Criminal Investigation Files

Chapter 69


"Today is the official opening day of Longyue Senior City. Longyue Senior City is a huge comprehensive senior care community, including five areas: accommodation area, medical area, dining area, shopping area and leisure area. It is a large-scale complex. The retirement center can accommodate 100,000 elderly people and provide tens of thousands of employment opportunities for young people… ”

"The whole project of Longyue Pension City, from preparation to completion, took four years in total. Such a great effort is a cooperation between Longyue Group and Nancheng government. Nancheng has always been at the forefront when it comes to pension issues. Once the pioneering old-age city model is successful, it will also be promoted in China…”

For today's event, the arrival of various news media is inevitable. Before nine o'clock in the morning, the luxurious lecture hall of Longyue Pension City was surrounded by journalists from major media.

This empty city seemed to suddenly come to life, and suddenly there were people everywhere.

In the VIP lounge, Bai Luorui was busy all the time, her whole body and mind were filled with activities, so that she would not collapse or reveal her flaws. It was less than an hour before the event started. It stands to reason that Du Ruoxin should have arrived a long time ago, but she never showed up.

An ominous premonition surged in Bai Luorui's heart: "Where's Du Ruoxin, why haven't you come yet? Have you contacted me?"

Her assistant said, "I've made several calls and haven't answered."

Bai Luorui turned the bracelet on her wrist: "You guys continue to contact her, you really can't use a backup plan." After she finished speaking, she turned around and walked back, but she bumped into the documents on the table. Documents were scattered all over the place. Bai Luorui and the assistant hurriedly squatted down and picked up the documents.

"Miss Bai, someone is looking for you..." A staff member came over and said.

"What time is it, where am I free..." Before Bai Luorui could finish her words, she reached out with one hand and helped her pick up a document on the ground. Bai Luorui raised her head and glanced at it. She knew the person who picked up the document. It was Officer Song who had just been there a few days ago.

Bai Luorui suddenly stopped talking, lowered her head and continued to pick up the materials in a hurry.

"The police are handling the case, no one is waiting, please go out first." A few police officers guarded the door. The staff members hurriedly turned around and went out. The assistant looked back at Bai Luorui in a restless way. Only Song Wen, Lu Siyu and Bai Luorui were left in the VIP room.

Song Wen looked at the document in his hand. It should be the script for Bai Luorui to speak on the stage. The page he was holding was written exactly that Luoxin Nursing Home will be in medical care with Longyue Nursing City. reach an all-round cooperation.

Bai Luorui stretched out her hand to take the speech and put it on the table beside her. She took two steps back and leaned against the dressing table. She turned her wristband with her hand, and looked at Song Wen and Lu Siyu with full eyes.

Song Wendao: "Ms. Bai, are you waiting for Du Ruoxin? She can't come anymore. We arrested her this morning."

"So, it's time to congratulate you, you found the murderer in your case." Bai Luorui seemed to have a hunch that in the end things would go wrong on Du Ruoxin, but fortunately they had all the testimony correct yesterday, and now it sounds like Du Ruo Xin should have confessed to Wei Hong, but I don't know if it will also implicate her.

Thinking of this, Bai Luorui said calmly, "I can cooperate with your investigation."

"Just to cooperate with the investigation?" Song Wen raised his eyebrows slightly, "I'm sorry Ms. Bai, but I'd like to trouble you to come with us."

"I have a very important event to do right here." Bai Luorui looked directly at him, "Can you police arrest people at will?"

"Do you think we won't have evidence? You're not curious, as a former investigative reporter, did Zhang Peicai leave any information?" Song Wen took a step forward, "Yesterday afternoon, we have already collected the relevant evidence. Submit the materials to the procuratorate, and we have found out your main criminal facts. So today, it is a direct arrest."

"No... Impossible. Yesterday afternoon? You can't..." Bai Luorui's always indifferent face finally showed a trace of panic.

Song Wendao, "On the bag Zhang Peicai gave you, there is a miniature photographic device. It records many conversations between you and the patient's family..." Under her guidance, those people raised the butcher's knife to their relatives in person .

After listening to Song Wen's words, Bai Luorui stood there dumbfounded. She recalled that after buying the bag that day, it was Zhang Peicai who accompanied her back to the office, and she even let him sit for a while. The bag was expensive, but she didn't like it, so she just put it on the shelf.

