day of the incident, several members of the first team of the Nancheng Bureau held a meeting in the conference room.

Today, Lu Siyu finally returned to the team. As usual, he recorded the content of the meeting. He first posted a photo of Zhang Peicai's murder on the whiteboard in front of him, and then wrote the known circumstances, the time of death, and the possible suspects in the case. His graceful notes were written down line by line, and as they learned more and more, the case could basically lock the murderer.

After writing on the whiteboard, Lu Siyu sat back in his seat, raised his head and glanced at Song Wen secretly.

Song Wen went to the hospital emergency room last night to sew five stitches on the wound on his head. He went back home after tossing around one o'clock in the morning. Lu Siyu admired and envied his recovery ability. In just a few hours, he regained his spirits, except for his head. With bandages on it, and two purple patches on his shoulders and arms, it was almost impossible to tell that he was a wounded. And the white bandage on the head seemed to give him a hair band, but it had a unique feeling.

After reasoning about possible suspects, they looked up everyone's identities and information and compiled them. The logic of the reasoning has been clear, but they still lack favorable evidence to be able to put those suspects to death.

Song Wen looked at the documents in front of him. They found the children of those years one by one, and five of them were resident in Nancheng. The three who had the motive for the crime and the time of the crime, Du Ruoxin, Bai Luorui, and Wei Hong.

Du Ruoxin, eighteen years ago, when she was ten years old, and her parents were busy with business, she lived in a nursing home with her grandmother. At that time, Du Ruoxin was very talented in art. She often performed shows for the elderly. When she grew up, she studied art and went to a media school. Because of this, she met Zhang Peicai and later got married.

Bai Luorui was twelve years old eighteen years ago. Because her parents divorced, her grandfather and grandmother lived in the Wushan Nursing Home. They were kept here during the summer vacation. Her grandmother passed away during this period. Later, there was an accident at the nursing home, and she remarried with her mother. Her stepfather's business was doing well, and she was smart and learned well. Later, Bai Luorui was introduced to marry a rich husband. A few years later, her husband The death of her husband gave her a rich inheritance.

Wei Hong is different from them. If it is said that the first two have gradually become the top of the people after leaving the nursing home, he has been struggling at the bottom of the society. He used to be the grandson of an elderly care worker at the Wushan Nursing Home. He grew up in a poor family, and later dropped out of high school without taking the college entrance examination. Later, he opened a rental business and worked in various long-term and short-term jobs. He joined the Nanxing Food Delivery Company three years ago when the food delivery took off. This time he finally worked in the industry for three years. Now he is in charge of Nanxing Food Delivery one of the business. And the scope of distribution he was responsible for happened to include the Municipal Bureau.

Several people like this were linked together again because of Zhang Peicai's death.

Zhang Peicai might be holding something they feared, something that forced them to take the risk and torture him to extort a confession. It was these that led to Zhang Peicai's death and became a corpse on the outskirts of Nancheng.

They feel that they have been in the dark all the time, and they have done it flawlessly. On the surface, it seems that Zhang Peicai's death does not have much evidence and connection with them individually, but Xia Unknown eighteen years ago has linked them together.

Similar killing patterns, same knots, and a nursing home associated with it...

This relationship is inheritance and evolution.

Wu Qing was right. Eighteen years ago, Xia Zhizhi's case was not the end of everything, but the beginning of everything.

Eighteen years, a cycle. When one devil leaves, another group of devils is born. Although it is a different way, it is also a human devil.

"Other investigations, what progress is there?" Song Wen asked.

"At the hotel, I finally transferred all the previous video data." Lao Jia said, and opened his laptop, "I stared at it for two days, sorted out Zhang Peicai's movements, and then I He was seen shortly before he was found missing."

As he spoke, he clicked on a surveillance video of the hotel.

Everyone raised their heads and looked at the surveillance screen. A woman appeared on the picture and rang the doorbell of Zhang Peicai's room. After a few seconds, Zhang Pei opened the door of the room for her. The woman seemed to be afraid that someone would see her, so she glanced around. , it was this action that allowed the camera to capture three-quarters of her face.

"Du Ruoxin!" Song Wen pointed to the woman on the screen and called out her name. Although the camera was blurry, it was difficult to see clearly, but the hairstyle, body, and walking posture can be completely concluded that this woman is Du Ruoxin. .

He and Zhang Peicai have not seen each other for a long time, the wife of the deceased, has been lying since before!

Fu Linjiang put his hands around his chest, and he suggested, "I think we should see Du Ruoxin again."

Song Wen nodded and agreed. Du Ruoxin was the key to this case. She was both a witness to the incident and Zhang Peicai's wife. In this image, her appearance is not a coincidence. If you want to find out what happened in the past, you can't jump. This woman, she is their bait to lure snakes out of their holes.

A few people were talking when Cheng Xiaobing suddenly ran over, she excitedly ran to Song Wen with a bag of things, "Song team, I'm checking the things you brought before today, and I'm going to put them in the warehouse, and then I have here. A major discovery!"

"This bag..." Song Wen looked in the direction she pointed. It was the bag he brought back when he and Fu Linjiang went to Bai Luorui's side a few days ago. He still remembered that the clerk said that Bai Luorui didn't choose this bag, but Zhang Peicai insisted on buying it for her. Bai Luorui wasn't too enthusiastic about this bag either. After Zhang Peicai brought it back, it kept on the shelf in her office. At that time, he was more attentive and took the bag back.

Cheng Xiaobing pointed it out to him: "I found a button camera on the bag, with a memory card in it, you can see what has been taken by inserting the device..."

The button camera is very small and has the same shape as the original button on the bag. It is pinned to the bag. If you don't check carefully, you can't find it.

Zhang Peicai is an investigative reporter after all, and he is an investigative reporter who can do anything.

Song Wen had a hunch that what was inside might be absolute evidence of Bai Luorui's crime.