Bai Luorui thought about what she had done in the office, and what she said, it was as if a basin of ice water had been poured from her head, and her whole body was cold. The content of those conversations implied that if family members were willing to spend money, they could euthanize the elderly.

Damn Zhang Peicai, she never thought of this step.

"That...that's illegal evidence can't use those to accuse me." Bai Luorui said in a trembling voice.

Song Wen said coldly: "But those materials are enough to pry open the mouths of those family members. Moreover, now Du Ruoxin has also confessed that you and Wei Hong killed Zhang Peicai together."

The evidence is direct enough and the weight is heavy enough. This perverted woman can be brought to justice. By now, she has been betrayed.

After being stunned for a few seconds, Bai Luorui seemed to wake up. She knew that the police were here to take her away this time, and there would be no room for manoeuvre. She's being stared at now, unable to even find someone to rescue her or maneuver from it.

In normal times, she has partners, subordinates, relatives, and friends. But now, she suddenly found that she had nothing...

That person... Will that person help her? But since Zhang Peicai's death, that person has treated her coldly, as if she had been abandoned. However, she obviously did as he said...

Thinking about it now, everything was her choice, and that person just helped her come up with some ideas. Bai Luorui suddenly couldn't remember, whether it was her own idea or his idea in the first place, and when did she start to be influenced by those opinions? Since when did she think those were her own thoughts

Song Wen took out the handcuffs and interrupted her thinking: "Ms. Bai, please cooperate with our police work."

At this point, Bai Luorui still refused to confess her guilt. She raised her head and said, "You don't just want to convict me based on these, right? When the elderly are dying, it's not us who can try our best to reduce their suffering. Should it be done?"

"Now, a team of police has gone to Luoxin Nursing Home to conduct a search. Do you think you will leave any other evidence there? Do you think that the family members of those patients will help you keep secrets until now?" Song Wen Unmoved by her sophistry: "Zhang Peicai was killed because he was close to your secret, right?"

Bai Luorui shook her head in denial, "I didn't kill him."

"It was your imprisonment and interrogation that led to his final death. Wei Hong confessed his murder, but he lacked an obvious motive for the murder. Only you are the one who wants him to die the most." Song Wen pressed step by step. , "Xia Weiwei is your teacher, right? You learned all these killing techniques from her."

Bai Luorui's eyes turned red: "Even if I once stayed in the nursing home, you have no evidence to prove that I have a direct connection with Xia Zhizhi."

Song Wen snorted: "You have a lot of sins on your body. Is there any point in trying to get rid of them now? You spurn her actions, but what you do is still no different from the sins she committed."

This sentence just touched Bai Luorui's soft spot, she suddenly felt wronged, her eyes were red: "That woman, she is different from me. I am sincere for those old people, and she is making fun of it. She The person I hate the most, how can we mix it up?!"

"While you hate her, you use her methods to kill people?" Song Wen said and put the handcuffs on Bai Luorui's wrist. He looked at the bracelet on Bai Luorui's hand. The bracelet was to her. The size is so small that one of her wrists is thinner than the other.

Bai Luorui raised her head and looked at Song Wen, letting him shackle his hands with cold handcuffs, she felt like a beast caught by a hunter's beast: "Those old people, when they were alive, they didn't People look at them one more time, they are burdens, as if they should not live in this world, many people regard them as troubles, even breathing, eating and drinking are their original sins. They live in pain, and no one responds to their screams. Their bodies are deteriorating, all of them are saddled with their old age, and I just want to change that."

She had been in the mud, so she was determined to change that. Bai Luorui bowed her head and smiled bitterly, "Now... they died, but you found them for them. Oh, what did you do when they were alive? What problems did you solve?!"

Song Wen looked at Bai Luorui's unrepentant face, as if he was looking at a quiet lunatic: "Miss Bai, do I need to remind you, you are not the savior of the world, you are selling death, using them die to make money."

Bai Luorui has now lost the panic before, but instead has a calm indifference, her tone has become more and more cold: "You, we... Everyone has an old day, I just did what I should. What to do. Isn't that money going to other old people in the end? I'm not doing it for myself."

Song Wen retorted her: "I think that even if one day, people can freely decide their life and death, they should decide their own belonging. Human life is above money and belief, whether it is you or those relatives, no Rights decide the life and death of those old people."

"You don't understand me because you haven't experienced those things yourself. I've seen too much that life is better than death." Bai Luorui looked at him, and suddenly smiled: "If I get to that day, I will definitely do it neatly. End your own life and never drag others down."

"It doesn't make sense to talk to me here." Song Wen didn't want to talk to her anymore, "You should talk to the judge about these things."

When Bai Luorui was escorted out, the media was noisy, and people were talking a lot, not knowing what happened to Bai Luorui, after all, she was an important guest of today's event. Bai Luorui tried her best to tuck her hands into her sleeves, but there was no way she could hide it like this. After all, it was in the public eye. The quick-handed media reporters raised their cameras and wanted to take pictures, and people were talking about it.

"What did she do?"

"Could this action have anything to do with the police's previous search for the Wushan Nursing Home?"

"That was a criminal policeman. She was taken away in handcuffs, indicating that she was a suspect in a murder case. Today, this is big news!"

"Do you know about the death of investigative reporter Zhang Peicai? Maybe it was involved in that incident..."

The flashing lights began to flicker, and more and more people gathered around. The scene was a bit messy. Song Wen stood in front of the people and told Fu Linjiang, "Hurry up and take it out."

Fu Linjiang responded, took off his coat and blocked Bai Luorui, and let someone lead her to a safe passage to the side. Until it was confirmed that Bai Luorui got into the car safely, Song Wen turned around and found that Lu Siyu, who had been following behind, was gone.

Song Wen was stunned for a moment. It was clear that Lu Siyu was the one who arrested Bai Luorui with him in that room just now, although he just watched from the side during the whole process and didn't say a word.

So now, where will he be

Across a corridor, Gu Zhibai stood in another dedicated lounge, watching all this coldly. From his angle, he can see everything outside through the glass curtain wall.

Gu Zhibai was seeing Bai Luorui being taken away by the police and was thinking about how to deal with the upcoming press conference when he suddenly heard someone calling him from behind: "Mr. Gu."

Gu Zhibai turned his head and saw an unfamiliar handsome man standing behind him. The young man looked familiar, and he frowned slightly: "You are..."

Gu Zhibai had told his staff just now that he should be quiet for a while, and do not disturb him if anything happens. Now someone has come here, and it appears to have rushed in.

"Police." That person was Lu Siyu who turned back. He shook the certificate in his hand. The staff at the door hesitated, as if he was considering whether to invite Lu Siyu out.

Gu Zhibai made a gesture to the apologetic staff, and the staff closed the door from the outside.

"Mr. Gu was very calm when he saw his subordinates being arrested." Lu Siyu said coldly.

Gu Zhibai looked at the fair little policeman in front of him, he remembered the name on the police officer's certificate, Lu Siyu. This young man looks a little immature, like a student who just graduated from school, not like a criminal policeman at all: "This, it's a lot of injustice, I have reminded Bai Luorui long ago that nursing homes should be operated in a standardized way. I am sorry for her accident."

Gu Zhibai replied, guessing why Lu Siyu was here, and how he knew he was here. Did the police follow him too? No, it shouldn't. Two people must be present for the police to handle the case, and if they want to ask him, they should find him before arresting Bai Luo Rui, there is no reason to wait until now.

Lu Siyu took a step forward and looked at Gu Zhibai. The purchase of medicines, the disposal of corpses, and the transactions of money from overseas institutions, Bai Luorui alone cannot do so many things. He deduced, There must be someone behind them offering support. And the person behind that is also likely to have a relationship with Xia Weiwei and that mysterious man.

After all the clues were gathered, Lu Siyu locked on the man named Gu Zhibai. He was the boss of the Longyue Group. This man seemed to have suddenly appeared from the ground. There are very few relevant files about him, and we can only find out There are countless assets in his name, and he and Bai Luorui have known each other for a long time and have a close relationship.

When Song Wen arrested Bai Luorui just now, Lu Siyu was always looking for where Gu Zhibai would be.

The buildings here are similar to the planning of the Wushan Nursing Home at that time, but they are larger and more luxurious. Most of the glass curtain walls are made of brown tempered glass, which is relatively transparent. Only in this place, people inside can see the outside clearly, but people outside cannot see the inside. And the location of this place is in the Wushan Nursing Home, which corresponds to the Dean's Office.

Lu Siyu judged from this that Gu Zhibai might be here.